Preparing For The End

by | Jan 31, 2025

Dear Saints,

How are you, brothers and sisters, in this late hour on fallen Earth?

Here in Donegal, Ireland, we are five days into a blackout that has cast many hundreds of thousands of homes into darkness and winter cold, wrought by the latest mega-storm to hit the west coast. Yes, another storm!

This one was so fierce, so gusting in its extremes, that somehow it knocked out the power grid across the entire country of Ireland, save for Dublin itself, the capitol city. As unbelievable as that sounds, other than a lone city the whole nation fell into darkness overnight.

This included the mobile phone networks all going off at the same time, and the internet.

Hundreds of thousands lost their tap-water too, and many are still without this most basic of necessities.

With such a sudden plunge into darkness and isolation, this latest event of weather warfare has caused much distress for those not prepared for the sudden loss of things only the day before they were taking for granted in the midst of a grim winter, things like heating, lighting, cooking, water, communications, television and internet. Few people in modernised houses, where chimneys have been blocked up and gas and oil heating replaced with newfangled ‘green-friendly’ systems entirely reliant on mains electricity, expected their homes to turn into uninhabitable caves of darkness and cold in the space of a night. Many have fled to relatives or hotels or even AirBnB’s until power is restored.

No one recalls such long-lasting outages as these, not even the elderly. No one recalls when a winter storm knocked out the power and water and communications grid of an entire country, from which it is still struggling to recover. Questions and suspicions are muttered by those who no longer take anything on face value.

In our little homestead on the northwest coast (more a rented country house-and-garden turned into a guerilla growing and chicken operation), we were a little more prepared than most, since we have been making what small moves we can to be more self-reliant despite our meagre funds. With gas heaters in all the rooms and a fire going constantly in the fireplace, everything lit with lanterns and battery-powered fairy-lights and some classic Reggae or Josh Garrells playing from a portable speaker and Walkman, the children laughing and mucking about as usual, my wife Joanna cooking on the gas cooker, it is actually quite cheery here in our isolation.

Though it is hard not to feel like we are experiencing some manifestation of the end-of-days which the world is now entering upon.



At the back of our homestead rise the hills of an uninhabited forest peninsula, once the grand estate of ‘landed gentry’, where over recent years the trees and their roots have been rotted so badly by endless chemical rains that every gale that rolls through here now either snaps or uproots them in noticeable numbers, so that you can see how sometime soon, parts of the forest are going to be resembling scenes from The Road. Through this once-thriving, now fast-failing forest park, trails weave all the way to beaches blackened by graphene, and seabirds still somehow surviving amongst all the nano-plastics in the waters, and sterile tidal pools with barely a speck of movement in them, like stark mockeries of the rock pools remembered from childhood which crawled with so much life you could bend down and catch it with your hands.



Hardly a day passes here when the skies overhead are not sealed in by the thickest of cloud cover, or criss-crossed by chemical trails which slowly spread into a thickening haze, all of it gradually falling to the earth, into the soils, into our lungs and our bodies. When a person knows what is in those chemical trails in the sky, and their young children are playing beneath them, it is hard not to observe these things without a sense of dread deep in your stomach, and silent prayers on your lips.

For the discerning eye, the front of our homestead offers a healthier-looking prospect, if only because the land before us is tamed by stone walls and fields of livestock, and surrounded by hills of rock and heather. From here, from the front of the house, we look out upon the straight line of a country road as it rears and dips past cottages far away and wreathed in the smoke of burning turf and logs, until it runs beyond sight towards the forested slopes of a mountain which dominates the entire region. On top of this mountain, at its very peak, stands a massive cross of Christ, erected by faithful locals and visible from all around whenever the days are clear enough.

The cross beneath which I was born again in Christ.

It is this rural area around us and in front of us, running right up to the mountain and the cross, which still remains without power since early Friday morning. Yet to our left the lights of the village a few miles off are twinkling again, their power having been restored. To our right, three or four miles distant, more lights twinkle.

