Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 9

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 9

The Father’s Work Yahweh has designed this present world in such a way that His sons might know His ways, and walk in an understanding manner before Him. One thing that has been common to all men is having a vocation or occupation. Although there have been some very affluent and decadent societies...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 8

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 8

Heart of a Son I want to draw your attention to the last two verses of Malachi. They are the final verses of the Old Testament. Placement is significant in Scriptures. First occurrences and last occurrences alike hold a particular meaning. That which is last speaks of the goal, or the end result...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 7

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 7

Death of Initiative The first chapter of this book declared the value of taking a wider view of the work of God, for as we observe the end Yahweh has in mind for His sons we can better comprehend those things which are to be our present experience. Yahweh is looking for sons to whom He can impart...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 6

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 6

The Afflicted Way I have but poorly described what awaits the glorified sons of God who attain to the number of the firstborn, and have dimly portrayed the distinctions between the three resurrections of man. I am hindered from providing a clearer picture of the glories of the ages to come by my...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 5

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 5

Each in His Own Order Because there is almost no knowledge among Christians today concerning the various resurrections from the dead, and the distinctions among them, it seems prudent to lay a solid foundation regarding this topic. The Scriptures actually have much to say about the resurrections...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 4

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 4

The Number of the Firstborn There is a wonderful theme found throughout the entirety of the Bible relating to those who are the firstborn. The firstborn male that opens the womb was always reserved, set apart, as holy unto Yahweh. Exodus 34:19 The first offspring from every womb belongs to Me......

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 3

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 3

The Powers of the Age to Come Yahweh is at this time preparing His sons to walk in the powers of the coming age. What is experienced in this age is but a “taste.” God has given men tokens of the power and authority of the coming age. Hebrews 6:5 And have tasted the good word of God and the powers...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 2

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 2

The God Who is a Father Sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees. Sometimes things are so much in our face that we cannot discern what it is we are looking at. One of the most common appellations used by Christians in referring to God is “Father.” Calling God “Father” is both proper, and...

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 1

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory – Part 1

Christ in You -  The Hope of Glory Joseph Herrin Shining a light on the glorious future of the sons of God. Colossians 1:27 God willed to make known the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Foreword A word of explanation is...

The Days Past

The Days Past

Joseph Herrin (09-02-2018) It takes some time to post a book. I have just finished posting the book God’s Plan of the Ages. It consisted of 17 parts, with each one being posted on average 3 days apart. That is a period of 51 days. It has taken nearly 2 months. A lot has happened in that time. It...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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