Sinister Deeds

Sinister Deeds

Joseph Herrin (10-30-09) Sinister: Threatening or portending evil, harm, or trouble; ominous. [Source:] Sinister is originally a Latin term for left or to the left (and by extension, left-handedness)... It is often used to mean evil....

Help Lord, I Need Wisdom!

Joseph Herrin (10-28-09) Every step of the way as I have been writing this series The Marriage Covenant, I have been confessing to the Lord my inadequacy. I did not know where to begin. I still do not know how to end it. There are a myriad of questions that are unresolved in my mind. I have been...

Foundation Stone Seven – Glorious Union

Joseph Herrin (10-27-09) Note: This post continues the series on The Marriage Covenant. It is recommended to read these posts together and in order. They can all be located at the following links:

The Island Experience

The Island Experience

Joseph Herrin (10-23-09) Occasionally someone will write to me expressing concern that I do not have a home, but spend my days camping. I suppose that to many people, living in a tent, a van, or a small camper appears as a hardship, but I have found a great contentment and peace in following the...

Understanding Faith and Healing

Joseph Herrin (Updated 10-22-2009) A teaching on this topic was first posted in 2000 after I had observed a brother in Christ go through a horrendous experience that caused him to question his faith in Christ. This man had a sister whose husband was diagnosed with cancer and was not expected to...

The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Joseph Herrin (10-19-09) (Click on image for larger picture) I mentioned in yesterday’s post about an excursion I had on my bicycle down to the south end of Jekyll Island. At the St. Andrews Picnic Area there is a new display that relates the history of a ship known as The Wanderer, and its...

The Islands of the Sea

The Islands of the Sea

Joseph Herrin (10-18-09) Note: A search box has been added to the Parables Blog. It will search all posts on both the Parables Blog and the Heart4God website where my books and other teachings are posted. I also added a graphic that displays my e-mail address. I have not posted it as text to avoid...

Foundation Stone Six – Betrothal

Joseph Herrin (09-14-09) We now are come to look at the beautiful pattern and parable of betrothal. I hesitate to describe this as Hebrew betrothal, or a Jewish betrothal custom, for the pattern to be examined here is one that Yahweh Himself uses to describe the relation between His Son and the...

Foundation Stone Five – The Polluted Land

Foundation Stone Five – The Polluted Land

Note: This post continues the series on The Marriage Covenant. We observed previously that Yahweh uses parables to provide understanding to His people. We looked at the parable of the soul in its two halves, as it is manifested in the cutting of a blood covenant. We observed many truths as we...

Guarding Innocence

Guarding Innocence

Today's post is written by my daughter, Kristin Herrin. Kristin is 21 years old, and a continual source of joy as I observe in her a heart that seeks after God. Yahweh has given Kristin a sphere of influence with some of the teenage girls at her church. He has been leading her to share with them...

Do You Know What Time it Is?

Do You Know What Time it Is?

Joseph Herrin (10-08-09) Some weeks back I wrote a post in which I shared that my daughter has been caring for a horse named Midnight. I related this to a message I had read in a prophetic book during the same period of time that said we are now at the midnight hour. I would like to add a further...

The Hidden Cost of Free Sex

The Hidden Cost of Free Sex

Note: This post continues the teaching series on the marriage covenant. The first post in this series can be found here: It is recommended that the teachings in this series be read together to encourage understanding. The...

Foundation Four – Life is in the Blood

Foundation Four – Life is in the Blood

Note: I had stated that I would be looking at the topic of betrothal next, but the Spirit has prevented me from going in this direction as surely as He prevented Paul from going into Asia. I have begun twice to write on betrothal, and in both instances I found no opening, no anointing of the...



Joseph Herrin (10–02-09) Note: Sukkot (The Feast of Tabernacles) begins tonight at sunset. Leviticus 23:34, 42-43 "Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, 'On the fifteenth of this seventh month is the Feast of Booths for seven days to Yahweh... You shall live in booths for seven days; all the...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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