A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 1

by | Nov 22, 2024

Dear Saints,

I am a little late with this post, and it is not the Introductory posting I had intended to publish either. Recent events in the US Elections have instead spurred me to write some words of support and caution for those readers living in the US. But I will return to that in a while.

The reason for the delay in posting has been partly due to much work needing to be done behind the scenes, in terms of website migration and finding service solutions. I have just finished migrating the Parables wordpress site to a different webserver, and it appears to be working fine. So I am almost there!

With this extra time to consider and reflect, a clearer plan for continuing and also promoting Joseph’s writing ministry has emerged these last few weeks, based on the two most obvious aims:

1) Preserve Joseph’s priceless teachings as a free and open resource for all, despite the storms of censorship coming our way (think of the anti-Biblical ‘hate laws’ being passed across Europe).

2) Propel his writings into an even larger readership while it is still possible to do so.

Before I go into the details, or at least the interesting details, of how I hope to achieve these aims, I would first like to address this issue of coming censorship here in Ireland, for it is a critical one. It leads us into the wider issue of where we are now in these last days, and also, therefore, into the matter of the recent election results in the US, which will occupy much of the second half of this post.

First, let me tell you a story about the small nation I am from.

Ireland, Where The Snakes Are Back

Patrick driving out the snakes from Ireland

Before the Gospel arrived on these shores, Ireland was once an island wreathed in spiritual darkness. Raiding and tribal warfare were never-ending. Slavery was the norm. The gnostic-pagan religion of the Druids, which worshipped the forces of nature and sacrificed adults and children alive to those forces, was widely practised. Even today, some of the altars where these bloody offerings took place can still be found. The very city of Belfast, where I am nearly from, and which is the capital city of the north, means Bel Fast: fast meaning stronghold, and Bel being another name, of course, for baal.

Belfast was, and is again, a stronghold of Baal.

Of course it was not all bad back then. Far from it. Life is life and Yahweh has provided us many graces in this fallen world. I am only highlighting the darker aspects of our past in relation to the ongoing spiritual war we are still fighting.

The interesting point that I am trying to make, is that all of this changed with the introduction of the Gospel to these shores. The legend goes that ‘Saint Patrick’ of the early Christian Church drove out all the snakes from the land in the 4th century. Hence why there are no snakes to be found in Ireland. This is understood to be a metaphor for how Patrick, an ex-slave, who as a boy had escaped these pagan lands only to return years later on a mission to set the captives free, effectively drove out the serpent-worshipping Druid religion from the Isle.

And it is true that for many centuries a particular form of Christianity did flourish here, much removed from the politics of Rome and in some ways more akin to the practices of the Eastern Orthodox Church, flavoured with Celtic motifs. And it grew so abundantly that the church they established in Ireland even sent out their own missionaries to neighbouring lands, spreading the gospel throughout Scotland and Northern England. So hot was the zeal of some these believers that they would even cast themselves adrift into the Atlantic in tiny coracles, to carry the seed of the gospel wherever they may or die in the trying.

For centuries the Christianised island of Ireland became something of a beacon of light and preserver of the gospel in times of worsening darkness across the European continent. Beautiful Bibles were handmade and broadcast and preserved while across vast swathes of the continent no Bibles existed or had been lost. It even reached the point where the last place in the West where the ancient Greek of the New Testament could be understood was Ireland. Imagine that!

To read of this history is to read something that sounds like the plot of a movie, or an act of God. The tide of the ‘Dark Ages’ flowed right up to the shores of Eire, last piece of land before the Atlantic, very edge of the known world – and then stopped, and finally retreated, as Irish and English clerics went to Europe to restore the knowledge that had been lost.

A more romanticised-sounding account of history I cannot imagine. Yet it does appear to be what occurred.

And because of all this, because of the spreading of the gospel here in this green isle, baal worship was banished and the last witches and druids in Ireland had to remain in the shadows for sixteen-hundred years.

