A Tale Of Two Nations – Part 3

by | Dec 6, 2024

Dear Saints,

It has grown very cold very quickly here in Donegal, Ireland, with another two storms hitting us this week again. Now that December has arrived, it is a good time of the year to focus on family and cosiness, cheery fires and walks through the forest behind our homestead. Though hopefully, some work will be achieved too.

In next week’s posting I intend to finally introduce myself and my family to you properly, so you can put a face to the name. For now, I still have the matter of offering some words concerning the recent US election results, and what this may mean for the saints worldwide. Though in particular, I will be focusing on the trap I believe that American Christian Conservatives now find themselves within due to their following a false leader.


In the last blog article, I highlighted some matters in relation to the fake Co-Vid pandemic, and how they were enabled in the US by the then-President and now-returning President hailed as the saviour of America.

Yet did this billionaire, this graduate of a Jesuit University in New York, save America in that hour in which we saw the takeover of the world in the guise of a fake pandemic?

When all of that horror rolled over us without warning, how did the supposedly sovereign, supposedly Christian President of the US respond to the fear-mongering and factual lies of the billionaire-funded WHO, or what I simply referred to at the time as the WOO-WHO? Did he question anything fundamental about the panic? Did he stand for the truth in Christ in that desperate hour? Did he even call for a moment of calm in which to establish the facts?

No, he did not. Instead he suggested some alternative treatments for the ‘illness’ so the corporate media had some minor controversy to distract the public with, whilst pretending his own hands were tied in the matter.

Surely though, when it came to the ultimate high tide in all of that nightmare, when it was being proposed to jab adults and children and babies alike with ‘experimental’ devil serums which somehow modified their God-given genetics for life – serums which later were widely advertised in the press, and by the makers themselves, as being rushed and untested, with one Pharmakeia company declaring how it had created its own anti-Co-Vid serum ‘over a single weekend’ – surely then was when this super-rebel-President-against-the-Swamp was to step in and make a stand, before his people toppled into an abyss? Well, no, not exactly.

What he did do, because of his great love for mankind, and in particular for his fellow American patriots, was to rush through his State-sanctioned scheme to jab the entire nation with these devil serums even faster than had already been announced by the CDC – the medical arm of the US Pentagon. So impossibly fast were these ‘emergency jabs’ to be deployed that the scheme was even given a name from the most famous science fiction show of all time, because the nation was now entering into the wildest of science fictions.

And so Americans experienced Operation Star Trek, I mean Operation Warp Speed, in which this rebel President, supposedly in open insurrection against the Establishment, paved the way for the smooth deployment of the Establishment’s plans for the crowning of their New World Order.

And the majority of the Christian Right went along with it, because either they lacked a real love of truth, or they fell in their pursuit of truth into the enemy’s deceptions during the flood of Co-Vid propaganda.

The point at issue is this. If a different President had been in power during the Co-Vid Panic, say a Democrat President like creepy-feely-Biden or the Clinton Witch, and they had tried to push those Co-Vid measures upon the American Right – masking of adults and children, social-distancing, quarantine of the heathy, restrictions to Churches and religious observances, restrictions to small businesses and the self-employed, restrictions to travel, lethal experimental jabs, lethal experimental forced jabs for the military and other government jobs, and many other breaches of the American Constitution …

The Christian Conservative Right would have revolted, as many did in Canada, or would have simply refused to comply, had it been Hilary or Biden telling them to do these things in their lives and Churches.

But because it was the Christian Right-wing hero of the hour telling them to do these things, one of their own, the whole diabolical scheme was allowed to pass. And as a result, many of the Christian Right took in the devil’s serum, along with their poor children.

Here in Ireland, while the media was depicting the medical establishment as white-clad dancing superheroes, certain doctors and nurses were being paid to persuade pregnant women to get the experimental gene-modifying Co-Vid jabs for the safety of their unborn children, even though the medical advice at the time was that unborn children had no risk from the supposed virus.

