Dear Saints,
In the last Parables posting, Joseph and I shared some words with you concerning the New Order that the world has entered upon, particularly as it relates to the recent US Elections. In this second part, my intent is to expand on this reasoning with some impressions I have been given concerning the new President Elect, including his role in the world takeover known as the ‘Co-Vid Pandemic’, before I end with some words of caution for those saints who are in the US with their families.
Though no doubt, these dangers are already much apparent to those with eyes to see.
But forgive me for starting with such a dark introduction! I hope you are well and of good spirit. And I must confess that I feel less drawn to offer the meat of this analysis today, and more drawn to first lead into these matters by sharing some words and experiences concerning events which effected us all, the whole world, deeply, and which cannot be ignored if we are to understand where we stand today. That matter is of course the fake Co-Vid pandemic. I do not wish to write a revel down the rabbit holes of world conspiracy right now, but more an effort to witness something of those recent times with my fellow saints, and to share my heart with you on these things.
By the way there is a reason for any humour you may find in my words or tone of writing. It is not that I take any of this lightly. The very opposite is true. Humour is simply my way of maintaining morale while I walk through the shadow of the valley of death in service to our Lord. Some of Christ Yashua’s followers liked to sing joyously whenever they were in dire straights.
I simply like to smile.
The Man With The Upside Down Smile
You can always tell a great deal about a person by the company they keep and the allies who support them. Consider for instance the US President Elect’s most famous of super-wealthy supporters, Elon Musk:

Let us ask in the spirit of truth, what is the real spiritual fruit of Elon Musk’s actions in ‘buying Twitter’, rebranding it with an occult name, X, the mark of Osiris Rising, and feigning a love of truth while he pursues the transhumanism goals of the Powers and openly signals to Satanists that he is one of them?

(Elon Musk with his mother)
Another way you can tell something about a person is by how they act with their supposed enemies, at their wedding.

Or by who they invite to their political rallies to offer prayers and spiritual support to the nation in its hour of need.

(Kenneth Copeland at ‘Save America’ rally)
Or who they listen to during an orchestrated World take-over masquerading as a global medical emergency.

