A House Divided!

by | Oct 17, 2013

Joseph Herrin (10-17-2013)

Diane Reidy Being Removed from House

One of the first news items I came across this morning related to a woman named Dianne Reidy who is employed as a stenographer for the House of Representatives. During the vote to extend the government debt limit and re-open the portions of the federal government that have been shut down for the past 17 days, she walked up to the rostrum where the President normally stands to speak and spoke with a “Thus saith the Lord…” Gathering fragments of her words from different sources, the following appears to be the message she declared to the members of the House of Representatives. I have edited it for clarity as she was interrupted by Capitol Hill security trying to remove her from the House chambers.

Thus saith the Lord, this is not the Lord’s work. A house divided will not stand. He will not be mocked. He will not be mocked. He will not be mocked. The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God. It never was. It never was. Had it been… the Constitution would not have been written by Freemasons… and  go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, lord Jesus Christ.”

Capitol Police told CNN that Dianne Reidy wasn’t arrested or charged, but was taken to a local hospital to undergo a mental evaluation. It is quite fashionable to conclude that someone is crazy if they begin speaking about Jesus while decrying the activities of the American government. Representative Joaquin Castro (Dem., TX) said she had “a crazed look” on her face, though no one else reported this and she did not appear deranged from the video available online. Castro told Fox News, “You have a lot of members who are concerned about who is allowed on the floor when something like that happens.”

Undoubtedly, the American public should be greatly concerned about who is allowed on the floor of the House. There is some truly crazy thinking that possesses most of the members whenever it comes time to vote. The photo below reveals some of the lunacy of government.

If you do not understand the message on the photo, you have not been paying attention to what is truly going on in the world. America’s government is run on money that is backed by nothing of tangible value. (President Nixon officially ended all linkage to the gold standard in 1971.) The U.S. dollar is used as legal tender simply on the “good faith” of the U.S. government. The Federal Reserve is expanding the money supply by tens of billions of dollars monthly. This money creation is nothing more than digital 1s and 0s in a computer system. The Federal Reserve “loans” this imaginary fiat money to the government to run their expanding programs. In turn, the government promises to pay this ethereal money back by collecting more and more taxes from the American population.

By one estimate, the average American worker pays 59.7% of their income to taxes. When Federal Income Tax, State and Local Income Tax, Sales Tax, Social Security and Medicaid, Property Tax, Fuel Tax, and other miscellaneous taxes are added up, nearly 60% of a person’s income ends up in the government coffers. See the following link:


With the implementation of Obamacare, this percentage will increase significantly. This money ultimately goes into the pockets of the international bankers who own the Federal Reserve system. If you have a home mortgage, bank loans, or credit cards, you are giving even more of your money to the bankers. This is ultimately how a capitalist, free-market nation is transformed into a socialist/communist state.

Think of it this way, in order to earn the 59.7% of your income that goes to pay various taxes, you would have to work from January 1st until August 6th just to pay taxes. In other words, for 60% of the year, the average American works as a tax slave, and from August 7th until December 31st they earn their discretionary income. Each year the date when Americans begin earning discretionary income is pushed back a little further.

This scenario becomes even more crazy when one considers that unlike State governments that are legally required to balance their budgets annually, the taxes collected by the U.S. government fall far short of paying for the enormous spending of the Federal government. The “official” debt of the U.S. government currently stands at nearly 17 trillion dollars. This is money the government has spent that they do not have the means to cover.


This number, as enormous and mentally inconceivable as it is, does not tell the true tale. The actual government debt is estimated to be between 70 and 211 trillion dollars.


To put that in perspective, at 70 trillion dollars, every man, woman, and child in America would equally share a debt burden of nearly a quarter of a million dollars apiece. I have never possessed a quarter of a million dollars. I would feel truly wealthy in a material sense if I had that much money. How then should Americans feel to know that their government has put them on the hook for this same amount of debt?

Perhaps more concerning is the following news item that appeared on the Infowars website.

Chase Bank Limits Cash Withdrawals, Bans International Wire Transfers
Chase Bank has moved to limit cash withdrawals while banning business customers from sending international wire transfers from November 17 onwards, prompting speculation that the bank is preparing for a looming financial crisis in the United States by imposing capital controls.

Numerous business customers with Chase BusinessSelect Checking and Chase BusinessClassic accounts have received letters over the past week informing them that cash activity (both deposits and withdrawals) will be limited to a $50,000 total per statement cycle from November 17 onwards.

The letter reads;

    Dear Business Customer,

    Starting November 17, 2013:

    – You will no longer be able to send international wire transfers. You will still be able to send domestic wires and receive both domestic and international wires. We’ll cancel any international wire transfers, including reccurring ones, you scheduled to be sent after this date.

    – Your cash activity limit for these accounts(s) will be $50,000 per statement cycle, per account. Cash activity is the combined total of cash deposits made at branches, night drops and ATMs and cash withdrawals made at branches (including purchases of money orders) and ATMs.

    These changes will help us more effectively manage the risks involved with these types of transactions.

Another letter (PDF) received by Peak to Peak Charter School, an Elementary School in Colorado, states that the option to send both international and domestic wire transfers has been withdrawn from Chase business savings account holders.

Natural News’ Mike Adams also confirmed his company received the letter. “This is happening, folks! The capital controls begin on November 17th. The bank runs may follow soon thereafter. Chase Bank is now admitting that you cannot use your own money that you’ve deposited there,” writes Adams.

Meanwhile, financial expert Gerald Celente said the news was a sign that Americans should prepare for a bank holiday.

Chase is obviously very keen to make it hard for their customers to have any kind of control over their savings and is trying to prevent them from sending dollars abroad, prompting concerns that Cyprus-style account gouging could occur in America…

Why has Chase announced such a ludicrous and restrictive policy change? Speculation is rife that the bank is preparing for some kind of economic crisis by “locking down” its customers’ money.

