Attractive Deception – Part 8

by | Jun 24, 2024

Sabbath Summoning

Sabbath Candle Lighting

Satan is a master of disguise. His success lies in his cunning; his evil genius to make darkness appear as light, and light as darkness. Satan understands that most men and women will not openly embrace evil, or declare their affinity to a being that comes only to kill, steal and destroy. The Aleister Crowley’s and Anton LaVey’s of the world (both open disciples of Satan) are few in comparison to those who want to appear good to others. Consequently, the number of people publicly embracing Satan worship are relatively small whereas those involved in Wicca, which portrays itself as “white witchcraft” and whose practitioners style themselves as “workers of light,” are much greater in number. These ones deny that they serve or worship Satan, and many are sincerely ignorant of Wicca’s Luciferian associations.

Similarly, Kabbalah and Freemasonry wear a thin disguise, hiding the fact that their god is in fact Lucifer, that fallen angel who rebelled against Yahweh and was cast out of heaven. Freemasonry intentionally lies to initiates at the lower levels of the Lodge, informing them that Masonry is a “Christian” organization that is not in any measure incompatible with the Lodge member’s church affiliation or beliefs. Similarly, Kabbalah pretends to be compatible with either Judaism or Christianity, depending on the adherent’s core set of beliefs. Only at the highest levels of Kabbalah and Freemasonry is the Luciferian nature of these occult teachings openly declared.

Cloaking themselves with an even more convincing costume, both Talmudic Judaism and Roman Catholicism have persuaded vast numbers that they are the true servants of God and of His Christ, respectively.  Yet if Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Judaism are to be credited with a masterful disguise, an even deeper cover shrouds the apostasy and idolatry of the Messianic and Hebrew Roots movement. They are several layers removed from any direct association with the worship and service of Satan, yet when one patiently peels away the layers of subterfuge they find the same Luciferian doctrines, rites, symbols, and practices present which exist in the more open and readily discoverable forms of Satan worship.

As I began to penetrate the layers of deception that mask the true nature of the rites, symbols and traditions being embraced by many in the Hebrew Roots movement, a surprising revelation unfolded before me. I began to observe that there is a significant attraction to the elements and practices of the Hebrew Roots movement for people who have formerly been engaged in the occult. Whether the individual was a Freemason, a Kabbalist, a practitioner of Wicca (modern witchcraft), or a student and disciple of some similar occult group, these individuals are often attracted to Hebrew Roots without realizing that they are falling into the same Luciferian deception that they now openly renounce and believe they have escaped.

William Schnoebelen, a former Satanist, Wiccan warlock, and high level Freemason has written numerous books on the occult since his conversion to Christianity. He professes to have been a 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner, and shares a photo of himself in his Shriner’s fez as evidence. His book Masonry: Beyond the Light reveals a deep understanding of the rites and doctrines of Freemasonry. He was a member of Anton LaVey’s Satanist church and taught Wicca for 16 years prior to his conversion. When he speaks of the occult he does so with a deep background of its Luciferian secrets.

In the book Masonry: Beyond the Light, Schnoebelen shares the following statements.

Few people, within the Craft of Masonry or otherwise, perceive that just because a Bible lies open on the altar and Bible verses and characters play an important part in the ritual of the Lodge, that this does not prevent the Lodge from being of the nature of the occult or Witchcraft.

This can be illustrated by a very simple illustration. Back in the 1970’s, when I first became a Witch, a very popular how-to book on magic was Raymond Buckland’s “Popular Candle-Burning.” In this book were “recipes” for spells for everything from healing, to love spells, to protection spells. On one set of pages of the book would be a spell for healing, complete with instructions on the burning and movement of certain colored candles. The spell would be a full-blown Witchcraft ritual, Pagan to the core!

On the following pages would be the same ritual, with the same candles, the same instructions. However, the text of the “spell” would be drawn from the Psalms or other Bible verses. These were provided for readers who were a little too squeamish to actually do a Witchcraft incantation, but still wanted results.

