Removing the High Places – Part 1

by | Nov 23, 2020

Joseph Herrin

The history of God’s chosen people Israel as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible is filled with tragedy. Nowhere are the disastrous consequences of offending a holy God and incurring His wrath seen more clearly than when His people embraced the worship of idols with all of their attending symbols and rituals. Yahweh warned His people in the clearest language of the consequences of embracing the worship of the gods of the people whose lands they were going in to conquer.
Deuteronomy 31:16-18
Yahweh said to Moses, “… this people will arise and play the harlot with the strange gods of the land, into the midst of which they are going, and will forsake Me and break My covenant which I have made with them. Then My anger will be kindled against them in that day, and I will forsake them and hide My face from them, and they will be consumed, and many evils and troubles will come upon them; so that they will say in that day, ‘Is it not because our God is not among us that these evils have come upon us?’ But I will surely hide My face in that day because of all the evil which they will do, for they will turn to other gods.”
With many such warnings, on many different occasions, the people were warned of the consequences of embracing the worship of other gods. There is clearly the practice of much idolatry in the church today, and the results have been the same. Even as Yahweh testified that He would hide His face from His people who entered into idolatry, so too has Yahweh hidden His face from many in this hour. Few are the saints who hear the voice of the Spirit of Christ, for the Holy Spirit will not inhabit a temple that is filled with idols.
As prophesied here, days of the greatest evil are soon to fall upon the nations, and many will find that in a time when they need to hear from God the most that He will hide His face from them as a judgment against their idolatrous lives.
Joshua 24:19-20
Then Joshua said to the people, “You will not be able to serve Yahweh, for He is a holy God. He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your transgression or your sins. If you forsake Yahweh and serve foreign gods, then He will turn and do you harm and consume you after He has done good to you.”
Tragically, the history of Israel revealed in Scripture shows that the people did the very thing that Yahweh warned them against. Time after time the people embraced the images and rituals of the pagan deities worshiped by the people around them and Yahweh always brought judgment upon them. Then the people would repent and put away their idolatrous images and return for a time to a single devotion to Yahweh. Yet the history of Israel reveals that the times of idolatrous mixture were much more frequent than the brief period of pure devotion to Yahweh.
After the nation of Israel split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah, we never read of a single king of Israel whose heart was purely devoted to Yahweh. Jeroboam was the first king of the ten northern tribes and he immediately led the people into idolatry as he set up altars at Dan and Bethel. Because of their gross idolatry, having provoked Yahweh to jealousy, Israel suffered many things. Her land was invaded. Her people were enslaved and made to pay severe taxes to foreigners. Her crops were stolen by marauding bands. Famines plagued the land. And ultimately the entire nation was given into the hands of the Assyrians and carried off into exile.
The southern Kingdom knew some godly kings, and many of them served Yahweh and sought to honor him. Even among these godly kings, however, there was rarely any time when all idolatry was removed from the land. In fact, there were only three kings who ever ruled over Yahweh’s people whose hearts were zealous for Yahweh and who acted with jealousy on His behalf so that His jealousy would not burn toward the people. These three kings were David, Hezekiah and Josiah.
David was a man after God’s heart. He loved Yahweh with a purity that was never exceeded by any other king, and God has given him a name of renown unto this day. As the writers of the Old Testament wrote of the histories of the kings of Israel and Judah they used phrases repeatedly that made comparison of the kings with King David. What was compared was the reigning king’s devotion to Yahweh. In the following verses we see this comparison made.
I Kings 15:1-3
Abijam became king over Judah… He walked in all the sins of his father which he had committed before him; and his heart was not wholly devoted to Yahweh his God, like the heart of his father David.
II Kings 14:1-3
Amaziah the son of Joash [became] king of Judah…  And he did that which was right in the sight of Yahweh, yet not like David his father.
II Kings 16:2
Ahaz was twenty years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem; and he did not do what was right in the sight of Yahweh his God, as his father David had done.
Because David served Yahweh with a whole heart God made many wonderful promises to him. In the same way Yahweh has given many promises to the saints today who follow Him with a whole heart. These same promises are not for the mass of professing Christians. They are reserved for the overcomers in Christ. These magnificent promises are for those who are devoted to Christ in purity and who are not chasing after the idols of the world.

