The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 10

by | Jul 26, 2024

Chapter 9 – Conspiracy, Incorporated

The matter to be discussed in this chapter is very important. Multitudes of saints are
falling for this particular trap of the enemy. Nearly every week I get a letter from
someone that sends me some warning of dire things that are occurring in the world,
or a link to some site where such issues are discussed. There is a whole industry that
has sprung up to fulfill the desire of those who want to be kept up-to-date about the
latest thing that is happening in the kingdom of darkness.

I have heard the stories about the secret societies, the Trilateral Commission, the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Skull and Bones organization, the international
bankers, the Bilderbergers, the Rothschilds, the Jesuits, the United Nations and its
New World Order, the smart chips and digital implants, the secret prison camps, the
black helicopters, and government complicity in just about every evil deed
imaginable, etc., etc.. I would think it remarkable if any of the readers of this book
have not heard many of the same stories.

Although I know there is a great deal of speculation and wild imagination relating
to these matters, I also recognize some truth in the stories. I would not tell you that
all such stories are false, nor that every conspiracy theory is the product of a
suspicious and delusional mind, for there truly are many conspiracies in the world,
and there are many wicked men who are pawns of Satan who are working out his evil
schemes in this world. The person who believes that history is simply a product of
chance is really somewhat naive. Many of the wars and events of history have been
the product of collaboration and collusion among evil men who were working out
their own agendas. Conspiracies are real.

The question is not whether there is truth in these stories, the question the saints
should ask is, “Would the Father have me to focus on these matters?” There is a
whole industry built around exploiting the interest of people, mostly Christians, who
are fearful or curious about end time events, and the number of books, cassette tapes,
radio broadcasts, television shows, magazines, video tapes, etc., that are put out
continually to discuss these matters is legion.

I have found many saints inside and outside of Babylon to be focused on these
matters. I get “emergency” e-mails from saints who have heard some new
pronouncement of events that are occurring and they feel that everyone should know
about it, although the reason why is often unclear, for quite often there is nothing the
saint can do about this “emergency” matter.

The tone of the letters I get from people who are focused on these issues is always the
same, they are full of fear. Some people are angry as well, but fear is always present.
Focusing on what evil men are doing in the world always produces fear in the hearts
of God’s children.

Focus is vastly important for the saint who would journey toward Zion. Our focus
should be on the joy set before us, not the plans and schemes of wickedness in this
world. A focus on Yahshua will produce peace and faith in the life of the saint. A
focus on the conspiracies of wicked men and of angels will produce a troubled soul
and stir up fear.

Consider the account of Peter and the other disciples who were crossing the Sea of
Galilee on a stormy night when they saw Yahshua walking on the water. The disciples
were afraid that they were soon to be under the water, drowned and dead, while
Yahshua demonstrated how to put the water under His feet. Peter called out to his
Master and said, “Lord, if it is really You, then bid me come to you on the water.” In
reply Yahshua said, “Come.”

Matthew 14:29-31
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came
toward Yahshua. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and,
beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Yahshua
reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why
did you doubt?”

Peter was able to put the stormy water under his feet while he looked to Yahshua.
The scriptures say that he “walked on water and came toward Yahshua.” Never
before had it ever been recorded that any man had walked on water. What Peter did
was extraordinary. It was miraculous, and he did it because he saw Yahshua doing
it and Peter’s eyes were on Yahshua.

But then Peter looked to the wind and the waves. He took his eyes off of Yahshua and
looked at the raging storm around him, and we are told that “he was afraid and
beginning to sink.” No longer was Peter able to do the miraculous when his focus was
taken off of his Savior. Instead fear gripped his heart and he began to succumb to the
wind and the storm.

When Peter cried out for Yahshua to save him we are told that Yahshua immediately
reached out His hand and caught Peter. I am confident that Peter’s focus then
returned to his Savior, that he saw his hand in Yahshua’s hand, and his faith
returned and he was able to return to the boat.

Notice how critical focus was to this entire episode. In the midst of the storm when
Peter kept his eyes on the Savior he was able to rise above the stormy waters and
place them under his feet. We live in days when many storms are stirring and they
are about to break forth upon this world with great suddenness and fury. Yet we can
rise above the storms, putting them under our feet, and maintain a peace and a calm
in the midst of the storm. To do so we must focus on Yahshua. If we look at the
storms and make them our focus we will succumb to fear and will be overwhelmed
by them. We can only walk as Overcomers as we keep our eyes on Messiah.

Many are making the storms of this world their focus. By constantly paying attention
to what is going on in the world as it relates to wicked men and their schemes, these
saints are filling their minds with fear and they are being assailed by doubts. As they
see the schemes of evil men moving forward they become fearful of the power of
these same men. Yet evil men are merely pawns in God’s hands. They can do nothing
without His permission. Their power is an illusion. The early apostles understood

Acts 4:23-29
And when they had been released, they went to their own companions,
and reported all that the chief priests and the elders had said to them.
And when they heard this, they lifted their voices to God with one
accord and said, “O Lord, it is Thou who didst make the heaven and the
earth and the sea, and all that is in them, who by the Holy Spirit,
through the mouth of our father David Thy servant, didst say, ‘Why did
the Gentiles rage, and the peoples devise futile things? The kings of the
earth took their stand, and the rulers were gathered together against the
Lord, and against His Christ.’ For truly in this city there were gathered
together against Thy holy servant Jesus, whom Thou didst anoint, both
Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of
Israel, to do whatever Thy hand and Thy purpose predestined to occur.