Now the question becomes: Even though those rituals were full of Psalms, were they still Witchcraft? Of course, the answer would have to be yes. In like manner, even though Bible phrases and characters abound in the Masonic ritual work, the presence of those elements cannot somehow “sanctify” what is essentially a Pagan ritual full of Witchcraft overtones.
[End Excerpt]

This is a very revealing statement, and it has much to do with our present study. If a person takes a candle-burning ritual from witchcraft and modifies it by replacing the words of the rite with verses of Scripture, or language that resembles Judaism or Christianity, is it still witchcraft? Of course it is.

Schnoebelen refers to a book by Raymond Buckland, but appears to have misquoted the title. It is not Popular Candle-Burning, but rather Practical Candleburning Rituals. A description of this book states “This trusted guidebook by trusted author Raymond Buckland has introduced candle magic to more than 300,000 readers. From winning love to conquering fear, obtaining money to improving relationships, Practical Candleburning Rituals is filled with simple candle rites that get real results. Newly updated and reorganized, this edition includes thirty-seven rituals adapted for Christians and Pagans that can be performed at home with readily available materials.”

Schnoebelen was speaking quite accurately when he stated that there are Wicca spells which have been modified to make them more palatable to Christians. No discerning Christian should be fooled into thinking that this gross admixture of the profane and the holy transforms candle-burning spells and candle magic into an acceptable practice in Yahweh’s eyes. I am reminded of the following passage of Scripture.

Haggai 2:11-14
Thus says Yahweh of hosts, “Ask now the priests for a ruling: If a man carries holy meat in the fold of his garment, and touches bread with this fold, or cooked food, wine, oil, or any other food, will it become holy?” And the priests answered and said,”No.” Then Haggai said, “If one who is unclean from a corpse touches any of these, will the latter become unclean?” And the priests answered and said, “It will become unclean.” Then Haggai answered and said, “So is this people. And so is this nation before Me,” declares Yahweh, “and so is every work of their hands; and what they offer there is unclean.”

Adding the Holy Scriptures to a witch’s incantation does not impute holiness to the profane rite. Quite the contrary; By mixing the holy with a work of Satan, that which is holy is profaned. It becomes as that which is detestable and unclean in the sight of Yahweh. I do not doubt that this is an obvious truth to those who are regular readers of my writings. You would not be fooled by such a brazen and overt act of mixing together the works of Satan with the holy words of Yahweh. Yet there are those who do not have the mind of Christ who are ensnared with these deceitful acts of Satan. There are many books sold which are advocating gross uncleanness as they attempt to wed together the holy things of Yahweh with the profane works of Satan. One such book is titled Candle Burning Magic with the Psalms. The sub-title states, “Create life’s greatest blessings by combining the power of the holy Psalms with the magic of burning different colored candles.

A similar book by the same author is Bible Spells, whose byline states, “Obtain your every desire by activating the secret meaning of hundreds of Biblical verses.” The book contains more information on candle burning, as well as crystal and incense spells “From the Holy Scriptures.”

Are you appalled at the blatant heresy of such practices? Can a Christian or non-Christian use the dark, occult practices of Satan to accomplish the will of God? What is being advocated here is no different than the final act of King Saul’s apostasy as he sought out a woman with a familiar spirit to conjure up the prophet Samuel. It was a detestable act in the sight of Yahweh, and was a tragic end to the rebellious career of a man rejected by God.

What is obviously evil to the sight of spiritual men and women and appropriately rejected as a vile work of darkness, is embraced by many when it wears a different garment. If one removes all language that refers to spells, incantations and magic, and instead uses the language of Judaism and of the Hebrew rabbis, the very same occult rituals are passed off as being acceptable and pleasing to the eyes of Yahweh. Yet, in fact, it is the same witchcraft hiding under a different dress. The Jewish Sabbath ritual of candle lighting, speaking forth ritualistic phrases, with its concomitant motions of the hands, body movements, and elements of wine and food is an act of witchcraft, a summoning of unclean spirits to achieve the desires of the one performing the rite. These practices are being adopted by many Christians who are fooled by the subtlety of Satan. They are enacting Satanic rites while believing they are acting in a manner pleasing and acceptable to Yahweh.