These last few pictures paint a thousand words in reminding us of the response to the global Co-Vid scamdemic by the controversial American President of the day. Despite being branded as a super-rebel against the Establishment, this President enabled the global Establishment’s medical tyranny of lies to unfold across America.
The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers
The New Order of today – in which Satanists high and low cavort across the screens of the Image of the Beast in open gloating over their captured populations and planet – all of this was inaugurated by the crowning victory of the ‘Corona Virus’ faked pandemic. Hence why its very name Corona means ‘crown’. At the beginning of this decade, the Powers released a white horse bearing the white-clad rider of the medical apocalypse, armed with its bow of poisonous jabs.
It was the Image of the Beast, the modern screen media, which whipped the whole world into a frenzy of captive terror in a process commonly known as Trauma-Based Mind Control, putting the world under a spell from which many, many people are still in the grips of to this hour. It was the Image of the Beast which propelled a genius diabolical fantasy into the minds of man and made them think it was all real and about to kill them, so that they even turned on their own loved ones who tried to warn them of the deceptions, and likewise turned on poor strangers in the street just trying to go about their lives during a desperate time, lone survivors refusing to be masked because they would not go along with the Dragon Flood of lies.
In the front porch of our house, we have a handmade sign on display which can be read by anyone who comes to the door. It reads: This Is A House Of Truth. Leave Any Lies At The Door.
I will not tell a lie even once, no matter if the whole world should burn.
When the Co-Vid flood of propaganda rolled up upon our doorstep, it felt like an open declaration of war.
Right from the onset of this global deception, the saints were warned by the Holy Spirit that these things were all diabolical stirrings and that we were not to become embroiled in them, indeed we were to resist the collective madness by simply not taking part in it.
Though there were others too who were not saints, yet who also saw the wicked scheming of men in these unfolding events. What these resistors largely shared, I noted, was a dedication to knowing the truth.
What I also noted about many of these people who were not saints yet were resisting the deceptions of the devil, was that they generally were not against God or the name of Jesus. They did not tend to flinch when you mentioned God to them. They had not yet fully bought into the modern anti-Christ creed where they reject all things holy. And because of their adherence to truth, and because the scamdemic shocked them partially awake, many remain even now open to the Promises and Peace of the Good News. They can still be reached.
It was for the reasons stated above that a great separation could be seen occurring at this time between those who worship the Image of the Beast and those few who follow truth instead. A great gulf emerged between these two peoples which had been invisible until then.
Amazingly, most Christians in the Churches sided with the lies of the Beast and scorned those who did not. Even their fellow believers. Time and again my words to Church-goers about our need to have a love of truth rather than a spirit of fear were met with anger and derision. Even as the Holy Spirit witnessed how evil all of these devices of the devil really were in believer’s hearts, witless Church elders bearing devil masks were gently cajoling the congregations to mask up too, and to stay 6 fix apart from each other lest they catch a cold. Here in Ireland they even consented to locking up the Churches for a while under a pre-arranged order from the State. When they were finally reopened, or partially reopened, they refrained their congregations from singing hymns.
It was the first time in my early walk that I fully grasped how far from truth the Christian Church had fallen. And how the true ecclesia of God was in no way to be found within the manmade hierarchies of Organised Religion, nor should be found there. These places had become synagogues of the devil, leading people astray from the ultimate truth of Christ and the Gospel.
Saint or not, it took courage to make a visible stand in those days against the flood. And because of this, those who did make a visible stand were like shining suns walking amongst us down here in the fearful gloom. To see a fellow resistor in the street or the shop who was likewise not wearing a mask – a satanic slave device after all – was to see with great relief another thinking human being still here in the world!
There are others still out there like me!
Ageing grandmothers and quietly dignified gentlemen overnight became my heroes.
My wife too become one of those heroes in my eyes.
The Chalice
It was my darling wife, Joanna, who was to suffer greatly at this time. Though it is a difficult story to relate I feel called to share some of the details with you, as they draw attention to one of the arms of the New Order’s victory over the earth, the medical profession. It was the medical profession which, perversely, wrought the most physical harm and death during the faked pandemic. Rather than dispelling the propaganda myths being used to terrorise the public, which many of them knew to be false, if not outright dangerous, the majority of doctors largely went along with these lies for the sake of their careers. Some even profited from the deceptions. Very few made a visible stand, though many nurses were to leave the medical industry during this period because of their conscience.
Early on during Joanna’s second pregnancy, after a nightmare experience with her first, it was found that our developing unborn child had a rare heart defect, which meant the muscle mass of her heart was growing too fast and that she was not ‘viable for life’. Our unborn child was dying from too much heart.
Because of this awful development, we were required to visit the nearest hospital a great deal during the very height of the Co-Vid madness. Of all the terrible timing.
We were still under some illusions about the medical industry and its motives, because we were still not yet leaning fully upon our Father’s understanding of this world. Though the experience of Co-Vid and hospitals at that time was to change all of that.
Here in those days, travel was being limited in every subtle way, so that even getting to the hospital was something of a challenge. Public bus services were cut to almost nothing. Even just getting onto the rare bus without wearing a mask became a revolutionary act. Sometimes the bus driver would be convinced enough by your confidence, and would say nothing as you stepped on board without a mask on your face, in contrast to the sea of masks that would then confront you. Sometimes he would have something of an attitude, and you would have to state that you were ‘exempt’ without any doubt in your voice, with perhaps a few more words of explanation concerning the legalities of the matter, and that would be enough to get you past too.
Other times though, the bus driver would be a raving lunatic, obviously hopped up on the latest frightening cycle of news, and you would be schooled by the Spirit in how to deal with such things as poor demonised bus drivers standing in the way of your pregnant wife’s hospital appointment because they are deathly afraid of catching a cold, while the rows of passengers watches on in bleak and passive silence, and the whole bus seems to groan beneath the weight of the lies.
Once onboard, if you did get onboard, you would meet the eyes of your fellow silent passengers just to show that you were not cowed by the fear propaganda, and neither should they be. The most common expression I saw in return, other than hostility, was one of simple frightened bewilderment.
It is an expression I still see in people’s faces daily.
When we would finally reach the hospital, where dying people were being refused visits from their families right unto their mortal end (for fear that they might catch a cold and die), and where a full-on pretence of quarantine procedures was very visibly in place throughout the buildings, we also were not willing to go along with the deceptions.
By that time, we also knew the medical evidence that masks were not remotely effective in this supposed crises. Worse, long-term mask wearing can cause health problems such as hypoxia, especially for pregnant women, and even brain damage. Mask wearing was a dangerous fraud, yet demented people were driving around alone in their cars wearing three of them just to be safe, because Fauci had told them so with a straight face.

