America Has Voted

by | Nov 7, 2012

Joseph Herrin (11-07-2012)

If you understood and accepted those things I recently shared in the series titled Dragon Flood (Link), you will agree that it didn’t matter whether Obama or Romney were elected to the top political office in the nation. Both men were picked by the hidden hand that guides this nation. They are both servants of the same masters.

Two Heads, Same Beast

As I perused the news coverage online this morning I encountered numerous pictures of Democrats rejoicing with extreme jubilation because Barack Obama had been re-elected to another four year term. There were also photos throughout the main news portals showing Republican supporters of Mitt Romney with expressions of great disappointment and sorrow. Some were even weeping.

Both responses reveal the success of Satan’s deception. He has convinced the majority of Americans that their vote actually makes a difference, that the nation’s course would have been better, or worse, depending on who got elected. Truly, the whole earth lies in the power of the evil one, the great deceiver who deceives the whole world (Revelation 12:9). The truth is, a vote for Barack Obama is a vote for Luciferian government, and a vote for Mitt Romney is a vote for Luciferian government.

In the series Dragon Flood it was shown that America was founded by men under the inspiration of Lucifer. They were predominantly Freemasons. The Headquarters of the American Revolution was the Green Dragon Tavern in Boston, owned by Freemasons. A Masonic lodge occupied the upper story of this building. The men who planned and carried out The Boston Tea Party were members of St. Andrew’s Lodge of Freemasonry which met at the Green Dragon.

It was shown that every government building in Washington, D.C. was initiated with a Masonic cornerstone laying ceremony. This involved in every instance as far back as George Washington the offering of corn, oil, and wine, following the pattern of the Baal offerings of the Old Testament.

Hosea 2:8
For she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal.

The capitol of the Nation, Washington, D.C., was laid out according to occult designs by Freemasons. The White House, the home of the President, is located with specific design to show forth the Luciferian control of the nation and the influence of Freemasonry as its guiding light.

Washington, D.C. Occult Street Plan

Note that the bottom point of the pentagram rests upon the White House. Thirteen blocks above the White House is the House of the Temple, the headquarters of Freemasonry in all of North America. When one sees that this is actually a representation of Satan as Baphomet, they can discern the darkness of the governmental system in America.

Baphomet/Goathead of Mendes

This symbol of Satan found on a tarot card is laid out in the street plans of the nation’s capitol. Note that the bottom point of the pentagram rests upon the head of the beast. This symbolizes the mind of Lucifer, and in Washington, D.C. this point is fixed directly upon the White House. The flame above the head of the goat corresponds to the House of the Temple. It symbolizes that the esoteric teachings of Freemasonry serve as the light of America.

I have had correspondence with Christians in recent days about the election. One brother mentioned hearing a sermon by pastor David Jeremiah where he urged all Christians in America to vote. It was clear from his message that Mitt Romney was the best choice for American Christians. It was suggested in this minister’s message that Christians would be sinning if they did not vote.

Matthew 24:24-25
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before.

The word “Christ” means “anointed one.” A prophet is one who purports to speak for God. In suggesting that Romney was God’s man for America, Christians are declaring him to be God’s anointed. If it is God’s will to vote for this man, and it is a sin to fail to do so, then this must be God’s anointed.

Deception truly abounds in the church today. The eyes of the people of God have grown dim. They have become spiritually blind. They believe a vote for Satan is actually a vote for Christ. How is it that Christians have not considered that this man they were supporting is an adherent of a false religion? Mitt Romney is a Mormon, a religion that has adopted a false and lying book as equal to Scripture. Indeed, the Book of Mormon supersedes the Bible among Mormon’s for all that is in the Bible is interpreted through the filter of the Book of Mormon.

Have Christians not considered the origin of Mormonism, that it began in Masonic Lodges called Mormon Lodges, and that most of the founders of this false religion were Freemasons?

The Mormon undergarments worn by Joseph Smith bear the symbols of the compass and the square over the breasts. These are Masonic symbols. Mitt Romney, as all faithful Temple Mormons, wears similar undergarments today. The Mormon religion originated in Nauvoo, Illinois where it met in Masonic Lodges. Today there is a Mormon Temple in Nauvoo. Its facade is decorated with numerous pentagrams.

Nauvoo Temple Pentagrams

Note especially the inverted pentagram set in a round window. All occultists recognize this as a symbol of Satanic worship.