Now though, the snakes are back.


In the 20th Century, after long centuries of Occupation, genocide and modernised white slavery, Ireland was to become a young Republic. Though unlike many of the older Republics of the world which were mostly Masonic efforts, Ireland’s Republic, being founded in a largely Catholic nation, appears to have had a more complex foundation of competing factions. Some few influencers may even have really been on the side of God. I do not know. All I do know is that somehow, our Constitution ended up holding that rare distinction of being the only Constitution in the world (that I know of) which begins, on the very front page, with a dedication to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Not a dedication to ‘God’, whoever that may be in the minds of the men who crafted other Constitutions, but to Jesus Christ in name.

Perhaps, maybe, this is one plain reason why the Powers That Be so powerfully hate this country. Because they so powerfully hate Christ most of all. And perhaps this is why they appear to have focused much of their efforts on this tiny island of three million natives in order to destroy us.

For it can be said without any exaggeration or attempt at being dramatic, that in recent years Ireland has become wholly captured by a Satanic Occupational Government. Satanists are now clearly in control of the nation, and they wish other Satanists to know of this startling achievement. Hence why Satanism and its symbols are flaunted everywhere today as mocking victory symbols to a population largely blind to their meaning, and mentally enslaved by the spell-casting media.

An example would be the number of babies murdered after the first year that abortion was recently made legal here in Ireland. The number of babies murdered in the first year was widely reported in the mainstream press – like a celebration – as being6666.

What a curious number to have simply just happened by chance.

Since any intelligent mind will recognise that the odds of the number of murdered babies being 6666 by chance are astronomical – Coincidence Theory gone mad – we then have to ask ourselves, why did those in Power choose to deploy the number 6 so publicly in this fashion?

If you take a glance at the media on any given day in Ireland – which I do not, not even on any given year, thanks to the Good Lord – you will likely be exposed to some article or ‘news’ item contrived to flaunt their Satanic victory symbols in your face, while also initiating you a little deeper into their kingdom of unwitting mind-slaves and devotees.

For instance, you might spot a fitness article called the 666 Method, where you do a certain exercise for six minutes every six days for six weeks. Why 6? Why not 4? Why not 5?

Or a travel article where some intrepid modern-thinking hipster skateboards 66 miles through mountains for a children’s charity, and gets to look cool while he’s doing it. Why 6?

Or how about keeping 6 feet apart during a scamdemic, and only allowing 6 people into your isolation ‘bubble’, and 6 months or older to get a jab? Why 6?

Indeed, wasn’t the Resolution that was passed in the United States, which enacted all the scamdemic measures of social distancing and masks and so on upon the unwitting population, also numbered #666?

Again, why 6?

Since in Ireland we haven’t quite gotten the picture yet, the Powers have even given us an openly Satanic Eurovision Song Contestant to represent our country and its values in that long-running international song contest watched by millions. The contestant is a fine, upstanding, fierce-hearted Witch who looks like she wants to eat our children, and who wraps herself in our nation’s flag as though she now owns it, which of course is the point.

They do.

No doubt, it will not take much time before they decide to ‘update’ our Constitution, so it no longer begins with its statement of faith in Christ. They will say it is divisive (some will say hateful), and no longer representative of this nation. And since they have been flooding us with the Third World to the point where we no longer have anywhere to live in our own country, this is not far from the truth.


Along with a host of other diabolical measures designed to silence all dissent in Ireland, Anti-Biblical ‘hate-laws’ have just been passed which may have rendered some of Joseph Herrin’s teachings illegal here. Yes, perhaps that is worth reading again.

Despite a supposed watering-down of this new Anti-Hate law, it still contains powers of censorship and imprisonment should someone – anyone – decide that their feelings have been hurt by what another person has written. Most of all if the complainant is LGBT and the writer a Christian. And the same or worse laws are being passed or have been passed by governments throughout Europe.

