Dear Saints,
Since assuming this writing ministry of Joseph Herrin, the Holy Spirit has been making it clear to me how there is a great need amongst the Remnant to come together in fellowship in this late hour.
Many believers are isolated in these days due to their walk in Christ Yahshua and their outspoken dedication to His truths. Many have been cast out from the organised Church or have chosen to leave its corrupted ways. We are a Remnant scattered around the world, with few communities in which we may belong.
Our fiery trials in the wilderness have burned away many impurities whilst also separating us from the fallen world. In being set apart like this by the Father’s instruction, we become increasingly holy.
Though inversely, many have also become increasingly lonely.
The Loneliness Of The Saints
Perhaps you are blessed with a precious partner in your walk, or a handful of faithful friends, or even a small Fellowship of truth-loving saints (you are rich indeed!). Many however are not so fortunate in this hour.
I am reminded of the words of a brother who emailed recently:
“Our walk is certainly a lonely one. I’ve come to accept that as the price for walking closely with my God. I often think of Elijah and his walk, and how the Lord told him in his distress that there were yet 7000 who had not bent knees to baal. The disciples had a different walk, although still few in number, they had much more community and communication.”
Yes. When Elijah cried out in distress, there were only 7000 who had not yet bent the knee to Baal!
This is where many of us now are. Isolated in a wilderness which the early disciples of Christ Yahshua did not have to suffer alone, for they had each other.
They had community.
I do not write these sentiments on behalf of myself. My whole life I have been a soloist, and I tend to thrive when left alone. Like certain saints of old, I prefer being in the wilderness. But I write this on behalf of all the saints who have not been created to be so odd as that, and who instead are crafted as people are normally crafted, with a need for community and faithful companionship with their fellow peers.
As a sister in Christ recently wrote in an email, concerning Joseph’s ministry:
“A ministry takes a village…..His family members working together with Him being the HEAD.”
Time and again throughout the New Testament, believers are exhorted to come together as a body, as a family of brothers and sisters in Christ, each with their own spiritual gifts in which to minister to each other. Of course these scriptures have often been misused as ways of ‘shaming’ believers into attending the Babylonian Church system (I have been told several times by fellow believers that ‘I am not a Christian because I do not attend a Church’). But despite those common misuses, these scriptures still apply to the ecclesia, the called out ones, of today. God wishes us to work together, and has given us gifts of grace for that very purpose!
But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it. This is why it says:
“When he ascended on high,
he took many captives
and gave gifts to his people.”
… From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.
Ephesians 4:7-16
Do you recognise the spiritual gifts you have been given, and are you using them to minister to your fellow saints in these last days?
My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
John 17:20-23
‘I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.’
In our scattered isolation, where is our collective glory?
Do not misunderstand me. Our isolation is for a purpose, and the Father has equipped us with all we need to endure it with patience, humility and joy. Yes, even joy.
In our separation from this world, in our drawing aside from the delusions and desires of the flesh, we shine even brighter to those who see us. And as the times become even darker, the brighter we yet become as an example of a better way, as a signpost directed to God. This is all part of Yahweh’s Plan.
Yet we are not meant to be isolated from each other – from our fellow saints, as Yahweh has also instructed us. And this matter needs addressing.
A Firstfruits Community
A Company of firstfruits has gathered around the teachings of Joseph Herrin. By simply being readers of Joseph’s works, you show the fruit of the Holy Spirit in you by your pursuit of Yahweh’s deeper truths. No one has ears for these teachings unless they have much courage, very little flesh remaining, and a deeply honest yearning for God’s understandings. And many have suffered greatly for this adherence to truth in their Kingdom walks.
Yet the Father loves you greatly for your faithful sacrifices, and He will give you everything you require when the time is most ripe for it. That time might be now. Or you may have to wait patiently for the conditions to ripen fully.
The other night whilst in prayer, I asked Yahweh how best to further Joseph’s writing ministry from here. The answer was immediate, and it was literally a single word.
And then the Father reminded me of all the ways he had been pointing this out to me over the holiday period. Community community community.
