The Mark Of The Beast – Part 8

Kings and Beasts In previous chapters we have looked at God’s command to the man and woman to subdue and rule over the beasts. This command is given in the very first chapter of the Bible. We have also read in the very last book of the Bible that there will be a group of overcomers who will know...

The Mark Of The Beast – Part 7

Enemies of the Cross One of the most misunderstood phrases in the Bible is that found in the title of this chapter. The phrase “enemies of the cross” rolls off the lips of pastors and Bible teachers often enough in these days, but it is almost universally misapplied. If you have been long in the...

The Mark Of The Beast – Part 6

The Overcomers The book of Revelation contains many stark contrasts. There is much that is dark and tragic, yet there is also great light and victory. While one group of men are judged by God for receiving the mark of the beast, another group is rewarded for achieving victory over the beast, his...

The Mark Of The Beast – Part 5

Nehushtan We have seen that the serpent is the fullest representation of the beast nature, being cursed above all beasts while also being more cunning. When God proclaimed the curse that would fall upon man and the serpent for their transgression, the following was declared. Genesis 3:15And I will...

The Mark Of The Beast – Part 4

The Beast Nature What is the beast nature that Adam and Eve submitted unto? What is it that Adam and Eve were commanded to subdue and rule over, but which they became slaves unto? A good place to begin studying this matter is to look at the creature that was the instrument of Eve’s fall. Genesis...

The Mark Of The Beast – Part 3

Let Us Make Man in Our Image... The Bible opens with the account of God’s work of re-creating a world that has become subject to judgment, a world covered with darkness and made formless and void. A fall has already occurred as a third of the angels followed Satan in rebellion and they have been...

The Mark Of The Beast – Part 2

Shadow and Substance The church is fascinated with matters relating to the last days prior to the return of Christ. The teachers of end times prophecy are legion, and their message goes forth over the airwaves, while their books fill the shelves of bookstores and major shopping centers. Movies are...

Computer Interrupted

We have really been having some bad weather lately. We had another terrible thunder storm about three days ago. I knew it was going to be bad so I unplugged my modem from my computer. My modem had been struck by lightning just two weeks ago. It had been years since I had a problem with my modem,...

The Mark of the Beast – Part 1

by Joseph Herrin  The Mark of the Beast Heart4God Publishingwebsite: http://www.heart4god.wsblog: Cover artwork“Nebuchadnezzar” by William Blake, c. 1795 ForewordA word of explanation is necessary at the start of this book. In this work you will find...

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 11

Chapter 10 - Zion’s Gates The chapters of this book have examined many of the ambushes, traps, and snaresalong the road as one journeys from Babylon to Zion. Not all such hazards can beaddressed in one book, and this writer has spoken only of those things that he haspersonally encountered. I pray...

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 10

Chapter 9 - Conspiracy, Incorporated The matter to be discussed in this chapter is very important. Multitudes of saints arefalling for this particular trap of the enemy. Nearly every week I get a letter fromsomeone that sends me some warning of dire things that are occurring in the world,or a link...

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 9

Chapter 8 - Deception Does Abound As I have been journeying from Babylon to Zion I have noted an alarming number ofsaints who have fallen for the deceit of Satan. It seems that those who have beenwaylaid by deception far outnumber those who remain on the narrow path of truth.Much of this deception...

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 8

Chapter 7 - The Endurance of the Saints We have seen in previous chapters that the ambushes of the enemy are many, andthis book cannot attempt to relate every specific snare and trap of the enemy. Yet allof the ambushes of Satan serve a purpose in the life of the Elect of God. To the extentthat...

The Road Form Babylon To Zion – Part 7

Chapter 6 - The Silence of the Lambs There is a lesson I have been learning on the road to Zion. It is often a difficult lessonto walk out, but one in which I desire to prevail and succeed. It is to remain silentwhen others accuse falsely, and to respond with peace when I am reviled....

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 6

Chapter 5 - A Snare for the Unaware Satan is not content to simply make one run at the saint who would set their hearttoward Zion. He makes repeated attempts, and he attacks on different fronts andtries to deceive the saint on various issues. Ezra gave this wonderful testimony whichis recorded in...

