Joseph Herrin (10-18-2015)

I have spent several days recently creating additional newsletters to send to men in prison. I have finally converted all 20 of my books to newsletter format as No Apologies – A Biblical Teaching on Godly Womanhood, and Attractive Deception – The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement, are now available in newsletter format.
There are now 144 newsletters available. At a distribution rate of one newsletter per week, this is nearly three years worth of material. I have been laboring to stay ahead of a group of about 40 men in prison who are long time subscribers to the newsletters. Currently, I have 18 weeks of material prepared which they have not yet received. With this lead time, I should now be able to attend to some other ministry projects.
I would mention to readers of the Parables Blog once again that the newsletters are an excellent way to share the books available on the Heart4God website with others. You will find an index of newsletters at the following URL.
Following is a list of all of the books I have authored.
The Remnant Bride
(Will You Be Chosen, or LEFT BEHIND?)

(Moving past the shadow of the Sabbath to enter into the abundance of God’s appointed rest.)

Sarah’s Children
(For all women who aspire to godliness.)

The Road From Babylon To Zion
(A roadmap for the overcomer who is journeying to Zion.)

The Divine Quest
(God’s passionate pursuit of faith in the heart of man.)

Evidence of Things Unseen
(The account of one family’s journey into a life of faith.)

Overcoming Addiction by the Spirit of Christ

Christ in You – The Hope of Glory

The Marriage Covenant
(Understanding God’s heart concerning sexual purity, the marital union, divorce and remarriage.)

No Apologies
(A Biblical Teaching on Godly Womanhood.)

Push Back
(A Christian Response to the Radical Homosexual Agenda)

(Laying a firm foundation for understanding the beginnings of creation.)

Attractive Deception
(The False Hope of the Hebrew Roots Movement)

All of these books are available in their entirety, free of charge, as PDF files at the Heart4God website’s Book page.
Ten of these books are available on Amazon’s website as e-books in Kindle format at a cost of $1.00 each. Just visit my author page at the following link.
Four of these books are available on Amazon as paperback books.
(Note: Unfortunately, I do not set the prices on these paperback books. They are priced by the publisher, whom I believe is charging exorbitant prices.)
Heart4God Website:
Parables Blog:
Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063