These medical professionals, who have sworn to do no harm to their patients, hounded thousands of frightened expectant mothers with emails and letters and text messages right when the fear propaganda was at its highest. Using their positions as ‘experts’, they put terror and lies into these mothers’ hearts, quite literally using their unborn children as emotional ransom to persuade them to take a highly experimental and untested new medical technology which, we now know, results in life-long damage and even death.

These ‘doctors’ and ‘nurses’ should have been reported to the police and arrested for the crimes they were committing. Instead, they were hailed as heroes and rewarded financially by the very governments who should have been prosecuting them for their harmful and medically unethical actions. For every person they persuaded to take one of those toxic jabs, one of those snake bites, these doctors and nurses were paid a specific amount of money straight into their bank accounts.

And so school children, still forced to wear masks in the classrooms, were jabbed against their wishes so their genetics were irreversibly altered. Elders in nursing homes, those who had not yet been euthanised by the deployment of lethal new sedatives – it was the early, real deaths from these new sedatives in nursing homes which were used to first ignite the Co-Vid Panic – were jabbed without ever really knowing what was going on. And of course, the majority of those in between were likewise jabbed through fear and intimidation. Though I suspect the numbers of the unjabbed are much higher than reported.

And now, following all these experimental and untested jabs, one of which was ‘created over the weekend’, the deaths in our local area are far outstripping the birth rate, with funerals happening all the time. Turbo cancers and strokes are becoming the new normal here, even in younger people. You also hear constantly of younger people suddenly experiencing strokes and heart attacks – young men having heart attacks; teenagers even! Though it isn’t only the young. It is people of all ages and from all walks of life. Countless videos online show people on live TV and sporting events simply dropping dead without warning. One minute they are upright and fine, the next instant they go down like a felled tree.

Isn’t it interesting, in line with what we have read in the Scriptures concerning the Last Days, how men have rushed to get this jab largely out of fear, and now their hearts are failing them?

Now it is too late to turn back. With the crowning victory of the Corona Virus Operation, from which most of the world’s population are now juiced on the devil’s serum – a mysterious concoction that not only harms and kills but also appears to be sending out Bluetooth wifi signals from people’s bodies – we have already arrived at the intended destination, the New Order.

And one of the chief players of the Corona Virus Operation was the rebel President of the day.


With the latest US election results, the American Christian Right find themselves perfectly set up for the next trap prepared for them by the enemies of God. I use the word trap intentionally, because that is what I see from afar, looking inwards.

The first arm of the trap closed during Operation Warp Speed, and was, as already mentioned, lead by the then-President.

The second arm of the trap was lead by that very same man. Though he was no longer the President of the day. Instead he was the rebel ex-President now without a White House.

‘January 6th’ was not an insurrection at all, but really a media hoax perpetrated against an unsuspecting Christian Right who had been worked up into making a peaceful stand against obvious election shenanigans. It was yet another arm of the trap closing upon the conservative right, since it appears to have been a set-up from the very beginning, including paid political ‘antifa’ activists pretending to be part of the crowd as they enacted the destruction of property for all to see. Worse, it appears that the ex-President was himself responsible for leading his people into the trap, while feigning his innocence. Again.

Now conservative Christians are seen by the rest of the population as dangerous revolutionaries out to overthrow the government. This mis-characterisation of Christians has been broadcast around the world, to the extent that even my step-mother, a Church of England devotee who will not normally broach any conversations concerning politics or anything else really about the world, could not contain herself at the dining table during a recent visit, and declared out-of-the-blue her hostility to those Christian Patriots in the US who had tried to violently overthrow their government.

Meanwhile, poor patriotic Grandmothers and Grandfathers are locked away in solitary confinement for wandering around the Capital buildings at the wrong time with a little US flag in their hands, not knowing they were fodder in a Psychological Operation and corporate media ambush. May the Good Lord aid them in the trials they are now going through.


When the sound of gunfire rang out around the podium upon which the now-President elect was delivering a pre-election speech, how many people knew that within moments one of the most iconic images of our time would be taken by one of the most experienced photo-journalists in his field, a photo which would depict the super-rebel ex-President raising his fist in brave defiance to his people after he ‘survived the assassin’s bullet’, and which in that instant propelled his candidacy into certain victory?

