Circe – Church – Harlot

by | Dec 14, 2024

Dear Saints,

Another storm struck us last week on Tuesday 6th December, straight after the two in the previous week. While the house is holding up well to this endless barrage of winds, a few outside polytunnels and structures are not. Repairs have needed to be done to save what can be saved. Storms are normal here next to the Atlantic but never in this number and severity, and never from the late summer onwards. The weather in Ireland is now so unusual and challenging to the growing of food that it is hard not to see it as a deliberate attack upon the country’s food supply – especially when the spraying continues overhead daily, and you can see the manmade artificiality of the weather with your own eyes.

I mention this because – as an organic grower – it is a topic I am personally keen to share at some later point in relation to these Last Days, in the hope of gaining some feedback from fellow saints about their own situation wherever they are. In the north of Ireland here we rarely see the clear skies any longer for the amount of artificial cloud cover. In a very real way, the skies have been darkened. I can testify myself as a grower and life-long lover of the skies, that we are now experiencing 30-50% less light than normal. Those with experience of solar power are reporting the same noticeable reduction. And yet I literally know of no-one else who has even noticed that there is less light in our everyday lives. This is why I would bring the matter out into the open.

But as I said that is another issue for now, and I must resist from going off on a tangent.

What was most interesting about Tuesday’s storm was that Tuesday the sixth of December is a traditional Catholic holy day here in parts of Europe, in which people commemorate the historical figure of ‘Saint Nicholas’, who was the Catholic Saint known for giving out gifts to children during the holiday period. This is the saint most used by the modern, Babylonian, candy-striped ‘cult of Christmas’ to legitimise itself with a wrapping of tradition. However, many European Catholics still commemorate the giving of gifts to their children on December sixth because of this day, while largely ignoring the flood of Americanised pop-culture which gave us both our modernised ‘Christmas Day’ along with the yearly children’s worship of The Day Of The Dead, or Halloween.

On Tuesday 6th December, when many Catholics here were giving gifts to their children in honour of a Catholic Saint, the gales which hit Ireland were predicted to reach speeds of up to 66 mph, with temperatures expected to plummet to as low as 6 degrees.

I found these details most ironic, considering how I had just recently posted about the intentional deployment of this number in Ireland everywhere that you now look.

The Meanings of Names

What was also interesting, for myself at least, was that Nicholas, the Saint who is remembered on that day, is also MY NAME.

My full name being Colin Nicholas Buchanan.

When I was first born again, I was lead by the Spirit into looking into what my names actually mean. It was a surprise to find that my middle name, Nicholas, was derived from the same Saint I have already mentioned above, and that my first name, Colin, is also partly derived from Nicholas, and partly derived from Columba, the Irish saint and missionary. This was even more surprising because I had just moved across country, without knowing it, to the very place where Columba had been born, here in Donegal. I also discovered that even my surname, Buchanan, means an isle with an old abbey or church upon it.

My family are not Catholic, so why they named me Nicholas twice, in a roundabout fashion, I am not certain.

But yes, it was of some interest to me that this diabolically-numbered storm was hitting on that day of all days, and wreaked such destruction around the house while we were forced to harbour safely inside, relying upon our Father’s protection for the trees not to come down on our heads.

And when your own name is connected to that particular day, twice, it is hard not to take such things a little personally.

The Bug

My wife has noticed that sickness often follows these storms in our local community. We do not know why this is, if not merely some strange coincidence.

This time it was our own family who was struck with an illness after the storm had passed, a stomach bug which caused much sleeplessness and rushing about with basins.

So last week was largely wiped out in terms of doing any real desk work. Though I did accomplish a little before the worst of it hit us.

The Updated Parables Website

On Tuesday night, during the height of the gusts and just before we lost power, I was able to update the website with some new thumbnail graphics, which I think restore the older more graphical look of the website’s post listings. The graphics also add a little more detail concerning the topic of each posting, which I hope will make them even more accessible to newer readers. Check out the updated Parables site if you have a moment.

The Joseph Herrin Archives

Joseph’s entire archive of works has now been fully secured and backed-up here in Donegal. It was quite a remarkable thing to watch a folder on my hard-drive filling up with the entire body of Joseph’s vital works as they were transferred across the Atlantic via the Internet, including all his PDFs and audio files.

I already have most of Joseph’s books and articles on my Kindle. Yet I was astounded at how many hundreds and hundreds of files were filling up the incoming folder during the transfer, each file representing days and weeks and months of labour and prayerful study. it took over an hour to transfer the entire collection of files over. I sipped tea while an earlier gale howled outside and watched the files coming in one after the other. It was utterly astounding to see all in one location the sheer volume of work that Joseph has published over these 25 years! It made me think of the following picture:

What a massive resource of teaching he has created for the saints in this time.

