Prisoners Reading

Prisoners Reading

Joseph Herrin (1-31-2017) This weekend was another opportunity to prepare newsletters for men in prison. It takes two full days to print and prepare the newsletters for shipping. I have about 7 full years of newsletters to send out to men in prison. No one has finished the whole course yet, but...

The Heart of David Bible

The Heart of David Bible

Joseph Herrin (01-26-2017) The Heart of David Bible is a name I arrived at many years ago, for I have been considering translating the Bible for a long time. It could possibly be called The Heart of David Study Bible, depending on how much study material I can set aside for it. There is much to...

But the Earth had Become Formless and Empty

But the Earth had Become Formless and Empty

Joseph Herrin (01-23-2017) I first heard the doctrine of the Earth being far older than 6,000 years from Watchman Nee. In his little book titled The Mystery of Creation he opened my eyes to see things that were not understood by other members of the church and denomination I was raised in. I was...

BibleWorks 10

BibleWorks 10

Joseph Herrin (01-16-2017) (Click on any image to view larger) I got my Bible software last week. Due to my printing prisoner newsletters I was not able to spend any time this weekend with it. I did have a brother named George come over and help me with newsletters on Sunday. He greatly sped up...

The Canonization Of Scripture

The Canonization Of Scripture

Joseph Herrin (01-12-2017) We cannot have an accurate version of the Bible today unless we can have some assurance that the book written by forty different men is truly the word of Yahweh to His people. There are many men making claims about the Bible today that are not historically sound. This is...

The Beginning

The Beginning

Joseph Herrin (01-08-2017) What a wealth we have in the words of the Bible. If we could pick up a Bible and read the words of the Father in print we would have something to talk about. Unfortunately looking around at churches in this hour it is difficult to find one, even in a large city, that...



Joseph Herrin (01-04-2017) Time seems to fly by. In all the rush we tend to ask many questions. Will this be the year I make a million dollars? Will this be the year that the United States goes bankrupt? Will there be war or peace this year? What difference will Donald Trump bring to the White...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

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