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 5

Chapter 4 - The Peril of Self-Pity There is a particular peril on the road from Babylon to Zion that I have struggledwith, and which I must continue to remain on guard against. It is the peril of self-pity.I often feel the tug of it’s cloying tentacles as it manifests it’s desire that I should...

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 4

Chapter 3 - Ambushed Outside the Gates of Babylon I had barely exited Babylon when I was met with the first ambush of Satan. Iencountered some brothers and sisters who had also come out of Babylon, but theyhad fallen into a snare of the enemy, and to this date I don’t know whether they...

Storm Warning and The Road From Babylon to Zion – Part 3

On Monday my daughter made her way back to Poland. It was wonderful visiting with her. Also on Monday, before she left, we had a storm come through the area. It was lightning and thunder, lots of rain and wind. My modem got struck and died. I had to order a new one from my Internet service...

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Part 2

Chapter 1 - Babylon It is necessary at the beginning of this book to identify what Babylon is and what sheis not. There is much confusion over the identification of Babylon, yet heridentification is a very important matter. If Yahweh God is calling His people out ofBabylon in this hour, (and He...

The Road From Babylon To Zion – Introduction

Introduction Babylon and Zion - These names represent two groups of people that thescriptures have much to speak about. One group of people has the appearance ofbeing very impressive. Their industriousness is legend. Their constant andunceasinglabor seeks to plan and to build and to enlarge...

Attractive Deception – Part 11

Hebrew Roots Movement - Choosing Style Over Substance One of the attractions of the Hebrew Roots movement is that it provides Christians with a means to outwardly demonstrate their devotion to Yahshua while avoiding the far more costly price of true discipleship. It is my belief that many make...

Attractive Deception – Part 10

Israel - Holy Nation, or Synagogue of Satan? Tefillin Barbie Early on in the process of looking for images to illustrate the pages of this book, I came across some photos of a Barbie doll that was wearing the tallit (Jewish prayer shawl), the tefillin on her arm and forehead, and was holding a...

Attractive Deception – Part 9

The Imitation of Error I am oftentimes made aware that a person writing to me has come under the influence of the false teachings and practices of the Hebrew Roots movement when I observe them referring to Yahweh as “G_d,” or “L_rd.” The omission of the vowel renders the word unpronounceable,...

Attractive Deception – Part 8

Sabbath Summoning Sabbath Candle Lighting Satan is a master of disguise. His success lies in his cunning; his evil genius to make darkness appear as light, and light as darkness. Satan understands that most men and women will not openly embrace evil, or declare their affinity to a being that comes...

Attractive Deception – Part 7

Tallit, Tzitzit, and Tefillin - Stylish Symbols of Rebellion The disturbing truth being revealed in this examination of the Hebrew Roots Movement is that a great many men and women have been deceived or enticed into embracing rites, symbols, and holidays which are derived from the worship of...

Attractive Deception – Part 6

The Hats of Satanic Dominion Pope Benedict XVI with Saturno and Solideo Is the Pope Catholic? It may appear from the round headpiece which the Pope’s wear, a cap resembling the Jewish kippah, that the Pope is actually Jewish. Those disciples of Christ who will settle for nothing less than the...

Attractive Deception – Part 5

Satanic Inroads to Judaism and Christianity Would you be alarmed if your church, congregation, or fellowship of believers put up posters of the image pictured above, or included it as artwork in the weekly bulletin? Would you be offended if a favorite ministry or Christian organization mixed these...


My daughter Kristin is arriving home to Georgia today. She flew out early this morning. Below is a picture she took of the airport in Warsaw. Lot is the national airline of Poland. Kristin will be here for 3 1/2 weeks. If I miss a day here or there, please be patient with me. It is a special time...

Attractive Deception – Part 3

Hanukkah - The Jewish Saturnalia Idolatry has always been a snare to Yahweh’s chosen people. Abram, the first of the Hebrews, was called out of Ur of the Chaldees by Yahweh. Ur lay in the land of Babylonia, the most ancient source of idolatry. Undoubtedly, when Yahweh appeared to Abram calling him...

Attractive Deception – Part 2

During the last month I have had much more than the usual amount of readers on the Parables Blog. It is evident that the Christmas and Easter holidays are much on the minds of a select number of Christians. I have even had a leading of the Spirit to provide the same sampling of articles to a local...

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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

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