This is not including what anti-Biblical powers already exist here in Ireland. Only last month, the young saint and school teacher Enoch Burke has been sent to prison for a third time, having already served 400 days in Mountjoy Prison for refusing to call a boy pupil ‘they’ rather than ‘he’.

Last year at his first court appearance, Enoch explained to the Judge how he had been commanded by his school – supposedly a Christian school – to use transgender pronouns with his pupils, and how the same school had then suspended him for refusing to do so, even though he repeatedly stated that it went against his Christian faith, and theirs!

A more gentle saint you will not encounter. He firmly believes that the transgender ideology is one of evil and that our children must be protected from it, most of all in the schools. Yet when he tried to return to the school after his illegal suspension, the school principle called the police and had him arrested as though he was some dangerous criminal. Upon hearing this account in court, the Judge sent young Enoch to prison.

(To put that in some perspective – we have illegal immigrants charged with trying to kidnap and rape Irish children who have been released on bail back onto the streets).

Clearly, the Powers expected this saint to buckle in Mountjoy prison and to bargain some compromise of his beliefs for his release. But he did not do so. When he was finally released, Enoch Burke was not cowed by fear. Instead he came out fighting for God.

And so they continue to imprison him.

Such are the lights now shining here. May Enoch earn a wealth of treasure in Heaven for his sacrifice.

And such is the darkness here too.


If you try to look into the case of Enoch Burke via the internet, you will be met with endless articles from the mainstream media and nothing else. Even if you try a ‘Christian news’ search on the subject, you will be met with ‘pink news’ (a militant LGBT site) first before you encounter anything Christian. When you do finally encounter an article from a ‘Christian’ news site, you quickly notice how the supposed Christian news site is actually another Satanic news site in disguise, and still tilting the facts at you.

They will have you believe it is all young Enoch’s fault, since he chose to make a stand against transgender ideology being forced into his Church of Ireland school. It is his fault for trying to hold the line against evil, alone. I have read even supposed Christians say this about his actions. The Church of Ireland does not stand with him, nor the vast majority of its parishioners, nor the ‘Christian’ media. His own ‘Christian’ school works actively against him. Those few who do stand with him, his gentle Christian father and family and supporters, are targeted with slander, threats and fake news making them out out to be ‘fanatics’, angry and intolerant people, trouble-makers.

It is a useful case study in how the modern media – which I am convinced is The Image Of The Beast of Revelation – smothers all zeal and certainty in those who believe in it.

This is the reason why the vast majority of Christians are now tolerating the New Order, for all that they offer objections over ‘pronouns’ or ‘gay marriage’. They offer a token resistance, at least publicly, yet by continuing to believe and follow The Image Of The Beast like everyone else – while perhaps watching some ‘Christian’ media for good measure – they continue to believe and think like everyone else. And so, like everyone else, they end up worshipping The Image Of The Beast. For we worship who we follow and believe in, God or the Devil or the flesh.

The minds of these fallen-away Babylonian Christians have been ‘modernised’, ‘Masonised’, so thoroughly that they are no longer Christian at all, if they ever were. They want all the benefits of faith without any of the costs. They wish to remain in the comfortable fairytale of the world’s dark light, where the modern State is ultimately good, or where saviours come in the form of suited mega-wealthy politicians, and to do so, they must allow themselves to be seduced by the world. Without even being aware of it, they follow the adversary in their spirits, not Yahweh. Even to the extent that here in Europe, they are now helping the New Order to eradicate the very last vestiges of true Christian resistance to the Satanic regime, by providing cover, and by sniping at those few real saints still doing anything in real service to the Kingship of Christ.

And by all appearances, this is now the condition of the vast majority of Christendom worldwide. They have fallen away from all truth, for they never had a love for truth to begin with. And so they never truly had a heart for God.

We live in a time when there are very few real saint left alive.


The US is no better off than Europe, for all that recent events in the election might suggest otherwise.

Though I hesitate in saying this, knowing how the spirit of Hopey-Changey is once more in the air after the result of the latest US election cycle.

