How Long, O Lord? How Long?

by | Oct 25, 2013

Joseph Herrin (10-25-2013)

My soul is grieved. I can think of nothing more tragic, or more evil than to observe adults purposely set upon destroying the innocence of youth. I know that all humanity is born with a sinful nature, but the countenance of youth that has not yet known deep defilement is precious. To see innocence, trust, and unblemished joy in the face of a child is one of the most precious sights to behold in this present creation. A righteous person would do all they can to preserve this innocence, to preserve the light in the eyes of children and youth. I can think of nothing more noble or worthy than to direct another human beings feet down a path of righteousness and truth and to spare them the debasement of a life given over to wicked pursuits that darken the soul.

James 5:19-20
My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth, and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins.

In Matthew’s gospel we read:

Matthew 18:1-7
At that time the disciples came to Yahshua, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me; but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!”

Today I am grieved because I realize with great clarity that I dwell among a people who despise the innocence of youth. The very government of the nation in which Yahweh has chosen for me to reside is following a systematic plan to corrupt, defile, pervert, and destroy the youth of the nation. The government is truly Satanic, intent only on killing (abortion), stealing (freedoms and innocence), and destroying (all that is virtuous and worthy of praise). We have a President who has championed homosexuality, defiling even the sacredness of marriage that was established by Yahweh to be a faithful union between a man and woman.

The youth of the nation are being indoctrinated with a twisted and deviant view of sexuality through the government schools. The consummation of physical union has been debased to nothing more than a parlor game, a momentary and meaningless act of physical pleasure. The genders are being deliberately confused so that males are having sex with males, and females with females. All the while the souls of those who participate in such things are growing darker. Innocence is shattered. Conscience is polluted. Shame is cast off only as it is replaced by pride and rebellion.

Last night I read about a new film that is being promoted by those who hate all that is pure and holy. The movie is titled Blue is the Warmest Color. It is a coming of age tale of a 15 year old girl who is seduced into a lesbian relationship by an older, college age art major. The movie is 3 hours long and features 15 minutes of graphic sexual intercourse between two young women. It has been rated NC-17 by the MPAA, the equivalent of what used to be an X rated movie.

Despite the deviant theme of this movie, its extreme obscenity, and the fact that it portrays an under age character engaged in prolonged scenes of sexual intercourse, one theater in New York’s Greenwich Village has stated that they will admit any High School age boy or girl who wants to see it who has the money for the ticket.

Variety magazine reports:

IFC Center will ignore MPAA’s ‘voluntary’ rating
Allegra Tepper

Those sex scenes in Abdellatif Kechiche’s three-hour long NC-17 lesbian drama “Blue Is the Warmest Color” may be polarizing the talent, but at least in cosmopolitan New York, high schoolers under 17 will be admitted to see the film.

The IFC Center in Greenwich Village — which falls under the same IFC ownership as distributor Sundance Selects — has said it will not turn away teen-aged viewers, the New York Times A.O. Scott reported. Scott also said that his own 14-year old daughter has seen the film twice.

In a statement, John Vanco, senior veep and general manager of the IFC Center, said that “high school age patrons” would be admitted.

“This is not a movie for young children, but it is our judgment that it is not inappropriate for mature, inquiring teenagers who are looking ahead to the emotional challenges and opportunities that adulthood holds,” Vanco said.

The theater added on Thursday: “The MPAA rating is a voluntary guideline that we as a theater are not obligated to enforce. In this case we feel it is unnecessarily restrictive and we will indeed admit high school age patrons to screenings of this perceptive and moving film at the IFC Center.”

With roughly 15 minutes devoted to simulated sex between Adele Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydoux, no one has questioned whether the rating was deserved.

In another article on this movie, one of the female actors, Lea Seydoux, bitterly criticized the movie’s director Abdellatif Kechiche. Variety reports:

Kechiche writes that, after Seydoux cried in his arms in Cannes for letting her have such a noble role, she has turned on him and is risking demolishing the reputation of the film. Calling Seydoux a “spoiled child,” he accuses her of “manipulation of the worst kind” for having accused him of being a “sadistic and perverse manipulator who forced two young actresses to perform non-stop nude sex scenes for 10 days” and for “psychologically humiliating and raping them to achieve what is seen on screen.”

Whatever innocence these two young women had before this film is now lost. After ten days of non-stop nude sex scenes performed in front of a motion picture crew, now to be broadcast publicly to the world, there is no purity or innocence left to them. Yet the greater damage will be done to the tens of thousands of young boys and girls who go view this movie and are consequently led into homosexual relationships. The innocence of youth will be thoroughly shattered.

I am grieved that I live in a country where the powers that be applaud such degradation and corruption of the nation’s youth. I am not unaware of the schemes of the enemy. It is no coincidence that in recent news there was a story of an 18 year old High School student in Florida who enticed a 14 year old girl into a lesbian relationship with her. (Although numerous articles say the girl is 15, she was 14 when the relationship began.)