With not even the radio working for us right now, it is as though we are detached from the modern world. As though we are becalmed.

I am writing these words on a laptop which I was able to recharge at a friend’s house in the village yesterday. The battery has a few hours of power remaining, though it is dwindling fast enough to hurry me along. Wifi has returned intermittently, and with our little wifi dongle* I should still be able to post this writing if the power remains out until the coming Friday, hopefully the day you are reading this.

* (the wifi dongle is plugged by a long lead into the computer and rests in a raised open cake-tin some metres away, in order to reduce the radiation exposure of 4G).



Preparing For The End

With our intentions for becoming more off-grid, my wife and I had already planned on running a mock blackout over the course of some weekend, so we could test out our basic preparations for a real event. Of course a real event has now overtaken our laudable plans, as is very often the way of these things. This very real blackout has provided the perfect time for testing and familiarising ourselves with the needs of a truly off-grid existence. For we do not believe we should even be relying upon such things from our SOG* as power and water at this late hour – not out here in the countryside anyway, where the Powers really do appear to be doing everything they can to make it harder and harder to survive – like removing fireplaces and banning the cutting of turf for burning on home fires.

* (for an explanation of SOG, see my post A Tale Of Two Nations: Part 1).

Some items we have found essential are gas heaters and cookers. And lots of battery operated lights. Not torches but strings of fairy lights and nice battery lanterns. Even better, kerosene lanterns for adding some authentic cheer to a room.

Essential too is an open fire or wood-burning stove, and of course dried wood to burn on it. For what if gas itself is no longer available?

Even more essential (by our own reckoning anyway) is a way to play some music. There is nothing quite like some soulful tunes to warm your heart while you are waiting for some soup to heat up on the stove and contemplating the end of the world.

But in this prolonged power outage, we find ourselves still lacking in what is really required for true off-grid living, – a way to replenish our electricity once the stored power is gone. A small portable generator is still required. Some proper solar panels and batteries. These are really the barest necessities for any truly sustainable off-grid living. Well, these, and a careless faith in God’s Promise to provide us what we need, when we most need it.

Of course, I have not even mentioned food in this discussion. But let me keep that for another day, as the laptop battery is running down fast.

With the fire lit in the evenings now, the candles burning, the lantern glowing, some music playing in the background, our small family gathers together in a way that I notice is more intimate and needed than before the blackout. Our play seems even more playful than before. Hauling in logs and keeping the fire going becomes a nine-year-old boy’s evening adventure. Time passes differently. More smoothly and slowly. Stories of the past are told. Deeper thoughts expressed. We reason about things together.



Last night, we were recounting how our boy, Sky, had gotten into trouble with his Primary School a few years earlier, before we made the decision to homeschool him (for fear he would dye his hair blue and declare that he identifies as being a pony). He had gotten into trouble because he had declared to his classmates, during Christmas time of all times, that Santa Clause isn’t real.

Yes, the gasps of shock, the horror of it all.

No such thing as Santa!

From an early age, we have been using Santa as an instruction for our son concerning the lies of this world, and how we have to stand against them in truth no matter what. So we were proud of the troubled email that we received from the school’s principle, asking if, perhaps, Sky could tone down the myth-busting for now as he was causing upset and division in the classroom. And last night I told my boy as much. I told him I was proud of him for standing up like that and telling the truth when everyone else was saying differently.

A while later, staring into the fire, he declared the strangest of things to the room – that ‘Satan is in the darkness!’, as though some understanding had struck a chord within him. I had never heard him mention the name of the Adversary before then. I was not sure where his line of thinking was running.

Though it brought to mind our previous conversation about Santa. I told my son that if you look at the name SANTA, and rearrange two of its letters, it becomes the name SATAN.

He was curious, but he did not quite see it until his mother wrote it on a whiteboard for him. And then he saw it!

Wow! he said. But why? Why is that? Why is SANTA really the same name as SATAN?

I held out my arms in a shrug. Well exactly. Good question.

Why is that?

