Dear Saints,
It is with a saddened heart that I make the following announcement. After this post I will no longer be posting chapters or articles from my past writings. I had a stroke about seven years ago and since that time I have written nothing new. My eyes are making it difficult to see, and my mind is not as clear as it once was. I have a difficult time finding the proper word when I want to express something. This becomes especially true in the afternoons and evenings when I am tired. The Lord has shown me that I am to lay aside this teaching ministry, but He has gracefully shown me who is to take over the ministry. This man is Colin Buchanan.
I would like to tell you about how I met Colin and my choosing him for the ministry. Colin first contacted me a number of months back. He expressed to me the idea of publishing (in paperback) my books. At first I told him I wasn’t interested, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He told me how much the books meant to him, and with persuasion from him I told him I would allow him to print them as long as they were kept to read for free from the Internet. This he agreed to.
Then some months later I began having problems with my eyes, and I took the matter to the Lord in prayer. I told Him I would like to turn the Parables Blog over to someone, and I asked who I could turn it over to. As I lay waiting for an answer there was just one name that came to my mind. Colin Buchanan. A few days later I wrote to Colin, asking him to pray about it and to get back with me. About a month later I heard from Colin and he said that when he heard about it he was immediately excited about it and was in prayer about it and the Lord confirmed he was to take over the Parables/Heart4God Ministry.
It is very unusual to contact one person and have them agree too take over a ministry, but when Yahweh is in it He will see it done. I told Colin that I wanted to post the book I have been posting, and then he could take it over when I was finished. The next blog will be from Colin, introducing himself, and then he will begin posting a book. I told Colin that I would place no boundaries upon how he conducted the ministry.
I would like to say this, I have asked Colin to take down my donation links and to replace them with hjs own. It does take a considerable amount of time and money to conduct this ministry free of charge. Site names must be registered and websites rented and adjusted to the number of blogs sent out. I have over a thousand people who have asked to receive the blog which is sent out three times a week. To enable this I have also had to pay for the cost of a mailing website.
Please consider donating to Colin from this date forward. I personally am asking for no more from you. Those who have given have done a tremendous service over the past 24 years in keeping my hands and mind in the ministry. Thank you all very much. Yahweh will reward you all. It is with extreme appreciation that I thank you for letting me serve you in the past days.
In this last blog posting from me I would like to tell you that my daughter Kristin is doing very well. She is in Poland where she is very active with the ministry. She is teaching the Polish people how to speak English and also sharing with them the love of Jesus Christ.
May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,
Joseph Herrin
Dear Joseph:
You are one of only two people in ministry that I have ever been able to trust with Yahweh’s Word.
It was the Lord who led me to you, but it was you who made the bible come
alive for me.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Joe
Brother Herrin I will truly miss your teachings but have learned so much from them. Years ago I remember my heart burning within me bearing witness with all you taught. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so happy you have Collin to take over and that your daughter is doing well. Love and prayers in Christ, Sandi Keller.
Thank you Joseph. You are a precious brother, and you will be missed.
I amen these sentiments and am saddened by this news, Brother! I have not read a lot of your posts or other writings, but I have read has ALWAYS blessed me greatly, especially your book: Evidence of Things Not Seen, which was used of God to take me deeper in my own walk of faith and obedience… RE: going off medication for seizures (you might recall our communication around that back in 2008 or so).
I will continue to hold you up before The Throne of Grace, and if you or Colin need in the way of website assistance or advice, let me know as I am an extremely experienced web developer and host.
Thank you brother Joseph for your ministry. Over the years your writings have meant a great deal to myself and many others.
May Yahweh bless you in all that you do.
Stay well brother.
Denis McQuillan
Brother Joseph,
Thank you for your faithfulness to this ministry. (I discovered it back in 2012 during the London Olympics.) It has gripped me more than any other ministry I’ve experienced. Thank you for the perspective you lent concerning the things of this world- it opened my eyes in ways unseen and convicted me. I’m delighted to hear that this ministry will continue. God’s blessings to you and this next phase of your life.
Dear brother Joseph it’s been an honor reading your blogs for over 10 years now.
I will never forget how you painstakingly answer all my questions whenever I had one.
Thank you for your ministry and may the Lord continue to bless and keep you.
Ariane, Ghana.