Over the next few days I will make sure to backup this archive of Joseph’s work off-site as well!

From this archive, I would like to offer an Archive Search Feature in the near future, being a more personal form of the online search box available on the website. It any reader wishes to find a particular theme of Joseph’s teachings across his many books and articles, my dear wife has volunteered to undertake searches throughout Joseph’s archives for this purpose. Hopefully, we may also be able to use this as a way of compiling an INDEX of Joseph’s writings with a focus upon his major teaching themes.

Posting Joseph’s Writings

Since I am now a week behind my intended schedule, I have had to re-evaluate my postings over the holiday period. I am planning on taking a break from the internet over the last few weeks of December in order to spend some much-needed catchup time with my family. I had intended on auto-posting my introductory post, really a Testimony, in two parts over this period, but I will not be doing that now. Instead I will introduce myself properly in the New Year.

Yes, I know, this must be about the fourth time I have said I am going to introduce myself properly in my next posting!

I cannot explain the delay, other than this is how I have been lead to do things by the Holy Spirit. Ever since assuming Joseph’s ministry, the Spirit has been testifying to me that there is a ‘proper‘ way of doing things in terms of honouring Joseph’s retirement and carrying his ministry forwards from here, and has instructed me on how each of these things should be handled and when. Often this has involved me laying aside my own personal ideas. So it would seem the Father would have me offer a proper hello and testimony to my fellow saints at the beginning of the New Year, which will mark year eight of my walk.

In place of these intended, semi-mythical Introductory posts I planned to publish over the holidays, I will instead do something else instead.

It came to me in prayer last night that the best thing to do now is to post some of Joseph’s writings over the holiday period. This would of course be much better than anything I could write myself anyway, and much more familiar for long-time readers too. And there are three very old articles that Joseph has not posted on Parables for over a decade, which each had a strong effect on my own walk, and must have had a similar effect for many others, and which would be of much profit for new and older readers alike to read again at this time.

I believe this is the wish of the Father for the holiday period.

Future Writings?

At this point, I am reminded that I would like to ask for your input in this matter. When I first assumed Joseph’s writing ministry, I had not intended on doing much blog writing myself for Parables, partly due to time constraints, yet I appear to have been lead into doing just that. However the aim is still to largely publish Joseph’s teachings via this blog, though I plan to do so weekly rather than three times a week as it has been in the past. And in between each series of Joseph’s writings, I will publish a blog post written by myself, so there is also new content freely available for readers.

I have realised that it is Joseph’s much-older works which now need to be published. Writings which perhaps many readers have not encountered for years, if at all. So if you happen to have any personal favourites of Joseph’s writings – something that has not been posted on Parables for a long time, if at all – then please do let me know, and I will add it to the list of works to be published in the blog next year.

Which leads us nicely to the meat of this posting. Following is the first of those older articles written by Joseph that I just mentioned. This is the first of the three articles that will be posted leading up to the New Year. All three articles are of course relevant to the times, but they are also relevant to the series of posts I have just published called A Tale Of Two Nations, which can be read at

This first teaching of Joseph’s is called ‘Circe – Church – Harlot’.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.

Colin Buchanan

Heart4God Website:  

Parables Blog:

Circe – Church – Harlot

Written by Joseph Herrin (12-02-2010)

Circe with Golden Cup in Hand

A brother in Christ (Lorin Smith) recently shared some thoughts with me regarding the origin of the word church. The online Catholic Encyclopedia begins their entry on “The Church” with the following:

The term church (Anglo-Saxon, cirice, circe; Modern German, Kirche; Swedish, Kyrka) is the name employed in the Teutonic languages to render the Greek ekklesia  (ecclesia), the term by which the New Testament writers denote the society  founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have written previously of the more accurate and revelatory meaning of the Greek word Ekklesia, and will not repeat that information here. For those who wish to read about it, you can find the post titled “The Called Out” here:

If you are unfamiliar with the word Circe, which is the Anglo Saxon form of our English word Church, it was also the name attributed to a goddess skilled in sorcery whose story can be found in Homer’s The Odyssey. The Odyssey tells the story of the hero named Odysseus (Ulysses) who sailed his ship on a remarkable ten year voyage as he returned from the Trojan War. Along the way he and his crewmen encountered many perils and adventures, tha majority perishing while a remnant obtained great glory.

