(JRR Tolkien’s Painting Of Sauron The Dark Lord)
Dear Saints,
A few weeks back, the self-styled President Of The Free World was attending his inauguration rally when I happened to be online watching a few videos on Youtube. Since I am not often on Youtube any more, save for when I sense there is something for me to see or hear there, I could not help but feel that I was meant to watch this momentous event that was being promoted so heavily alongside the videos that I was watching.
And as though I needed any more prompting, one of the videos I was watching happened to capture a screenshot from an American TV network, which had been displaying the most startling news headline I think I have ever read:
‘Trump’s enemies flock to kiss his ring’.
I include a snapshot for those of you who may doubt me – for those of you fuddy-duddies still residing in that ridiculously old fashioned world known as Reality, who may suppose I am only jesting:
For a moment I thought I was in The Lord Of The Rings, and they were referring to the crowning of The Dark Lord Sauron himself.
Flocking to kiss The Dark Lord’s Ring? How could I not have a quick look at such an occasion, even just a peek?
So I did.
Oh my.
Oh my, oh my.
It this a celebration, or a funeral for a nation?
For sure, it was only the Inaugural Parade and not quite the Signing Into Office just yet. But if you happened to watch the 60th Presidential Inauguration Rally, perhaps you sat in the same stunned horror as I did while a chill of recognition dribbled down your spine (or perhaps even your chin), of what has already been in the world and what is still prophesied to come. Forgive my humour in this. It is borne from the seriousness of what I see unfolding upon the world. For the entire show was clearly intended to be the Triumphant crowning of the Beast.
With the mass media highlighting all those famous faces flocking to Mordor on that momentous day ‘to kiss the Ring’, we were clearly intended to see how even America’s Princes of Power were bowing in obeisance to this Beast’s forthcoming Reign On Earth. For everyone who is anyone was there, if not the Parade itself then at the official signing into office, to bow the knee to Sauron. And I do mean everyone.
Incredibly, this included many of the wealthiest frontmen on Earth, including the Tech Lords of Silicon Valley, those bizarre geeko-lizards of High Sham Futurism (we’re gonna plant a flag on Mars, yeah!) and dreamers of Transhumanism Nightmares (we can rebuild you wholesale, and you’ll love it!).
Who can deny the Beast’s power, we were forced to wonder? Who can resist the might of his words?
Certainly not Hamas in the Middle East. Nor the Prime Minister of Israel, apparently (!) Nor social media platforms nor the robotoid CEOs of those social media platforms.
If they were not there on the occasion, then the media was promoting them as having already bowed their knee to their new master before he had even been crowned.
Not even the Pyscho-Architect-of-Global-Death-and-Destruction himself, Gil Bates, could resist this man’s irresistible might:
‘Bill Gates Becomes the Latest Billionaire to Bow Down to Trump’
(As though they were not all on the same side of things all along).
President Triumph
Triumph is what the world was intended to see with this event. Indeed, last week in my blog posting, ‘Preparing For The End’, I made a casual reference to President Triumph. I was simply calling it as I saw it. I did not know at that time that the word trump originally came form the Old English word triumph. In 16th Century card games played by the ruling classes, playing a ‘trump card’ was initially known as playing a ‘triumph card’.
Trump literally means Triumph.
Hail To The Triumph Of The Black Sun
Perhaps if you are American, having lived in a Corporate Fascist State Masquerading As A Republic* for so long now, this event failed to reach the same level of impact as it did for this particular outsider looking inwards.
* (much like ancient Rome)
Though really? Have you ever witnessed anything quite like that ‘inauguration’ rally in your entire life? With its all-in-black, Boxing-Stadium-Gangsta-Royalty vibes and martial music clamour? Its massive, patriotic iconography? Its outright saviour-worship of an all-powerful Leader promising to lead his befallen, beleaguered people into a new Golden Reich of Prosperity and Glory?
Well, wait a minute, maybe you have witnesses this kind of thing before …
(Here is Elon Musk ‘Hailing Triumph’, known by occultists as ‘Hailing the Black Sun’, aka ‘Hailing Lucifer’, during the warm up).
For those of us who instantly gasped at Elon Musk’s obvious rendering of a Nazi salute given to the world in these last days, some of the media and alt-right media were quick to correct us simpletons – yes, us fuddy-duddies still stubbornly clinging to this out-dated thing known as Reality – that no, we were being horribly outdated and even, perhaps, just plain ignorant for thinking such a hurtful thing as that, for it was not actually, you know, a Nazi salute after all, but only an innocent Roman Salute instead.