For a moment he thought about it. And when he looked at me again, he declared, ‘Because the Devil made us believe a lie. The Devil made us believe in Santa!’

Hah! Exactly, I told him. Well said, my boy!

I was even more proud of him in that moment, seeing his excitement at having discerned some Truth for himself in this fallen world. At having glimpsed past the veil.


The False Light

We rarely see the stars from here any longer due to the constant artificial cloud cover. But right now the stars are coming out at night for a rare display, with the skies scrubbed clean by the storm. Planets align and a comet many are talking about rolls ever-closer somewhere just beyond our vantage. My children stare up in wonder just as I did as a child, just as I still do now. All of it a reminder of Yahweh’s fingerprints upon this Creation we live upon.



Looking at all the lights of the village and the other lights miles off to our right, I am given thoughts of watching Great Babylon from afar, or the Cities on the Plain, so close and yet so far away, so self-righteous in their wealth yet marked for utter destruction.

I wonder who it is that is really lying in darkness right now. I am reminded of the False Light of this world. The False Light which rather than illuminates us blinds us instead to the truths of our lives. Dazzles us with fantasies so we turn away from reality into the delusions of the SELF, that First Lie of the Serpent.

For behind the False Light lies the true darkness of Satan and the worship of SELF. Hearts blackened by the darkness of lies and selfishness. SELF turned so utterly inwards that it becomes in fact a black hole, always devouring, always TAKING and never GIVING, yet illumined by a halo of dying light cast from the destruction of all it consumes, leading all who follow that way to the same fate.



We Do Yet Realise How Bad It Really Is

Such darkness lies across the whole of the West now, covered by the False Light of media and our captured governments.

Above us, the man-made weather roars and rents and floods one portion of the world while scorching and burning another. Even daylight, sweet precious sunshine, has been diminished by at least 1/3 of normal by the daily spraying of the heavens, and few people even notice this remarkable loss to their lives. Decreasing light levels/increasing daily darkness, is merely the fashion of the day.

Elon Musk is hailed a hero even as he hails the Dark Sun of Lucifer and beams 5G radiation onto our heads, like some villain from a James Bond movie after the villains have taken control of the world. 5G of all things! A technology developed as a military Silent Weapon, a way of killings or sickening or effecting the minds of one’s enemies (or captive populations) without their knowing it.

If we chance to take a look at other data, we find that all waters are now toxic to life. Every stream and river, every ocean, is polluted with heavy metals, radioactives, nano-particles and nano-plastics. Our very bodies are awash with these toxic substances so that even Mother’s Milk is now poisoned. Everything is slowly dying. And all of this because of the wormwood in the rain, the poisonous concoction being sprayed across the skies of the earth and destroying all soils and roots and life and any hopes of a future other than death.

Meanwhile, all around us, black has becomes the new black.

And colour has been chased from our public spaces.

Look at any crowd now, and what do you see but a sea of black clothing? Even Africans and those from the Caribbean, people used to wearing many splendid colours, now walk around in shiny black coats that resemble bin bags. Look at any road and what do you see but black cars interspersed with occasional white ones, the masonic/satanic colours of duality played out in our everyday lives? And no-one mentions it. No-one seems to notice the intentional darkening of our cultures. It is merely the ‘fashion of the day’. And so in their wilful ignorance, people are fashioned into the Image of the Beast which they worship daily and devoutly upon their screens.

Truth, the understanding of Reality, is now entirely inverted. Anything that is not Nice is considered Hateful and Bigoted. For instance in England it is now an ‘Offence To Cause Offence ’. No. I am not exaggerating in any way.



People are being arrested in handcuffs, visited at 4am in the morning by Police Officers, for causing anxiety to another person on social media. It is now an arrestable offence to ‘cause anxiety’, or simply to offend a person’s feelings!


In Canada, lawmakers discuss a possible new ‘pre-emptive law’ enabling citizens to report other citizens who they consider likely to say bigoted or offensive remarks in the future, and to receive a portion of the monies from any resulting fine as a reward (up to 20k Canadian dollars). Is this real? Is this fantasy? Who can know any longer without the leadings of the Holy Spirit?

