A Wider View This is the second book in which I have included a chapter titled “A Wider View.” I have found that certain kingdom truths are difficult to comprehend unless we first envision the grand panoramic scope of Yahweh’s works and plans. When we focus narrowly on a subject, apart from...
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Laying Down the Law – Part 1
Foreword A word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find this writer using names in reference to God the Father and God the Son that are more faithful to their Hebrew original than the names and titles generally in use by the church today. The name Yah, or...
Wrapping Up It hardly seems that it has been seven months since I began writing this book, yet the first post to this series was published online on February 21, 2014. Today is September 12, 2014. When I set forth to begin this writing I had certain goals in mind. I was troubled by the vast amount...
Giants on the Earth The Bible presents a history of the earth in the days of man that is at times astonishing. It is not surprising that many who reject the divine inspiration of the Scriptures view its narratives as nonsense. There are even those among professing Christians who stumble in...
Beyond Babel Tower of Babel/EU Parliament Building I want to once again comment on the value of giving significant attention and time to an event that God allotted no more than ten verses to in the book of Genesis. Why trouble ourselves to understand what took place at Babel? What is the value for...
Nimrod, Babel, and its Tower Tower of Babel Stele From Time of Nebuchadnezzar As we continue to look at the ancient foundations of human history one may ask, “What is the benefit of doing so?” It is not uncommon for a school age child to question the value of their history lessons. They may see...
The Zodiac Explained There are numerous explanations for the origin of the word “zodiac.” Perhaps the most common attributes the etymology of this word to an ancient reference to a circle of animals in the sky. English readers may recognize a similarity between the word “zoo,” and related words...
The Ancient Zodiac and its Motions Map of the Constellations by Johanne Gabriele Doppelmayr, 1730 (Click on image to view larger) In God’s very first contact with humanity after our forebears sinned in the Garden of Eden, Yahweh began to disclose to them His plan for their deliverance. He spoke of...
She’s Home
I had promised the bloggers that I would tell them when my daughter Kristin made any big leaps across the pond. Well, she was here for 12 days, having come home from Poland. I was able to loan her my car while she was here, and it was the first time she had driven a car since being in Poland....
The Scroll of the Heavens The twelve constellations of the zodiac are found in a narrow band that borders the path of the sun through the heavens. If a person envisions the heavens as being a giant sphere that surrounds the earth, the zodiac would be about 1/20th, or 18 degrees, of this globe,...
Prophecy in the Heavens In the preceding chapter we looked at the divinely assigned role of the sun, moon, and stars as markers to indicate to God’s people His moedim (seasons, appointed times). Three times each year all the men of Israel were commanded to gather to the place appointed by God to...
I have been sick with the stomach flu for the past five days. I am still not feeling quite up to par, but I am at least eating something. I don't actually get sick very often, but this sickness has taken it out of me. I would appreciate your prayers. Yahweh's Calendar The study of the early...
Creation by the Numbers "Numbers constitute the only universal language." Nathanael West "Nature's great book is written in mathematics." Galileo "Mathematics is a more powerful instrument of knowledge than any other that has been bequeathed to us by human agency." Descartes Whatever you think...
The Serpent Seed Doctrine In the Gospel of Philip, an early Gnostic writing, and in the Zohar, the main literary source for the teachings of Kabbalah, there is found a teaching that is commonly referred to as “the serpent seed doctrine.” This doctrine purports that Eve was impregnated by the...
The Prince of This World Satan in Council by John Martin (1831) The Scriptures reveal that there are spiritual authorities behind the human authorities mankind recognizes on the earth. These spiritual forces remain largely hidden, concealed even to the knowledge of most Christian men and women....
The Fall of the Anointed Cherub Cherubim Covering the Ark of the Covenant There are a great many diverse and incompatible doctrines existent today concerning the identity of that being that the Bible calls Satan, the devil, the great dragon, and the serpent of old. Some have suggested that the...
The Host of Heaven and the Rulers of This Age There are some things that Yahweh in His providence has chosen to reveal to His people in mere glimpses. There are some matters that are too great for us to bear at this time. The apostle Paul was given visions of heavenly matters that are beyond the...
The Genesis Gap Tokyo Dinosaur Museum The dinosaur skeleton in the foreground of the picture above is a Mamenchisaurus. There have been a number of skeletal remains of this dinosaur species found throughout China, the earliest being discovered in Sichuan Province in 1952 during construction of a...
Beginnings The Bible speaks much of the beginning of things. In understanding beginnings we are able to properly understand both the physical and spiritual world about us. If we do not properly identify beginnings our beliefs and doctrines will invariably be distorted. During the years in which I...
The Apprehension of Truth In posting the previous chapter of this book I have anticipated some objections that may be raised to what has been set forth. In trying to keep each post to a reasonable length it becomes untenable to attempt to address in one writing every concern, question, or...
The Only Begotten Son John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. From the time I was a child I heard Christ described as “the only begotten son.” Like many Christians I could quote John...
Introduction Psalms 11:3 If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? It first entered my mind some years ago to write a book that addressed the beginnings of the creation. It seemed needful to lay a solid foundation for understanding the first things pertaining to this creation:...
A Ministry to the Few – Conclusion
This writing was written in January 2010. It is more needful today than it was a decade ago. I urge you to please read it. May the Spirit of Yahweh impress you with the importance of the message. A Ministry to the Few - Part Three Joseph Herrin (01-27-2010) Genesis 45:7-8 And God sent me before...
A Ministry to the Few – Part 2
This is the second part of a series posted 9 years ago. I have considered this series and it is more pertinent today than it was a decade ago. May you have peace as you read it. A Ministry to the Few - Part Two Joseph Herrin (01-25-2010) Luke 12:32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father...
A Ministry to the Few
Note: This blog was posted over 9 years ago. It is more important today than it was back then. If you are afraid of reading it, petition Yahweh to give you strength. We are closer than ever to seeing the return of the Son of God. There will be no rapture after the type seen in the false holy books...
Dragon Flood – Conclusion
Don’t Drink the Water The name of this series is Dragon Flood. The title is derived from a passage of Scripture in the book of Revelation that focuses on Satan’s attacks on the church in the last days before the return of Christ. Revelation 12:15-16 And the serpent poured water like a river out of...
Dragon Flood – Part 20
A Policy of Propaganda Gustave Le Bon One of the pioneers of the modern use of propaganda to manipulate the masses was Gustave Le Bon, a French social psychologist. Le Bon lived between the years 1841 and 1931 and wrote a number of books on the subject of the psychology of the group mind. His...
Dragon Flood – Part 19
Manufacturing Consent With the technological advances of the 20th century; radio, television, and the Internet, the global elite have found new methods of guiding the populace. By controlling the media, a relatively small number of unknown, and unseen, men and women are able to shape nationalistic...
Dragon Flood – Part 18
The Lies of War The Lusitania - Precursor to America’s Entry to WWI The hand of the invisible government has found it needful to devise atrocities that will mobilize public sentiment in favor of entry into war. The powers that govern realize that Americans are reluctant to engage in foreign wars....
Dragon Flood – Part 17
Sold Out Governing Who? From the time that the Federal Reserve System was established in 1913 America has firmly been in the hands of a secret government. Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild banking family stated, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who...
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