This knowing the truth of the matter liberated and emboldened us yet further. Whenever I walked through the corridors of the hospital without a mask on, no-one ever bothered me at all. Perhaps sometimes I was mistaken for a doctor. Or perhaps the fixed, agonised exhaustion on my face was also a factor at play. But by that point, I was so neck-deep in warfare that nothing and no-one was going to turn me aside from doing what I felt commanded by my Father to do, which was to resist the flood of lies – and I believe this faithfulness could be seen in my manner, even to unbelievers.
Things changed when we had to start travelling to Dublin on gruelling five-hour drives to the Children’s hospital there, in order to undergo crucial scans.
Our unborn child, little Eve, had the rarest of heart defects, which meant she would not survive the pregnancy for long. Her life was not viable. For some reason, the medical experts seemed fascinated by the rarity of her condition.
In Dublin, in the maternity ward of the specialist hospital, we entered a scene like a contemporary Luciferian horror movie on Netflix.
I still vividly recall the gloomy waiting room crammed full with expectant women, not a man in sight for we were largely banned from entering hospitals by then. Every expectant mother was sitting there shoulder to shoulder in rows with all the others expectant mothers, each one of them gagged behind a mask, and each staring down upon a phone that spilled a sickly light across the obvious bulges of their bellies. Not a single one of them was speaking to their neighbour or even acknowledging their neighbour’s presence. It was not the bubbly excited feminine atmosphere of maternity waiting rooms of the past. No sense of life existed in that room at all. It felt lifeless. The fact that many of the room’s lights were off – for some unstated reason – only added to the effect. Each of these women were alone in a darkened machine that had no use for them nor their unborn children as humans.
When a few of the women looked up to see us standing there in the doorway unmasked and human, they blinked and stared, startled by the sight of us, like people gazing from a different world. And then they returned to their phones and their silence.
It was this foul place from where I was to eventually be thrown out for politely refusing to put on a mask. At first when we refused in the corridor, they escorted us to a private room where we thought we were going to be seen by a clinician attending to our scan. Instead we were ambushed by a Doctor Fauci lookalike in a medical mask, who again asked us to put on ‘our’ masks. My wife explained her circumstances. She did not wish to restrict oxygen to her unborn child by wearing a mask. It was not medically safe for her to do so, since the child was already struggling to live and … As she spoke, Joanna started to cry. She had much more on her heart just then than this nonsense with masks. The doctor listened, then he gently tried to persuade her once more to put on the mask.
At this point I lost my peace.
It was in a rather loud and shaking voice – which I wish had been much calmer – that I explained how we knew the truth of the matter, how medical studies showed that masks were ineffective and that they were a sham. I can be a persuasive fellow at times, as Joseph has testified, and when I told the doctor that since he was a professional medical clinician, he must also clearly know the truth of this too, he flat out admitted it, rather than lose face.
This fellow, this Fauci-lookalike, then explained to us how the real reason for wearing masks was to make people feel safer. My wife and I were causing people to feel unsafe by not masking up in the hospital. So would we just go along with the lie so that people might feel safer? What is the big issue anyway? Just do it this one time. Just put on the mask, and you and your wife can go for the scan you have travelled five hours for her to undergo at the hands of the country’s leading expert, so that you might see your living child in the womb for the first and possibly only time.
Just do it.
This was when they threw me out because I would not budge, and because I demanded rather loudly that this doctor get away from my wife.
After five minutes out in the street in prayer with the Good Lord I calmed down some, and went back inside anyway, because my wife and child were still in there alone. I was calm and determined enough that no one stopped me or protested. But still I politely declined to put on a mask when offered one. While my wife was finally allowed to proceed to the scanning room without a mask, I was not. So I did not get to see my little girl while she was alive.
After this, we refused any longer to travel all that way to the hospital in Dublin. We hadn’t quite reached the point of giving everything over to Yahweh, and He alone. But we knew we did not need any more scans ‘for the safety of the child and mother’. We knew our child was dying from a heart defect and no scan was going to change that fact.
And the mother’s safety? We engaged the local midwife, a kind and considerate woman, who came out for regular health checks to make sure that Joanna was doing fine.
Upon advising the doctors we would not be travelling to the Dublin hospital again for another repeat performance of the Phantom of the Opera, the local hospital changed their tune and told us we did not need to go all that for those sophisticated scans after all, we could do everything locally instead. Why this was suddenly the case now, and not before, was not explained to us.
But we politely told them we wished for no more scans. And that we wished to be left in peace and privacy while we underwent this ordeal of losing our child.
Little Eve survived and grew for many more months than the experts expected after we made this decision. They were visibly surprised that she held on for so long. Joanna cherished what time she had with her. But then one day, Joanna knew that the living child within her was gone.
The Delivery
When it came to the long drawn-out hellish experience of delivering our deceased child, we were already spent. We did not wish to return to the hospital but we did not see that we had any choice. The only safe way it seemed was to deliver the child in the local hospital. We had asked midwife after midwife in the region if they would help us do it at home, but none would even consider ‘taking the risk’. Since Joanna had already almost died delivering our first child, we were both cautious too.
The process of induced delivery involved some four days of waiting in a hospital room under partial ‘quarantine’, because we refused to be tested ‘for Co-Vid’. Under these conditions, the doctors would only appear before us, at a distance, in fully helmeted costumes right out of the movie Quarantine – as though we had the plague. We had the sense they viewed us as the crazed members of some cult. The worst nurses and doctors alike showed their displeasure at our refusal to be tested for their fantasy virus or to wear a mask, for our unwillingness to co-operate with the lies.
It was December, and little glass-boxed nativity scenes were dotted about the building, beneath all the Yoga and New Age and Flue Jab posters adorning the walls (Get Your Flu Jab Or You Might Die). Yet the baby Jesus always seemed to be missing from the manger in all of these nativity scenes. I began asking playfully where the baby Jesus had gone to? I was told it was a Catholic tradition not to include the baby Jesus in the nativity scene until Christmas day. But by that logic, I wondered, why include anyone who was there at all before Christmas day? It seemed to me another strange aspect of the spiritual war, another subtle trick to hide away the Truth of the World.
Seldom during the entire experience did many doctors really actually look at me, let alone address me, the man and father in the equation. Indeed few men were allowed into the building as visitors. I would have been excluded myself from most of the procedures and appointments had our plight not been so unusual. It was as though the medical industry was purposely excluding the man from the process, in an attempt to remove his authority over his wife and child.
After these four days leading up to the delivery, my wife was taken to the delivery room to deliver our child. Joanna describes the most agonising delivery she ever had, made even more painful than normal due to the artificial contractions caused by the drug that she had slowly been administered over the previous few days. During the agony and torment and distress of this induced delivery, the midwives tried to persuade my wife to wear a mask, even though it would have constricted her breathing.
My wife refused rather hotly! And in the midst of all this, Joanna experienced a blessing of the Father’s Presence and Love which she talks about to this day.
But the delivery did almost kill her, again.
The Homecoming