The younger girl’s parents were justifiably upset to learn that an older student was engaging in lesbian sex acts with their daughter. The media, however, is clearly supportive of the older girl whose mother stated:

“The (assistant) state attorney, Brian Workman needs to use taxpayers money to prosecute REAL criminals, not a high school student who has never been in trouble a day in her young life, all because she had a mutual consenting relationship with someone who has bigoted parents.”

Notice the words “mutual consenting relationship.” There is now a push under way nationally to decriminalize sexual relationships with minors. The homosexual lobby having won the day in their battle to legitimize all forms of deviant sexual behavior between “consenting adults,” has now set their sites on the next battleground, which is to legitimize all forms of sexual behavior that is “consensual.” Having normalized homosexuality, the next step in Satan’s agenda is to normalize pedophilia.

The above picture is of Kaitlyn Hunt, the older girl in this news story, who has been charged with two counts of lewd and lascivious behavior for engaging a minor in sexual acts. Columnist Robert Stacy Moran has spoken truth in an article posted online.

#FreeKate? Movement to Normalize Pedophilia Finds Its Poster Girl.

Using the slogan “Stop the Hate, Free Kate” (the Twitter hashtag is #FreeKate) this social-media campaign has attracted the support of liberals including Chris Hayes of MSNBC, Daily Kos, Think Progress and the gay-rights group Equality Florida. Undoubtedly, part of the appeal of the case is that Hunt is a petite attractive green-eyed blonde. One critic wondered on Twitter how long activists have “been waiting for a properly photogenic poster child of the correct gender to come along?”

Portraying Hunt as the victim of prejudice, her supporters claim she was only prosecuted because she is homosexual and because the parents of the unnamed 14-year-old are “bigoted religious zealots,” as Hunt’s mother said in a poorly written Facebook post. The apparent public-relations strategy was described by Matthew Philbin of Newsbusters: “If you can play the gay card, you immediately trigger knee-jerk support from the liberal media and homosexual activists anxious to topple any and all rules regarding sex…”

The ACLU statement parrots the arguments of all the other “Free Kate” crusaders who emphasize that the sex between Hunt and the 14-year-old was consensual, and who are apparently indifferent (or even openly hostile) to the right of parents to safeguard their minor children against sexual exploitation. The liberal Daily Kos blog goes so far as to proclaim that officials are “prosecuting an 18-year-old for being in love.”

To further show the character of the older girl involved, and her mother, there is an update to this story at the following link:

I also recommend the following articles:

This morning as I awakened, I considered Lot dwelling in Sodom. Peter tells us that Lot’s righteous soul was “oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men.” All around me I see unprincipled men and women who are ever living for the pleasure of the moment. There is no fear of God before their eyes. They do not tremble as they work to suborn and corrupt the last of America’s innocence by leading the children of the nation into debauchery. I grieve for the 14 year old girl who has been corrupted. What innocence she once had is now lost. The light in her eyes has surely dimmed. Her conscience has been defiled and her soul darkened as she has rebelled against her parents and against God.

America is looking more like Sodom every day. This should cause us to pay particular attention to the apostle Peter’s words regarding that wicked city.

II Peter 2:4-10
For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; and if He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly thereafter; and if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men (for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day with their lawless deeds), then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and despise authority.

Is your soul vexed and oppressed by the increase of wickedness, by the corruption of the youth of America? Are you grieved that men and women in high positions are implementing laws and policies that will further increase the wickedness of the nation? Do you sigh and groan over the perversion of justice and the transgressions you see taking place every day? My soul cries out, “How long, O Lord? How long will you let darkness increase? How long will you permit children to become the prey of the unprincipled and sensual who would turn their feet to the way of evil?”

Ezekiel 9:4-10
And Yahweh said to him, “Go through the midst of the city, even through the midst of Jerusalem, and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations which are being committed in its midst.” But to the others He said in my hearing, “Go through the city after him and strike; do not let your eye have pity, and do not spare. Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women, but do not touch any man on whom is the mark; and you shall start from My sanctuary.” So they started with the elders who were before the temple. And He said to them, “Defile the temple and fill the courts with the slain. Go out!” Thus they went out and struck down the people in the city. Then it came about as they were striking and I alone was left, that I fell on my face and cried out saying, “Alas, Yahweh God! Art Thou destroying the whole remnant of Israel by pouring out Thy wrath on Jerusalem?” Then He said to me, “The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is very, very great, and the land is filled with blood, and the city is full of perversion; for they say, ‘Yahweh has forsaken the land, and Yahweh does not see!’ But as for Me, My eye will have no pity nor shall I spare, but I shall bring their conduct upon their heads.”

America is a land defiled. God does see. His judgments will not tarry.

Come quickly Lord Yahshua!

