The Crash

by | May 11, 2012

Joseph Herrin (05-11-2012)

Notice My Bus in the Background
(Click on any image to enlarge)

Thursday, May 10th was a day of signs. Yahweh is speaking profound and sobering things. The day began with me packing up my bus to leave Perry, Georgia. The same day George was preparing to depart, having stayed with me in The Dreamer for the past 3-1/2 months. George decided he wanted to go back to his ancestral home in Virginia. Randy and Veronica drove down from Macon to pick him up and take him to the Greyhound Bus Station in Macon.

George Packed to Go, and Sister Veronica

Before heading to another town I needed to get my brake lights fixed on my bus. The lights had been working intermittently, but had stopped functioning altogether. Consequently, the brake lights on the trailer I was pulling were not working either. Camping World had wired up the seven way wiring harness and brake controller for me, so I decided to take the bus back to them to see if they could sort out and correct the problem. I don’t think they caused the problem, for the brake lights had been working sporadically before I had them do this work.

Randy volunteered to follow behind me on the trip to Camping World since it was on his way back to Macon. The technician did not get started on the bus until after 1 P.M.. He diagnosed a short somewhere in the wiring and the simplest remedy seemed to be to run a new wire from the brake pedal at the front of the bus to the brake lights at the rear. The technician had other work backed up so he was not able to complete the job that day. Camping World permits their customers to park overnight in their parking lots, and they also have power connections for them to use. They told me they would be happy to let me park there overnight and let them complete the job in the morning.

The Dreamer Parked and Plugged in at Camping World

I was sitting at the table reading something on my computer a short time later when I heard a crash and looked out my window to see that a pick-up truck had just run into a light pole in the parking lot. For a second after the collision the truck engine revved and the tires boiled smoke as the accelerator must have been pressed. I did not know the condition of the driver at this moment and hoped he was not passed out with the truck revving wildly. Fortunately the driver was conscious and he switched off the truck motor.

The driver got out of his truck and I walked over to him to check on his condition and ask if I could call someone for him. He had blood flowing from his hairline and I noticed his windshield was cracked over the steering wheel. I concluded that he did not have his seatbelt on and the impact had lifted him up and his head had hit the windshield.

Right after I got there two employees from Camping World also walked up and they took control of the situation. The man who crashed was also a Camping World employee. I returned to my bus where I took the following picture from the front window of The Dreamer. It shows how close I was, and what an unobstructed view I had to the crashed pick-up truck.

I considered the oddity of this event. I am sure this Camping World employee had driven through this parking lot and past this light pole many times. Why on this day when I was parked in plain view of the event did he crash into the pole? Nothing happens without purpose and design in our lives. I have learned that Yahweh speaks through a great variety of means, and I began seeking to discern what the Father was revealing in this situation.

Yahweh had already been showing Randy, Veronica and I signs that day. We had been speaking about signs just before heading to Camping World and while we were eating lunch after having dropped off the bus. We had spoken specifically about the frequency with which we had been seeing the number 14, and especially in sets of three that added up to 42. I had posted a blog just the day before that revealed the significance of these numbers.

Because there were four of us traveling from Camping World to have lunch at Subway, just a few blocks away, I rode in the back of Randy’s pick-up while the other three rode in the cab. After lunch on our return trip to Camping World my attention was drawn to a lighted sign of a Super 8 Motel that was displaying the following on its message board “14:1414.” This triple repetition of the number 14 was the only thing displayed, and there was no rhyme or reason for it to be showing these numbers.

I asked Randy to check the sign again when he was leaving, and the numbers had changed. We discerned that it was displaying military time. However, the time was incorrect, for when we looked at the sign it was approximately 1:45 P.M., and 14:14 is 2:14 P.M..

The number 14, as mentioned in the previous post, denotes transition. It speaks of change taking place. Those reading this blog may remember that “CHANGE” was the theme of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in 2008. The change he is bringing is not that which American’s would desire, however. One week ago I posted the following:

 Soon a great worldwide financial crisis will strike and one can be assured that a proposed solution will already be prepared. This solution to the world’s crisis will be the implementation of a unified world monetary system. Such a system will require global governance to be imposed upon all nations. Such is Satan’s plan to establish a visible single government over the entire world. This transition will only be achieved through great disruptions of peace, and prosperity. The earth will reel under the chaos that ensues when people’s money is devalued and their freedoms curtailed. Riots, rebellions, and insurrections will give the globalists the justification they need to implement martial law and to re-write the laws of sovereign nations.