Most Christians today have made some compromise with the world. Oftentimes they are not even aware of the compromise for they have not invited the Holy Spirit of Christ to examine them and reveal if there be any wicked way in them. David made such an invitation to God, as revealed in the following verse.
Psalms 139:23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Oftentimes our relationship to God is revealed more in the things we have omitted than in the things we do. Much of what Christians do today is the result of tradition and the influence of other professing believers around us. Yet if we only go as far as those whom we observe in our devotion to Christ, and we do not press on any further, then it is certain that we will fall short of Yahweh’s desire for us. We must all press in ourselves. We must demonstrate our love for God by manifesting initiative in our pursuit of Him. We must ask Him to reveal everything that is not pleasing to Him and to lead us in the path of righteousness. This is how Yahshua taught His disciples to pray.
Matthew 6:9-13
“Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Holy is Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’”
As familiar as this Scripture passage is, it is my experience that there are few Christians who have ever considered what it is Yahshua was teaching His disciples here. Some key parts of this prayer are:
An acknowledgment that Yahweh is holy
An invitation that Yahweh’s will be done here in the earth of this flesh even as it is done by the holy angels in heaven.
A petition that He deliver us from all that is evil.
Yahshua is teaching His disciples that we can only properly relate to God as we understand that He is holy. He is pure righteousness. He is all light with no darkness. In Him is no variation or shadow of evil, sin or wickedness.
If we understand this then we will readily acknowledge that in heaven there is nothing profane or unholy. There are no idolatrous images in the presence of the holy God. In the same way there should be no idolatrous images in our lives, for the Scriptures declare to the saints that it is the will of God that we  be holy even as He is holy.
It is an awesome invitation for any saint to ask Yahweh that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Certainly our Lord had it in mind when teaching His disciples how to pray that man was created of the dust of the earth, and this invitation for God’s will to be done on earth is directly focused upon establishing the kingdom of Yahweh in the earth. Yahshua also told His disciples the following:
Luke 17:20-22
“The kingdom [literally – reign]  of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.”
When Yahshua taught His disciples to pray He was in effect instructing them to invite Yahweh to establish His perfect reign in their lives even as He reigns perfectly in heaven. We are given a pattern and a parable of the attempts of Yahweh’s chosen people to establish the reign of God in the earth as we look to the history of Israel and Judah under her kings. Most of those who were chosen to serve as spiritual parables to the saints today were outright idolaters. Although they would oftentimes mention Yahweh and pay Him lip-service, their hearts were far from Him. They loved the world and the things in it.
There were only a few, three to be exact, who received the commendation of having followed Yahweh with a whole heart. A much larger number fell into a middle ground where they had some devotion to God, but they did not fully commit themselves to following Him with passion and jealousy. As we read of some of these kings who are revered to this day, we find that Yahweh did not find them perfect and He assigned a statement to follow the record of their devotion, and this statement holds much meaning for the saints today.
II Kings 12:2-3
Jehoash did right in the sight of Yahweh… Only the high places were not taken away; the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.
II Kings 14:3-4
[Amaziah] did right in the sight of Yahweh, yet not like David his father… the high places were not taken away; the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.
II Kings 15:3-4
[Azariah] did right in the sight of Yahweh, according to all that his father Amaziah had done. Only the high places were not taken away; the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.
II Kings 15:34-35
[Jotham] did what was right in the sight of Yahweh; he did according to all that his father Uzziah had done. Only the high places were not taken away; the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.