Over the years I have developed a sensitivity to rites, symbols, and traditions that have no clear Biblical precedent. There is no mention anywhere in the Scriptures of Yahweh instructing the Israelites, or of Yahshua commanding His disciples, to observe the Sabbath with candle lighting rituals, with incantations, and with the various traditions that are practiced by orthodox Judaism today. As the previous chapters of this book have revealed through the examination of the Hanukkah celebration, the origin of symbols such as the Star of David, and items such as the kippah, tallit and tefillin, these elements and rites which are extra-Biblical are all traceable back to pagan idolatry and the worship of false deities. They are Luciferian. Men and women who are allured into the false promise of a more authentic practice of Christianity as held forth by the Hebrew Roots movement are in fact falling into apostasy and embracing works of the devil. The Jewish Sabbath rituals are no different.

Young Women Performing Sabbath Candle Ritual

The Jewish Sabbath rituals are set forth in the Talmud and Midrashic texts of the rabbis. Like so much of what appears in these rabbinic writings, they lead the individual away from truth, turning the divine words of Scripture into an evil primer of dark Satanic works. The rabbinic explanations, like those presented to the men in the lower degrees of Freemasonry, are always disingenuous. They lead the participant to engage in profane actions while deceiving them with false explanations of the nature of the rites and symbols they are performing.

We can begin to see the true nature of the Sabbath rituals as we observe the explanations set forth by Kabbalistic and Talmudic Jews today. On the Chabad website, the following explanation is given for the Sabbath candle ritual.

Preparations For Lighting the Candles


Our Sages give several reasons for the lighting of Shabbat and holiday candles. The two primary reasons are:

1) A setting that encourages stumbling in the darkness is not conducive for the calm and peace that befits the holy Day of Rest.

2) The light of the candles adds to the peaceful ambiance. They demonstrate respect for the holy day, and sustain the atmosphere of oneg (pleasure) that is supposed to define Shabbat…


The mitzvah to light Shabbat and holiday candles applies to men and women equally. Yet our Sages instituted that the woman of the home should light the candles for the entire household. If she is not home that weekend or if a man lives alone, the man should kindle the candles. If there is an unmarried daughter at home, then the father should light two candles, and the daughter should light her customary one. If there’s a married woman in the home, she can light the candles; the man need not do so.

The Sages give several reasons why ideally the woman of the house lights the candles:

1) The woman of the house is the one normally in charge of all that happens in her home – including ensuring that the house is properly lit.

2) The woman is the one who sets the foundation of every Jewish home. It is the woman’s primary task to ensure that the home is a domicile where light, peace, and harmony prevail, suffusing it with an atmosphere conducive for spirituality and G-dlinesss.

3) “The candle of G-d is the soul of Man.” Eve had a hand in bringing death – the extinguishing of the G-dly candle – into this world, when she convinced her husband, Adam, to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. To compensate for this, the responsibility of lighting the candles was handed to the woman.

The woman of the home lights candles and technically, the entire household – husband, sons, daughters – is covered. A woman’s candle-lighting also covers guests who will be eating together with the family and are sleeping in the same home, such as in a guest bedroom. The custom, however, is for every woman and girl, household member and guest alike, to light her own candle (candles, if post-marriage), starting from the age when she can recite the blessing.

Let me remind the reader again that these explanations are for those who are deemed “profane,” unworthy to have disclosed to them the true Luciferian doctrine. Why are women given the primary role in the candle-lighting rituals? The true reason is that the entire Sabbath observance is one extended ritual for summoning the goddess spirit into the home of the participants. For this reason, it is the woman who is given the role of leading in this ritual. In truth, this fact of summoning the goddess into the home is not a hidden matter. It is plainly disclosed to any who take the time to study the origin and meanings of the Sabbath rituals. On another page of the Chabad website we find the following information.

Why Do Women Wave Their Hands Over the Shabbat Candles?

After lighting the Shabbat candles, women traditionally wave their hands three times in front of the candles, semi-circular inward-leading hand motions. The hand waving is a symbolic greeting for the “Shabbat Queen,” ushering her holy presence into the home. After the third wave, the hands end up over the eyes, and the woman recites the blessings on the candles.

Brothers and sisters, what is being described here is a summoning of unclean spirits into the home. The “Shabbat Queen” is known to the Orthodox Jews as Shabbat Hamalka. At the Encyclopedia Mythica website the following information is provided about this being which is invited into the home and souls of those who perform the Jewish Sabbath rituals.

