

Joseph Herrin (12-29-2010) A sister in Christ shared a link to a blog she recently wrote. I found the ideas expressed very thought provoking. Why Wouldn't They Want Jesus? By Kimberly Payton Marts In the cacphony of the world, I seem to hear the following continuous themes: Everyone wants...



Joseph Herrin (12-28-2010) Dreidel There is a growing segment among Christianity who are joining the Hebrew roots movement. I believe a lot of what drives people in this direction is a reaction to the growing apostasy (departure from truth) that is observed among many of the main street churches....

That’s Not MY Birthday!

A very good two-minute audio file. Please listen to the audio file found at the link below, then continue. http://www.torah2thenations.com/events/that-is-not-my-birthday/ So whose birthday is on December 25th? Check out this list under the heading "Winter Solstice" on the Wikipedia website. A...

The Darkest Day

The Darkest Day

Joseph Herrin (12-20-2010) Total Lunar Eclipse (Click on any image for a larger picture) Tomorrow, Tuesday December 21, will be a truly dark day. For those in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth it is the darkest day of the year. The Sun is absent from the sky for a greater period of time than...

The Dreamer

The Dreamer

Joseph Herrin (12-19-2010) “Dream Until Your Dreams Come True” (Front Wall of Bus) Genesis 37:17-20 So Joseph went after his brothers and found them at Dothan. When they saw him from a distance and before he came close to them, they plotted against him to put him to death. And they said to one...

A Stamp of Strangeness

Joseph Herrin (12-18-2010) Hebrews 11:1-3 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of...

Ark Transformations

Ark Transformations

Joseph Herrin (12-09-2010) (Click on any Image to View Larger) It has been a couple weeks since I have posted an update on my conversion work on the Carpenter School Bus the Father has led me to fashion into a motorhome. I have not been as active on it during this time, as I have spent time taking...

A Rockefeller Christmas

A Rockefeller Christmas

Joseph Herrin (12-08-2010) Wisdom  - Rockefeller Center One can at times be helped to discern the origin and the hidden esoteric meaning of a symbol by looking at how those who are known workers of darkness employ them. The image I want to examine in this post is that of the Christmas tree....

Circe – Church – Harlot

Circe – Church – Harlot

Joseph Herrin (12-02-2010) Circe with Golden Cup in Hand A brother in Christ (Lorin Smith) recently shared some thoughts with me regarding the origin of the word church. The online Catholic Encyclopedia begins their entry on “The Church” with the following: The term church (Anglo-Saxon, cirice,...

Christmas Season versus Sabbath Rest

Christmas Season versus Sabbath Rest

Joseph Herrin (11-30-2010) We are entering once again upon one of the church’s high holy seasons. Christmas and Easter have become the most pronounced and celebrated events of modern Christianity. This is in fulfillment of the words of the apostle Paul: II Thessalonians 2:1-3 Now we request you,...

Harnessing Fire

Harnessing Fire

Joseph Herrin (11-27-2010) My recent work on “the ark” has involved installing various useful applications of fire, both for cooking and heating. I had salvaged a large propane tank from the RV that Mike and Donna Mitchell made available to me. It is twice the capacity of the one in my van, and...

Thank You Lord for the Cross!

Thank You Lord for the Cross!

Joseph Herrin (11-24-2010) The sign pictured above was located right next to the motorhome the Father led Randy Simmons to purchase last year. The man selling the RV had a pest control business, and this was the message he had posted. The Father in numerous ways that day indicated to Randy that he...

The Ark Nearing Ship Shape

The Ark Nearing Ship Shape

Joseph Herrin (11-23-2010) I am really blessed as I see things coming together quickly on the bus conversion the Father has directed me to undertake at this season. I have built the cabinet for the kitchen sink, with only trim work in it remaining. Following is the progress in a series of...

Obama the Destroyer

Obama the Destroyer

Joseph Herrin (11-22-2010) Today’s date is a significant one. Twenty-two signifies flesh cutting. It is a multiple of eleven, and we are in the eleventh month. The number eleven bears a very somber message. E.W. Bullinger writes the following concerning it: If ten is the number which marks the...

Ark Update

Ark Update

Joseph Herrin (11-21-2010) Progress continues on the conversion of the 1972 Carpenter School Bus into a motorhome. I have not taken a day off from working on it in a couple weeks. Most recently I have been working on installing appliances in the kitchen. I had salvaged a Dometic refrigerator from...