At times like now it can be difficult to speak in any contrary way to the emotionally desperate, especially when their memories have become so impaired by long-term media exposure. However, I like to think that the general readership of Joseph’s writings are an enlightened bunch of saints, and that none of this will be in any way news to you. Joseph has already written much about these matters in the past. No doubt, many of you would have much to teach me on this issue.

Really, I am only speaking in an attempt to offer some support to my brothers and sisters living over there in the States right now, while you no doubt are surrounded by Christians getting high once again on the hopey-changey spirit-gas pervading the air.

I am not making light of the matter. The matter is already a sick and twisted joke to those in Power. How incredible that we fall for the same old trick, the same old caper, time and time again? We fall in this way because we wish to believe in it, we are desperate to believe in it, and so we allow ourselves to be seduced by lies. And who is the Father of those lies?

Of course it is all fairytales, La-La-Land, the deluded fantasies of those allowing themselves to be further lead by the Image Of The Beast, to believe that some anointed politician is going to step in at this point to stop the tide.

Our Father has already declared what is to happen in these Last Days, and it is not that.

These Christians fail to understand how the enemy controls both sides. How most of the seeming-opponents to the New World Order, and the so-called ‘Alt media’, are still working for the enemy, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Neither the world, nor the USA, has became a more Christian place because another new US President has been elected who is saying all the right things at the right time. The Kingdom of Christ has not been advanced in any way. Rather, the United States continues to step deeper into the Kingdom of Darkness, following the false light.

I recall in my first year after being reborn of the Spirit. My zeal was aflame and I was given many ‘visions’ at this time, understandings of truth in a visual form.

One of these visions involved being shown the whole race of man through God’s eyes. It was centred upon Palestine, the heart of the world, but it also encompassed the entire planet. I was shown how the Father views the human race. I saw millions of people, but I did not see them as I would normally see them, upright and in order and busily getting on with their lives, their true selves barely glimpsed through facial expressions. Instead I saw them crouched down naked and raw, millions trembling in fear of the darkness around them, with all the inner sins of their hearts made visible, their petty jealousies and disputes, their provocations and lies … so that what I saw was how broken and wretched we really are as a fallen race.

I was shown – and this was a most startling thing to finally grasp – how we are not ‘good’ at all. Whatever ‘good’ we may seem to do, is merely a reflection of how we are cast in God’s Image, a foreshadowing of the good that we become when we are born again and start walking after Christ into the Kingdom.

There are no good people on this fallen planet. Yes there are ‘better’ people, and ‘worse’ people – certainly people you would rather spend the weekend with than others. But we are all fallen, we are all sinful and lost, unless we restore ourselves wholly over to the will of Yahweh in a humble spirit of repentance.

Likewise, there are no good nations in this world. Some are better, some are worse. All are fallen and corrupt. There is no such thing as a truly Christian nation on this earth – only communities. Even Israel was allowed by Yahweh to be scattered to the winds for her whoredom, her continual turning away towards false gods and idols.

Likewise, the Babylonian Christian Church of today is marked by God for her whoredom.


When I told Joseph that my next blog posting was going to cover the US Election results, he offered the following words. They are taken from one of my favourite of Joseph’s books, Dragon Flood (which of course if free to download from the Heart 4 God website):

Joseph begins by quoting scripture:

Romans 3:9-18

Both Jews and Greeks… are all under sin. As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not

one; There is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all

turned aside; They have together become unprofitable; There is none who does good, no,

not one.” “Their throat is an open tomb; With their tongues they have practiced deceit”;

“The poison of asps is under their lips”; “Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness.”

