by | Mar 5, 2010

Joseph Herrin (03-05-2010)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I announced a short time back that the Father has directed me to take the books and assorted teachings on the Heart4God and Parables Blog websites and convert them to a newsletter format where they could be mailed to men and women in prison. This newsletter form is also suitable for anyone who desires to share the teachings of this minister with others.

You can find these newsletters posted online at the following link:

Ifeanyi Isitor, a brother in Christ in England, has done a great job in posting this material for me, and as I send him further issues of the PARABLES BOOKSHELF you will find them posted on this same page.

You will also find a page giving instructions for printing and mailing these newsletters to others. Let me encourage you to do so.

I am convinced that it is the will of the Father for me to provide you with this resource that you might use it to reach out to others who are hungry for truth in this hour. If you have been instructed, encouraged, challenged, or edified by these teachings, then I exhort you to share these messages with others. The Father has not directed me to raise up a large, centralized, prison mailing ministry, but rather to provide this resource to His body that each individual member might be led of the Spirit in sharing truth and light with others, wherever, and however, the Spirit of Christ might direct you.

I have shared recently that the Father has spoken to me through the imagery of Joseph as he went across the land of Egypt in the seven years of plenty. He raised up storehouses all across the land and filled them with grain. When the time of famine came, the storehouses were opened that the people in each surrounding area might be fed during a time of great famine.

What I see the Father indicating by this type and shadow is that He would have me to provide you, the body of Christ, with that spiritual food He has delivered to me that you might in turn distribute it to others who are hungering for truth.

One thing that I have noted, both from the Scriptures and from personal experience, is that men and women who are cast upon hard times and whose lives are greatly in turmoil and disarray, become much more open to receiving truth. When people’s lives are comfortable, and they are at ease, their spiritual hunger is greatly diminished.

Men and women in prison are experiencing such turmoil and upheaval. They are therefore comparatively more hungry to be fed spiritual food from the Father’s table than those who are not experiencing the same level of upset. An hour is coming, however, when the entire nation of America, and the world, will enter into very troublesome days. These things are not far off.

I encourage you to be storing up grain in your home that you might feed others in that day, and also take advantage of the opportunities to minister to those who are hungry at this present hour. I encourage you to print out the PARABLES BOOKSHELF. There is new material on the front and back covers, and in between are words of life and truth that the church is not finding presented to them in this hour, except in rare situations. These teachings are suitable for use for conducting home Bible studies, and I know of one man in prison who has already been using them there to conduct Bible studies with others.

Consider the spiritual application of the following Scripture.

Proverbs 21:13
He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will also cry himself and not be answered.

People can be impoverished both physically and spiritually. If you have an abundance of spiritual things and do not share with those who lack, will not Yahweh judge you as He would a man who had an abundance of material things who would not trouble himself to share with those who lacked the necessities of life?

Remember the words of Christ regarding the judgment. He said many would hear Him say, “I was hungry and you fed Me. I was naked and you clothed Me. I was in prison and you Visited Me.” These will respond, “When Lord?” His reply will be, “When you did it unto one of the least of these My brethren, you did it unto Me.”

I am fully persuaded that the Spirit of Christ has directed me to make these teachings available in this format to all those who have been receiving the teachings of this minister. Will you take what you have received and share it with others? This is ever the pattern of Christ. He took bread, blessed it and gave it to His disciples. Why? Not so that they could sit down and eat it alone. It was that they might distribute it to all those around who were hungry and fainting, for we read that Yahshua had compassion on the multitude.

A marvelous thing about the truths of Yahweh’s kingdom upon which we feed. As much as we give it away, we find that our basket is still full. There is plenty to give to all who are hungry, and there will be full baskets left over when we are through.

Luke 6:38
“Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.”

Would you be increased in spiritual truth? Then walk in the light you have been given, and share that light in the world around you. Do not place your light under a bushel. Those who are faithful in little will be given more.

There are at present 14 issues of the PARABLES BOOKSHELF posted, and more will be put up weekly. I anticipate there being 100 or more when I am through with this work. This represents an abundance of spiritual food that others might feed upon. Ask the Spirit of Christ to guide you to those who are hungry, and then give them the sustenance they lack. You will be richer because you did.

On a practical note, I would suggest that sending two issues a week to those in prison would be a good number. You may want to create a checklist to keep track of what issues have been shared with various individuals. They are being posted in the order I believe would be suitable that a foundation might be laid first, and then more advanced teachings do follow.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Note: as I post this, one of the links is not working (Issue 1.3.2), but this will be corrected shortly.

Heart4God Website:
Parables Blog:

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Joseph,

    Do you (or anyone reading this) have a printer recommendation as far as cost per page is concerned, be it inkjet, laser, etc? At this moment I'm researching this subject and will post here what I find. I would much rather spend two cents per page instead of eight cents (or more).

    I thank you and the many laborers for all that is done to edify the Body/Bride of Yahshua.


  2. Dear Joe,

    I recently purchased the HP OfficeJet Pro 8500. HP has been running a lot of specials on these, and Office Depot and Staples have additional specials. This printer normally retails for $299, but it was advertised with an instant rebate of $70, which made it $229. On top of this, both Staples and Office Depot will give a $50 instant rebate if you bring in an old printer when purchasing a printer whose base price exceeds $200. This lowered the cost of the printer to $179, which was a great deal.

    This is an all in one printer, and although I did not need the scanner and fax, I did need the duplexing option so I could automatically print both sides of the page. This printer also has large capacity ink cartridges. The black cartridge is rated at 2200 pages, as compared to an 800 page yield on a lot of other printers, such as the Epsons.

    Overall, it is an economical printer, and I have been very pleased with it. If you do a search online, you may even find a better deal on the cost.


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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin, which is now ministered by Colin Buchanan. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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