Joseph Herrin (05-31-2014) I want to continue to hammer home the message regarding the vital necessity for Christians to test all people and their messages carefully in this hour of great deception and spiritual darkness. An absence of critical examination of the words of men and women in the...



Joseph Herrin (05-28-2014) What passes for spiritual life in many Christian churches today bears no resemblance to the life of the early church that is set forth in the New Testament. Truly, those who call themselves followers of Christ have fallen from the example of sober minded saints who were...



Joseph Herrin (05-26-2014) (Click on image to view larger) I invite the reader to consider carefully what is written in the following words of the apostle Paul. This servant of Yahshua was testifying of what would occur at the end of the age preceding the appearing of Christ. He was speaking of...

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 5

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 5

Joseph Herrin (05-21-2014) The Invitation of Christ There is an undeniable appeal inherent within the prophetic movement today. Even as the movie Double Jeopardy opened with an image of the main character admiring the beauty and grace of the sailboat Morning Star upon the waters of the Puget...

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 4

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 4

Joseph Herrin (05- 17-2014) “God is raising up a modern day group of Moravians.” I encourage you to begin this post by watching the 5 minute video above. It is not put out by Morningstar Ministries. Rather it is produced by The Harbour Church out of Florida. It is...

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 3

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 3

Joseph Herrin (05-15-2014) Having come to discern the duplicity, and the deception, that is present at Morningstar Ministries, the very name of the organization now strikes me as bearing some significance. It is fairly well known among Christians that the term Morning Star is used in various...

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 2

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ – Part 2

Joseph Herrin (05-12-2014) Morning Star The image above shows Libby, played by Ashley Judd, being held by the local Sheriff in front of the Morning Star as it is roped off with crime scene tape. There is a tremendous parable in this imagery. The character played by Ashley Judd represents the bride...

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ

Double Jeopardy – Deception and Bondage of the Bride of Christ

Joseph Herrin (05-10-2014) 1999 Movie Double Jeopardy (Note how the reflection of the sailboat forms the image of a knife.) With the death of prophet Bob Jones who has had such an influence upon Mike Bickle of the International House of Prayer (IHOP) and Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, I...

The Choice of Champions

The Choice of Champions

Joseph Herrin (05-05-2013) I am posting this blog on May 5th (5/5). It is a big holiday south of the U.S. border where Cinco de Mayo is observed. To me, it is a notable day for another reason. The number 5 signifies Yahweh’s grace and I have known a double portion of grace of late. One week ago my...

Computer Update

Quite a number of people have written to express concern regarding my computer system being broken. I will post a fuller update on Yahweh's provision in this regard when I receive my replacement system  and am better able to do so. At this time, however, I wanted to let readers know that a...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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