Shabbat Hamalka

by Ilil Arbel, Ph.D.
Among the goddesses representing either the female side of Yahweh or his consorts, such as Asherah, Shekhina, Anath, and Lilith, Shabbat Hamalka has a unique personality and origin. Her myth strongly influenced Jewish thought, and contributed to the strength of home and family that had improved the odds for physical and spiritual Jewish survival.

The name means Queen of the Sabbath, and the entity is the personification of the Jewish day of rest, Saturday. She still possesses a prominent position in Judaic mythology. For example, Israeli children, even in completely nonreligious surroundings, still sing songs to her every Friday afternoon (in Hebrew “Erev Shabatt” meaning the Sabbath Eve) before the Queen “descends” from Heaven to grace the world for twenty-four hours. When the Jews started their return to Palestine, long before the state of Israel was declared, new mythology had to be created or recreated. Shabbat Hamalka, prominent and romantic, was one of the first candidates. The great National Poet Chaim Nachman Bialik, who was an expert on folklore and mythology, had a lot to do with preserving the image of the Queen in the renewed home of the Jewish People. He invented “Oneg Shabbat,” meaning “Sabbath Joy,” and combined the customs of group study, festive dinner, lectures, and singing of both old and new songs. The custom spread to the United States and is still observed by many.

Her origin is extremely ancient, and as the centuries rolled, Shabbat Hamalka acquired magical qualities, combining the character of Queen, Bride, and Goddess. In addition, she took on strong erotic/romantic and cosmic/spiritual significance. The usual Judaic connections to Akkadian myths exist in her image, because the word Shabbat resembles the name of the Akkadian feast of the full moon, Shabbatu. The romantic character of the two holidays also had much in common. For example, marital intercourse on Friday night was considered a sacred duty, exactly like the sacred sexual activity during Shabbatu. However, the Akkadians never had a weekly day of rest – the idea seems to start in the second chapter of Genesis.

In the thundering, dramatic first chapter of Genesis, God spends six days engaged in the creation of the world. In chapter 2, the story continues in a gentler fashion: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.” (King James Version)…

Some Judaic ancient sects put a different interpretation on the Sabbath, but for traditional Judaism, it was a day of glowing joy from the very first. The general prohibition to work, mentioned in the Bible, was expanded in the Talmud, which listed all the forbidden activities with its usual thoroughness. It solidified the strong attachment between the Jews and the Sabbath by emphasizing that God forgave sinful, even wicked individuals if at least they loved and honored his Day of Rest.

It described the need for beauty and order in the home on the Eve of the Sabbath in almost poetic terms — so different from the charmingly prosaic, matter-of-fact attitude the Talmud usually adopts. Most important, one passage in the Talmudic literature (describing events in the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE) already shows the early personification of Shabbat Hamalka: “Rabbi Hanina used to wrap himself in festive clothes towards evening on Friday and say: ‘Come, let us go to receive Shabbat the Queen.’ Rabbi Yannai used to put on festive clothes on the eve of the Sabbath and say: ‘Come, O bride, come, O bride!’ “

In a Midrashic passage the image develops: “Rabbi Shimeon Ben Yohai said: The Sabbath said before God: ‘Master of the worlds! Each day has its mate, but I have none! Why?’ The Holy One, Blessed be He, answered her: ‘The Community of Israel is your mate.’ And when Israel stood before Mount Sinai, the Holy One, blessed be He, said to them: ‘Remember what I told the Sabbath: ‘The Community of Israel is your mate.’ Therefore, remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.”

Up to this point, she already embodied both Bride and Queen. The Cabbalists, however, developed the myth to its full spiritual and romantic capacity and infused it with mystical, cosmic meaning…

During this time, the gender of the Sabbath was debated, based on two verbs used in two versions of the Fourth Commandment. In Exodus, the Commandment declares “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” In Deuteronomy, the Commandment declares “Observe (or Keep, in some versions) the Sabbath day to keep it holy.” The Zohar equates “Observe” with the female side of the Sabbath, and “Remember” with the male side, thus giving the Sabbath both genders. This is not as paradoxical as it sounds, if one compares it to the description of Shekhina, who is at the same time the female aspect of Yahweh Himself — and his wife. Duplicate divine personas happen often in Judaism, because it combines a strong patriarchal outlook with an equally powerful presence of the Goddess. So the male side of the Sabbath came to be associated with “Yesod,” the male principle of God in the Kabbalah, and the female side associated with Shekhina, who is Queen, representative of the Community of Israel, and Bride of God. This allowed Shabbat Hamalka to become the Bride of Yesod, or simply put, the Bride of God. It also intensified the distinctiveness of a glorious female entity, ready to be worshiped.