His victory was so obvious at that point that even the Democrat Party knew it, and started to throw each other under the election bus like there were no longer enough seats to go around.

Perhaps I am imagining it, but it seems that a very subtle sea-shift has been occurring since his election victory, which is not yet all that visible to the eye. The corporate media’s incessant howling and loathing of their strawman President seems to be softening a little in some quarters. A mood of inevitability almost appears to be forming in the air. Though again perhaps I am only imagining it.

Regardless, with the recent election result, the final arms of the Trap appear to be in place.

Because of their faith and hope in their false leader, many conservatives have been tricked into taking the serum of the devil, while others have been framed into looking like violent fanatics. At recent Presidential election rallies, jokes which were in fact pseudo-racist – at least to any liberal who would later see them in video clips – were allowed to be told by comedian speakers, under the guise of freedom of humour. These pseudo-racist jokes at a Christian Conservative Presidential rally, which of course included many people who were not white, became the media frenzy of that day. Once again, the Christian Right was mischaracterised by the actions of its own leaders and influencers to the rest of the nation, and world.

Two important factors can be noted about the present situation. 1) The Christian Conservatives have been corralled together publicly and visibly under the flag of their charismatic leader. 2) They have been used to mischaracterise all Bible-faithful Christians as intolerant, racist misogynists who are willing to violently overthrow government.

In fact, to a certain segment of the population, to the particularly liberal woke segment who oppose the Right, these conservative Bible-believing Christians represent everything they hate and despise most of all.

These woke liberals have been worked up into a frenzy of hysteria against this false representation of who Conservative Christians actually are. The more hardcore members of the woke population are now talking openly of burning everything to the ground. Or killing people who voted for the wrong Presidential Candidate. Or of getting serially pregnant simply so they can murder-abort the resulting children of men …

Getting even is the spirit of their hearts.

These people, driven mentally and morally deranged by the Image of the Beast they so devoutly worship, are supported in their perversions of God’s reality by the liberal ‘Christian Church’, which is already an arm of the One World Religion multifaith. They truly do believe that Bible-following Christian Conservatives are the epitome of all that is evil in their worlds. Indeed, with their ‘intolerance and hatred and racism’ they are holding the world back from its destiny with a rainbow-coloured utopia of make-believe, in which all will be bubbles and joy.

This, by the way, is the traditional position held by Witches and occultists for centuries, and can be found in the writings of modern occultists like Alice Bailey: true Christians are holding the world back from progressing, from evolving, into the Golden Age, and need to be removed from society like a cancer for the good of everyone else.

When you see the murderous rage in some of these woke fanatics, when you watch videos of them violently attacking street preachers and anti-abortionists, you realise that without any law or consequences, they would be murdering their victims right there in the streets. Some of these people would be rejoicing in righteous glee as they ate out a Christian’s heart.

So where is all this heading? Why have these dynamics been so carefully and subtly laid into place? Why brainwash a segment of the population into becoming violent extremists bent on revenge, if they are not to be deployed as the weapons they already are?

Perhaps it is enough that they are already agents of chaos within our communities, fracturing families with their intolerance of contrary opinions, their anti-white racism, and their hatred of real men and women. The final fracturing of society is certainly fast underway.

But whenever I consider how these things are all reflections of the spiritual war, and so try to discern them spiritually, the impression arises that there is still much more to unfold from these dark seeds.


Let us first state the obvious here. The most deranged of these people are women. Or men who think they are women. Or men who are so emasculated they may as well be women. Women and feminised men who have usurped the God-given roles of authority and now stand proudly upon their own understanding.

It is no coincidence that the influencers of this crowd all appear to be Witches and Satanists. And that an undercurrent of witchcraft appears to run beneath the entire woke and global warming movements.