Over and over we read that there were kings who sought to serve God, and who followed Him to a great degree, but who fell short of that standard of holiness that Yahweh desired. After all was said and done, and the Holy Spirit inspired men to write about their works, a caveat was added at the end of their testimony that revealed a deficiency in their obedience. They did not remove the high places.
No Christian should think that these things were recorded without purpose. These things were written for the instruction of the church. These things were written as examples of us (I Corinthians 10). As we read about the lives of these kings of Israel and Judah we are to discern things about the condition of the lives of the saints of God who are called to be a nation of kings and priests unto their God.
In the same way that there were many who were called from among God’s chosen people to be kings unto Him, yet whose lives were marked with idolatry, so too are there many among the saints who live lies of great idolatry. Though they be known as the called of God, and though they associate themselves with the name of Christ, they follow after all the gods of the people in whose midst they find themselves.
There is a lesser number who seek to separate themselves from the idolatry of the world. These ones remove from their midst all the idols of the world that appear detestable in their sight. They are devoted to Yahweh to a greater degree than some, but they still fall short of the desire of God. Perhaps no king of the Old Testament came closer to Yahweh’s perfect will, while still falling short, than King Asa. We read of him the following:
II Chronicles 15:8, 16-17
Now when Asa heard these words and the prophecy which Azariah the son of Oded the prophet spoke, he took courage and removed the abominable idols from all the land of Judah and Benjamin and from the cities which he had captured in the hill country of Ephraim. He then restored the altar of Yahweh which was in front of the porch of Yahweh… He also removed Maacah, the mother of King Asa, from the position of queen mother, because she had made a horrid image as an Asherah, and Asa cut down her horrid image, crushed it and burned it at the brook Kidron. But the high places were not removed from Israel…
Asa came so close to doing the perfect will of God, yet he too fell short in removing the high places of idolatrous worship. What does this signify for the Christian today? We can gain understanding as we examine the words of this Scripture. We are told that Asa removed “the abominable idols” from the land. We also read that he cut down the “horrid image” that his mother had set up, and consequently removed her from all position of honor due to her sin. These were tremendous steps of obedience that surely cost him personally, and were a trial to accomplish. To his credit he obeyed Yahweh to this extent and his deeds were forever recorded.
Why then did the high places remain untouched? These too were places of idolatry, and an offense to a holy God. Yahweh desired that they be removed as much as all the other symbols of idolatrous worship. The reason was that to Asa and the people these high places did not have the appearance of being “abominable” and “horrid.” The people were not offended by the blatant nature of the high places. The high places had stood for a long time, and they were constructed by one of the most revered kings of Israel, King Solomon. Even when other kings had instituted reforms and a return to devotion to Yahweh, the high places had been left untouched, and it therefore seemed acceptable to purge all that was idolatrous from the land while leaving these high places intact.
Does the church in any way commit a similar error today? Are there symbols of idolatry that are an offense to a holy God that the people of God are not offended by? Are there high places among Christianity that have withstood numerous revivals and reformations while being left intact? Surely there are, and uncloaking their identity will reveal the reason that Christians have so much trouble separating themselves from them.
Before I go further I want to remind the saints of a key practice of Satan in his activity among mankind. The Scriptures declare the following of Satan:
I John 5:19
We know that we are of God, and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. 
Revelation 12:9
And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world…
Satan’s power is deception. What he cannot accomplish through outright means, he seeks to accomplish through subtlety and deceit. In the presentation “Freemasonry, the Spirit of Babylon” it was revealed how Satan deceives many men into becoming involved in a Satanic organization by deceiving them as to the meaning behind the symbols and rituals that are practiced. A number of instances were cited to demonstrate that it is a practice of Satan to take things which are horrid and abominable and make them acceptable by ascribing to them a false interpretation. In this way many men, even the called of God, have been led to view certain symbols as if they were praiseworthy when they are actually vile and profane.
Following are a couple of examples taken from the presentation on Freemasonry.

Image of Solomon’s Temple from Masonic Bible
As I was conducting a study on Freemasonry, a Masonic Bible was donated to the Macon Rescue Mission where I was on staff, and I purchased it. This Bible was published by the A. J. Holman company and is a very large family Bible that is filled with Masonic content at the front. One of the first articles is titled “The First Authentic Restoration of King Solomon’s Temple and Citadel.” The restoration is credited to John Wesley Kelchner and a statement precedes the article and following images.
“Exactly the spectacle beheld by the eyes of Solomon when his artisans had finished.” Harvey Wiley Corbett, Architect
Following is an excerpt from this article.
How the Designs, Drawings and Pictures Were Obtained.

