I had promised the bloggers that I would tell them when my daughter Kristin made any big leaps across the pond. Well, she was here for 12 days, having come home from Poland. I was able to loan her my car while she was here, and it was the first time she had driven a car since being in Poland. Poland is a much healthier country and it is possible to go anywhere over there either by walking, riding a bus or a train, or flying. The cost of transportation is very cheap as well.
I have asked my daughter to write up a small report of some of the people she saw while over here. She has obliged, and following is her report.
It’s hard to believe I’ve been in Poland for almost a year now (I came in July). It’s been a wonderful time, with a lot of stretching experiences, a lot of breaking, and a lot of opportunities for growth. I can see how God has faithfully ordered my steps, and I feel very grateful for the people He has allowed me to build relationships with here.
The beginning of June I was able to spend almost 2 weeks in Georgia. Some of my closest friends (Nick and Nicole) got married, and I was a bridesmaid in their wedding. My time in Georgia was rich with lots of time spent with friends and family. It was really good to reconnect with people, and I even managed to squeeze in some extra stuff like a Girls Camp Day that I helped to organize for girls from our small town, some time at the lake, and lots of coffee dates.
Thanks so much to everyone who has prayed for me over the past year. Poland is a beautiful country with a lot of special people, but also a lot of need. The culture is strongly Catholic, but many people are simply culturally religious, having many personal questions and doubts about faith, and most don’t understand the personal relationship the Father desires to have with them. There is a strong focus on Mary, and Jesus is often overlooked. I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to share parts of my testimony with some students, and feel privileged to have their friendship. I’ve also been greatly encouraged and challenged by the Polish believers, and love hearing the stories of how God is changing lives in this side of the world.
Here are some photos from my time in Georgia:
Me with Nick and Nicole
(Click on any picture to view larger)

My dear friend MaryAnn had a baby while I was in GA. This is when I visited her and her husband David at the hospital to meet their new baby girl.

This young lady (Erica) has a heart of gold. She’s been unusually sensitive to the things of the Lord from a young age, and I had the privilege of playing music together with her for the first time at our Girls Camp Day.

A group photo from Girls Camp.

A group of friends I had the honor of spending the evening with.

A picture of the bridal party at Nick & Nicole’s wedding.

She’s Back in Poland
Kristin had a wonderful surprise in going back to Poland. One of her friends went with her. This has allowed her to not miss her home too much, and it was a great opportunity for her friend to see Poland. Her friend knows the people that Kristin is serving with, so it was a great time for her to show up unannounced and surprise her friends. I suppose it will be another year before I get to hug my daughter. Until then I will content myself with visiting on Skype.
May you be blessed,
Joseph Herrin
Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws
Parables Blog: www.parablesblog.blogspot.com
Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063