Sabbath – Part 12

Sabbath – Part 12

Epilogue The Usage of Divine Names Since I was a youth I have often wondered why the most common English translations of the scriptures have chosen to not represent the names of the Father and the Son as they originally occurred in the Hebrew and Greek, but instead they replaced the names of deity...

Sabbath – Part 11

Sabbath – Part 11

Entering In I consider it a landmark day to be writing this final chapter to the book “SABBATH”on this 12th of August, 2003. The book has been posted and made available to readers since September, 2001, but I realized even then that the book was not finished. Like Moses who was allowed to see the...

Sabbath – Part 10

Sabbath – Part 10

Yahshua, the Tree of LifeThere is a tree that grows in barren and wilderness places. It is found in the western United States and it bears the name “The Joshua Tree.” Knowing that Joshua is the anglicization of the Hebrew name Yahshua, it should be no surprise to learn that this tree fits the...

Sabbath – Part 9

Sabbath – Part 9

Resting in MinistryIt is a great paradox that most of those who function as ministers today are by their very example demonstrating what the Father despises. Many of these ministers have a sincere desire to labor in service to Yahweh, yet they have failed to distinguish what type of service is...

Sabbath – Part 8

Sabbath – Part 8

The Prodigal Returns There are no words that more accurately encapsulate the true meaning of Sabbath rest than the words of the Messiah, “yet not My will, but Thine be done.” Luke 22:41-42And [Yahshua] withdrew from [Peter, James, and John] about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and began to...

Sabbath – Part 7

Sabbath – Part 7

The Message of the Manna The apostle Paul speaks much about the Israelites who wandered in the wilderness for forty years. They are given as an example for the church, and their failings are also mentioned as potential pitfalls for the saints today. Those whom Moses led out of Egypt struggled with...

Sabbath – Part 6

Sabbath – Part 6

Paul Defines Man’s Struggle Ever since Adam first sinned in the Garden of Eden, mankind has known striving and it has been with great difficulty that he has sought to enter into the Sabbath rest of Yahweh. A great war has raged as the Spirit has made known unto man the mind of Yahweh, yet man’s...

Sabbath – Part 5

Sabbath – Part 5

Headcovering, a Sign to the Angels Knowing that the first Sabbath violation occurred in heaven among the angels, we should not be surprised to find there are more scriptural passages that relate to this original sin among them. One of the most enlightening and least understood scriptures is found...

Sabbath – Part 4

Sabbath – Part 4

Lucifer, the First Sabbath Breaker We can gain yet more insight into this matter of Sabbath rest by looking at the scripture account of the first violation of Sabbath. As the book of Genesis opens, the first violation of Sabbath has already occurred, and the judgment of Yahweh has fallen upon the...

Sabbath – Part 3

Sabbath – Part 3

Having read the previous chapter, you should be starting to get a glimpse of how truly foundational is this issue of the Sabbath. It is tragic that such deception and darkness has overtaken the body of Christ until the meaning of Sabbath has been reduced to a set of doctrines regarding the...

Sabbath – Part 2

Sabbath – Part 2

The word Sabbath in both its Hebrew and Greek forms means to repose, to rest, to cease from exertion. It speaks of coming into a state of restfulness where Yahweh’s creation is not striving in any manner, but all is in complete harmony with the Creator. Today mankind frequently...

Sabbath – Part 1

Sabbath – Part 1

Foreword A word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find the writer using names in reference to God the Father and God the Son that are more faithful to their Hebrew original than the names and titles generally in use by the church today. The name Yah, or...

The Remnant Bride – Part 18 & 19

The Remnant Bride – Part 18 & 19

The BridegroomI stand as one who knows that tremendous things are being offered to me, things that defy understanding. I cannot come near to comprehending the glory of these things. John walked in greater closeness to Yahshua than any of the other disciples. He remained focused on the surpassing...

The Remnant Bride – Part 17

The Remnant Bride – Part 17

The Radiant BrideA friend of mine related a modern proverb he had recently heard. It is a lamentable proverb, but one has to recognize the accuracy of it. “What began as a movement in Jerusalem, became a philosophy in Greece, an institution in Rome, a culture in Europe, and a big wealthy...

The Remnant Bride – Part 16

The Remnant Bride – Part 16

The Sons of Jonadab The book of Jeremiah reveals a story about a family of unusual character who so impressed God that He made a promise to them that was only given to a few in the scriptures. The things that impressed God about this family are typical of what God is seeking in the Bride of...

