Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 7

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 7

hol·i·day  /ˈhäləˌdā/Origin: Old English hāligdæg ‘holy day’Removing the High Places Temple of Baal in Syria destroyed by ISIS (terrorist group) and restored in New York as a Unesco World Heritage siteWhile we are talking about pride, we should address another parable in the Old...

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 6

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 6

hol·i·day  /ˈhäləˌdā/Origin: Old English hāligdæg ‘holy day’Do I have to bow to worship?In looking back at the passage in Jeremiah 10 it mentions bowing down and worshiping the wooden idol made from a tree, but is worship always the literal act of bowing down to an image? The answer is...

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 5

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 5

hol·i·day  /ˈhäləˌdā/Origin: Old English hāligdæg ‘holy day’Symbols of Life, Fertility and Triumph over Darkness and Death A common, almost ubiquitous pagan belief is called Pantheism. Pantheists believe that God, or rather a spiritual force, is in everything. They believe that these...

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 4

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 4

hol·i·day  /ˈhäləˌdā/Origin: Old English hāligdæg ‘holy day’Other Pagan Holidays The winter solstice is very important in many pagan religions because it is the darkest day of the year. Paganism is often based on the concept of duality in constant flux, dark and light, male and female,...

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 3

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 3

hol·i·day  /ˈhäləˌdā/Origin: Old English hāligdæg ‘holy day’Pagan Midwinter’s Festivals The second century theologian Tertullian anticipates and heralds Spurgeon’s sentiment almost 1600 years earlier in the following quote. It’s a long and deep statement, so you may need to read it a couple...

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 2

Holydaze – the Origins of the Holiday Season Part 2

hol·i·day  /ˈhäləˌdā/ Origin: Old English hāligdæg ‘holy day'Christian Vs. Roman Evangelism What better place to delve deeper into the subject of purity vs harlotry than an examination of the Greek behind the word “gospel?” That is precisely what we will do since it will reveal the difference...

A Time of Transition / Holydaze – The Origins of the Holiday Season Part 1

A Time of Transition / Holydaze – The Origins of the Holiday Season Part 1

A Time of TransitionGeorge’s 2014 Toyota RAV4The past week has seen Oasis, the Christian coffee shop, closed here in Montezuma, Georgia. This is the place I go to daily to publish my blog. During the past week I have been led to make some changes, and so has George, my next door neighbor, and the...

The Gate and the Way – Part 2

The Gate and the Way – Part 2

Must a Christian be a Disciple?I believe the early apostles would be quite amazed to find that the teachings of Christ have been so altered in the centuries since the church was birthed that the terms Christian and disciple have been divorced from one another. A false mindset has been propagated...

The Gate and the Way – Part 1

The Gate and the Way – Part 1

What Is Christ’s Invitation to You? Matthew 16:24Then Yahshua said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”The church today has a decidedly un-Biblical view of what Christ’s invitation is to mankind. This is revealed in the...

What’s the Big Deal About Christmas?

What’s the Big Deal About Christmas?

Joseph Herrin (12-06-2014) Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas - Poster Modified to Promote Truth in Advertising(Click on Image to View Larger)I would like to challenge you with the following thought. Your success in passing through the coming days of Christian persecution and global tribulation are...

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? – Part 2

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? – Part 2

ChristmasThe Curious Origins of a Popular Holidayhttps://www.ucg.org/the-good-news/christmas-the-curious-origins-of-a-popular-holidayAlready the decorations are going up, the parties are being planned, the presents are being bought. Soon people around the world will again be celebrating...

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? – Part 1

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas? – Part 1

This post contains a selection of internet pieces written by different men to demonstrate why they have chosen to not celebrate Christmas. All of these men are professing believers, though they have approached this topic from a variety of perspectives. I hope to show you that it is possible to...

Removing the High Places – Part 2

Removing the High Places – Part 2

To understand how very much opposed Yahweh is to any admixture of the holy and the profane we can look at a series of laws that He delivered to His chosen people through His servant Moses. Remember that all of the laws of the Old Testament serve as types and shadows of spiritual principles and...

Removing the High Places – Part 1

Removing the High Places – Part 1

Joseph Herrin The history of God’s chosen people Israel as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible is filled with tragedy. Nowhere are the disastrous consequences of offending a holy God and incurring His wrath seen more clearly than when His people embraced the worship of idols with all of...