Witchy Woke Women are now the goddesses of the media and much of the world. Almost overnight they have been vaulted into positions of leadership throughout our societies and institutions and businesses, without any experience or qualifications beyond the ability to address an audience and spin the facts as a woke influencer. Often they are shown visibly leading men and men in uniform. It is difficult not to view these women, each time I see one and discern her spirit, as simply another Witch in the gang being awarded for her faithfulness to the devil.

Yes, woke women are now goddesses, supposedly, yet the champions of this rise of the woke woman cannot even tell you what a woman is.

And the only Women’s Rights they are ever interested in seems to be the ‘right’ to murder their own unborn children in the womb, and for the right of their daughters to murder their unborn grandchildren in the womb, alongside the ‘right’ to ‘sleep’ with whatever gender they wish to. They are never interested in any other women’s rights, like the right for a mother to stay at home to care for her children and husband, or the right of a mother not to have her child taken away from her because she disagrees with transgender ideology.

Only those rights which correspond with witchcraft are being promoted.

This is why LGBT is promoted like a religious requirement of the woke faith. In case you are happily unaware of the fact, real female witches are lesbians as a rule, though not exclusively, while male witches are homosexuals, though also not exclusively. Generally they will have intercourse with anything, but they lean towards their own gender. And they lean towards the young.

This is why those frightening hardcore trannies you see grooming children at ‘Story Playtimes’, and leading the way into women’s and girl’s bathrooms, are the most dedicated and frontline of Satanists. In fact they are operatives set upon a mission.

In the same manner, the issue of abortion is another pillar of the woke faith. And abortion, historically – though you will not find this spoken of almost anywhere now – was a practice traditionally carried out by witches, by the ‘women of the crossroads’, by the women of ‘the roadside dyke’. And this was largely because witches were often the prostitutes and ‘madames’ and suppliers of children of the day. And so they became adept at homemade measures for birth control, including physical abortions and poisons to kill the unwanted unborn.

Even deeper than those necessities, infant sacrifice was and still is very much a core ritual of their satanic beliefs. This is why you find Hilary the Witch sending emails about ‘worshipping Molech’. This is why so many Satanists are found in the frontlines of the abortion battle.

Returning to the general woke crowd of the hysterical left, their unhinged behaviour cannot be explained purely as the result of a media frenzy.

I suspect, unfortunately, that these intentionally freakish-looking people have all been broken in some way at an early age. Just as all real witches have likewise been broken from an early age, before they even had a say in the matter.

Forgive me again for having to raise another unpleasant subject here. Some things in this world are shameful even to talk about. Yet I believe this is something that needs to be stated:

It has certainly been my own experience that every person that has ever spoken with me about their homosexuality, male or female, has confessed to some form of early sexual abuse, often at the hands of a relative, even a father. Sometimes it was simply a friend of the family, or a teacher, or a stranger. In others words the predators can be anything.

The lesbians who I have spoken with over the years, all had horrifying experiences at the hands of men. Though the homosexual men are more reluctant to admit to such experiences. There is more shame involved for men. Yet time and again they would eventually disclose some terrible story. For those homosexuals who do not recall any such experiences, I believe many likely do not remember the abuse, since many more victims of abuse forget these traumas rather than hold onto them in their frontal memory.

Though again, this is only from personal observation. Whatever the true reason, somehow the demonic spirit of homosexuality has been placed into these unfortunate people at an early age.

For I believe that such behaviour as homosexuality does not simply arise from God, even if the media would have us think otherwise. In the fallen human being, this behaviour is generated by the forces of evil by acts of evil. That is why there is a massive wave of young people now flying the LGBT flag. It is not only that the culture is brainwashing them every way it can to be this way. Before this current offensive even began, massive levels of child abuse were already producing generations of children bent into the perverse androgyne of the devil.

It is for the specific purpose of creating a wave of open homosexuality, that increasingly massive levels of child sexual abuse have been a deliberate policy all along; a deliberate technique for modifying and creating patterns of human behaviour which pervert the image of God.

This is one of many reasons why I find the Pride Parades to be so distressing, knowing that these men and women are celebrating the very abuse which they suffered as children, at the hands of monsters who robbed them of their lives for the sake of the perverts’ own immediate gratification. These broken men and women are celebrating their own destruction as children at the hands of the devil, and encouraging the further corruption of children.

