The Resurrection of Barack Obama

by | Mar 9, 2015

Joseph Herrin (03-09-2015)

Michelle Obama in Her “Black Widow” Dress,
Presidential Inauguration Acceptance Speech – 2008

Recently, a brother in Christ drew my attention to a video that has been posted on YouTube which mentions many seemingly disparate events, drawing spiritual messages from them.

Although I do not perceive the same messages the video’s creator sees in many of the events mentioned, I was drawn to three particular items mentioned in the video, and decided to take a more in depth look at them. They are the redecorating of the Old Family Dining Room in the White House; the theft and recovery of the #44 Phoenix race car in Atlanta; and Madonna’s fall at the Brit Awards.

Let me at the outset state that I am not presenting a prophecy here. What I am sharing are meditative reflections on current events. We live in an hour when the world is seething like a pot which is about to boil over. There are certain things I am certain of. America will soon experience a governmental crisis and cease to exist as a democratic republic. Great economic collapse is coming to America and Europe and will affect all nations. Civil unrest will be a reality in nations that have known relative calm for generations. Martial law will be declared. Many people will suffer loss of livelihood, of property, and even of their own lives.

Yet, trying to forecast how these things will play out, and to identify what specific events will serve as triggers, is not a precise science. Unless a man or woman receives a specific word of revelation from the Father, the best they can do is to remain alert and vigilant. We should not be sleeping at this hour. We should be asking Yahweh to help us to be prepared and ready for the events which are coming that we might not only avoid being victims of our own lethargy, but that we might be able to help others in a time of global distress when all things are being shaken.

Hebrews 12:25-29
See to it that you do not refuse Him who is speaking. For if those did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less shall we escape who turn away from Him who warns from heaven. And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, ” Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.” And this expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, in order that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire.

I would also remind the reader of a post that I published in January of this year titled Chasing Rabbits. ( There are powers in this world who seek to distract people’s attention by leading them on vain explorations of what might be. They intentionally leave false clues, using all the cunning and deception of the adversary to induce people to embrace lies and devote energy to preparing for events that will never happen. Consequently, it is well advised to pray for discernment, to be mindful of what may occur, while not being driven by fear, or unduly acting upon things which are not certain.

Old Family Dining Room in White House
(Click on Any Image to View Larger)

Last month (February 2015) the Old Family Dining Room was opened up to tours of the White House for the first time in the past 200 years. Michelle Obama is credited with having influenced the restoration of this room, choosing a number of the design elements there. I do not know how true this is, for the First Lady, like her husband, is largely a figurehead whose agenda, including public engagements and statements, is determined by the true powers behind the government. The Obamas are actors on a stage. They are instruments of the puppet masters, those chief servants of Satan who control the actions of governments, world finances, and global corporations.

This room in the White House is called the “Old” Family Dining Room, for there is another smaller dining room on the second floor that has become the normal place for the President and his family to take their private meals. The Old Family Dining Room is used for smaller informal meals with small groups on special occasions. One such occasion that Barack Obama has hosted every year in this room is a Passover Seder meal.

Passover Seder with Obama Family (before the OFDR was redecorated)

This seems significant because of what Passover represents and how it fits into the theme of other elements of this room. The word Passover is a reference to the children of Israel being “passed over” by the death angel that visited Egypt on the night of their release from captivity. The Hebrews placed the blood of a Passover lamb on the doorposts and lintels of their houses so that the death angel would not slay the firstborn son of the family residing there. Passover signifies an escape from death.

Michelle Obama surprised the first tour group visiting the redecorated room, explaining its new role as a showcase for modern art. The art piece that grabs the eye as one enters the room is the round bulls-eye shaped painting by Alma Thomas, a 1966 piece titled Resurrection.

Resurrection by Alma Thomas

An interesting correlation is made to the President who has used the letter “O” as a symbol for his candidacy.

In order for someone to be resurrected, they must first die, although at times people will refer to someone who was near death, but experienced a remarkable recovery, as having been stolen back from the grave, or having experienced a resurrection.

The painting titled Resurrection also resembles a target, such as one might use in firearms practice. It is located on the North wall of the room, a direction commonly associated with the arrival of evil.

Jeremiah 1:14
Then Yahweh said to me, “Out of the north the evil will break forth on all the inhabitants of the land.”

Another piece of modern art that has been added to this room is a piece titled Early Bloomer: [Anagram (A Pun)] by Robert Rauschenberg. This abstract artwork has what appears as a flag draped coffin at the lower right. The artwork is located on the room’s Western wall just over the hutch. All that remains of the Second Temple in Jerusalem is the foundation of the Western Wall, which also is referred to as “the Wailing Wall.” The associations here are striking.