How can the true gospel of Christ be broadcast under conditions such as these? Indeed, street preachers are being arrested across all the Crown Nations for Hate Speech or other contrived illegalities. Individual saints are arrested for simply praying silently in the general vicinities of abortion clinics. Others are told by ‘Unpaid Volunteer Police Officers’ that they cannot sing gospel songs on the street, they must confine such things to churches or gain permission from an ‘official church’. In Ireland, teachers like Enoch Burke are imprisoned for refusing to use gender ‘pronouns’ in Christian schools.

Dog-collared, pink-haired dykes and Transvestites assume the pulpits of woke churches across the West, leading the congregations – leading Christian congregations! – even deeper into heresy. Deeper into the Great Falling Away.

The Devil walks our streets right out in the open. Satanism and 666 are broadcast everywhere across the media, openly before our eyes, straight into the minds of children captured by our Luciferian culture – by Demons in Drag in public libraries reading stories full of sexualised indoctrination, by schools forcing pronouns and gender-bending delusions that openly groom children for the predation of twisted adults. Everyone online seems to be showing a handsign of the horns or the V, or sticking their tongues out, or waggling their rumps in the faces of the youth. It is as though you must show allegiance to the Devil now if you wish to get anywhere within the public sphere.

Our countries are invaded by illegal immigrants invited here by our own treasonous governments, who have utilised the vast powers of the internet and social media to draw people from across the Third World. We are invaded not by aliens from space but by illegal aliens from abroad, a horde of locusts with the faces of men given authority from Apollyon himself, the fallen Angel of the Abyss, to torment and plague us for more than a season*. The majority of immigrants are single men of fighting age, holed up in every place the governments can shove them into, even Army Camps, single men with nothing good to do but to wait for whatever their free phones prompts them to do next, whatever social-engineering comes through their social media. Here in Ireland, rapes of native women and children are soaring. Knife crimes, robbings, burglaries. The daylight snatching of Irish children. Communities find themselves under siege in their own villages and towns and cities, and when they protest, are screamed at as being racists by the liberal neighbours amongst them. Nowhere is left to rent for natives, no accommodations any longer available for our young even if they should be going off to college or university, while illegal immigrants are given priority and awarded ‘Forever Homes’, social housing that cannot legally be taken from them. So many illegals are now driving around on the roads that there are no longer any used cars to buy. Hospitals, dentists, social services have become swamped overnight, with priorities again going to immigrants**.

* (CERN is built upon the ruins of an ancient temple to Apollyon/Apollo. CERN just happens to be the birthplace of the World Wide Web, and the first

** (If these words provoke you, I would ask that you read one of my posts titled, The Fake Alien Invasion Of Ireland).

The cost of living skyrockets beyond most people’s means due to artificial inflation. Real food is becoming harder to source, harder to import, harder to grow. The bottlenecks of looming famines are already in place. The Great Hunger is almost here.

But none of this seems barely apparent to the millions of lost souls who babble and bubble their lives away across social media – that great altar upon which Love, SELF-lessness, is sacrificed daily to the serpent’s ancient lie of SELF. It is upon this loveless altar to SELF which the Liberals of the world have clearly lost their minds. Now many proclaim that it is Communist China that is the answer, the way to salvation. Communism, that slayer of millions!

Yet the Conservatives fare no better. They too have no love of truth in which to save them. And now, bearing the cross of Christ in open blasphemy, we see fanatical StormTrumpers hailing the Triumphant Beast as their world saviour.

It is the strangest times of all time.



Preparing For The End

Those who still remain without power here in Ireland are learning what it is to live without such luxuries of the flesh as power and social media. They are being prepared for what is now coming next, the breakdown of rural living. Some are turning in help to their neighbours, relying upon themselves and the blessings of their Maker for all that they need. And they are finding that their needs, in the eyes of God, are usually less than what they think they need.