Perhaps, like many open Satanists, much of this angry woke crowd are simply getting their own back against a world that destroyed them before their lives had really even begun. Hence why they hate Yahweh and His children so much, even to the point of denying Him. Because they have been tricked into blaming their Creator for what they had to endure.

Such people deserve our compassion and ministry, not the laughter and mockery of much of the right-wing alt-media. This is not a circus freakshow to be enjoyed at leisure. To watch the breakdowns of woke people on internet videos is to watch people who are clearly mentally ill. I do not mean that to be offensive in any way. These people are obviously ill, and need tending to as all sick people do. They are the most damaged and lost of us all. They need the Good News, not our laughter.

I find this fact to be a useful one to remember whenever I struggle, as I sometimes do, to pray fully and whole-heartedly for the redemption of these poor corrupted souls.

It is wise, too, to pray for their deliverance, for they are clearly under the influence of the demonic. For it is the perverted feminine nature of Jezebel, in both women and men, that which presumes the authority of real man and our Creator, which most openly tears and screams at the traditional order of things today.

The spirit of Jezebel demands and expects to be given everything she desires, and stops at nothing in ensuring her will is met with submission. For years there has been a stream of this spirit running through many of America’s households. From afar, from a different country looking inwards, this has been dubbed by some commentators – or at least by myself when I still watched telly back in the day – as American Housewife Syndrome. Portrayed so positively across the media, this self-empowered American housewife always expects to have her way and her say in all matters, always expects to be treated to the very finest of possessions, and has a heart hovering always over the divorce button lest her desires and standards not be met for an instant. Lord help the husband who is insensitive enough to her needs to lose his job!

It is a spirit which has been imbued into real lives entirely through the examples presented by the media. And now this Jezebel spirit has spread and found its fullest expression within that movement known as Pride, or LGBT. These ‘self-empowered’ people also expect to get everything their own way, or they scream and fling themselves about demonically until they get it.

How dare we not submit to their innermost fictions of gender identity? How dare we stand in their way of killing their unborn babies so they may continue living as whores?

They are like a horde of gaggling, maddened blue-haired witches rising out of the sea to castrate and murder and spew forth the lies of their Father. And they have betrayed a spirit of violence right out in public time and time again, which now, with the recent election result, appears to be reaching some kind of high-pitched crescendo. As already noted, if it were not for the law, it seems obvious that some of them would be outright killing strangers in the streets by now.


I grew up in a civil war here in the north of Ireland, where people really were beating and shooting other people dead over their cultural differences.

More than 3000 died during the 30 years of The Troubles in Northern Ireland, which, amongst other things never spoken of about ‘the Troubles’, was in reality a Masonic/Jesuit dialectic laboratory for the study of the use of domestic terrorism against a captive population. For all that time, with the bombings and shootings and kidnappings and daily terror on the news, two camps of people hated and despised each other as much as any group ever could.

Yet never once in all those years did I witness people getting on like these woke neurotics now – with such deranged and murderous frothing-at-the-mouth hatred as to appear entirely unhinged. This is something far beyond the normal. Even the normal of a low-scale 30-year civil war where people really were killing each other over their differences.

It is impossible for me to convey, at least in a short amount of words, how much the hatred flowed in this small province of Ulster during those years, and how weird the ordinary daily lives of people became because of it. Instead I will simply offer a small collection of photos for you to look at. These things may be just around the corner for America too.


Now that the Christian Right have been corralled so effectively by the media away from the rest of the population, dividing the country into two opposing camps, will we now see a wave of ‘domestic terrorism’ aimed at Christian Conservatives and their families? All of it blamed on lunatic lone wokesters with blue hair and overly-large glasses or solo tranny fanatics?

Or could it become even larger than that? ‘Christian Conservative freedom fighters’ fighting back against these aggressions, whilst in reality being actors of the State?

Will domestic terrorism be used, as it was in Northern Ireland and other places, to physically get rid of the real undesirables in society? In this case, the truly born-again saints?