The Remnant Bride – Part 15

The Remnant Bride – Part 15

The Victory of the BrideThere are many false teachings circulating among the church in this hour concerning a rapture of the saints out of this world and away from all the trials and testing that will be  a part of what is called The Great Tribulation. Many lukewarm, carnal, worldly saints...

The Remnant Bride – Part 14

The Remnant Bride – Part 14

David, A Type of the BrideAnyone familiar with the story of David will recognize in him attributes of the Bride of Christ. As we have mentioned, love is the greatest attribute of the Bride. It is no coincidence, therefore, that David’s name means “loving.” From the first mention of David in...

The Remnant Bride – Part 13

The Remnant Bride – Part 13

The WildernessIt was not God’s intention for the children of Israel to spend a whole generation in the wilderness. The wilderness was not to be their destination. However, the wilderness was an integral and important part of their journey. Going through the wilderness was not optional. Even so,...

The Remnant Bride – Part 12

The Remnant Bride – Part 12

Love, the Wellspring of Courage Many saints have made an earnest attempt to follow Christ, only to fall short and grow weary in the pursuit. The reason for their failure is often that they are relying upon their own human strength to follow Yahshua. Personal resolve and self-discipline are the...

The Remnant Bride – Part 11

The Remnant Bride – Part 11

The Joy Set Before UsWhat is it that could convince a person to turn his back on all that the world has to offer? What is it that could keep one steadfast in pursuit of a heavenly goal in the face of the most severe opposition and oppression? What is it that could cause a man to accept with...

The Remnant Bride – Part 10

The Remnant Bride – Part 10

Embrace the CrossThe Bride’s dwelling is in the Most Holy Place. This is the place of habitation and abiding. This is the place where the veil of the flesh is torn apart and communion with God is the order of the day. Even as the literal veil in the temple was torn asunder when our Lord was...

The Remnant Bride – Part 9

The Remnant Bride – Part 9

The Outer CourtWe have stated that the Outer Court of the tabernacle is representative of those who come to Christ for the remission of sins. It is the furthest location from the Most Holy Place that is still part of the tabernacle. Many Christians have through ignorance or disobedience become...

The Remnant Bride – Part 8

The Remnant Bride – Part 8

Evidences of SeparationNot all Christians will freely receive the message of a remnant Bride. Those who are content with the things of the world and who are enjoying the pursuit of their own interests will find the message to be somewhat threatening to their idyllic existence. The western church...

The Remnant Bride – Part 7

The Remnant Bride – Part 7

The Deep Sleep of AdamIn the formation of Eve we see many parallels to the formation of the Bride of Christ. One of the very striking parallels between these two brides is that they are both taken from a body that has been cast into a deep sleep. To examine this, let us begin with the description...

The Remnant Bride – Part 6

The Remnant Bride – Part 6

The Remnant BrideA deception has been foisted upon the church. The deception says that all Christians are equal before the Father. They will all share the same resurrection, the same reward, the same destiny. This is entirely untrue. Many have confused the remission of sins, which is given freely...

The Remnant Bride – Part  5

The Remnant Bride – Part 5

Many are Called, but Few are ChosenHow awful it would be to receive a summons to the wedding feast of a great king’s son, only to be singled out upon arrival for not being appropriately dressed. To have the attention of all upon you in such a situation would be embarrassing beyond measure....

The Remnant Bride – Part 4

The Remnant Bride – Part 4

The Bride’s Eunuch MinistersThis book is primarily focused upon the Bride of Christ, but it is prudent to take a brief look at those who are called as ministers to prepare the Bride. The way in which these ministers perform their service will greatly impact the preparation of the Bride. The book...

The Remnant Bride – Part 3

The Remnant Bride – Part 3

The Bride as Seen in EstherThe Bible is full of images of brides. These images were given to provide understanding of the ultimate bride, which is the Bride of Christ.  In the book of Esther we read of a bride that was prepared for a king. Even so, the Bride of Christ is being prepared for...

The Remnant Bride – Part 2

The Remnant Bride – Part 2

The Bride and the ButterflyLook again at the cover of this book. Note how distinctly different the caterpillar and the butterfly are in appearance. They would seem to not be related in any way, yet they are one and the same creature. An awesome transformation takes place in the life of this...

Part One: The Remnant Bride

Part One: The Remnant Bride

ForewordA word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find the writer using names in reference to God the Father and God the Son that are more faithful to their Hebrew original than the names and titles generally in use by the church today. The name Yah, or...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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