Homer recounts an experience where Odysseus and his men land on the island of Aiaia. They draw lots to see who will explore the island, and who will remain with the ship. Odysseus remains with the ship while others go exploring. The men come to a clearing in the midst of a forest in which is a castle, the home of the sorceress Circe. As they approach they are met with lions, wolves and other wild creatures that are unusually docile, fawning on the men as if they wish to be friends. These are men who have been turned into animals by the sorcery of Circe.

Circe, invites the famished men into her home for a feast. The men do not suspect her treachery. She has poisoned the food, and they fall asleep as they eat. She then turns Odyssesus’ men into a herd of swine. Only one man had the caution to remain hidden in the woods, and observing the fate of his mates, he returns to the ship in great grief and recounts the matter to Odysseus who then sets out to rescue his men, aided by the counsel of Hermes.

When Circe finds that she cannot transform Odysseus into a swine, she invites him to her bed, plying the wiles of a harlot upon him, but he has been forewarned of this as well, and escapes her treachery there.

This story taken from Greek Mythology contains profound parallels to the story of the church (Anglo Saxon Circe). In the book of Revelation, the church is depicted as a Harlot and a Sorceress with a cup of abominations in her hand.

Revelation 17:3-6
So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting… The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.  I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahshua. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.

This woman is no friend of the saints of God, though she will gladly invite them to drink of her intoxicating potions and revel in the bed of her sensuality and fornication. She delights in turning those who are called to be sons of God into bestial men. She casts many into a slumber from which only a remnant escape.

On another website I found the following description of Circe.

KIRKE (or Circe) was a goddess pharmakeia (witch or sorceress) who lived with her nymph attendants on the mythical island of Aiaia. She was skilled in the magic of metamorphosis, the power of illusion, and the dark art of necromancy. When Odysseus landed on her island she transformed his men into animals, but with the help of the god Hermes, he overcame the goddess and forced her to release his men from her spell.

Perhaps you are already aware that the English word sorcery is used to translate the Greek word pharmakeia in this same book of Revelation. It is employed in a passage describing the Great Harlot who is also called Babylon.

Revelation 18:23-24
“Because all the nations were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia). And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all who have been slain on the earth.”

There are such tremendous parallels between the Harlot of Revelation and Circe of Greek Mythology, that comparison comes naturally. In the presentation titled Parables I have written of the symbolism of swine. Yahweh employs many natural things in His creation as types and shadows to present spiritual truth to those who have eyes to see. I will include a portion here from aforementioned presentation that speaks of the symbolism of swine. This will bring understanding to the story of Circe turning Odysseus’ men into swine.

The Parable of the Pig

Comparing men to swine is a type of parable. In the old Testament Yahweh gave criteria for clean and unclean animals. For an animal to be considered clean it had to meet two criteria. It had to have a split hoof, and it had to chew the cud.

Both of these things stand for something spiritually. The split hoof is a picture of being able to divide between truth and error, between right and wrong. Chewing the cud is a picture of meditating on truth.

Another term for chewing the cud is ruminate, and we often use this word to speak of a person chewing on a thought or idea. Chewing the cud spiritually stands for someone who loves the truth and who will therefore chew on what they have learned, seeking to derive all the benefit from it.

The pig meets one criteria for a clean animal, but fails in the other. The pig has a split hoof, but he does not chew the cud. This is a picture of the worst type of person, for it speaks of a person who has the ability to discern truth from error, but they do not love the truth, so they do not derive the benefit from the truth they have received.

For this reason Yahshua told His disciples to not cast their pearls of truth before people who fell into this category.
[End Excerpt]

Further insight into this symbolism is found in the same article as it describes Christ’s miracle of casting the unclean spirits out of the Gadarene demoniac.

The demons entreated Yahshua to send them out into a nearby herd of swine, and Yahshua permitted them. The entire herd then ran down the hill into the sea and perished…

The swine are a picture of the kingdom of God during the church age. Remember that swine are a picture of men who are given truth, having a split hoof, but they do not love the truth, they do not chew the cud.

God is telling us that the church age will be a period when many whom He has given truth to will not love the truth. The church age has been a period when doctrines of demons have entered the church, and it has been a period marked by sin. Yahshua gave several other overt parables to reveal that this would be the nature of the church age. He gave the parable of the mustard seed where He said the kingdom of God was like this smallest of seeds, but it would grow up to be the largest tree in the garden until the birds of the air would nest in its branches. Today Christianity is the largest religion in the world, and it is also filled with much error and false doctrine. The birds of the air are a picture of Satanic influences resting among the various branches of the church.