She must be received in style. A paragraph in the Zohar starts: “One must prepare a comfortable seat with several cushions and embroidered covers, from all that is found in the house, like one who prepares a canopy for a bride. For the Sabbath is a queen and a bride. This is why the masters of the Mishna used to go out on the eve of Sabbath to receive her on the road, and used to say: ‘Come, O bride, come, O bride!’ And one must sing and rejoice at the table in her honor … one must receive the Lady with many lighted candles, many enjoyments, beautiful clothes, and a house embellished with many fine appointments …”

On Friday night, all the men, representing Yesod, went to receive the Bride in the open fields around town. The poetry they recited for the ritualistic greeting included many allusions to the “Sacred Apple Orchard,” a mystical place where God and his consort Shekhina celebrated their union and conceived the Souls of the Just. The connection to Ashera, who was always worshiped in glades and groves, is obvious.

Each man returned home to be received by his wife, who represented the Shekhina/Shabbat. All other females of the household were also honored on Friday evening. The husband picked up branches of myrtle, the symbol of marriage which was always prepared for weddings as well. He then recited Chapter 31, Verses 10-31 of the Book of Proverbs, describing the “Woman of Valor,” and relating the verse mystically to both his wife and Shabbat Hamalka, thus merging their images for the evening in a cosmic/spiritual context. The ritual and festive meal continued well into the night, leading to the hour of midnight, when it was considered a spiritual duty to retire and have a sacred sexual union between husband and wife. Midnight was chosen because according to Kabbalistic tradition, this was the exact time when the highest aspects of the male and the female sides of the godhead performed their own union…

At the end of the day, the men assembled again, usually at the rabbi’s house, for the “Melaveh Malka” ritual, meaning “Farewell to the Queen.” The ceremony included singing songs in her honor, eating and drinking, and a lecture or discussion. The Queen then departed and the work week, full of hardship and sometimes suffering, was about to begin again. The entire community, however, was always keenly aware that Shabbat Hamalka would never be away from them for more than six days.

Sabbath Queen Being Worshiped by the Jews

Does it surprise you that the Jews today worship the goddess just as they did in the Old Testament when they embraced the idolatrous worship of Asherah? It should not. The Roman Catholics give profound attention to “the Queen of Heaven” under the guise of venerating Mary, the mother of Christ. Why should not the Jews worship this same goddess under a different guise, pretending that she is a manifestation of the female attributes of Yahweh? Even the Protestant Christians give unwitting homage to the Queen of Heaven as they annually account Easter as their most holy day. Easter is an Anglicization of the name Ishtar which itself is a transliteration of the Akkadian/Babylonian/Chaldean name of the goddess which the Bible identifies as Astarte and Ashtoreth.

Judges 2:11-13
 The People of Israel did evil in God’s sight: they served Baal-gods; they deserted God, the God of their parents who had led them out of Egypt; they took up with other gods, gods of the peoples around them. They actually worshiped them! And oh, how they angered God  as they worshiped god Baal and goddess Astarte!

I Kings 11:5-6
For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians and after Milcom the detestable idol of the Ammonites. And Solomon did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh, and did not follow Yahweh fully, as David his father had done.

Jeremiah 7:18
“The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they pour out libations to other gods in order to spite Me.”

Present on the table, or altar where the Sabbath candles are located, one will also find these same symbols mentioned by Jeremiah. There is the cup of wine corresponding to the libations offered to the Queen of Heaven, and there is the Challah bread which accords with the dough which was kneaded and baked into cakes for the queen of heaven.

