God’s Plan of the Ages – The Merciful Covering

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Merciful Covering

Joseph Herrin (10-30-2011) I appreciate the patience of those who are giving attention to this book. I realize that there are many questions in the minds of the saints, and many Scriptures they would like to have explained that appear to contradict those truths being shared. I have chosen to...

God’s Plan of the Ages – All in All

God’s Plan of the Ages – All in All

Joseph Herrin (10-29-2011) Yahweh’s plan of the ages is truly marvelous. To come into the understanding that God will not conclude His work among mankind, the angels, and all creation until He has fully and perfectly reconciled all things back to Himself through His Son opens the door to profound...

God’s Plan of the Ages – An Orderly Reconciliation

God’s Plan of the Ages – An Orderly Reconciliation

Joseph Herrin (10-28-2011) One of the greatest stumbling blocks keeping Christians from embracing the testimony found in the Scriptures that Yahweh will reconcile all things to Himself through His Son is that we do not see all things reconciled at this time. The concept resident in the minds of...

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Cycle of Creation

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Cycle of Creation

Joseph Herrin (10-27-2011) Ecclesiastes 1:5-7 The sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rises there again.  Blowing toward the south, then turning toward the north, the wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses the wind returns. All the rivers flow into...

God’s Plan of the Ages – Then Comes the End

God’s Plan of the Ages – Then Comes the End

Joseph Herrin (10-26-2011) It may seem odd to begin a book with a chapter that focuses on the end, but there is a good purpose in doing so. When Yahweh set forth to form the creation He had the end and culmination of all His works in mind. He had determined from the beginning of the creation what...

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Need For Revision

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Need For Revision

 Note: I continue to do well in my recovery from injuries sustained when I was hit by a car while traveling through Macon, GA on my motorcycle. I had a skin graft procedure on my left ankle last Wednesday (October 19). Yesterday I went back to the doctor and he said everything was looking...

The Way to Life – Suffering as True Worship

Joseph Herrin (10-16-2011) I can think of no better way to end this series on suffering and discipleship than to reveal the relationship between suffering and the worship of Yahweh. As with many of the church’s teachings in this hour, truth has fallen by the wayside. It is needful at this hour to...

The Way to Life – Suffering’s Role in Spiritual Growth

Joseph Herrin (10-15-2011) Note: I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I am scheduled to go back into the hospital Wednesday October 19th to have a skin graft done over the wound on my left ankle. I should be discharged from the hospital the same day. Thank you for your continued prayers in this...


Brothers and sisters have been writing to ask if I am still in the hospital and how I am doing. I was released from the hospital last Friday having been admitted on the preceding Monday. I had procedures done on Monday and Wednesday of last week to clean the wound on the inside of my left ankle...

The Way to Life – Part Nine – The God Who Wounds

Joseph Herrin (10-06-2011) Note: I am writing this from the hospital. Following a doctor’s appointment Monday, the doctor brought me back into the hospital due to infection around the site of the compound fracture I recently sustained. He needed to cleanse the area and cut away all of the dead...

The Way to Life – The Christian Life as Tragedy

You are probably familiar with the genre of writing known as tragedy. Some famous examples of this form of writing are William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and Macbeth. One definition for the writing form known as Tragedy is, “any literary composition, as a novel, dealing with a somber theme...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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