Attractive Deception – Chapter 2

Attractive Deception – Chapter 2

The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees There is an interesting story in the Talmud (in the tractate Bava Mezia 59b) that illustrates the attitude of many Orthodox Jews toward the Scriptures. This popular story centers on a group of rabbis who are holding a halakhic debate as to whether an oven...

Attractive Deception – Chapter 1

Attractive Deception – Chapter 1

Between Two Thieves If you are like many Christians, you likely do not know the difference between the Talmud and the Torah. You may think that a Midrash is something you get from rubbing poison ivy on your stomach. Many of the words associated with Jewish religion are unfamiliar to Gentile...

Attractive Deception – The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement

Attractive Deception – The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement

Joseph Herrin (01-23-2015) Introduction Authentic Christianity! That is the heart’s desire of many believers today who have become discouraged with the sensuality and materialism of the prosperity churches; the dubious spirituality of the prophetic and apostolic congregations; and the vapid...

News From the Homefront

News From the Homefront

Joseph Herrin (01-20-2015) Almost ten years ago a brother in Christ who had been encouraged and challenged by hearing of some of my experiences of walking with the Lord by faith, suggested that I write more about this subject. Consequently, I was led to write the autobiographical book Evidence of...

Affirmations to Expect the Unexpected

Affirmations to Expect the Unexpected

Joseph Herrin (01-19-2015) Following are several responses I have received to the recent article regarding what to expect in 2015. The first is a comic strip that a brother sent me with the following note. Someone that wrote this comic must read your blog! 🙂 (Click on Image to View Larger) The...

Chasing Rabbits

Chasing Rabbits

Joseph Herrin (01-13-2015) In the previous blog post I made reference to the January 2015 cover of The Economist magazine. This magazine, which is an organ of the Rothschild’s and their associates, is used to propagandize the masses. The January cover is pregnant with symbolism and dismal...

2015 – Expect the Unexpected

2015 – Expect the Unexpected

Joseph Herrin (01-12-2015) My daughter Kristin usually tells me when she is expecting to have guests staying with her, so it was unusual when she drove up Saturday night around 10:30 P.M. and there was another car following her. Two young women from out of state were in the second car. They spent...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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