“Their feet are swift to shed blood; Destruction and misery are in their ways; And the way

of peace they have not known.” “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”

f you accept the words above as divinely inspired, accurate, and a true statement of man’s condition, then does it follow that the men who formed the government of America, being a large part Freemasons, and most of the remnant Deists who embraced the empty philosophy of The Enlightenment, could establish a political system that was based upon truth and righteousness? Is it possible that men who “have together become unprofitable,” who “with their tongues practice deceit,” and “the poison of asps is under their tongues,” men “whose feet are swift to shed blood,” with “destruction and misery” being in their ways, could establish a governmental system that is so amenable, harmonious, and compatible with the Kingdom of God that churches throughout the land would display the American flag alongside a flag representing the rule of Christ? Is it not more probable that Satan, the great deceiver who deceives the whole world, has hoodwinked Christians in America into believing that theirs is a “Christian nation” whose founding fathers were guided by the hand of the God of the Bible?”

Following is an excerpt from the Wikipedia website that provides historical information on this event.

The Boston Tea Party (referred to in its time simply as “the destruction of the tea” or by other informal names and not celebrated until half a century later,) was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, a city in the British colony of Massachusetts, against the tax policy of the British government and the East India Company that controlled all the tea imported into the colonies. On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. The incident remains an iconic event of American history, and other political protests often refer to it.
[Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Tea_Party]

 I would have you note two things in particular in the above paragraph. The dumping of British tea into Boston Harbor is ascribed to a group known as the Sons of Liberty, and no mention is made of Freemasons. The entire article is silent regarding the involvement of Freemasons. Doing a search on the same Wikipedia site to discover who the Sons of Liberty were, we are provided the following information.

The Sons of Liberty were made up of American patriots that originated in the pre-independence North American British colonies. The group was formed to protect the rights of the colonists from the usurpations by the British government after 1766. They are best known for undertaking the Boston Tea Party in 1773, which led to the Intolerable Acts (an intense crackdown by the British government), and a counter-mobilization by the Patriots that led directly to the American Revolutionary War in 1775.
[Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sons_of_Liberty]

Once more there is no mention of the involvement of Freemasons in this group. This is in keeping with the history books used in the public schools in which I was educated. As a child I was led to believe that the Boston Tea Party was a spontaneous event by a group of American colonists who were incensed at oppressive taxation imposed by the King of England. The history books led one to believe this was a grass roots movement, and that there was no central group involved in its planning and execution.

The truth is the men who participated in the Boston Tea Party were largely, if not entirely, members of St. Andrews (Masonic) Lodge of Boston. The event was planned and organized at the Green Dragon Tavern which was purchased by St. Andrews Masonic Lodge in 1764. The lower floor of the two story building was used as a public tavern. The upper floor was the Lodge’s meeting hall.

Green Dragon Tavern

 Note the inscription at the bottom of this drawing. It states, “Where we met to plan the consignment of a few shiploads of tea. Dec 16 1773.” It is signed by the artist who was evidently a Freemason and member of St. Andrews Lodge. Note specifically the square and compass of Freemasonry in the upper left corner. This drawing is signed and dated with the same year.

To be fair, there are other articles on Wikipedia that make mention of the role of Freemasons in the Boston Tea Party, though these articles are somewhat obscure. For example, Thomas White was an American patriot who took part in this event, and later served with George Washington (also a Freemason) in the American Revolution. The following statement is found in the short article located on Wikipedia under the listing Thomas White.

On December 16, 1773, members of the St. Andrew’s Lodge and others boarded British vessels disguised as Indians, and threw shipments of tea into the harbor to protest the Tea Act. Thomas White was among the participants.
[Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_White_(patriot)#Boston_Tea_Party]

The Green Dragon Tavern took its name from the emblem of a dragon that was mounted over the entrance. The dragon was formed from copper, and due to weathering it had turned green.

The Green Dragon Tavern was also referred to in its day as the “Freemason Arms.” Although American history books frequently make mention of the role of the Green Dragon Tavern in the formation of the nation, its Masonic ownership, and the lodge that met upstairs, is largely ignored. Daniel Webster, a leading American statesmen who lived from 1782-1852, and served as a senator for the state of Massachusetts, referred to the Green Dragon Tavern as “the headquarters of the American Revolution,” a statement that has been echoed by numerous historians.

