Government Massacre in Sutherland Springs

by | Nov 6, 2017

Joseph Herrin (11/06/2017)

Sutherland Springs, TX

I want to talk to you today about how to tell if a shooting story is falsely reported. This one in Sutherland Springs certainly is. Following is a report.

Investigators hunt for motive in Texas church shooting as the grieving spans generations
By Peter Holley, Kristine Phillips and Mark Berman November 6 at 7:38 AM

SUTHERLAND SPRINGS, Texas — Names, faces and grieving family stories began to emerge Monday from the carnage at the First Baptist Church — including eight relatives spanning three generations — even as investigators struggled to grasp why a lone gunman dressed himself in black commando gear and opened fire on the pews.

The death toll stood at 26 people after Sunday’s massacre, but the figure could shift. Authorities initially reported the range in ages among the dead as between 5 and 72. A family, however, said a 1-year-old girl also was killed — part of a group of eight family members lost in the deadly spray from the attacker’s Ruger assault-style rifle.

The gunman — described as a former member of the Air Force — then came under fire from a local man and fled in car chase before running off the roadway, where he apparently took his own life.

“There was some gunfire exchanged, I believe, on the roadway also, and then [the gunman’s vehicle] wrecked out,” Wilson County Sheriff Joe Tackitt told CBS News. “At this time we believe that he had a self-inflicted gunshot wound, after he wrecked out.”

The attack left a staggering hole in a Texas town of fewer than 700 people and, for some, reinforced a sense of unease that no place could be considered immune from possible violence after a concert ground in Las Vegas, a Walmart in Colorado, a Nashville church and a bike path in New York all became scenes of death and bloodshed over the past six weeks.

President Trump appeared to try to pre-emptively steer the debate away from gun control after the Texas slayings, which authorities say was carried out by a 26-year-old former Air Force member who was court-martialed in 2012 and sentenced to a year in military prison for assaulting his spouse and child. The suspect, identified as Devin Kelley, was reduced in rank and released with a bad-conduct discharge in 2014.

At a news conference in Tokyo, Trump said he thought “mental health” was a possible motive. “Based on preliminary reports,” he said, the shooter was “a very deranged individual, a lot of problems for a long period of time.” Trump did not provide the basis for his statement, saying “it’s a little bit soon to go into it.”

“ . . . This isn’t a guns situation,”  he added. “Fortunately someone else had a gun that was shooting in the opposite direction” or it “would have been much worse.”

Trump’s reaction contrasted with his unrestrained comments calling for the “death penalty” after the apparent Islamic State-inspired attack in Lower Manhattan on Halloween, when an immigrant from Uzbekistan plowed rented truck into cyclists and others, killing eight people.

Witnesses said the gunman — dressed in all black and wearing a tactical vest — started shooting with an assault rifle as he approached the church. Police said the gunman killed two people outside before entering the church and spraying bullets at the congregation during morning worship in the country town about 30 miles southeast of San Antonio.

After the exchange of gunfire with an armed civilian, the gunman drove away with two local men in pursuit. It was “act now, ask questions later,” said the truck’s driver, Johnnie Langendorff. By the time they caught up with him, however, the fleeing man had crashed his SUV into a ditch. “He might have been unconscious from the crash or something like that, I’m not sure,” Langendorff told reporters.

“The local citizen pursued him,” said Freeman Martin, a regional director for the Texas Department of Public Safety. “We don’t know if it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if he was shot by our local resident who engaged him in a gunfight.”

[Two law enforcement officials told The Washington Post that the suspect Kelley lived in a nearby county. But there were few clues made public on a possible motive or Kelley’s connection to tiny Sutherland Springs, tucked into a stretch of flatlands and farms.]…

Kevin Jordan, 30, was changing the oil in his Ford Focus ahead of a family road trip when he heard the pops of gunfire. When he stood up and turned his head, he saw a man wearing body armor, a vest and a mask walk down the sidewalk toward the church about 50 yards from his home.

“He was just spraying at the front of the church,” Jordan said. “He was shooting outside at first, and then he walked to the door and started shooting inside.”

After spotting the shooter, Jordan said, he ran inside his home, scooped up his son, alerted his wife and rushed his family into their bathroom, where they crouched and hid while calling 911. He said the shooter spotted him as he fled and took a shot that went through his front window, nearly hitting his 2-year-old son.