Mark 4:4, 15
As he was sowing, some seed fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate it up… These are the ones who are beside the road where the word is sown; and when they hear, immediately Satan comes and takes away the word which has been sown in them.

Yahshua gave another parable where He compared the kingdom of God in the church age to leavened dough.

Luke 13:20-21
And again He said, “To what shall I compare the kingdom of God? It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three pecks of flour until it was all leavened.”

Leaven is a symbol of sin, and Christ is saying that the church age would be a time when sin was rampant among those whom He had called to be His children. For this reason we read that “Many are the called, but few are chosen.”

The majority of people who comprise the masses of Christianity do not love the truth. They do not submit to God’s purifying work in their lives, and they are pictured in the swine that rush down the hill and drown in the sea. This is a picture of the judgment that awaits those who fall into this category. It is the remnant who will be saved.

I have taken time to explain the condition of the church in this present age for I know some will be offended at the depiction of the church as a herd of swine, but you must remember that even in the book of Revelation which was recorded less than a hundred years after the resurrection of Christ, seven different churches were written to, and only two of them were not warned about judgment to come to them if they did not repent of the evil that was already present within them. Some of their evil was so reprehensible to God that He warned them that their candlestick might be removed.
[End Excerpt]

I want to bring understanding to the types and shadows relating to the Harlot in Revelation. It is evident that Christ was revealing to John important matters that had great bearing upon the people of God. We should not suppose that these spiritual types that are portrayed through such clear natural examples will be evident to the majority in the church today. Christ spoke in parables to seal the judgment of those who do not love truth, “that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand…” (Mark 4:12). The book of Revelation remains a sealed book to the majority of Christians today.

The Great Harlot, like Circe (Church), is depicted with a cup of intoxicating drink in her hand. Food and drink in the Bible are types and shadows for doctrines. We see this plainly in the following passage:

Hebrews 13:9
Do not be carried away by varied and strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace, not by foods, through which those who were thus occupied were not benefitted.

The soul of man feeds upon ideas as the flesh of man feeds upon foods. Not all teachings in the church today bring spiritual benefit. Indeed, a vast amount of that which is served up by the church (Circe) today will keep men perpetually carnal and condemn them to slumber and a beastly nature. Those who were called to walk as men created in the image and likeness of God will instead become swine. Having the ability to divide between truth and error, they loved not the truth and will reap the consequences of their actions.

There are many areas in which the people of God today have imbibed intoxicating drinks and eaten foods that have not benefitted them spiritually. I would mention just one area, as it is timely, and I wrote of it in the previous blog.

At this season you will find in the Church (Circe) a great amount of teaching on the birth and nativity of Christ. Most of this teaching is filled with error, for Christ was not born on December 25th. There were no wise men present at his birth. And there is a very good reason to believe he was not born in a stable, nor laid in a manger used by cattle.

I studied a teaching some years back that espoused the view that Christ was born at the Feast of Tabernacles, a view that has much support Scripturally, and in type and shadow. The life of Christ was very much in synch with the Feast Days of Yahweh. Yahshua was slain on Passover. He sent forth the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. It fits very reasonably that He was born on Tabernacles.

The Feast of Tabernacles occurs in the fall, in our months of September or October. During the Feast the Israelites were commanded to build booths (sukkahs) outside their homes, and to dwell in them during that time. It was to remind them of their fathers who wandered in the wilderness for forty years and dwelt in booths or tents.

On another level it is a symbol of Yahweh tabernacling with men in fulness. One of the names ascribed to the Son of God is Immanuel, meaning “God with us.” In the person of Messiah mankind observed the fulfillment of Tabernacles. God was dwelling in the tent of flesh, which we see as man’s body. Christ said, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” The apostles spoke of the human body as being a sukkah, a tent, or temporary dwelling.

II Corinthians 5:1-4
For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven; inasmuch as we, having put it on, shall not be found naked. For indeed while we are in this tent, we groan, being burdened, because we do not want to be unclothed, but to be clothed, in order that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.

During the Feast of Tabernacles the Jews would build these booths all throughout the cities in which they lived. In these booths they would live and eat. Consequently they had certain pieces of furniture in them. One of these pieces of furniture was to hold the food they ate while in the Sukkah. The word we have translated in our English Bibles as manger is derived from the following Greek word.

phatne (fat’-nay); from pateomai (to eat)
(Strongs’ Concordance)

Christ testified that He was the Bread of Heaven, that His blood is true drink, and His body is true meat. He stated that those who drank His blood and ate His flesh would have true life in them. How appropriate that He should be born in a sukkah at the Feast of Tabernacles and laid in a piece of furniture used to hold the food to feed those dwelling there!