And in response, much like post-9/11, will the residing Administration then enact new laws which further curtail liberties and the Constitution? Do they then become the ‘Christian Right Dictatorship’ which the liberals have been bleating about for years now? A Dictatorship which will actually be part of the New World Order?

It is impossible to say without some form of revelation.

Meanwhile, the Image of the Beast continues to tell us how politicians and politics will save us, even after all these decades of non-ending let-downs and betrayals by the politicians we elect. Yet has a single one of them in modern times ever truly stopped the progression of the New Order? When the latest round of politicos and hopey-changey artists assume power in the White House, will they really reverse the invasion of millions of illegal immigrants, for instance? Or will it only appear to be done so, while in reality the vast majority of illegals remain within US borders as a horde of locusts with the faces of men, there to torment and plunder in the land of the free-for-all?

Will anything fundamental truly change?

Or will it all ultimately lead to failure and the revenge of the enraged and desperate woke population, so that many of the Christian Right find themselves rounded up and ‘separated’ from the rest of society for the sake of people’s safety?


These possibilities suggest a path of caution for the saints right now, a path of separation from the fallen church.

Yet as important as these considerations are, they still remain secondary to the next point I wish to make. Which is that this billionaire political leader, and his movement, are visibly bearing the banner of Christ.

Everything this man and his people do are a reflection of true Christians around the world and the Gospel they preach.

Is that not a sobering realisation? Is it not more sobering even than the fact that he will have his hands on the Nuclear Button, that he already holds, in his hands, the Image of Christ?

So far, this possession of the Image of Christ has enabled the media to paint Christians around the world as bigots and worse. And this has simply been the lead up to the main event.

What will the main event be?

How far will they drag Christ Yashua’s and His Father’s name and character through the mud? Until Yahweh is openly cast into the role of the devil, and the anti-Christ into the role of the world’s saviour?


(The rebel-President when he was much younger, on the right of the picture)

As readers will no doubt have noted by now, with perhaps a little scratching of the head, I have not mentioned the President Elect’s name even once in all of this article. It is not because I cannot spell it.

It is a difficult thing to explain.

I must confess that I have no personal animosity towards this man, beyond his unsavoury character. I understand why so many people follow him, and I do not recoil in programmed horror as so many others do whenever they see him.

I say this, because ever since I first laid eyes on that iconic photo taken after the supposed assassination attempt on his life, in which he rises up in fist-pumping defiance against the backdrop of an American flag, something in my spirit very severely recoiled from what I was seeing.

For a moment I saw something of the beloved John’s Revelation in that image.

I saw something dark and foretold by prophecy unfolding into the world.

And ever since witnessing that image, I cannot seem to say his name.

I cannot any longer abide having his name in my mouth!


The Book of Revelation by the Beloved Apostle John tells us very clearly what is happening and what is still to happen. It does not say anywhere that a politician will save us from tribulation in the last days. It does not say our nations will be restored before the end. Revelation tells us how things will continue to worsen – worse than the whole history of man – until the victorious return of our King, Christ Yashua.

And the Revelation of John tells us to beware of false leaders and prophets and Christs and even anti-Christs, for deception will be everywhere in the last days, and all will be blinded but those who have a love of God and truth.

Things are not getting better, not even in America, despite what the Image of the Beast would have us believe with its dark light occluding the truths of this world. The world falls faster than ever before into the arms of the Adversary, and no politician is going to stop that fall, or even slow it down. No politician can save us nor our nations.

Only a whole-hearted return to Yahweh’s will through His Beloved Son Jesus Christ can save us.


Who am to say any of this to you, Joseph’s fellow readers and supporters? Well of course I’m no-one. I’m a name on your web browser and little more. And I have no right nor wish to impart anything to you unless it be inspired of the Holy Spirit.

So next week I intend to finally introduce myself properly with something of a personal Testimony, written in the most spirited way that I can, along with some thoughts for carrying Joseph’s ministry forwards from here. I hope you will join me then.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan



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