
by | Apr 12, 2017

Joseph Herrin (04-12-2017)

Above is a picture of the Heart4God website. It has been up since 2000. Of course, not all that is on it today was on it back then. Most of the books had not been written, and the audio messages had not been spoken yet. I have added to the website over the years, and now it seems that it needs a major revamping.

To those who are worried about my work on the Bible translation, I am still going to work on it, but those who are familiar with it know that it will take me a couple years work. In the meantime I have many things to stay up-to-date on, and the Heart4God website is one of those things.

The last time I did anything to the website was 7 or 8 years ago. By doing anything, I mean design wise. I had completely redesigned it 7 or 8 years ago, and had used Xara Website Designer 8 (I believe). I had updated it in since then, for I had constantly been writing books and shorter writings. I have not written anything in the past year, but I did some more work on the newsletters, so I upgraded that section.

Now I have purchased Xara’s latest offering, Xara Web Designer Premium 365. It does many things that the older software would not.

I will be able to get the site in shape for some years to come. Not only did I get this software, but I got Microsoft Office Professional 2016. This is an advance of 9 years on Publisher 2007, and a 3 year advance on Excel 2013. These are the programs I use to create the Newsletters for men in prison. I have already noted that I will have to go back over the newsletters and reformat them for space in Publisher. They are printing the text in a different size, or font. Publisher looks like they have made a great deal of advancement with it.

Flip PDF Professional is another program that I have gotten the latest version of. I had done one book with Flip PDF Professional, as well as PDF, when I posted it to the website. I will go ahead and do all of them now.

I am still tweaking my system. It will be some time before I am through. I am going at a slower pace when it comes to PC work.

Aside from this I am doing some work around the house that needed doing. I sold my trike. I have not used it much, particularly in the last year. I no longer need it to make trips to town (30 mile round trip). Since the Father led the men to get me the car some 2 years ago, I had not gone to town on the trike again. I was using it very little for rides down the dirt roads here, and the dirt was causing it to look shoddy. So I put a new back tire on it, washed it up, and sold it. I find I like walking just as much for the exercise.

I also have my old PC for sale with one of the monitors and a new track ball. It comes with a Dell keyboard, and an external Blu-Ray drive, as well as an internal DVD ROM drive. I’m selling it for $800 dollars.

I went into my trailer and started cleaning it out. I pulled out my InFocus projection system that I formerly used when I went across the country on my speaking tours. I am selling it along with my screen and the conductors stand that I was using. They have not been used in 7 years.

I have a few other odd things for sale. I’ll try them on Craigslist first, and if they don’t sell quickly I will put them on Ebay. I want to thank everybody who helped me with the computer and ongoing ministry needs. You have made continuing in ministry a blessing.

Heart4God Website:  


Parables Blog:  


Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin, which is now ministered by Colin Buchanan. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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