Dear Saints, Since assuming this writing ministry of Joseph Herrin, the Holy Spirit has been making it clear to me how there is a great need amongst the Remnant to come together in fellowship in this late hour. Many believers are isolated in these days due to their walk in Christ Yahshua and their...
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The Third Appearance Of Christ
This particular posting is dedicated to Randy Simmons, a faithful saint and friend to this ministry. Randy has featured in many of Joseph's writings over the years, especially when they toured together on the road spreading Joseph's teachings. I am not sure why, but something of my own spirit...
Operating In A Heavenly Power
WRITTEN BY JOSEPH HERRIN (06-03-2012) Dear Saints, An hour is coming when the sons of God will walk in a manifestation of power that this age has not formerly witnessed. The general characteristic of the church at this time is one of fleshly strength. It is typical for churches today to have board...
Christmas Season versus Sabbath Rest
WRITTEN BY JOSEPH HERRIN (11-30-2010) Dear Saints, We are entering once again upon one of the church’s high holy seasons. Christmas and Easter have become the most pronounced and celebrated events of modern Christianity. This is in fulfillment of the words of the apostle Paul: II Thessalonians...
Circe – Church – Harlot
Dear Saints, Another storm struck us last week on Tuesday 6th December, straight after the two in the previous week. While the house is holding up well to this endless barrage of winds, a few outside polytunnels and structures are not. Repairs have needed to be done to save what can be saved....
A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 3
Dear Saints, It has grown very cold very quickly here in Donegal, Ireland, with another two storms hitting us this week again. Now that December has arrived, it is a good time of the year to focus on family and cosiness, cheery fires and walks through the forest behind our homestead. Though...
A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 2
Dear Saints, In the last Parables posting, Joseph and I shared some words with you concerning the New Order that the world has entered upon, particularly as it relates to the recent US Elections. In this second part, my intent is to expand on this reasoning with some impressions I have been given...
A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 1
Dear Saints, I am a little late with this post, and it is not the Introductory posting I had intended to publish either. Recent events in the US Elections have instead spurred me to write some words of support and caution for those readers living in the US. But I will return to that in a while....
Thank You
Dear Saints, Thank you for the many kind emails and donations that Joseph has received so far. Joseph likes to take care in thanking every person personally, but we also wish to share our gratitude here on Parables for all your blessings. I am going to hold off from changing the donation buttons...
A Parables Parable
Dear Saints, By now I hope you will have read Joseph’s final blog posting on Parables, in which Joseph announced his retirement from ministry due to health reasons after many years of labouring for the Kingship of Christ. Joseph also announced how he is handing over his ministry to myself, Colin...
Major Announcement
Kristin (My Daughter) and I Dear Saints, It is with a saddened heart that I make the following announcement. After this post I will no longer be posting chapters or articles from my past writings. I had a stroke about seven years ago and since that time I have written nothing new. My eyes are...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 17
A Final Note It is my hope that the revision of this book will prove effectual in leading those who seek truth to the discovery of Yahweh's magnificent plan of the ages. It is not possible in any writing to answer every question that could be raised. To write an exhaustive teaching of these truths...
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