Personal Note: I continue to recover from my recent fall while bicycling. My ribs have given me much pain to the point that I cannot lie down, but have been sleeping in a reclining chair. Last night the pain was bad enough that I could not even do that and had to prop some pillows behind me on my bed in the bus and sleep sitting upright. The first week is typically the worst for any type of broken bone and I am anticipating that the pain will begin to ease off from here. My daughter suggested that I wrap my ribs tightly (doctors now discourage wrapping broken ribs as it hinders breathing which could lead to lung problems including pneumonia). Kristin had injured her ribs some years back and she said the rib wrap she used helped her a lot. I followed her advice today and my ribs have felt much better. I am mindful to breathe deeply at regular intervals.

Champ has been behaving. I brought him in the bus last night as I do not like to leave him out at night due to concern that he will bark and awaken other visitors at the campground. I could not place him in his dog crate as it is up on the spare bed and I cannot lift him. Instead, I placed a mat on the floor next to my bed and he slept there until morning. He is conscious of my being injured as he will sometimes come and place his head in my lap and stare up at me. He also comes over to me and leans against my legs when I get the leash out to walk him. He never did this previously, but would bounce all around and make it very difficult to hook the leash to his collar. I am sure the prayers of the saints have availed much. Thank you to all those who have prayed, and continue to do so.

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Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Hanniel Kohen

    This scripture from Ezekiel was one I read during lunch break today. After reading Revelation 9:4 I was led to Ezekiel 9:4 as the scripture is referenced in the Bible I was using. I sense significance in this second witness.

    Glad you're feeling a tad bit better. May we consistently keep one another in prayer especially as the days increase in wickedness.



    Hi Joseph. It is indeed heart rending when we see or hear of the defenseless or innocent being oppressed by the wicked.

    Here in the UK there has been a massive increase in the reports of teenaged girls being sexually abused by older men. These girls are usually from broken homes and lured by these men with complements and gifts only to be drugged and gang raped. I really feel as if British society is failing these young girls, there never seems to be a father figure to protect them, instead the men who these young girls are desiring love from are abusing them. And these girls are some of the most vulnerable of British society

    This abuses have been going on for many decades, but recently God has brought this sin to the forefront of the British media.

    In fact the British institution known as the BBC (British broadcasting corporation) has been housing and shielding several high profile abusers for the last 4 decades. The BBC is a government funded organization that british people pay taxes to support. How ironic is that. You can be thrown in jail for not paying the BBC tax aka the TV license.

    There was a unusual storm that hit Britain last sunday-monday. I believe this to be a warning to Britain.

  3. Unknown

    Hanniel and Joseph,
    The Holy Spirit had me read Jeremiah, Lamentations and Ezekiel, and I was amazed to see the parallels to the sins and the rampant idolatry of so-called Christianity. The warnings in these three books are very real to me, and I sense judgment is soon to come on us who have claimed to represent Jesus and have taken YHWH's holy name in vain with our hypocrisy and lack of real fruit.
    A lot of verses stood out in my reading, and one of those was Ezekiel 9:4.
    It seems to me not many people in churchianity are truly grieving over the state of the world and the sorry situation of their "brethren" who are in many cases just as lost as the people outside. We're still content in our own little world.
    I'm finding my self more and more frustrated with the status quo in church-as-usual. Not only are we not part of the solution, but we are really a big part of the problem, because our idols have prevented the Light of the World from shining through us. What can we expect of the lost, if we who supposedly have the answers are living just like the rest? The world knows most of what we do and have is empty religion. If we are not convinced and converted by the Truth, what can we expect from atheists and agnostics?
    The hour is very late, and we need to wake up NOW! or else when Babylon falls, the building will collapse on us just like the temple that fell on Samson.

  4. Unknown

    I was reading a portion of the bible Isaiah 3:1-12, when I noticed that it was written quite detailed on how the once holy people residing in Judah and Jerusalem had fallen into depravity, much of the same sins leading to the condition as the previous Canaanites who had dwelt previously in the land.

    Some of the symptoms of the spiritual condition of the land mentioned in the passage were:
    -"The child will be insolent toward the elder, and the base toward the honourable"
    -"They declare their sin as Sodom; they do not hide it."
    -"Women rule over them"
    -"Children are their oppressors"

    Did anyone wonder how 'children' could be 'oppressors'?
    When we think of children, we think of small innocent kids who would be the last to harm let alone 'oppress' adults.
    But it is clear from growing trends that the 'standard age' of sin maturing has been decreased.

    Mark said that "Here in the UK there has been a massive increase in the reports of teenaged girls being sexually abused by older men."

    I'll point out that because of the departure from god, children too have also risen in sin to 'oppress adults'. Now while not physical attacks, do not underestimate the lethality of rumours. The tongue can not be tamed, and only by walking with god will the holy spirit bring the 'restless evil' completely under control.

    In the UK, two girls aged 10 and 11 spread malicious rumours about a nice man who had simply asked if he could walk their dog. The rumours spread and attacks were felt from the community who accepted the rumours, those who were quick to judge rather than carefully seeking truth.

    Here's an excerpt of the news article on this incident:

    "An innocent man who suffered months of abuse over false claims that he was a paedophile has died after suffering a heart attack.

    Bryan Davies, 63, was branded a child molester after two girls claimed he sexually touched them."


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