Meetings Update

by | Apr 21, 2009

Joseph Herrin (04-23-09)

Picture taken near Sheridan, Wyoming near the Bighorn Mountains.

Yesterday I started the day east of the Rocky Mountains where a jacket was advisable. Last night as I drove through Las Vegas a bank sign reported the temperature at 95 degrees at 8:00 P.M.. What a difference a day makes!

Let me share with you briefly about the meeting in Rapid City, South Dakota Saturday the 18th. There really are not enough superlatives to describe the experience. I knew in my own life that Yahweh was preparing me for a very special time from early that morning when the Daugherty’s and I met to share communion and to pray. The Father renewed some precious promises in my life that day with great force. He showed me that a season of restoration is upon those who have been stripped of many things in recent years. Those who have willingly walked out into the wilderness in obedience to the leading of the Spirit of Christ, leaving Egypt behind, will find that Yahweh is restoring much in coming days. Financial provision will be loosed. Relationships will be restored. Health will improve, and there will be a fulfillment of the words of Joel.

Joel 2:23-25
Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in Yahweh your God; For He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you – the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil. So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you.

I do not want to publicly speak of the specific things the Father spoke to me that day that He would restore, but I can say that the promise is very precious to me. The way in which Yahweh declared it through this meeting of the saints was very dramatic and unmistakable to me.

I was not alone in receiving a promise of restoration as Yahweh indicated to one brother who has been on a long journey of wilderness travail that his health is about to be restored. The Father indicated this just as we were about to part from one another on Sunday morning.

Yahweh did such a profound job of hand picking those whom He desired to attend the meeting. One young couple, Jamie and Valerie DeWitt, had just become acquainted with my website and teachings two days before the meeting. They immediately sensed the witness of the Spirit upon one message after another as they exclaimed that here was another person who was saying the same things the Spirit had been testifying to them. Surely this is a precious experience when one has felt like they were completely misunderstood by others for a long season, and they could find no one else who was hearing the same things.

Valerie shared that on Friday she thought to get on the Internet and see where it is that I would be traveling. Her son was looking on and informed her that I was to be in Wyoming. He then said that I was coming to Rapid City, South Dakota. He further exclaimed that I would be there the very next day.

I have never been in Rapid City before. How precious it is when God so orders our steps to bring us together at the moment of His choosing. What were the chances of God leading this precious couple to the Parables and Heart4God websites just before I visited their town? In meeting them it was abundantly clear that our Father intended for us all to meet.

There were other connections made that day, and I am confident that all those who came to the home of Chuck and Sherry Wendling that day have just begun to experience the fruit of the relationships formed. This too seems to be one more thing the Father is restoring in this hour as some who have been without fellowship for long periods are being brought together in this season with like-minded believers from among Christ’s scattered remnant. I have been much reminded of the following Scripture as I have traveled.

Jeremiah 3:14-15
And I will take you one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. Then I will give you shepherds after My own heart, who will feed you on knowledge and understanding.

The things we shared among one another Saturday were exceedingly precious. There was a profound sense of peace and love among us and it gives me a great anticipation of what the body will be in her appearance when Yahweh raises it back up in a purified condition. There is yet much wilderness to be traversed, but the glorious hope that awaits all who follow the Lord wherever He would lead them far surpasses any trials that await Christ’s remnant.

Today I will be arriving at the home of Randy and Kathy Furman in Kingman, Arizona. Some brothers will be traveling to Kingman from Las Vegas to visit with us sometime between today and Thursday, and if there are other saints in the area who desire to come they are welcome.

On Friday the Furmans will be traveling with me to the Grand Canyon. This will be a great treat for me. We plan on camping there that night and then leaving early Saturday morning to meet with the saints in the home of Dan and Sharlene Clark. Following is the meeting information for all who desire to attend.

Meeting Location:
4989 N. German Ranch Road
Strawberry, AZ 85544

Meeting Dates and Time
Saturday, April 25th

First Session: 10:00 A.M. (3 hours)
Dinner break and fellowship (2 hours)
Second Session: 3:00 P.M. (Until the Lord is through, Hallelujah!)

You can find a map and all contact information at the following link:

From Strawberry, the Furmans and I will be traveling to Tucson, Arizona where we will share in another meeting with the saints in the home of Ronnie and Sandra Black. The date has not yet been set, but I will post it as soon as possible. Following is their contact information for any in the Tucson area who desire to come and participate.

Ronnie and Sandra Black
5118 N. Ocean Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85704

This will likely be an evening meeting on a date between April 27th to April 29th.

A final note for those writing me via e-mail at this time. Due to my travels I have very little time for e-mail correspondence at this season, and my blog postings have also been limited. I have very much been blessed by the opportunity the Father gives me to speak to the saints via e-mail, but He is filling my time with other assignments in this hour. Please understand if I do not write back promptly.

I do hope to have a season soon to begin writing some more posts. The Spirit is filling my heart with many messages that are born out of my travels. I can see a series on the Pioneer Spirit taking shape within me. There is also MUCH that is transpiring in the world at this hour. The time of great trouble is close at hand and the people of God need to walk closely to the Father to be prepared and positioned for the coming days.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Heart4God Website:
Parables Blog:

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


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