Sigil of Baphomet


Despite the assertions of those who claim that Mormon’s worship the Christ of the Bible, this saying is false. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, as Mormonism is called, teaches a false image of Christ. It asserts that Lucifer and Jesus were brothers. It teaches that Yahweh is a procreating God (He has sex and produces offspring carnally). Salvation is achieved much as it is in the teachings of Freemasonry. As men grow in the knowledge of the mysteries of Mormonisn/Freemasonry, they ascend closer to a state of godhood. The Temple Mormon’s are initiated even as are Freemasons. They share a great commonality.

The Nauvoo Temple is not the only Mormon building with Luciferian/Masonic symbols. The Mormon Tabernacle in Salt lake City is adorned with the same.

All Seeing Eye on East and West Entries to Mormon Tabernacle

All Seeing Eye with Masonic Handshake

Pentagram Inside Circle on Salt Lake City Tabernacle

I am sure Mitt Romney would have been right at home in the White House, for he has spent much time in buildings marked by the inverted pentagram. The Mormon religion is as false as the Muslim faith that Barack Obama adheres to. Lucifer is the author of both. No matter what man had been elected, the same Satanic policies would have been carried forth. Barack Obama has been a champion of homosexuality. He has been a supporter of abortion without restrictions. He has promoted that which is abominable in the sight of God, and nothing would have changed under the Presidency of Mitt Romney.

In 2003 Mitt Romney was governor of Massachusetts. That same year gay marriage was approved by the Massachusetts Supreme Court. Despite having a self-professed pro-life, pro-family governor, gay marriage became the law of the land under Romney’s governorship. This is how Satan operates. He raises up men who profess to stand for that which is moral and right, but these men appear to be thwarted in their desire to promote morality.

For four years during the Presidency of George W. Bush, in the years 2003-2007, the Presidency was in the hands of the Republicans, and both the Senate and the House of Representatives had a Republican majority. Yet, nothing changed policy wise. Abortion continued to be available in all the land. The murder of the unborn proceeded unabated. The Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, permitting homosexuals to serve in the military, was not challenged. States, such as Massachusetts began to embrace gay marriage. An unbiased reflection of actual events reveals that the immoral policies of America’s government are not hindered in years that Republicans are in office. Whether Democrats or Republicans are in the majority, the degeneracy of America continues to advance, while righteousness is further trampled.

Yesterday, election day in America, two states, Washington and Colorado, voted to make recreational use of marijuana legal. Four states had legislation favorable to gay marriage pass. In Maryland proponents of gay marriage had been defeated 32 times prior to the vote yesterday. Wisconsin elected the first female from their state to serve in the Senate, and she is also the first openly lesbian member to be elected to the U.S. Senate.

The trend in America is toward decadence. The nation is in moral, spiritual, political and economic decline. The majority have voted. The majority are celebrating their victories. Watch the crowd celebrating as Tammy Baldwin, the new Senator from Wisconsin, boasts of her victory. She begins by stating “The voice of the people has been heard.”

The words of Tammy Baldwin are typical of the hour. They are words of deceit. She says she will fight for the family, yet she is in favor of the murder of the unborn. She says she will fight for the family, but she has abandoned the role of the woman as wife and mother. She has even abandoned the natural function of the woman, and has embraced that which is unnatural and contrary to the righteousness of God. She seeks to rule over men, and the world applauds. How different are the judgments of man and Yahweh!

Isaiah 3:11-12
Woe unto the wicked! it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. As for my people, youths are their oppressors, and women rule over them.

In the video above the citizens of America are celebrating unrighteousness. The loudest applause is not found when the economy is mentioned, nor protecting senior citizen’s retirement, or the rights of returning soldiers. The most enthusiastic response comes when it is mentioned that a woman will now rule over the people of the state, and that this woman is a homosexual.

Isaiah 5:20-24
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!… Therefore, as a tongue of fire consumes stubble and dry grass collapses into the flame, so their root will become like rot and their blossom blow away as dust; For they have rejected the law of Yahweh of hosts and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

America has voted. She has chosen abominations. In an hour when the country is in great economic decline; when millions are out of work and have exhausted all unemployment benefits; at a time when 46 million Americans are receiving food stamps and 49 percent of Americans live in households that receive some form of government benefits, the citizens of the nation have shown no regard for God. There is no turning away from sin, but rather a continual celebration of all that Yahweh has declared unrighteous. Yahweh has judged nations that have embraced abominations. Judgment even now stands at the door of America.