Did you note that it said that Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Gentiles (Romans) and the
people of Israel only did what Yahweh’s hand and purpose had predestined? They
simply fulfilled the plan of God. It was necessary that the Messiah should suffer and
then die for the sins of the people. Satan did not have a victory on the day Yahshua
was crucified. It was the day of Satan’s doom.

In the same way there are many people today who are raging against God and they
are devising futile things. Kings (mighty ones) are taking their stand, and rulers are
gathering together (conspiring). Yet not a one will prevail in their wickedness.
Certainly, many saints will be martyred, even as Yahshua was martyred, but the end
will be glory for the saints and judgment for the wicked.

Why focus on what wicked men are doing? The predestined purposes of Yahweh are
moving forward and they cannot be turned. Has it not been prophesied that in the
last days men will wax worse and worse? Has it not been foretold that wickedness
will abound? Why make this wickedness your focus? It will only bring trouble to your
spirit. Instead, focus on Christ. He will put every enemy under His feet. He will rule
the world with a rod of iron, and He will use His saints to accomplish these things.

Follow Yahshua’s own example when people came to Him to disturb Him with news
of a conspiracy being birthed by King Herod to capture Him.

Luke 13:31-32
Just at that time some Pharisees approached, saying to Him, “Go away,
leave here, for Herod wants to kill You.” And He said to them, “Go and
tell that fox, “Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and
tomorrow, and the third day I reach My goal.’”

The Pharisees wanted Yahshua to be manipulated by fear. They wanted Him to
change His plans to avoid the schemes of wicked men. But look at Yahshua’s
confidence. He would not allow fear to rule for even one minute. He would not focus
on the schemes of wickedness. Instead He declared that nothing could be done to
Him until the time set by the Father. He said, “I cast out demons and perform cures
today and tomorrow, and the third day I reach my goal.” Herod could not change the
timetable of God by so much as a second.

This is the confidence that God would have the Elect to walk in today. Know that it
is the Father that orders the steps of the righteous. The Elect are not at the mercy of
scheming men or fallen angels. Their lives are kept in the palm of the Father’s hand.
Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ: not tribulation, distress,
persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor
depth, nor any other created thing. We are always kept in the love of God. No New
World Order, no secret society, no international banker, no world government, no
scheme of man, can do anything to alter the plan of Yahweh for our lives. He alone
orders our steps, and He will bring us forth victorious over all.

I am not saying that we should be ignorant of the day and time we live in. It is well
and good to know that things are marching forward to a great confrontation between
good and evil, between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. There is
nothing wrong with being aware of what is going on in the world, but we should not
make it our focus. We should make Yahweh our focus, and we should know what He
says about these days. Let the nations rage and peoples plot futile conspiracies.
Yahweh’s predestined plan will be accomplished right on time and in the exact
manner that He has determined.

You can know that you live in stormy times without making the storm your focus.
What possible benefit is there in staring at the wind and the waves, looking intently
to the schemes and actions of sinful men? You will only find your soul troubled as
you do so and your faith will flee away. Heed the words of Paul to the Hebrew

Hebrews 12:1-2
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us,
let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily
entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before
us, fixing our eyes on Yahshua, the author and perfecter of faith…

Those who run a race with diligence are those who are focused on the finish line.
They are not staring at the crowds in the stadium, nor looking to the flowers and
grass planted beside the race track. They are focused on the goal. In the same way the
Overcomers are to focus on Christ who is the goal and sum of all things for the saint.
Let us “fix our eyes” on Yahshua. Let us have our eyes fastened and immovable upon
Him. Then we will rise above the storm and the waves, and we will find every enemy
under our feet.

There are many people who will come to you in the same way that the Pharisees
came to Yahshua, and they will tell you of some plot or conspiracy that is being
hatched in this sinful world by wicked men. Don’t give into the temptation to run and
hide. Don’t focus on the vain plots of men and their raging against God and His
anointed ones. Respond as did Yahshua. Tell them a thing or two. Tell them that you
will do the will of God until you have reached the end of the race, and then you will
have reached your goal. It is Yahweh that determines where the finish line is for each
saint, not man.

Stand firm in your confidence in God. Storms will come. Men’s hearts will fail them
for fear due to the calamities to come upon this world, but those whose eyes are on
Yahshua will be kept in peace. Is there anything you cannot endure if you have

Fix your eyes on Yahshua. Fix them and do not look to the right or to the left. Refuse
the bait when people come and tell you to focus on the wind and the waves. Remain

Fix your eyes on Yahshua.


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