Progress in a Picture

Progress in a Picture

(Click on image for larger picture) I don't have time to write today, so just thought I would post a picture of the bus progress. I painted the front inside of the bus, mounted a set of curtains, and anchored the dining set to the floor. Things are shaping up. Yahweh's grace is great. May you be...

The Arc (Yes, ARC)

The Arc (Yes, ARC)

Joseph Herrin 11-15-2010 Since my youth I have been interested in architecture. In my high school days (I graduated in 1979) I took all the drafting classes that were offered. This was in the days when everything was drawn by hand on a drafting board with a straightedge, triangles, and compass....

The Ark Takes Shape

The Ark Takes Shape

Joseph Herrin (11-12-2010) One aspect of the building of Solomon’s Temple that has always amazed me is that all the wood and stone was pre-cut before being brought to the construction site. We are given the following historic detail about the construction of this Temple which would surely qualify...

Things Are Moving Quickly – Re-Posted

Things Are Moving Quickly – Re-Posted

Joseph Herrin (11-3-2010) Note: I am re-posting this blog as it was put up too late last night to be sent out by FeedBurner. Feedburner is date sensitive, so I am putting it up again to insure it will be sent to the blogs subscribers tonight. As I sit here at my computer, it is Wednesday evening...

Things Are Moving Quickly

Things Are Moving Quickly

Joseph Herrin (11-3-2010) As I sit here at my computer, it is Wednesday evening at 7:20 P.M.. U.P.S. just arrived to deliver four cans of spray paint that I will use for the remaining windows I will be painting. After some research I came across some transparent black paint that can be used for...

A Spectacle Before Spectators

I am digging out another teaching from years ago to post today. I am aware of many precious brothers and sisters who are in the midst of trials. These trials often leave them in perplexity. They may look at their circumstances, observe the criticism from those around them, and wonder how the...

A Church Without Ears

I have been spending some time converting some of my older writings to PDF format for the re-designed Heart4God website which is getting closer to completion. I want to share here a writings I posted nine years ago this month. It relates a dream I had. I do not often remember dreaming, so this was...

Come and Dine

Come and Dine

We have had a re-emergence of summer weather here in Georgia the past couple days. There were thunder storms yesterday morning, with heavy rains at times. Working in the bus, I had to hook up a light as the overcast skies made it too dark to see what I was doing. The task before me was to install...

Ultra Pure

Ultra Pure

Joseph Herrin (10-25-2010) Luke 12:49-50 “I have come to cast fire upon the earth; and how I wish it were already kindled!” The Greek word for “fire” is “pur.” It is the same root word from which we derive our English words pyre and pure. There are also associated words such as pyrotechnic,...

The Ark – Yahweh Provides

The Ark – Yahweh Provides

Joseph Herrin (10-20-2010) Philippians 4:19 And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Yahshua. When Yahweh calls us to a work, He will supply everything necessary to complete that work. What He is looking for in the hearts of His sons is obedience, a...

Shut the Door – Keep Out the Devil

Shut the Door – Keep Out the Devil

Joseph Herrin (10-17-2010) There is a song whose words have been running through my mind in recent days as I have returned to working on the bus. The song contains the words that make up the title of this post. Shut the door, Keep out the devil. Shut the door, Keep the devil in the night. Shut the...

Jane Leade – Related Subjects

Joseph Herrin (10-16-2010) Many e-mails have been coming in regarding the recent posts on Jane Leade. They have expressed a wide range of opinions, for gracious and thankful support, to strong objection. I will share a couple of these as I have found that these dialogs have been found to be very...

Jane Leade – Questions and Answers

Joseph Herrin (10-15-2010) Yesterday’s post on Jane Leade has led to some writing and sharing some excellent concerns and comments regarding her teaching. Many sincere questions were asked by brothers and sisters who seek to walk in truth. I believe it will be helpful to many others to read both...

Jane Leade – Examining All Things

Jane Leade – Examining All Things

Joseph Herrin (10-14-2010) I Thessalonians 5:19-21 Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything; hold fast to that which is good... Some years ago I came across a prophetic word written in 1679 by Jane Leade. The writing had additional comments by Larry...

Building Arks

Building Arks

Joseph Herrin (10-12-2010) I have taken some time off from work on the bus conversion due to having pulled a muscle on the right side of my ribs. I strained a muscle while mounting the holding tanks under the bus last week, and after a couple days the pain increased until taking a deep breath...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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