Sabbath Table

If one takes the time to inquire where these traditions arose, and they examine the Scriptures to verify that they contain no precedent for these Sabbath rituals, then one must look elsewhere. Although it is well known that practitioners of witchcraft place candles and a chalice on their sacred altars, few Christians or Jews today can see through the cloak of deception that lies upon these rabbinic practices to recognize the telltale signs of their occult origins.

A website devoted to the promotion of the modern practice of Wicca describes the following items which are commonly found on the witch’s altar.

The Wiccan chalice is one of the most important altar tools. It signifies the Mother Goddess. As such, it is a “yin” altar tool…

Silver is always nice for Goddess tools – a silver chalice is a perfect Wiccan chalice…

The Wiccan chalice is used for ceremonial drink, offering libations to the Divine…

Libation Dish
A small dish, bowl, or cup can go in the centre, ready to receive offerings for the gods and goddesses.
You can also use your altar chalice or cauldron for this purpose…

When you would honour the Divine with a gift of thanks or prayer, you can bring them to the Altar as an offering. Often flowers are kept on the altar as an offering. Anything that is beautiful or special to you, or symbolic of the purpose for the offering, can be offered.

Scent or Feather
Some representation of air, commonly something scented like incense, essential oils, or smudges, or else a flying bird’s feather goes in the East, to represent Air. Sacred scents are used to cleanse an area energetically, call in certain powers, or help witches shift consciousness.

The image above of a Jewish Sabbath table could easily be that of a Wiccan altar. The chalice, the candles, the flowers are all present. At the close of the Sabbath the Jews conduct what is called a Havdalah ritual. Part of this ritual includes a small libation dish containing spice. It is explained that this ritual is to involve all five senses of the human body, but once again we find that the presence of scent/spice on the altar/table perfectly aligns with the practice of witchcraft. During the Havdalah rite the Jews pour any leftover wine which is in the kiddush cup into a small dish as they hold their hands up extended toward the flame of the candle. Many do not know they are reenacting the pouring out of a libation to the Queen of Heaven.

Havdalah Elements

As the article on Shabbat Hamalka stated, the goddess is associated with sex and fertility. The rabbis admonished men to perform their sexual duty to their wives at midnight on the Sabbath, an hour that is sacred to witches and Satanists. One dominant form of Satanism is called Sex Magick. The act of sexual intercourse is believed to raise the spiritual powers of the practitioners and invite the spirits being conjured to manifest more powerfully. Thus we see that the entire Sabbath becomes one extended act of ritual magic. The fact is not overlooked that the rabbis in the Talmud state that the Sabbath candles should be lit 18 minutes before sunset, the number 18 being 6+6+6.

There is a direct relationship between the presence of the candles and the sex act. William Schnoebelen draws out the relationship as he comments on the relationship between Freemasonry and Witchcraft.

9. Both [Freemasonry and Witchcraft] have a ceremonial un-hoodwinking of the candidate, following the oath, before lighted candles which is intended to bring “illumination…”

A. Both Witches and Masons revere the powers of human reproduction (albeit most Masons do so unknowingly). The most obvious example of this is the use of the ceremonial Masonic apron, which covers the “Holy of Holies” of Freemasonry, the male groin area…

B. The authorities of Freemasonry, most notably Albert Pike, 33° and Manly P. Hall, 33° (both occultists par excellance) write that the essential, underlying philosophy of Freemasonry is Kabbalism and Gnosticism. Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern Witchcraft.

Virtually all of the great Witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists. Gnosticism is an ancient, anti-Christian heresy best summarized by the statement: “One is saved by acquiring secret, unknown knowledge (Greek: gnosis).” Thus, all mystery religions, including Witchcraft and Masonry are, per force, Gnostic in character.

C. Both Witches and Freemasons seek salvation through “illumination” or receiving “The Light.”

Illumination and reproduction are significant themes of Freemasonry, Kabbalah, Wicca, and other occult practices. The candle represents the illumination that Lucifer, the Light Bringer, bequeaths to mankind. He is the Greek god Prometheus bringing the fire of divine knowledge to mankind. He seeks to be worshiped as a great benefactor to humanity who has been unjustly and cruelly punished by the God of heaven and earth.