It is known to every reader of the Bible and student of Solomon’s days, that an amazingly exact description of the Temple and its associated structures has been carried down from the mists of antiquity by the Scriptures. Lineal measurements, materials employed, and ornamental detail are so graphically presented that restoration of the Temple at any time within a score of centuries past, awaited only the coming of a man with the vision to recognize its historic value, and the imagination to undertake the task.

Notwithstanding the universal interest in King Solomon’s Temple, a fascination which has created innumerable legends and romances during the intervening centuries, the incredible fact remains that no adequate effort to restore the Temple was made until John Wesley Kelchner, Archaeologist, Bible Student and Lecturer, began thirty years ago to make real his vision of the scriptural description.
It is espoused that the images created of Solomon’s Temple are accurate, having followed the Biblical details of its construction. However, the reality is far from the truth. What is depicted in this Bible are images of a Babylonian Ziggurat, the offspring of the original Tower of Babel, as well as numerous other Babylonian buildings and artistic images.
This slide shows the Masonic Bible’s depiction of the front view of Solomon’s Temple. Note that what is visioned here is a tower. Nowhere in Scripture is there any indication of a tower being incorporated in the construction of the Temple. The next slide shows a more accurate rendering of the shape of Solomon’s Temple.

One immediately notices the tremendous difference between this Biblically accurate rendering, and the fantastic depiction of the Temple in the Masonic Bible. Absent is any tower, as well as the numerous Babylonian images that decorated the facade of the Masonic painting.
Very clearly we can observe the principle that Masonry utilizes, namely to present before her adherents images of pagan and occult origin and to deceive the viewer as to what they are actually seeing. In this way Freemasonry is even trying to pass off an image of the Tower of Babel as if it was a depiction of Solomon’s Temple. Yet there is much more of this subterfuge in following pages.

Entrance to the Great Porch of Solomon’s Temple
This painting which is purported to be another angle of the front of Solomon’s Temple is filled with Babylonian imagery. The artwork seen in the murals and statuary is clearly of Babylonian origin. In the next slide I have zoomed in on one prominent image, that of the winged bulls with the head of a man which decorate the right side of the stairs leading up to the Temple.

Nimrod, Winged Bull
As the introduction to these pictures in the Masonic Bible has stated, the Bible presents precise details of the artwork, materials and dimensions of Solomon’s Temple. Nowhere in this Biblical account do we find any description of winged bulls with the head of a man. Where then does this image come from?
In Alexander Hislop’s classic book “The Two Babylons,” he shows an image of this same winged bull, and he gives the following account of its origin and meaning.
There was another way in which Nimrod’s power was symbolised besides by the horn. A synonym for Gheber, “The Mighty One,” was “Abir,” while “Aber” also signified “a wing.” Nimrod as head and captain of those men of war, by whom he surrounded himself, and who were the instruments of establishing his power, was “Baal-Aberin,” “Lord of the Mighty Ones.” But “Baal-Abirin” (pronounced in nearly the same way) signified “The Winged One,” and therefore in symbol he was represented not only as a horned bull, but as at once a horned and winged bull – as showing not merely that he was mighty himself, but that he had mighty ones under his command who were ever ready to carry his will into effect.
This symbol of Nimrod was copied by other kings of Mesopotamia, and images of it are still existing to this day. Yet we never read of such an image in association with Solomon’s Temple. Once more the Great Deceiver is seeking to convince the viewer of these images that they are looking at Solomon’s Temple when in actuality they are viewing images of Babylon.

The Masonic Bible then proceeds to show other depictions of Solomon’s works. The Bible describes Solomon building The House of the Forest of Lebanon, and once more an artistic rendering is presented that is supposedly accurate in its representation of the actual building. Nothing could be further from the truth, however.
As one looks at this image they can see numerous Babylonian images decorating the grounds and the face of the building, including once more the winged bulls of Nimrod. In the background is observed the Tower of Babel which we have been told is Solomon’s Temple. We should understand then that what we are seeing is none other than a further image from Babylon. Indeed, what the artist has done is to copy wholesale an image of the Ishtar Gate of ancient Babylon and to overlay it upon this building. The following slide shows what the Ishtar Gate looked like.