“I looked at the shooter, and he looked right at me,” he said. When the shooting stopped, Jordan, who works as a medical assistant, ran to the church, hoping to help.

“I walked inside and just walked out. I couldn’t handle it,” he said. “It was bad. A lot of blood and bodies. The pews were knocked over. I’m a medical assistant and medical assisting does not prepare you for this.”…

In late September, a masked gunman stormed into a small community church outside of Nashville and shot seven people, including the pastor, killing one. Authorities said the suspect in that shooting, Emanuel Kidega Samson, might have been motivated by a desire for revenge for a 2015 shooting that targeted black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C. — an attack that left nine people dead.

[It also came just more than a month after 58 people were killed at a Las Vegas country music festival, in what was the deadliest mass shooting in recent U.S. history; the assailant, Stephen Paddock, killed himself after a lengthy shooting spree from his 32nd-floor Mandalay Bay hotel suite.]

Few details were immediately available about Kelley, and attempts to reach his family were unsuccessful Sunday. Kelley had at one point been in the military, enlisting in 2010 and serving as a logistical readiness airman stationed at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, according to Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek, who also confirmed Kelley’s 2012 court-martial.

Frank Pomeroy, the pastor of First Baptist Church, told ABC News that he was not present during the church service but that his teenage daughter, Annabelle Pomeroy, 14, was among the dead.

“She was very quiet, shy, always smiling, and helpful to all,” Cynthia Rangel, 50, a resident of nearby Stockdale, said of the teenager. Rangel, a local emergency medical technician, said she knew three individuals who were hospitalized after the shooting and were undergoing surgery. “This just all seems like it’s not real.”

Dana Fletcher, who owns a business a quarter-mile from the church, said she and her family just moved to Sutherland Springs. She said she was first alerted to the shooting by a call from a reporter.

“My husband and I both are still in shock,” she said. “It’s a little tiny church that was targeted. It’s shocking. It’s a bit frightening because it’s a little bit close to home.”

Carrie Matula, who works at a gas station near the church, told MSNBC she ran out to see what was happening after hearing gunshots.

“I never thought it would happen here,” she said. “This is something that happens in a big city. I would have never thought this would have taken place here. It’s just too tight a community. It doesn’t make sense.”
[End Excerpt]

A man clad all in black was walking toward the vehicle with a pistol. He was trading shots with another man holding a rifle.

“I never got a look at him,” Langendorff explained to reporters later, his mouth nervously working a toothpick, when asked about the black-clad shooter. “I never really saw him. I saw the gunfire.”
[End Excerpt]


Sadly, the only thing a lot of people know about a shooter is what they hear or read about them in the media. Did you know Stephen Paddock by what you read about him in the media? No! Neither do you know Devin Kelley. There are six companies that control 90% of the media in the nation, and we know they are all owned and controlled by global corporations. Let’s see what the global corporations say about Devin Kelley.

The gunman — described as a former member of the Air Force — then came under fire from a local man and fled in car chase before running off the roadway, where he apparently took his own life.

Witnesses said the gunman — dressed in all black and wearing a tactical vest — started shooting with an assault rifle as he approached the church.

When he stood up and turned his head, he saw a man wearing body armor, a vest and a mask walk down the sidewalk toward the church about 50 yards from his home.

A man clad all in black was walking toward the vehicle with a pistol.

I never got a look at him.

I never really saw him. I saw the gunfire.

Do you know what witnesses saw? They saw a man dressed all in black wearing a tactical vest and a mask. Is that a good description of Devin Kelley? It could have been anyone. The people could not see his face. Even if they had they probably would not remember him. They would have remembered his gunfire.

There are a million different ways to get a man to be at a certain place, dead, at the time the government wants them there. Devin Kelley was said to have been shot in the following way.

“We don’t know if it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound or if he was shot by our local resident who engaged him in a gunfight.”

The local resident did not shoot him. Nor did he shoot himself. Who then, did shoot him? The government agents did. They shot him, left him in the wrecked truck, and then departed in a different vehicle, or vehicles. The same thing was true of Stephen Paddock. Probably none of the shots came from 32nd floor room where he was found. He was never seen in any videos bringing 23 guns up to the room. To do so would have been forbidden. It would have been extremely hard to do as well. Stephen Paddock liked to do one thing in the casinos, that is gamble.  Every one of the hotel elevators had cameras in them. It would have required several trips. Why then are there no videos of him in the elevators or hallways carrying up guns? He was likely killed before the shooting began. The shots came from more than one location and were shot by professionals.

