My Daughter’s Visit

by | Jul 14, 2020

My daughter is on her way back to Poland for another year. Her visit this year was very good. It
was all the better because I heard from her what was really on her mind. She told me she was
wanting to go back early because of a youth outing that was being held by her church. She has
been getting to know the youth little by little. They are different youth than here in America, and
much more reserved in their feelings. In fact, all of the people are more reserved. To hear my
daughter tell about it, and her desire to speak into their lives, is a testimony that was good to
hear. Besides this, there are people who are sick (with cancer) who she has been meeting with
who aren’t Christians, and they are kind, though they have only a short time left here on this
earth. I can really feel for my daughter, though she has found out that due to Covid 19 she will be
required to spend two weeks in quarantine when she gets there. Therefore, she will not be able to
go on the youth outing. She talked to the person responsible for making her flight, and she was
only able to get back 3 days before a month was spent due to Coronavirus.

My daughter did have an excellent time visiting with all of her friends. Many of them made
special gatherings so as many of Kristin’s friends could visit with her as possible. I also got to
spend time with a lot of them. First was Nicholas and Nicole.

Kristin, George, and I gathered at their house for breakfast/lunch. We ate a wonderful meal of
waffles, eggs and sausage.

Nicholas and Me

George and Nicole

Kristin was taking the pictures on her iPhone. I took most of the rest of them on my camera. I had
a difficult time remembering it. My mind is not as good as it used to be.

This is Kristin with George in the background. This is the house that was Kristin’s rental home.
George was very glad to be able to rent it while Kristin is gone. It allows me to park my
bus/motorhome at the back of the property, actually I have not had to move it, since George lives
here now. George also does the prison newsletter ministry. George is a wonderful host. He cooks
a lot of meals for me, like he was doing this night for Kristin and I. He is also quite
accommodating with the money I pay him. I started this with my daughter for I have had a 30
Amp electric outlet put on a pole next to my bus. It also has a smaller electric outlet along with it.
(Picture to come.)

George played us a game of Scrabble after feeding us an oriental meal. Kristin apologized to us
before the game, as she said she was going to beat us. Well, at least she counts me as her tutor.

It just so happened that George and I were within 20 points of each other, but Kristin was way
ahead of both of us. I lost the game. Kristin and George are getting pretty good.

Kristin did not use all of her time for fun and games here. Though her days were pretty full of
friends and church folks planning her days, she did make time for her mother and I. Tony (her
mother) lives about 20 miles away. Her mother has had a number of health problems and she
divorced me about 16 years ago (read the chapter “Addendum: Testimony of a Dying Son”) in the
book Evidence of Things Unseen.

Kristin has also taken care of me. Since I had a stroke over 4 years ago I have found it extremely
difficult to do some things inside my motorhome, such as cleaning the floors. Kristin came over
two days and cleaned the floors, and many other things. She then came over to paint the outside
of the windows. They had been spray painted earlier, but the paint had not held.

This is Kristin using a foam brush to paint the windows. The next picture shows George taping
the rear windows for painting. The amount of paint on the rear windows shows what the
windows Kristin is painting were like. There are also 3 windows on the other side of the bus that
needed painting.

George used a regular paint brush to touch up a lot of the body. I tried it, but got a lot of white
paint on the blue, so I bowed out. I also can not handle the ladders properly. I do not have a good
sense of balance since my stroke. Also, note the upside down trash can beside the bus. Under this
is my electrical plugs that I had put in.

And here is one more picture I took yesterday morning. Can you name him? How about Champ.

I am ending this blog the way that I began it. Can you tell that Kristin has also cut my hair and
trimmed my beard? I will have to wait until next year to get it done right again.

Goodbye daughter!

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Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


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