(Painting by Peter Muzyka)
When we finally returned home, fully shattered and still needing to go back for our child’s remains, we found a letter from child services informing us we had been reported to them by the hospital, for no longer attending those useless scans. The child services informed us that they had thrown out their complaint. But still, the timing of the letter shook us.
These days we no longer take part in the medical industry at all. We believe after the Co-Vid madness that it can no longer be trusted. And unless someone breaks a leg in the family, we have no plans to engage with it further. Now we lay ourselves upon the promises of Yahweh.
For many others, the Co-Vid Panic was also something of an awakening. Though the vast majority sank to the new low, and are still falling.
I should mention here that I do not mean to disparage anyone who did comply with the lies. I am not writing this in a spirit of judgement towards each other, only in an effort to share with you the experience of a few fellow saints. I fully understand why many people believed they had no choice in the matter, if they wished to remain in their job so they could provide for their family. Many others were in such a state of frightened mental confusion that they did not seem to know what they were doing. They simply went along with the flock, at a time when they were equipped to do little else. The reality of what was really occurring in those days was so tremendous that the truth was simply too impossible for them to believe, even when loved ones tried to warn them.
If you were not already armed with a love of truth by the time the flood hit, you were likely carried away by it.
In Memory Of Life

I have ended up writing much more about this personal experience of ours during Co-Vid than I had intended. So much so that I have already used up most of the space of this posting. Before I continue to the main point I wish to make, in relation to America and the President Elect, I would like to take a break with this post, and to end it here for now.
I am quite wearied by this particular writing!
My wife and I do not have a remembrance every year for our child’s passing. In a way we do not consider her to be gone. Eve is life and our little girl will somehow be with us again when all our tears will be wiped away, and all things in the New Heaven and New Earth will be of joy, righteousness and open wonder, and this previous life will be only a shadow from which we awakened into light.
After I sat here doubting whether I should post this writing as it is, and asked of the Good Lord for a sign, my wife had the opportunity to read what I had written. It was of some surprise to me, in all my present busyness, when she then gently reminded me how this weekend is the fourth anniversary of little Eve’s passing.
Therefore I would like to dedicate this short writing to the memory of our precious daughter.
For all of you who have shared a similar loss in your lives, I pray you may find some peace and comfort from these words I offer from my heart.
With love,
Colin Buchanan
Brother Colin:
Thanks to you and your wife for making the difficult but courageous decision to share your testimony about your precious daughter Eve. Your story has deeply touched and encouraged me. All praise and glory to our Father for your willingness to walk the difficult path of obedience. Also, a belated welcome to the parables blog. I am thankful that you are able and willing to pick up the baton of Josephs Herrin’s long, fruitful, and edifying ministry!!
Thank you for your kind words and welcome Mark. I’m thankful too that the Good Lord placed me where I could be of help right when it was needed.
Brother Colin,
Excellent post, although I am sure it was painful. You remind me to seek the truth no mater what and be brave to stand up to this evil while always seeking the father’s will.
Welcome! I am looking forward to your future posts.
Please list your address to use with Zelle for donations to this ministry. Thank you brother.
Thank you Mike. The donation buttons are still pointing to Joseph but I will be changing them next week, and will post the details in next week’s blog.