It is just as easy to leave a live suspect at the scene as well. If the person is incoherent or mentally disturbed all the better.

Does this look like the Batman shooter? What if the Batman shooter(s) departed the theater and left this mentally challenged man behind to take the blame? And what are we to make of the Sandy Hook shooter?

Adam Lanza

It is certain that things were blown out of proportion with the crisis actors there, but the number and size of guns he was supposed to have carried in, the window he was to have broken out, and the number of children he was to have killed would have been too much for even an average sized adult to have done.

Getting back to the Sutherland Springs shooting, why did the killing take place in such a small town of 700 or less people?

The attack left a staggering hole in a Texas town of fewer than 700 people and, for some, reinforced a sense of unease that no place could be considered immune from possible violence after a concert ground in Las Vegas, a Walmart in Colorado, a Nashville church and a bike path in New York all became scenes of death and bloodshed over the past six weeks. 

This was definitely written for this place. It shows that terrorist attacks can take place anywhere. I am certain that this is the reason for this little church to be chosen. Let us also look at the flags out in front of the church.

They have a United States flag, a State of Texas flag, and a Christian flag. The U.S. flag is a symbol of rebellion. How can you pledge allegiance to it and be faithful to Christ?

Flag of the Fathers

To top that off, what were they doing celebrating a Halloween substitute service?

(Click on image to view larger)

No doubt they have a Christmas tree in the sanctuary during December, and Easter lilies and Easter eggs at the spring. No church like this would ever question whether their own government carried out such a grievous attack. People, it is the government that has carried out these attacks for years. What does the government have to do with such attacks? They are going to ban automatic guns. They are also building a citizenry that will look to them for everything, including safety. While looking at the news feed for last week I came across a comment section on the New York bike lane attacks. It said: “When will we give up our personal freedoms to have a little peace?” That is what they are going to do. They will promise citizens a little peace if they give up their Constitutional Bill of Rights.

People of God, I am sharing this for one reason. It is not to get you to wrestle with the government for carrying out these things “for those who live by the sword must die by the sword” Matthew 26:52. It is so you will walk as wise men and women, not agreeing with liars and spreading lies. Don’t get your information from the global media. Whoever gave the testimony in the article above was saying exactly what they wanted them to say. (I believe the article was completely made up.)

“I walked inside and just walked out. I couldn’t handle it,” he said. “It was bad. A lot of blood and bodies. The pews were knocked over. I’m a medical assistant and medical assisting does not prepare you for this…”

“My husband and I both are still in shock,” she said. “It’s a little tiny church that was targeted. It’s shocking. It’s a bit frightening because it’s a little bit close to home…”

“I never thought it would happen here,” she said. “This is something that happens in a big city. I would have never thought this would have taken place here. It’s just too tight a community. It doesn’t make sense…”

These words are stirring up the fear of man. They are getting it to reach into the small towns and to people who go to church. If you are there, listen to the words of the Son of God.

Luke 12:4-5
“And I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after He has killed, has power to cast into hell; yes, I say to you, fear Him!”

Hear also the words of Paul.

II Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Hebrews 13:6
So we may boldly say: “Yahweh is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”

Hear again the words of Peter.

I Peter 3:14
But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. “And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.”

And finally, let us listen to John.

I John 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

At Samhain I read that to those who honor it it is a time of change from the light to the darkness. I would expect that we will see much more evil and hear many more lies in the coming days. Pay no attention to them. The adversary is bound to corruption. He must corrupt and deceive. Automatic guns will be made illegal. Men will feel less able to stand against the evil. Let us strengthen ourselves by giving our love and devotion to Christ. It is time to look up for our redemption draws near.

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Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063

1 Comment

  1. Skip

    Brother Herrin:

    I submit this not as a comment from myself to post to your article, unless you choose to post this as such. This is primarily an FYI. The webpage at the link below was once offered as a downloadable Word document but that offer was removed some time ago. I still have that Word doc. That doc was 391 pages in length. Here is the web page link with the same information, entitled: THE ILLUMINATI FORMULA USED TO CREATE AN UNDETECTABLE MIND CONTROL SLAVE

    When one stops to think of all of the children that are taken by the government 'to protect the children' from so called unsafe situations and supposedly placed into the adoption system, the SOURCES for these mind controlled slaves becomes apparent.


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