I understand that as believers scattered around the world we have many differences. And none of us will agree on every single matter. I have not encountered a single human being who I have agreed 100% with in all things. The closest to this I have ever come to is with Joseph Herrin’s teachings. And even then, I struggled with some of these teachings until the Spirit lead me into my own personal understanding of them. And still there are other minor teachings in which I do lean in a different direction of understanding from Joseph – simply because some understandings of scripture are not a simple matter of either/or, but rather a matter of emphasis. In other words, saints often emphasise different lessons from the same sources of teaching, and just because their emphasis is different from others, it does not necessarily make them incorrect.
For example: in the Old Testament, when Moses was barred by Yahweh from entering the Promised Land for striking the rock, was it because of a) Moses was disobedient to God, or b) because Moses was angry?
Do you see what I mean?
Yet despite our differences, our spirits are the same in Christ and we should be together as one body with Christ as our Head. And this ministry is one such place where we may come together in this hour, for we are already here!
In some way I hope to stir your spirit with these words.
If so, perhaps you yourself can help out in some way.
Do you have a faith website or ministry? It is getting harder to find Spirit-lead sites on the internet that are fully committed to truth come-what-may, largely due to the censorship of search engines and social media. Please send me your links, and I may be able to compile some resources for the saints to use in terms of community.
If you preach or minister on the streets, anywhere in the world, let me know! If you can provide photos then I can write up an article about your work here on Parables.
Get In Touch!
If you have missed any of the postings since Joseph’s retirement announcement, all of the articles can be read on the Parables homepage, where you are invited to leave a comment if you feel lead to do so. Comments are the least we can offer in terms of community.
(By the way, if you are experiencing any issues with subscriptions, emails or comments since the Parables website was moved last month, then let me know at
Most of all, get in touch! I would dearly like to hear from my brothers and sisters out there who are followers of Joseph Herrin’s works. I may take some time getting back to you, but I always reply to emails. Just use the email address provided above.
Before the arrival of the New Year, I directed all donations to go to Joseph as part of his retirement from his ministry. However, at Joseph’s request, I have finally changed the donation links so they direct to a new Heart4God Ministry donations page. You are invited to donate to the ministry at this time. Your financial support will not only allow me to continue this priceless ministry onwards, but will also enable me to undertake some of the ministry projects that are listed below:
* Meeting the call for community by creating a COMMUNITY FORUM, where saints may fellowship online. This would be a third website to compliment Heart4God &
* Publishing ALL of Joseph’s books as printed paperbacks, and then distributing them as widely as possible.
* Rebuilding Heart4God as a wordpress site.
* Updating the website to include such things as Pinned and Featured Articles in a new left sidebar (requires a redesign).
* Starting a Parables/Heart4God blog on Substack for Joseph Herrin beginners.
So your donations to this ministry are very much welcomed.
Lend A Hand!
Even more than financial aid, I require volunteers in order to pursue these ministry projects further.
Alas, I cannot do all of this alone!
The ministry requires volunteer Admins for the proposed COMMUNITY FORUM. If you would be suited for this task, and can offer some time, perhaps a few evenings a week, please contact me at:
If you have experience in building wordpress sites and feel up to rebuilding the Heart4God website as a wordpress one, then let me know!
If you are techy, and wish to offer some regular tech support for the websites so I may be freed to do other ministry work, I would like to hear from you.
If you are a writer, and have any articles to share with us, send them in. If I consider them suitable for the Parables blog, I will post them.
If you are simply inspired in the spirit to share some words with your fellow saints, I will try to post them in the blog for all to read.
Furthering Joseph Herrin’s Ministry
Clearly the Good Father does not wish me to do all of this alone. That is why I have been given the directions yet still lack the means.
I will pursue only those ministry projects which are provided for. So furthering Joseph’s 25-year-old ministry is truly down to all of us now, under the leading of Christ.
I testify that the Holy Spirit is speaking strongly that we must draw together in this late hour.
Will you respond to the call?
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another — and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25
With love,
Colin Buchanan