The association with Freemasonry and the Green Dragon is not merely circumstantial. The men who met there to plan the revolution were not a random group of colonialists who found the tavern to be a convenient meeting place. These men were to a great degree Freemasons, and many of them members of St. Andrews Lodge. Among the members were John Hancock, Paul Revere, and Joseph Warren (Master of the Lodge, killed in 1775 at the Battle of Bunker Hill).

Is it not of great importance to know that the headquarters of the American Revolution was a building owned by Freemasons and in which a Masonic lodge held their meetings? Why is such an important detail not deemed pertinent to the discussion of America’s foundation? Is it not significant that Freemasonry is Luciferian in its doctrines and the symbol for Satan is a dragon?

Revelation 20:2
And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan…”

The above quote is taken from the book “Dragon Flood”. The book further goes into the history of propaganda. It lists several quotes by Edward Bernays, who is cited today to be the father of “Public Relations.” He is cited as saying:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which democratic society is organized…

Whatever attitude one chooses toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons – a trifling fraction… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.

This was written in 1928. There were hundreds of independent newspapers in that day. Today there are five main broadcasting networks in America.

In 1983, 50 corporations controlled the vast majority of all news media in the U.S. At the time, Ben Bagdikian was called “alarmist” for pointing this out in his book, The Media Monopoly. In his 4th edition, published in 1992, he wrote “in the U.S., fewer than two dozen of these extraordinary creatures own and operate 90% of the mass media” — controlling almost all of America’s newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, books, records, movies, videos, wire services and photo agencies. He predicted then that eventually this number would fall to about half a dozen companies. This was greeted with skepticism at the time. When the 6th edition of The Media Monopoly was published in 2000, the number had fallen to six. Since then, there have been more mergers and the scope has expanded to include new media like the Internet market.

In 2004, Bagdikian’s revised and expanded book, The New Media Monopoly, shows that only 5 huge corporations — Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch’s News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS) — now control most of the media industry in the U.S..
[Source: http://www.corporations.org/media/]


Joseph’s writings will always say much more, and much better, about these things than I will ever be able to. But I still do have some things to add to these words in relation to the US election results. Most particularly about the trap I now believe the American Christian Right now finds itself in. If it is a true warning of the Spirit, then I would be in error not to share it with you.

But I have taken up much space here already, so I will post the rest as Part II next week.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan



  1. Mr. Buchanan:
    I read your posting with much interest-good job-and found your writing style to be much like Mr. Herrins. I liked it.

    As a side note.
    In terms of your website migration,my Microsoft’s window’s 11 says that your website-parables.blog is “not secure”.
    Thought you’d like to know.


    • Thank you Joe. Yes it’s a very satisfying experience to write in service of the Kingdom. I also think all those written words of Joseph I’ve read over the years have rubbed off on me a little. It’s as though whenever I write for Parables, Joseph’s voice speaks through me. 🙂

      I have sorted that issue out with the ‘site security notice’. It is one of those modern mysteries of running a website. Or perhaps only websites that are contrary to the world … I don’t yet know. If you do encounter other websites with a similar security notice, as I often do now, including with my own websites, it will likely be for the same reason. Their ‘security tokens’ will have just decided to ‘switch off’, or the tokens have gotten ‘stuck’, behind the scenes. At least this is the language I am always given, without any explanation as to why, when I finally discover that there is an issue. No notice is ever given that these security licenses have stopped working for your website. Your site can end up blocked behind a security notice for weeks or months before the owner realises when some kind person lets them know …

      So I appreciate the heads up.

      It is also worth reading my latest blog post on the Parables website itself, as it contains all the images I included which for some reason were not displayed in the email that was sent out.

      I pray you are well brother.

      • Issue resolved,no more -not secure-.


        • Plus the images in the blog email I sent out are up and working now, so a productive day!

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