As we observe these two images side by side it is clearly observed that the Masonic Bible is practicing great deception by presenting images of Babylon as if they were images of Jerusalem. When seen side-by-side, it is easy to see what deceit is being used by these Freemasons who were involved in this project.

Shriner’s Fez
This slide shows an image of the hat worn by Shriner’s. Shriner’s have carefully cultivated an image of their organzation as being both charitable and fun loving. It seems that the greater the evil Satan is seeking to make palatable to the masses, the more extreme lengths he goes to in order to disguise the truth.
It is well known that Shriner’s have established children’s hospitals, and even burn centers for children. This casts their organization in the most positive light, for how could anyone who is helping sick and injured children be involved in an evil work? Shriners also participate in parades where they ride little motorbikes and go-carts and dress up as clowns. They even have their own circus, and all of this is designed to foster in the minds of those who see this organization from the outside as something that is harmless, and all about having fun and helping people. The truth is far from this, however.
As it is shown in the presentation on Freemasonry, all Shriners must take an oath where they invoke Allah’s help and they speak terrible curses upon themselves should they prove to be unfaithful to the organization. The red fez worn by Shriners is itself a symbol of great evil as it bears upon it the crescent moon and star of Islam. Many Shriners profess belief in Christianity, while embracing idolatrous symbols, oaths and practices. The red fez is itself a testimony of Islamic victory of Christianity and other religions.
According to historical accounts, Sultan Idris I conquered the Moroccan city that he renamed Fez in 789 A.D., having slain thousands of its non-Muslim inhabitants. Tradition states that the hats of the conquering Muslims were dipped in the blood of the slain, including Christians and Jews, and this is the origin of the red fez that is worn to this day. That the Shriners wear the symbols of Islam and the sword on their hats gives further support to the understanding of the message being conveyed through this organization whose leaders have written openly of the Luciferian doctrines to which it holds.
How does Satan lead men, some who are professing Christians, to participate in organizations that are anti-Christian, whose symbols are Satanic, and whose rites find their origin in occult practices and the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt and Greece? He does so through much deception, and by providing them with alternative explanations of the rites and symbols in which they are made partakers.
It is not merely Freemasonry in which such subterfuge is practiced. As the Scriptures declare, “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” and his chief weapon is deception. Satan’s original attack upon mankind began with deception.
Genesis 3:13-14
Then Yahweh God said to the woman, “What is this you have done?” And the woman said, “The serpent deceived me, and I ate.” Yahweh God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, cursed are you more than all cattle, and more than every beast of the field…”
A Christian holds to a very naive position if he believes that Christianity today does not suffer from great deceptions which have been foisted upon it by the enemy of Christ during the past 2,000 years. Indeed, Christianity holds to great deceptions, and has embraced as many vile symbols and rites as are seen in Freemasonry. Christianity practices and observes many things that have no mention or origin in Scripture. These symbols and practices have been added to her midst in the same way that the nation of Israel began to adopt the profane practices of her idolatrous neighbors as revealed in the Old Testament.
I will focus on two of these high places that stand as an affront to a holy God, and then the saint can determine for themself whether they will continue to go up to the high places of idolatry, or whether they will be as David, Hezekiah and Josiah who were zealous to remove all idolatrous symbols from the land.