I scratch my head in wonder at such gaslighting as that. At the fact that we are reduced to such depths of confusion by these Chaos Magicians and their spellcraft.
As though we were all not intended to see a Nazi salute in that motion, which Musk performed twice just in case we missed the first one. As though the Nazi’s did not model themselves entirely upon the iconography and occultism of the Roman Empire*.
* (’Seig Heil’ means Hail to Triumph. Though in the darkness of secrecy, the Mystery Religion occultists who ruled both the Third Reich and the Roman Empire considered it to mean Hail to the Victory of the Black Sun**, which is a reference to the Serpent, aka Lucifer. So when the Nazis hailed their leader in this way, they were hailing him as an embodiment of their god, Lucifer on Earth … Much as Caesar (Hail Caesar!) was considered a living god on Earth too. This is the Anti-Christ spirit of which the Apostle John warned us was already in the world in his time – the total worship of SELF embodied in human form).
** (Much the same as how the V hand-sign , as made famous by the Cabbalistic Gnostic Druid, Winston Churchill during WW2, actually refers to the Victory of Lucifer).
And as though a Roman salute would make it any better than a Nazi one! As though the very word fascism does not derive from the Latin word fasces, the Roman’s symbol for their power through order, unity, and discipline (read crucifixions and other diabolical tortures, and vast amounts of slavery).
The Roman’s were the ultimate fascists.
In the early 2nd Century, the Christian Bishop, Irenaeus, had this to say about the Last Kingdom in the Last Days as prophesied by Daniel, in relation to the AntiChrist and the number of man, 666:
‘For if there are many names found possessing this number, it will be asked which among them shall the coming man bear. It is not through a want of names containing the number of that name that I say this, but on account of the fear of God, and the zeal for truth: for the name Evanthas contains the required number, but I make no allegations regarding it.
Then also Lateinos has the number six hundred and sixty-six; and it is a very probable solution, this being the name of the last kingdom of the four seen by Daniel. For the Latins are they who at present bear rule …’
Is this not of great relevance to us today? That in the 2nd Century, leading Christians considered the fourth kingdom in Daniel’s Last Day’s prophecy as being ‘The Latins’?
This is of particular interest when we consider how the Roman Empire never truly went away. At least not in spirit. For all fascist movements since then have styled themselves upon this Empire, and many a feigned Republic.
And of course, there is the lasting legacy of the Catholic Church of Rome. Though it is an error, I believe, to think that this means the Catholic Church of Rome is itself the final empire. Whatever the Catholic Church was or was not in the past, it is now only a front for the Cabbalists and Gnostic Magicians of the Mystery Religions, which is why so many famous Gnostics are flocking to its banner in these last days (for instance false prophets like Russell Brand). To see only the surface of these things, without seeing who is in fact ruling behind the surface, is to be mis-directed by the Father of All Lies.
There is yet more to this than meets the eye. But I will leave that for Part 2 of this writing.
The Golden Age of the Gnostics
After the fall of Rome in the West, those ruling families of the Italian peninsula were to merge with what was to become the Black Nobility of Europe, all of them Gnostics, all of them following some branch of the Mystery Religions which ultimately worship the Serpent in one form or another – a black sun or a god-figure like Hermes or whatever. Always the symbol worshipped represents the Snake to those initiated into the Mysteries. Always in their secret practices, they reveal themselves to be Luciferians, Satanists at core, haters of God.
For the occult understanding of the Gnostics is that the Serpent is the saviour of mankind, not the destroyer, and that Yahweh is in fact the evil one, enslaving our free will with his unfair Laws. They have chosen to believe in the lies of the Serpent, and they are rewarded richly for doing so, in direct proportion to the loss of their souls.
Banking and usury became their method of power and control. Which later drew them into alliances with the rising Khazar banking dynasties which now rule the world, those followers of the mystical side of the Babylonian Tulmud, the Cabbala.
Cabbala, wrought in ancient Babylon itself, is the very distillation of the Gnostic/Babylonian Mystery Religions.
The distillation of the Gnostic Mystery Religions is the worship of the Serpent. Worship of the Serpent ultimately represents the worship of the SELF, the Serpent’s ancient, first lie that SELF IS REAL when separate from God, and that the lie of ‘I’ can even dream its dreams into Reality through sheer force of will.
What is the ultimate aim of the Gnostics since antiquity?
A Golden Age! The very thing President Triumph is now espousing. The hubris of the ages, that the first lie of SELF, from which all other lies derive from, can equal God by creating its own Reality; these things they call their Tower of Babel, or their Utopian Golden Age. That the fallen world can be perfected by the will of fallen man, indeed by one man who believes himself equal to God.