The letter G at the center of the Masonic symbol stands for both the Generative act of reproduction, and for Gnosis, or the impartation of knowledge. Not surprisingly, the rabbis laid emphasis on both sex and illumination as they set forth the rituals to be observed on the Jewish Sabbath, for Freemasonry is merely another manifestation of Hebrew Kabbalah. One of the most revered of the Jewish rabbis (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria) is referred to as “The Ari.” He is known as “the father of contemporary Kabbalah.” Following is the meaning of the candle as attributed to him. Although the article mentions the Hanukkah candles, it applies equally to the Sabbath candles.

The power of the candle
The Ari explains that when we light the Hanukkah candles, we draw spiritual light into our material world which can help us to live a better life and to nourish us with this power to help overcome obstacles of routine. The Hannukiya is lit not to commemorate the historical miracles and events, but rather to help us make a spiritual connection to the light that is revealed…

Kabbalah teaches us to use a candle to bridge the gap between the spiritual and material world. When we want to connect to a spiritual force that we cannot perceive with our five senses, lighting a candle helps us to do this. The candles of Shabbat and Holidays connect us to the spiritual light of that moment. A Yahrzeit (Memorial) candle connects us to the soul of the deceased which no longer is manifested in the material world. A candle is used also during meditation as a connection to spiritual frequencies that we may not be able to connect to otherwise.

Brothers and sisters, this understanding of the ritual use of the candle is identical to that embraced by practitioners of witchcraft and Satanism. The candle is used to invoke spirits, to create a bridge between the spiritual and material world. Understand that the rabbis who set forth the rites to be observed on the Jewish Sabbath had rejected Yahshua as the Messiah and as the Son of God. They manifested an anti-Christ spirit. They called darkness light, and called the light darkness. That which they esteemed as “light” was in fact the gross darkness of Lucifer. As the Jews perform the Sabbath rituals weekly they are inviting the wisdom of Lucifer under the guise of the feminine Queen of Heaven into their homes.

One tradition of the rabbis is to leave the doors of the home open, or to turn and face the door, as one is reciting the Sabbath prayer and inviting the Sabbath Queen to enter the home. Brothers and sisters, let it be recognized that this is a summoning. It matters not whether the summoning employs some phrase recognized as ritual magic, or whether it is quoting a passage from the Scriptures. Witchcraft is being performed.

In closing this chapter I mention with some regret that William Schnoebelen, after having been converted to Christianity and repenting of his former associations as a Druid priest, a Wiccan Warlock, a Freemason, a Satanist, and a Mormon elder, fell into the subtle trap of the Hebrew Roots movement back in the late 1980s. He began wearing the kippah in 2001 and now is recognized as a rabbi under the authority of Ed Nydle of B’nai Avraham, a Two-House Hebrew Roots congregation. Following is a statement on the website of B’nai Avraham.

Our community seeks to engage in open interactive dialogue and stay on the cutting edge of traditional teachings of the sages of ancient Yisrael and Yahshua HaMashiach. We incorporate the TaNaK, Brit Chadashah, Talmud, Midrash, Zohar, and Kabbalah in all our discussions. We encourage questions and free thinking in our studies.

The TaNaK is the Old Testament of the Bible. The Brit Chadashah is the New Testament. If the statement had stopped there, there would be far less reason for concern. However, they add to their sources of inspiration the Talmud and Midrash of the apostate rabbis, and the Zohar which is the primary document of Kabbalah. Having climbed out of the ditch on one side of the road, Mr. Schnoebelen fell headlong into the ditch on the other side. He is right back where he started, observing Luciferian practices such as Hanukkah and wearing the kippah while being led into error by apostate Jews who denied the deity of the Son of God. Such is the cunning of Satan. The whole world lies in the power of the evil one.


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This is the Blog site of Joseph Herrin. It is a companion to the Heart4God Website. Writings are posted here first, while the Heart4God site contains an archive of all of my books, presentations, concise teachings, audio messages, and other material. All material is available free of charge. Permission is granted to copy, re-post, print, and distribute (free of charge) any of the material on these sites.

If you value the labor of love that goes into this ministry and want to show your appreciation for the spiritual food that has been ministered to you through this website please consider showing your love and support.

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Love - The Sum of the Law

Macon Rescue Mission