God’s Plan of the Ages – Addendum

God’s Plan of the Ages – Addendum

Some Who Held This View Due to the doctrine of the reconciliation of all things rarely being taught in the churches today, many Christians have mistakenly assumed that it must be a new teaching. Some have even asked me if I am the only one who believes and teaches these things. I am very happy to...

God’s Plan of the Ages – A Final Note

God’s Plan of the Ages – A Final Note

Joseph Herrin (11-24-2011) It is my hope that the revision of this book will prove effectual in leading those who seek truth to the discovery of Yahweh’s magnificent plan of the ages. It is not possible in any writing to answer every question that could be raised. To write an exhaustive teaching...

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Ages of the Earth

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Ages of the Earth

Joseph Herrin (11-23-2011) Yahweh established a plan for the creation that encompasses a determined number of ages. This truth is taught in the Bible, but given little attention by Christians today. The church has very little understanding of the ages of the earth. Our world has known many...

God’s Plan of the Ages – What is Aionian Life?

God’s Plan of the Ages – What is Aionian Life?

Joseph Herrin (11-22-2011) Note: in this chapter I am using the word “aionian” as a transliteration of the Greek word that is often interpreted as “eternal” in the most popular English Bibles. Rather than translating the word as “age-abiding,” “age-lasting,” or “age-during” as some literal...

God’s Plan of the Ages – Unquenchable Fire

God’s Plan of the Ages – Unquenchable Fire

Joseph Herrin (11-21-2011) There is a curious expression used by Christ that has led many Christians to conclude that Yahshua taught that hell will be forever. In the Gospel of Mark we find Yahshua repeating the words, “Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.” Mark 9:43-48 And if...

God’s Plan of the Ages – Yahshua, Lord of the Ages

God’s Plan of the Ages – Yahshua, Lord of the Ages

Joseph Herrin (11-19-2011) Revelation 11:15 And the seventh messenger did sound, and there came great voices in the heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of the world did become [those] of our Lord and of His Christ, and he shall reign to the ages of the ages!' YLT It has already been shown that Christ’s...

God’s Plan of the Ages – Mythology and the Bible

God’s Plan of the Ages – Mythology and the Bible

Joseph Herrin (11-17-2011) In the preceding chapters of this book I have labored to show forth through the Scriptures Yahweh’s plan to reconcile all things in the creation to Himself through Christ. The rule of Christ must continue UNTIL He has accomplished a full and perfect reconciliation of the...

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Harvest Allegory

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Harvest Allegory

Joseph Herrin (11-16-2011) Before Yahweh ever began to form the creation, He had fully worked out the plan of the ages from the beginning to the end. Everything that exists, or will exist; every event that has occurred, and is yet to transpire, was planned before the creation began. Isaiah 14:24...

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Firstborn

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Firstborn

Joseph Herrin (11-15-2011) As we continue to lay the foundations for understanding God’s plan of the ages, the topic of sonship needs to be examined. Yahweh created man because He desired to have sons. One of the most common titles used to refer to God in the Bible is Father. In approximately 270...

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Soul that Sins Must Die

God’s Plan of the Ages – The Soul that Sins Must Die

Joseph Herrin (11-11-2011) Death stands between every man and an inheritance in Christ, even as the Jordan River stood between the Israelites and their inheritance in the land of Canaan. We know that every man experiences a physical death of his body. It is not this death that makes a person a...

A First

A First

 Dear Readers, This post contains a first for the Parables Blog. I have a recipe to share with you. Joseph, the son of Jacob, dispensed grain go the world. I will just tell you how to cook it. For some time the Father has been leading me to adopt a healthier diet. I rarely eat meat anymore....

Redux – Lord of the Living and the Dead

Redux – Lord of the Living and the Dead

Note: I was not satisfied with the last chapter posted, and have ended up revising the revision. I felt that the chapter in its early parts strayed from the subject it was intended to address. There is so much that I want to communicate in this book that I struggle at times to know how to properly...

God’s Plan of the Ages – Lord of the Living and the Dead

God’s Plan of the Ages – Lord of the Living and the Dead

Joseph Herrin (11-06-2011) A person cannot properly understand Yahweh’s plan of the ages without a clear understanding of the pattern of death, burial and resurrection. The judgments of God, whether it be the death of sinners in past ages, the cross in this age, or the lake of fire which is the...

God’s Plan of the Ages – Crossing the Jordan

God’s Plan of the Ages – Crossing the Jordan

Joseph Herrin (11-01-2011) Most Christians have a very fuzzy understanding of the resurrections of man. Many believers imagine that there will be only one resurrection of the dead. The types and shadows of the Old Testament that Yahweh ordained to show forth truth pertaining to the resurrections...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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