As you look at these symbols you are certain to have various reactions that automatically arise in your mind. These reactions are due to the associations that have been created in your mind throughout your lifetime. All of these are symbols associated with Christmas and Easter celebrations. If you hold these celebrations dear you may not want to continue any further in this study. You may think, “Don’t tell me that the symbols and rituals associated with Christmas and Easter are evil. I don’t want to even hear that.”
I know that it seems farfetched and a real stretch of the imagination to those who have grown up with positive images of these celebrations to consider that they may not only be unscriptural, but they could be Satanic in origin. Yet that is the truth. Remember, it is a practice of Satan to attach the most positive associations with images that are vile and profane in order to lead the masses of mankind into accepting things that are an offense to a holy God. Most people who view these images have very positive thoughts associated with them which have been continually reinforced over a considerable length of time.
The actual origins of both Christmas and Easter are not Christian, but rather pagan. Their symbols and rites, as well as the dates upon which they are observed can be traced back to Babylonian mystery religions. Before we look at the origin of these symbols and rituals I want to answer the question of what is wrong with being associated with images of idolatrous religions if they have come to represent something else to the Christian today? Some might say, “I don’t think of ancient mystery religions when I celebrate these holidays. I am thinking of Christ.”
Consider for a moment that not only does Yahweh know the origin of all of these symbols, but so does Satan. We must ask, “Why has Satan sought to lead Christians to adopt pagan symbols, some of which are lewd, and all of which are profane, if the Christians do not know what the symbols stand for?”
Satan is the adversary of God, and as Yahweh’s adversary he continually seeks to lead mankind into rebellion against God, and to defile everything that God calls holy. Satan is angry at the fact that God cast him out of heaven when he attempted to make himself like the Most High. He is filled with violence toward Yahweh, and is enraged with a bitter hatred of God. Satan disagrees with the judgment of Yahweh in casting him out of heaven and therefore he seeks to inflict every offense toward God that he can imagine. One such way that he seeks to offend God is by defiling those things that Yahweh has declared to be holy.
The following example was given in the presentation on Freemasonry:

Masonic Symbols Stand for the Generative Principle
Albert Pike states within Morals and Dogma [page 631-32] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female.  Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is “represented by the letter ‘G’, the generative principle.”  This term, “generative principle,” is code for the sex act.
The Square and the Compass also stand as symbols in that a circle is drawn with a compass, and an obelisk is drawn with the square. These two symbols, as we have seen, are analogous to the sexual organs, and when placed together they represent the act of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman.

Three Great Lights of Freemasonry
The Holy Bible
and Compass
Macon, Georgia Obelisk
As I have mentioned, Macon, Georgia is a Masonic city, and it is marked by a profusion of Masonic symbols. This obelisk in downtown Macon bears the inscription cited above. Satan seeks to corrupt all that is holy, and what better way to do so than to depict a square and compass lying atop the Bible. 

Even as God gave the Israelites instructions to defile the images and locations associated with pagan worship, so Satan has sought to defile those symbols and locations associated with the worship of Yahweh and His Christ. We have seen already how he has inspired men to create a Masonic Bible that is filled with abominable deceptions. Here too is one more attempt of Satan to defile all that is holy by placing the symbols of the sexual act on top of the Bible. And all of this is inscribed upon an obelisk that is a phallic symbol.
You may note that on the base of this pillar is the word “Justice.” What a mockery this is from Satan, for he understands what is being depicted here, and in his violent opposition to God’s judgment upon his rebellion he has sought to defile the word of God and He calls this “Justice.”
II Kings 23:13-16
The high places which were before Jerusalem, which were on the right of the mount of destruction which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Sidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of Moab, and for Milcom the abomination of the sons of Ammon, the king defiled. He broke in pieces the sacred pillars and cut down the Asherim and filled their places with human bones. Furthermore, the altar that was at Bethel and the high place which Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel sin, had made, even that altar and the high place he broke down. Then he demolished its stones, ground them to dust, and burned the Asherah. Now when Josiah turned, he saw the graves that were there on the mountain, and he sent and took the bones from the graves and burned them on the altar and defiled it…
Yahweh directed His servants to defile the altars and idols and places used in profane worship. In the same way Satan seeks to defile all that is used in the worship of Yahweh. He does this by taking those things that Yahweh finds detestable in public places and mixing them with that which is holy. Even if the people who are subject to Satan’s deception do not know what it is they are doing, Satan does, and so too does God. For this reason Yahweh has instructed His children to separate themselves from all that is unholy, and He has instructed His ministers to teach the people the difference between those things that are holy and those things that are profane.
Ezekiel 44:23
“Moreover, they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.”
This presentation is designed to instruct the people of God to distinguish between that which is holy and that which is profane. Let us not be the unwitting instruments of Satan in bringing offense unto a holy God.
(To be continued…)

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Macon Rescue Mission