Is it not a great indictment that the church today presents Christ as laying in a manger surrounded by animals? The Christ that the church (Circe) has fashioned is fit only for food to sustain the beast nature of man. Indeed, Christmas does not induce men and women to bear the cross by which they might be transformed into Yahweh’s image. It leads them to excesses of commercial greed and fills their hearts with dreams of material possessions. Christmas fills the mind with thoughts of a God who wants to bless men materially, setting their minds on earthly things. This is not the work of Christ whom Yahweh sent to earth.

Yes, Circe (the Church) is still casting men and women into slumber today and transforming those called to bear the image of God into beasts.

Below are images of Circe and the Great Harlot of Revelation. Can you not see the resemblance?

Is not the Spirit of Christ declaring that the Great Harlot has a name, and it is Church?

Addendum: Lorin Smith sent me the following quotation:

Quote from Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe: Studies in Culture and Belief by Jonathan Barry, Marianne Hester, and Gareth Roberts.

A metaphoric extension of the idea that witchcraft is seductive, pleasurable and unmanning is the use of the nexus of ideas for purposes of Protestant propaganda in sixteenth and seventeenth century England. Like Spenser’s Duessa, the Roman Catholic Church was often seen as explicitly Circean. The English translation of Bullinger’s sermons on the apocalypse call her “that great witch Circes” and William Fulke saw the Roman Church as “a Babylonicall Circe.” The Roman Church was seductive, glamorous, magical, bestially transforming, poisonous, enfeebling, effeminating. Here, as Spenser’s Duessa, Bullinger and Fulke show, part of the Circean configuration included an analogue from the Apocalypse, the Great Whore of Babylon of Revelation XXVII, with her magical and enfeebling cup.
[Pages 201-202]

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Joseph Herrin

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Hello once again, and once again, short and to the point because my typing style is hunt and peck.
    I like the idea of being refreshed by previous writings, it’s amazing how much we can forget.
    I found that the only blue lettered address that did not take me to its intended article was the one for “the called out” ones.
    The others delivered their intent.
    Thought you’d like to know. Joe

    • And thank you once again Jo. I would not have spotted that broken link myself. It has been corrected here on Parables, and here’s the correct link too:

      I appreciate your keen eye!

  2. Hello from Joe.
    I went to the -called out – link and all I saw was a picture of Mr. Herrin at the top of the page, there was no writing at all.
    This was in both the article itself and the reply you sent to me.
    Thought you’d like to know.

    • Hi Joe, not sure why you’re having that issue. It is working fine here and for others. Perhaps it is something at your end? Though if anyone else is having a problem reading that page then please let me know:

  3. Hello, I appreciate you taking on the work to continue the ministry. My wife has printed off much of Joseph’s teachings over the years. A few years ago Joseph printed off a lot of his books using his printer and sent them to us. They are well read and marked up from studying them. My wife is generally sharing something from them every day or two it seems.
    Since we live in an upside down world, she particularly likes teachings related to how a woman should live.
    Though we have read most of what Joseph has published online and listened to all the audios, we much prefer reading it in print. I’m hoping you’ll be able to publish the books so that physical copies can be purchased.
    Prior to you taking over the blog I always received an email with a link to the blog. For some reason only one or two have come through. This one did not. I signed up again to see if that fixes it.

    • Hi Jeff, yes I did not receive some of the Parables blog posts myself in my own email a few months back. I still do not know why. Now that I have taken over Joseph’s websites I am investigating the whole matter of email subscriptions, in hope of securing a more reliable deliverability rate to readers.

      If any other readers have experienced missing Parables postings in their emails, or perhaps have experience in such things as email subscription services/newsletters, then please drop me an email at:

      The points you make in your comment Jeff are of much relevance to Joseph’s ministry from here, and I would like to write you an email next week if that would be fine? Publishing Joseph’s works as printed books is very much a priority, along with highlighting Joseph’s teachings concerning a woman’s walk in Christ (I am interested in gaining some help/feedback with this from women readers).

      Another priority is promoting the community of Joseph’s readership, so that we might in some ways come together to share our walks even though we are largely separated by great distances. At this time, it is a lonely walk for many true saints. As brothers and sisters in Christ, a spiritual family, we should be drawing together even if it is only online.

      These are all matters I intend to raise with my Introductory blog.


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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin, which is now ministered by Colin Buchanan. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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