This is something that Joseph wrote much about in his writings. The Father will provide for our needs if we trust in Him. But this does not mean He will rain material luxuries upon our lives. Far from it. He will more likely provide us with just what we need to get by and no more, and we will have to be content in simplifying our lives, and living within the means that Yahweh provides for us.

Those in the villages and towns and cities, who have had their power returned to them after only a brief period of time, have experienced only a short, sharp shock due to this crisis before having their modern luxuries restored to them. Few will have learned from such a short lesson as that.

It is those who have been spared the worst of the power outages who remain unprepared for what is coming. When the next major crisis knocks out the whole country’s power grid, most likely for reasons other than a mere storm*, reasons that will cause the power to stay off for a prolonged period of time (and no doubt in the midst of a fierce winter), people are going to start dying in large numbers. All hell will break loose as natives and immigrants fight to survive. We will enter into a darkness like never before.

* (such as war or hacking).

And the saints themselves will have to do more than merely survive through the social breakdowns that are already happening, and are only going to worsen. The saints will be called upon to be of service to others in these times. They will not only have to provide for themselves through the Grace of God, but they will also need to be able to help their neighbours too. And in their joyful walks of faith, they will have to shine like lamps on a hilltop for others to see. Some of us will be called to witnesses for Christ’s Light with our very lives.

Those who have endured the worst of this crisis are learning some vital lessons. Some are even turning closer to God in this hour, seeing the time in which we are in. Perhaps they will not be caught by surprise when the King returns in all His Glory upon this falling Earth in its final throes, just in time to spare what life is remaining, right when there is barely any real faith in Yahweh left on earth. For the return of Christ will not be like that of a thief in the night for those who are prepared for Him, and know what signs to watch for. Though before we may reach that promised Omega point of rescue, we must be prepared for what is still to come, what in fact is hurtling right towards us, what in fact is unfolding right now.

Brothers and sisters, are you prepared for the End?




A Little Housekeeping

It is strange to talk about more mundane matters after espousing the end of the world! But what else can we do but carry on faithfully with our missions, including all the minutia of details which they involve? We cannot simply stop and marvel and do no more.

So forgive me for this sudden change in tone.

You may have noticed that I missed posting a blog on Friday 17th. There were more emails than usual from fellow saints that week, and I spent most of what time I had responding to these communications. Thank you by the way to everyone who has offered feedback concerning my previous post, The Loneliness of the Saints: A Call For Community! I will be posting a part two shortly with some updates.

I did wish to post a blog today concerning the recent Inauguration of President Triumph. But that will have to wait now until next week.

There have been reports from long-time readers of difficulties subscribing to the Parables blog over the last few years. Along with some reports from readers who have not been receiving blog posts in their emails for quite some time too. As I am new to running the blog I am not certain why these issues have occurred in the past, though I have changed some things in the hopes of ensuring more reliability from here on. If you still have any issues then please do let me know at

And if you have missed any of the posts that have been emailed out so far, you can always catch up with them on the website itself.

I believe that is all I have time to say for now. I should add too, that regardless of what is coming, I will endeavour to keep publishing the Parables blog for as long as I am able.

I pray you are all well.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.


Colin Buchanan



  1. So pleased to hear that you and your family are well and weathering the darkness with peace! We’ve been praying for you. Seems that, by obedience to the father, he led you to a place where this experience has been something enjoyable rather than too stressful. It’s always nice when that happens!
    ‘Josh Garrel’s – Fear Thou Not’ is one of my favorites.

    Looking forward to your next post.

    • Thank you for your prayers sister. We received many blessings during this storm and blackout. Thankfully, we now have power restored, though others are still without and remain in our prayers.

      Josh Garrels! Yes we love this brother’s work. You have prompted me to offer my own favourite song of Josh’s in return, though it’s impossible to pin it down to just one … I would have to say ‘Answered’ makes the hairs rise on the back of my neck every time I hear it …

      With blessings.


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