BibleWorks 10

by | Jan 16, 2017

Joseph Herrin (01-16-2017)

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I got my Bible software last week. Due to my printing prisoner newsletters I was not able to spend any time this weekend with it. I did have a brother named George come over and help me with newsletters on Sunday. He greatly sped up the folding, labeling and affixing of postage to the newsletters. An extra pair of hands is a tremendous help when it comes to the mailing of the Parables Bookshelf Newsletters. Saturday I printed out the newsletters. It takes about 8-9 hours of steady printing to get all of them printed and stapled.

I am now checking out my new software program and seeing how it works. It seems like an impressive program, and it should be for the price. The base program cost $389. I had looked first on Ebay, but the only program ($250) ended up being unregisterable. This was a problem because you need the registration to be able to add other programs to BibleWorks 10. I suspect I will need some more programs with it, but I am checking it out first.

I have used PC Study Bible for my Scripture studies for the past 20 years. I have 16 translations in it, including a few not available in BibleWorks, including the World English Bible. The World English Bible is a translation based on the American Standard Version of 1901 that substitutes Yahweh for Lord and God in the Old Testament. It doesn’t, however, have any of the other added changes that the original translators missed. I have been using this translation recently, and occasionally make changes to it. When I begin translating I plan on having two monitors on my desk, one showing BibleWorks and the other PC Study Bible.

BibleWorks has many tools that are head and shoulders above PC Study Bible. They are both good programs, but BibleWorks has been designed more for the challenges of Bible translation. One need only look at the numerous tabs on the right hand side, or the number of additional tools at the top of the page to see this. It really does take some getting used to, and I anticipate going through the YouTube “How To” videos which are very extensive.

BibleWorks 10

I have found that the BibleWorks program has Strong’s numbers for NAS and NKJV Bibles. I am sure there are more also, but Strong’s isn’t the only Hebrew and Greek word study tool, nor is it the best one. Following are a few more Hebrew tools with the program.

As you can see, it will require a good bit of study to become proficient with this program. Yet what kind of editor does the program have to include one’s own translation. This is not hard to figure out.

You can do text editing and make it match any Bible translation that is in the program. In other words, you can create a translation that synchs up with the other Scriptures.

I wanted to share my progress. I know some people are very interested in seeing the process for creating a new Bible translation. Of course, much of my work has been done in the former 55 years of life. The task is to make those lessons plain so that any person reading the Scriptures can find them. I wish to do it in such a way that anyone reading the Scriptures can see what they really say. 

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Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


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