Those observing the acts of Congress and the President can see a steady preparation for a planned time of civil unrest. In January President Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act for 2012. This was followed in March by his signing of the National Defense Resources Preparedness Act. Congresswoman Kay Granger from Colorado has posted the following statement on her official website.

Dear Friend,

With all that is going in Washington these days some things don’t make the news the way they should. Fourteen days ago President Obama issued an Executive Order that you should know about.  This order gives an unprecedented level of authority to the President and the federal government to take over all the fundamental parts of our economy – in the name of national security – in times of national emergency.

This means all of our water resources, construction services and materials (steel, concrete, etc.), our civil transportation system, food and health resources, our energy supplies including oil and natural gas – even farm equipment – can be taken over by the President and his cabinet secretaries.  The Government can also draft U.S. citizens into the military and force U.S. citizens to fulfill “labor requirements” for the purposes of “national defense.”  There is not even any Congressional oversight, only briefings are required.

By issuing this as an Executive Order the President puts the federal government above the law, which, in a democracy, is never supposed to happen…

The mainstream media has been silent when it comes to speaking out against the threats to people’s freedoms that are occurring with increasing regularity. Let the wakened Christian understand that there are great dislocations of life near at hand.

I believe it is significant that the message we saw on the Motel sign signifying a fulness of transition was written as “military time.” An hour is nearing where martial law will be implemented on American soil and the life and liberty Americans have known will be greatly altered. That the time displayed was about 45 minutes in the future I believe signifies that these things are not far off. They will occur without much more delay.

It also occurred to me that even as this man drove through this parking lot day after day without mishap, that Americans have become complacent due to having experienced “normal life” for so long. A day will come when they are doing the same thing they have done a thousand times before, but it will end very differently. The world they have known will come to a sudden halt as in an unanticipated crash. They will rue the fact that they were not paying attention, for there was no reason for them to be caught unaware.

What will precipitate a use of the military on American soil? I believe the Father revealed it in what I witnessed today. A crash took place. I believe the crash represents a financial crash that will devastate American society leading to great civil unrest with the military being deployed to restore order. As I walked around the crash site later to seek to understand what the Father was speaking, I noted the vehicle that was parked right alongside the crashed pick-up truck.


Department of Veterans Affairs

Close-up of RV Detail

There was a crash, and just behind it is a Veterans Affairs vehicle. There will be a crash in the American economy and military intervention will come right along side of it. At the very time that I am sensing the Father to be speaking that He will guide a remnant of His people through a wilderness experience soon, and I am being led of the Holy Spirit to make practical preparation in the way of provision for the first time ever, the Father brings these signs. There was even more, however, for when I looked at the license plate of the pick-up truck that crashed I observed the following numbers on it.


Here I was observing a crash from the safety and security of my bus. It had been close at hand, but had not touched me. When I saw these numbers I was reminded of the testimony of Psalm 23 and Psalm 91.

Psalms 23:4-5
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies…

Psalms 91:1-11
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to Yahweh, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!” For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day; Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon. A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you. You will only look on with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. For you have made Yahweh, my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent. For He will give His angels charge concerning you, to guard you in all your ways.

Once more I discern the Father giving signs of impending days of great distress. Safety will not be found in bunkers in the woods, nor will security be found in guns. Provision will not be assured by the abundance of food a person has stored up. The Most High must be the One we look unto for all of these things. What He says we are to do. Where He says go we are to go. Yahweh is the only sure refuge for the saints of God.

I shared this post with a couple of people before putting it on the blog. I received the following response:

Dear Brother Joseph,

Just wanted to share one thing with you about the crash.  When I saw the truck the Father immediately impressed upon me that the make of the vehicle was a Chevrolet.  Then I heard the words from the commercial, “Chevrolet, the heartbeat of America.”

Randy and Kathy Furman

Another brother who read this post this morning spoke of Glynda Lomax’s post today being a second witness to what is written here. You can find it at the following link:

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

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Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063

1 Comment

  1. Thank you Joseph


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