Please read the following words carefully. They are words for America. They are words for the hour that is now at hand. America has voted and God will recompense her for her actions.

Ezekiel 7:4-9
“For My eye will have no pity on you, nor will I spare you, but I will bring your ways upon you, and your abominations will be among you; then you will know that I am Yahweh! Thus says Yahweh God, ‘A disaster, unique disaster, behold it is coming! An end is coming; the end has come! It has awakened against you; behold, it has come! Your doom has come to you, O inhabitant of the land. The time has come, the day is near – tumult rather than joyful shouting on the mountains. Now I will shortly pour out My wrath on you and spend My anger against you; judge you according to your ways and bring on you all your abominations. My eye will show no pity nor will I spare. I will repay you according to your ways, while your abominations are in your midst; then you will know that I, Yahweh, do the smiting.’”

As disciples of Christ, the Christian is a citizen of a heavenly kingdom. The Bible describes the elect of God as “aliens and strangers” in this earth. The saints should not have a terrestrial concept of their identity, nor a nationalistic point of view. Those who have advocated that the Christian should vote, even if their vote is for the “lesser of two evils,” have not comprehended the mind of Christ. A vote for evil is a vote for evil.

I have shared with a number of saints the admonition of the apostle Paul. He declared:

I Timothy 5:22
Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.

The laying on of hands was a sign of endorsement. Laying hands on someone was to give them a vote of confidence. Voting today is similarly a form of endorsement. When a Christian casts a ballot for a wicked man, the sins that man commits become their sins. They become sharers in the responsibility for the actions he takes. The counsel of Paul is to “keep yourself free from sin.” Do not be hasty to “lay hands upon anyone.”

In an hour of great darkness where liars abound and the emissaries of Satan masquerade as ministers of light, the Christian needs to show great caution in identifying with others. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. Come out from among them and be separate. Keep yourself free from sin.

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Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. I was looking forward to reading your asessment of the voting situation. My flesh vacilates between feeling hopeless that the country I live in and its people are in for a mighty storm at the hand of God, and yet a spiritual understanding and peace that God is sovereign, and merciful and gracious to those who submit to his authority. Such a harsh word, authority, but paradoxically with Christ it is submission with a benefit of peace, joy and love being filled inside oneself.

  2. Bro. Herrin:
    In previous posts, you pictured 2 fallen Miss Americas attired in evening gowns.
    Now, this beautiful country, clothed in it's ease/"wealth", has elected one man TWICE to be her president.
    Any correlation? Perhaps you've already covered this and I missed it?

  3. "The words of Tammy Baldwin are typical of the hour. They are words of deceit. She says she will fight for the family, yet she is in favor of the murder of the unborn. She says she will fight for the family, but she has abandoned the role of the woman as wife and mother. She has even abandoned the natural function of the woman, and has embraced that which is unnatural and contrary to the righteousness of God. She seeks to rule over men, and the world applauds."

    she and her goddess-nation have usurped the rule of God, and the rule of men, and thrown off the restraints of both, in favor of empowerment and "liberty"

    "Tammy" suggests, by extension, the corrupt NY City government of Tammany Hall

    "Baldwin" suggests Baal, and as she is victorious in election by The Almighty People, she is Baal-win, ie, Baldwin = Baal-did-win

    as you report, Tammy Baldwin very much is representative of America's rebellion — particularaly feminist rebellion — against the LORD

    "The most enthusiastic response comes when it is mentioned that a woman will now rule over the people of the state, and that this woman is a homosexual."

    yes, they are telling God that they will undo his will, and that he can do nothing about it, as they glory in female supremacism

    "I have had correspondence with Christians in recent days about the election. One brother mentioned hearing a sermon by pastor David Jeremiah where he urged all Christians in America to vote. It was clear from his message that Mitt Romney was the best choice for American Christians. It was suggested in this minister’s message that Christians would be sinning if they did not vote."

    like most western "churches" the moody bible institute, which david jeremiah is affilliated with, preaches both subtle and overt messages of collusion with babylon, which unfortunaltely pollute their biblical messages

    these organizations largely target female audiences and female tithers, and inject the political, legal, and social agendas of babylon into their "teachings"

    thank you for this article joseph, it is bitter medicine, but necessary medicine nonetheless


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