WRITTEN BY JOSEPH HERRIN (06-03-2012) Dear Saints, An hour is coming when the sons of God will walk in a manifestation of power that this age has not formerly witnessed. The general characteristic of the church at this time is one of fleshly strength. It is typical for churches today to have board...
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Christmas Season versus Sabbath Rest
WRITTEN BY JOSEPH HERRIN (11-30-2010) Dear Saints, We are entering once again upon one of the church’s high holy seasons. Christmas and Easter have become the most pronounced and celebrated events of modern Christianity. This is in fulfillment of the words of the apostle Paul: II Thessalonians...
Circe – Church – Harlot
Dear Saints, Another storm struck us last week on Tuesday 6th December, straight after the two in the previous week. While the house is holding up well to this endless barrage of winds, a few outside polytunnels and structures are not. Repairs have needed to be done to save what can be saved....
A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 3
Dear Saints, It has grown very cold very quickly here in Donegal, Ireland, with another two storms hitting us this week again. Now that December has arrived, it is a good time of the year to focus on family and cosiness, cheery fires and walks through the forest behind our homestead. Though...
A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 2
Dear Saints, In the last Parables posting, Joseph and I shared some words with you concerning the New Order that the world has entered upon, particularly as it relates to the recent US Elections. In this second part, my intent is to expand on this reasoning with some impressions I have been given...
A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 1
Dear Saints, I am a little late with this post, and it is not the Introductory posting I had intended to publish either. Recent events in the US Elections have instead spurred me to write some words of support and caution for those readers living in the US. But I will return to that in a while....
Thank You
Dear Saints, Thank you for the many kind emails and donations that Joseph has received so far. Joseph likes to take care in thanking every person personally, but we also wish to share our gratitude here on Parables for all your blessings. I am going to hold off from changing the donation buttons...
A Parables Parable
Dear Saints, By now I hope you will have read Joseph’s final blog posting on Parables, in which Joseph announced his retirement from ministry due to health reasons after many years of labouring for the Kingship of Christ. Joseph also announced how he is handing over his ministry to myself, Colin...
Major Announcement
Kristin (My Daughter) and I Dear Saints, It is with a saddened heart that I make the following announcement. After this post I will no longer be posting chapters or articles from my past writings. I had a stroke about seven years ago and since that time I have written nothing new. My eyes are...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 17
A Final Note It is my hope that the revision of this book will prove effectual in leading those who seek truth to the discovery of Yahweh's magnificent plan of the ages. It is not possible in any writing to answer every question that could be raised. To write an exhaustive teaching of these truths...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 16
The Ages of the Earth Yahweh established a plan for the creation that encompasses a determined number of ages. This truth is taught in the Bible, but given little attention by Christians today. The church has very little understanding of the ages of the earth. Our world has known many different...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 15
What is Aionian Life? Note: In this chapter I am using the word "aionian" as a transliteration of the Greek word that is often interpreted as "eternal" in the most popular English Bibles. Rather than translating the word as "age-abiding," "age-lasting," or "age-during" as some literal translations...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 14
Unquenchable Fire There is a curious expression used by Christ that has led many Christians to conclude that Yahshua taught that hell will be forever. In the Gospel of Mark we find Yahshua repeating the words, "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:43-48And if thy hand...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 13
Yahshua, the Lord of the Ages It has already been shown that Christ's reign over the creation is temporal, for the creation itself will encompass ages, but not eternity. The apostle Paul in his letter to the saints in Corinth states: I Corinthians 15:25For He must reign until He has put all His...
I had a few inquiries about there being no Blog posted on Friday. Many of my recent readers do not know that I live in South Georgia. On Friday we had Hurricane Helene blow through this area. When I got up that morning I learned that although the power stayed on, I was left without Internet...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 11
The Harvest Allegory Before Yahweh ever began to form the creation, He had fully worked out the plan of the ages from the beginning to the end. Everything that exists, or will exist; every event that has occurred, and is yet to transpire, was planned before the creation began. Isaiah 14:24Yahweh...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 10
The Firstborn As we continue to lay the foundations for understanding God's plan of the ages, the topic of sonship needs to be examined. Yahweh created man because He desired to have sons. One of the most common titles used to refer to God in the Bible is Father. In approximately 270 instances the...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 9
The Soul that Sins Must Die Death stands between every man and an inheritance in Christ, even as the Jordan River stood between the Israelites and their inheritance in the land of Canaan. We know that every man experiences a physical death of his body. It is not this death that makes a person a...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 8
Lord of the Living and the Dead A key doctrine that the saint in Christ must understand and receive in order to grasp Yahweh's plan to restore all creation to Himself is that Christ's work of reconciliation does not stop at the grave. A great many Christians have been taught, or have in some...
God Plan of the Ages – Part 7
Crossing the Jordan Most Christians have a very fuzzy understanding of the resurrections of man. Many believers imagine that there will be only one resurrection of the dead. The types and shadows of the Old Testament that Yahweh ordained to show forth truth pertaining to the resurrections are...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 6
The Merciful Covering I appreciate the patience of those who are giving attention to this book. I realize that there are many questions in the minds of the saints, and many Scriptures they would like to have explained that appear to contradict those truths being shared. I have chosen to present...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 5
All in All Yahweh's plan of the ages is truly marvelous. To come into the understanding that God will not conclude His work among mankind, the angels, and all creation until He has fully and perfectly reconciled all things back to Himself through His Son opens the door to profound worship of our...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 4
An Orderly Reconciliation One of the greatest stumbling blocks keeping Christians from embracing the testimony found in the Scriptures that Yahweh will reconcile all things to Himself through His Son is that we do not see all things reconciled at this time. The concept resident in the minds of...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 3
The Cycle of Creation The wise king Solomon began his great book of wisdom by speaking of the circularity of creation. Ecclesiastes 1:5-7The sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rises there again. Blowing toward the south, then turning toward the north, the wind continues...
God’s Plan of the Ages – Part 2
Then Comes the End It may seem odd to begin a book with a chapter that focuses on the end, but there is a good purpose in doing so. When Yahweh set forth to form the creation He had the end and culmination of all His works in mind. He had determined from the beginning of the creation what the...
God’s Plan of the Ages
Have you ever wondered about Yahweh’s plan for eternity? I suppose if you have then you have determined that it is God’s plan of the ages to keep part of the present creation in the lake of fire for all eternity. You have gotten this idea from one of two sources. You have gotten it from man, or...
The Mark Of The Beast – Part 12
The Mark of the Overcomers As you have read this book with its focus upon God’s command for men and women to subdue and rule over the beast nature, you may have considered your own life and the struggles that you have known within your own body as the flesh and the spirit have warred one against...
The Mark Of The Beast – Part 11
Beast Men of the Bible There have been many men and women who have given themselves to sin and to slavery to the flesh, who have been extraordinarily marked by the beast nature. The Scriptures contain histories of many who have failed to subdue and rule over that which God commanded them. In this...
The Mark Of The Beast – Part 10
666 - The Number of the Beast Throughout this book I have endeavored to focus on the spiritual understanding of the abundant symbolism relating to the beast. There has been much debate about the significance of the number which is given to represent the beast, and I believe God would have us to...
The Mark Of The Beast – Part 9
The End of Suffering With so much attention upon the working of the disciple’s cross in the Scriptures it would seem that God is opposed to pleasure, and intent upon making all of His children suffer while in the flesh. It is true that God does not want His children to give themselves over to a...
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