And now it is here, at long last, with triumph-saluting American StormTrumpers leading the way.
Who was it who once predicted that if Fascism ever came openly to the shores of America, it would be wrapped in the flag and carrying the Cross?
The Beast, Ruler Of The World
Is it not astounding to watch the events foretold in the Scriptures unfolding before our eyes? And to witness so many believers, saints even, falling for this deception – because this man appears to say and do some good things? Were we not warned how the workers of darkness would come to us even as Angels of Light and the doers of good deeds, casting lying signs and wonders?
Even Irenaeus, that God-fearing lover of truth back in the 2nd Century who I referenced above, makes mention of how the AntiChrist ‘pretends that he vindicates the oppressed.’
There is much meaning in names, as readers of Joseph Herrin’s writings will already know. And as noted previously, the very name trump means triumph.
Yet it gets even stranger than that.
As pointed out to me by a fellow saint and long-time reader of this blog, the name Donald means World Ruler.
Again, I am not making this up.
‘From the Scottish Gaelic name Dòmhnall meaning “ruler of the world”, composed of the Old Irish elements domun “world” and fal “rule”. This was the name of two 9th-century kings of the Scots and Picts. It has traditionally been very popular in Scotland, and during the 20th century it became common in the rest of the English-speaking world. This is the name of one of Walt Disney’s most popular cartoon characters, Donald Duck, introduced 1931. It was also borne by Australian cricket player Donald Bradman (1908-2001) and former American president Donald Trump (1946-).’
Trump means Triumph. And Donald means World Ruler!
A week before the Inauguration of Trump as President Of The Free World, the same brother in Christ, from Australia, sent me the following words:
‘An old time preacher used to say, You may get what you want, but you may not want what you get! 1 Samuel chapter 8 is where Israel want to be like the other nations and have a king. Samuel is very upset and takes it to God. God tells Samuel it is not you they have rejected but me.
Likewise Christians especially in America are looking to a man instead of God to be their saviour in making America great again.
Trump fits every attribute in the bible for being the Antichrist. The name Donald means world ruler. A trump is described as a little horn. He comes in his own name, proud, boastful, and he is a vile person. This list goes on in the biblical descriptions of the coming Antichrist which fits Trump perfectly. A lover of gold. A dealmaker and a person who breaks deals. He has never accepted Christ as saviour, never asked forgiveness for sins, he is not a Christian, and he surrounds himself with vile people and is building a network around himself of technocrats. Yet American Christians idolise him.
Most of his once enemies have bowed down and kissed his ring. Elon Musk has been given a place of prominence. Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezoz, Altman, and others have all asked for forgiveness and pledged allegiance. All the world waits in expectation.
When he confirms the covenant with many (Israel and Saudi Arabia is the key one) the Abraham Accords, that will mean we are on the countdown. 3 and a half years before the great tribulation begins. I expect Trump will also get the Jewish temple rebuilt.
The other thing I would mention is the longest prophecies in both the old and new testament is the destruction of Babylon. God warns Christians to come out of Babylon and be not partakers of her sins. Rev 18 4-5 So obviously Christians should know where Babylon is.
Scripture describes Babylon clearly and it can only be one nation America. New York is the headquarters of the UN and is home to Wall Street the largest trading financial capitol of the world. I will put in an attachment listing 60 reasons with scriptures that identify Babylon.
In Revelation it states Babylon kills the saints. Rev 18 24 so I suppose its fitting that Christians in America follow all there false prophets and put there hope in one man to deliver them, and he will be responsible for many deaths in days ahead.’
As I previously mentioned in the post ‘A Tale Of Two Nations: Part 3’, I also had similar thoughts when I first saw the picture of this man rising in Triumph and Resurrection after his faked assassination attempt before the election. I shuddered in revulsion as I saw that iconic image, witnessing it as I did in my spirit. For my spirit recognised who this Beast is.
It was in that moment that I realised I could no longer have this man’s name upon my tongue.
In that writing, I even made reference of the occultist’s much-vaunted Golden Age.
Thank you to brother Vincent Logan for sending those words quoted above. Vincent also sent the following remarkable Testimony concerning the coming tribulations which some have already had to endure:
Dumitru Duduman – Prophecy for America
I have more to say on this matter in relation to the President’s Inauguration. But as it is of a highly controversial nature (though perhaps not for readers of the Parables blog), I will end this writing for now and continue in Part 2 next week.
I pray you are well, brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray you are heartened in spite of these things we must bear witness to, and these times upon which we are entering.
Blessed Hope is coming!
May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these last days.
Colin Buchanan