Early Bloomer [Anagram (A Pun)]

Just above what could be interpreted as a flag draped coffin is what appears to be two rabbit ears lying prone made of some type of fabric, one ear being white and one being black. Barack Obama was born of a white mother and a black father. This painting hangs directly over a piece of furniture which dates from the Presidency of John F. Kennedy. Kennedy was assassinated, and was the last President to die in office. There are other pieces of furniture in the room dating from the Kennedy era, including the dining table.

This piece of art by Robert Rauschenberg is dated to 1998. It bears the appendage [Anagram (A Pun)]. An anagram is a rearrangement of letters to spell another word. For example, “None Sing” can be rearranged as “Neon Sign.” The artist used the idea of an anagram to express what he was attempting to do with images. He would arrange a number of images in various ways, sometimes layering them, to come up with different results. Many artists do not like to provide detailed descriptions of how to interpret a piece of art. They prefer to let the viewer arrive at their own interpretation. By placing this piece of art in the White House, above furniture that belonged to the Kennedy era, it is easy to interpret the largest element of the painting as a flag draped coffin.

Considering the comparisons the Obama campaign made between the current President and Abraham Lincoln, both politicians from Illinois, it is not difficult to imagine that through all of these elements an intentional connection is being made between Presidents who were assassinated, and the current President. Obama’s inauguration festivities were held in front of the Lincoln Memorial as the song American Pie was being sung which includes the lyrics “This’ll be the day that I die.”

Another symbol of death and resurrection is the Phoenix, the mythical creature that undergoes self-immolation only to be reborn out of the ashes of its destruction. Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States. Last week in Atlanta, Georgia news was made when the number 44 Phoenix Warehouse car driven by Travis Kvapil was stolen from the parking lot of the hotel where his crew was staying.

The theft of the car caused Kvapil to have to withdraw from the race because he had no car to drive to qualify. His team was concerned that the car might not be recovered, or be heavily damaged, which would be a severe blow and difficult to recover from. However, the car was found a few days later undamaged enabling Kvapil to enroll in the next race which was scheduled in Las Vegas, the location of his 9th and last win which was in 2007. This sudden and unexpected termination of his racing prospects, and the equally sudden resurrection of his career when the #44 Phoenix car was found, suggest further possibilities of some interruption and resurrection of the 44th President’s life and career.

Some might have missed the story on the stolen #44 Phoenix race car, but it would be more difficult to overlook Madonna’s fall as she was ascending stairs during her performance at the Brit Awards held on February 25th. The event has received much press, including interviews Madonna gave afterwards about her mishap.

Madonna’s Fall at 2015 Brit Awards

Madonna was performing at the time with a group of men dressed in outfits that appeared demonic. She was singing her song Living For Love which includes the following lyrics.

“Living For Love”
First you love me and I let you in
Made me feel like I was born again
You empowered me, you made me strong
Built me up and I can do no wrong

I let down my guard, I fell into your arms
Forgot who I was, I didn’t hear the alarms
Now I’m down on my knees, alone in the dark
I was blind to your game
You fired a shot in my heart

Took me to heaven and let me fall down
Now that it’s over I’m gonna carry on
Lifted me up, and watched me stumble
After the heartache I’m gonna carry on

Living for love
Living for love
I’m not giving up
I’m gonna carry on
Living for love
I’m living for love
Not gonna stop
Love’s gonna lift me up…

I could get caught up in bitterness
But I’m not dwelling on this crazy mess
I found freedom in the ugly truth
I deserve the best and it’s not you

You’ve broken my heart, but you can’t bring it down
I’ve fallen apart, I was lost, now I’m found
I picked up my crown, put it back on my head
I can forgive, but I will never forget

Took me to heaven and let me fall down
Now that it’s over I’m gonna carry on
Lifted me up and watched me stumble
After the heartache I’m gonna carry on…

Come on, come on, come on
I need you to
Lift me up up up
Come on
Lift me up lord

Madonna is a Kabbalist. Consequently, the “lord” she serves is Lucifer, the god of Kabbalah. The words of the song she was singing when she fell could be descriptive of Lucifer who once arose to magnificent heights, but was cast down due to transgression. The words could also be a reference to a great many of Satan’s servants, including Barack Obama. The song is about resurrection. It is about experiencing a fall from a high place and then getting back up to carry on. This is precisely what Madonna did during the Brit Awards. It speaks of a shot fired into the heart. Letting down the guard is reminiscent of all the security breaches by the Secret Service and at the White House which have been in the news. Whether there is more being indicated by these seemingly disparate events and symbols, time will tell.

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Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Unknown

    I saw that one of the heads of the beast seemed wounded beyond recovery–but the fatal wound was healed! The whole world marveled at this miracle and gave allegiance to the beast.

    Revelations 13:3


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