Others fear the move to restrict international wire transfers is part of a plan to protect against a near-future collapse of the US dollar…

It is clear that these regulations are being enacted for three different but equally plausible reasons, all of which contribute to the ultimate goal of sacrificing the global economy on the altar of derivative monster zombie banks.

1) Capital controls to prevent money leaving the country as the US dollar continues to devalue. Note that Chase will allow international wire transfers coming in, but not going out of the accounts. Note that they are only concerned about “risks” when the money is being moved out of the account.

2) Forcing businesses to abandon cash and switching everything over to digital currency that can be more easily tracked, traced and controlled.

3) Part of the preparatory phase for Cyprus-style bail-ins where the government announces a new “tax” to gouge out a percentage of people’s savings.
[Source: http://www.infowars.com/chase-bank-limits-cash-withdrawals-bans-international-wire-transfers/print/]

Also see the following article on Mike Adams’ Natural News website.


Further reports on this issue indicate that other banks are following this same policy.
SHOCK: HSBC USA Joins Chase in Limiting International Money Transfers

Yesterday, I reported that JPMorganChase will start to limit cash withdrawals and ban ceratain business customers from sending international wire transfers, from November 17 onward.

Now, word comes via Simon Black that starting October 20th, HSBC USA’s Premier clients will have to wait a minimum of five days before transferring funds to their OWN international accounts!

This is not good. The cover story for these measures is to “protect” banks and customers from theft. In reality, this is a major move toward limiting movement of capital overseas. Black writes:

    This is the very nature of capital controls– restricting the free flow of capital across borders until it is trapped inside the country and forcibly denominated in a rapidly devaluing currency. 

    And this is exactly how it starts… making it more difficult to move money abroad.

A word to the wise, it will only get worse. Act accordingly.
[Source: http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2013/10/shock-hsbc-usa-joins-chase-in-limiting.html]

I would very much expect that when the U.S. economy is about to collapse that banks will institute capital controls to prevent Americans from transferring money outside the United States. Everyone will be made to suffer equally, except for the very rich. Such individuals were able to move their money out of Cyprus banks when the middle class account holders could not do so.

I see what these banks are doing as one more step in preparation for the looming economic collapse of America. As the powers-that-be make their plans and carry them forward, America is distracted by political theater about pseudo government shutdowns and fearmongering about defaults if the federal debt limit is not raised. Such theatrics are reminiscent of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

Returning to the first story in this post, the Fox and Friends broadcast this morning discussed Dianne Reidy’s outburst before the House of Representatives. The website The Wrap included the following commentary.

A minister wrote the Fox News morning program arguing that the woman was simply sharing a communique from on high.

“It was not a mental episode,” host Steve Doocy read from the email. “What she was doing was known as an exercise of the gifts of the spirit where she was. She had brought a warning and a message from God.”

It wasn’t just the Lord’s outrage over Obamacare that got “Fox & Friends” viewers riled up, they were upset that guards seized Reidy for sharing her beliefs.

“Amazingly, this religious and obviously a sweet lady gets fed up and speaks her mind, something we all have tried to do,” Doocy read from a second email. “She brings up our dear Lord and she gets a mental evaluation?”
[Source: http://www.thewrap.com/fox-friends-debates-whether-ranting-house-stenographer-victim-religious-persecution/]

Did Yahweh move upon this woman to declare three times to the House of Representatives that “God will not be mocked”? Did He tell her to inform them that they were deceived to believe that America is “one nation under God”? What she shared about Freemasonry and the Satanic origins of America’s government are certainly true. The series I posted last year titled Dragon Flood revealed the truth of this matter.

If you are reading this blog, you are likely a believer in the Lord Yahshua the Messiah. Are you preparing spiritually, and any other way the Lord directs you, to be in readiness for the tumultuous days ahead? The signs are everywhere around us that great chaos is coming. If you did not read about the food riots that occurred when the government EBT food stamp system went down in 17 states for a portion of one day last week-end, you should read about the matter. America can expect far worse things to occur when the dollar collapses. The stores will be emptied in short order. Violence and theft will follow.


Since I have been on the island the past couple weeks, I have been listening to the Bible on Audio. I have the NAS Bible on MP3 and I play it through my bus’s stereo system. Recently I have been listening to the Psalms. The Psalms are incredibly faith building. I encourage the people of God to soak in the presence of the Father, having their faith affirmed and strengthened by feeding on the anointed Scriptures.

You can find a copy of the Scriptures on DVD in MP3 format at Amazon for a reasonable cost. Following are a couple of links:



May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

P.S. Numerous people sent me links to some of these stories after I had decided to write on them. To save time I have not replied to each person individually, assuming that they would read the blog post. I am still riding my bicycle regularly for exercise, and also taking my dog Champ on bike jogs. This takes up considerable time (I rode 23 miles today before writing this post), so please understand my failure to answer each e-mail individually. I do appreciate the notes and links people send in.

Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws  


Parables Blog: www.parablesblog.blogspot.com  


Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Hello Shawn,

    You asked a question that is off-topic for the post and requires a longer answer than can be accomplished in a comment field. I would be happy to discuss your question if you will e-mail me.

    May you be blessed with peace and understanding,


  2. Notice she repeated many times? In the spirit of Elijah this 'wo-man' went forth and declared something very huge.
    Any who have ignored the warnings given forth on the internet rivers can not say "We didn't know YAHWEY was warning us" because now all know the warning has been given.
    Very humbling indeed.
    Amen and amen.


  3. I did notice the repetion.just discovered this prophecy. Few days before Diane spoke I was also so concerned with govt I pulled out all my investments.


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