A Rockefeller Christmas

A Rockefeller Christmas

Joseph Herrin (12-08-2010)Wisdom  - Rockefeller CenterOne can at times be helped to discern the origin and the hidden esoteric meaning of a symbol by looking at how those who are known workers of darkness employ them. The image I want to examine in this post is that of the Christmas tree....

Forsaking Christmas – A Testimony

Forsaking Christmas – A Testimony

Joseph Herrin (12-18-2014)Many of my most joyous experiences as a child involved the Christmas holiday season. It was a special time of year when people would put extra attention into making their homes beautiful. I remember as a child watching my father, staple gun in hand, hanging strings of...

Christmas Considerations

Christmas Considerations

Joseph Herrin (12-15-2014)After posting the recent blog on the subject of the idolatrous origins of the Christmas holiday, I have had a number of responses. I thought it would be profitable to write something to post publicly to answer some of the common questions that arise whenever the subject...

Christmas and the Test of Truth

Christmas and the Test of Truth

Joseph Herrin (12-18-2013)Some of my earliest and fondest childhood memories were of Christmas. Each December my parents would go pick out a live Christmas tree and bring it home. I still remember the heavy metal stand, painted green. It had thumb screws on three sides of the base to tighten down...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Addendum

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Addendum

AddendumUpon sending out chapter eight of this book to my mailing list, a lively interaction ensued. It was evident that Yahweh wanted His children to not pass quickly over what was written, as He provided numerous supporting witnesses. These affirmations were in the form of parables, dreams and...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 16

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 16

Chapter 16 - Free in ChristPerhaps you picked up this book out of a desire to obtain victory over a specific addiction or besetting sin. If so, it seems fitting to end this book by seeking to widen your hope of the victory and freedom that you can experience in Christ. Perhaps it has seemed almost...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 15

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 15

Chapter 15 - The Weapons of Our WarfareWe have learned much about God’s provision for men and women to overcome addiction as we have observed the history of Israel. The Israelites were enslaved to the most powerful kingdom on earth. In the same way, we have seen that all mankind are born as slaves...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 14

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 14

Chapter 14 - The Necessary Fear of GodI urge you to pay special attention to this chapter, even if the topic seems unappealing to you. Some having read previous chapters that spoke of my long struggle with an addiction to pornography may ask how I finally broke free of it. As you read this...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 13

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 13

Chapter 13 - His Part and OursIn order to have our minds fully prepared to do battle against addictive desires and the sin that dwells in our flesh, we must understand clearly what God will do for us, and what He expects us to do. I have heard numerous people who were struggling with various sins...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 12

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 12

Chapter 12 - Christ, Our CounselorIt is normal when struggling with some addictive desire to want someone to give you a specific set of ordered steps that you can follow in order to attain victory. What we have seen thus far in this book are some foundational things that must be attended to in...

Overcoming Addiction with the Spirit of Christ – Part 11

Overcoming Addiction with the Spirit of Christ – Part 11

Chapter 11 - Overcoming by Our WordsIn the previous chapter we read of Israel’s great failure to trust Yahweh when He instructed them to go forth to take possession of the land of Canaan. What I want to emphasize in this chapter is a matter of great importance that the Lord has impressed upon me...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 10

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 10

Chapter 10 - Faith Seals the VictoryThe history of Israel’s journey from Egypt to Canaan is well known to most Christians, as it comprises a major portion of the books of Moses, the first five books of the Bible. Yahweh promised the Israelites that He would lead them forth to a land flowing with...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Chapter 9

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - He has Promised Us the VictoryEverything we have looked at thus far in this book is a necessary part of overcoming addiction. There is nothing we have addressed that can be skipped over. Let us review what we have observed to this point. · All men are born under the dominion of sin,...

Overcoming Addiction  by the Spirit of Christ – Part 8

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 8

Chapter 8 - The Bread of HeavenThere is a modern adage that states “You are what you eat.” There is much truth to this at all levels of our being. What we eat physically impacts our bodies in profound ways. There are many authors who have provided tremendous evidence that the vast majority of...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 7

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 7

Chapter 7 - A New CreatureThis book is written both for those who are strangers to Christ, as well as those who are Christians. I have found that many men and women who have been Christians for years have not come to an understanding of the ways of God, and even the foundational principles of...

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 6

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ – Part 6

Chapter 6 - The Spirit is LifeIn the first chapter of this book the statement was made, “The only real answer to the problem of addictive behavior is to restore light and life to our beings.” Death, physical and spiritual, is the natural consequence of sin. Mortal man needs to receive life back...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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