Joseph Herrin (01-28-2013)
Ecclesiastes 1:9
That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.

Pharaoh’s Dream
Recently I found myself questioning whether I had gotten out of the will of the Father by focusing so much on current events, and warnings of calamitous, and troublous days that are soon to come. At times I wrestle against my soul’s sense of what is right and appropriate for a minister, or a Christian to be doing. I want to be teaching doctrine, or serving up expository teaching from the Scriptures. Occasionally I receive criticism from a reader suggesting that I am focusing too much on “gloom and doom” messages.
I tend to be quite introspective anyway. I am quick to consider my ways, and to ask Yahweh to reveal whether I have gotten off track in some area. I recognize that prophetic, current-event focused writings are more popular than doctrinal teaching. I don’t want to fall into error by catering to that which is desired by men. The ministry entrusted to me was granted by Yahshua, and He is the One I seek to please.
Recently I have had invitations to appear on a number of radio programs, and to have my writings posted as a regular feature on a very popular “Christian” end times website that receives 6 million visitors a month. The opportunity was not particularly “tempting” to me. I don’t desire a larger ministry for the sake of becoming more “successful.” I am not seeking to be increased in material possessions. Yahweh has been faithful to meet my material needs. Having food and covering, I am content.
I would like truth to be received by a larger number of people who are prepared to receive it. It is my perception, however, that the vast majority who visit these popular sites do not love truth. Yahweh told me some years back that He was giving me a message for a “remnant.” He also told me that my life would bear striking similarities to my namesake, Joseph the son of Jacob.
Genesis 45:7
And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant in the earth, and to keep you alive by a great deliverance.
Yahweh’s focus at this time is also on the preservation of a remnant. The pattern is “first the natural, then the spiritual.” The preservation of the people of God in this hour is primarily a spiritual deliverance. Many will lose their physical lives while preserving their spiritual lives.
Romans 8:35-37
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Just as it is written, “For Thy sake we are being put to death all day long; We were considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.
Revelation 12:11
“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even to death.”
It is appointed to the people of God to suffer many things. There is a Joseph Company who have been called of Yahweh to experience suffering before their brothers. Joseph was sold as a slave into Egypt, and further suffered an unjust sentence that resulted in his imprisonment. Thirteen years elapsed from the time Joseph received dreams of promotion until he was brought out of Pharaoh’s prison and set over all the people of the land. His brothers were living as free men, pursuing whatever their soul’s desired, while Joseph endured hardship. For Joseph’s brothers, there was a time appointed for them to also suffer. Their descendants would know slavery in the land of Egypt as Joseph had known.
I have shared in other writings the many parallels between Joseph, the son of Jacob and Yahshua, the Son of God. Both were dwelling in glory and honor with their fathers when their father asked them to leave their glory and go check on their brethren. Both submitted to their father’s will freely. Both Joseph and Yahshua had their outer garments stripped from them. Both were numbered among the transgressors. Both men experienced a death and resurrection experience (Joseph was reported dead by his brothers, to be found alive many years later.) Joseph’s brother Judah proposed the idea of selling him for 20 pieces of silver. Judas (the Greek form of Judah) sold Yahshua for 30 pieces of silver. Both faced temptation and overcame it. Joseph was tempted by Potipher’s wife and refused her sexual advances. Yahshua was tempted by Satan in the wilderness and rejected his proposals. After enduring suffering, both were raised to a position of glory and honor.
Many more parallels could be cited. This is sufficient, however, to reveal that Yahweh repeats certain patterns among mankind. The words of Solomon are true words. “That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done.”
Yahweh is repeating patterns again at the end of the age. There are sons who have been sent ahead of their brothers to endure suffering and reproaches, to dwell apart, and to be lightly esteemed. Their experiences have been ordained to prepare them for roles that have been determined for them from ancient times. Even as Joseph and Yahshua provided salvation for many, there is a Joseph company that has been prepared for this hour to instruct, guide, and provide for the saints of God. Joseph fed the nations with the grain he had stored up in the years of abundance. Yahshua fed the multitudes by multiplying the fish and loaves, and to His disciples He said, “My flesh is true meat, and My blood is true drink.” He was the true bread that came down out of heaven to feed the world.
In this last hour there are those who have been storing up spiritual grain received from Yahweh’s table. An hour of spiritual famine is coming when these ones will be sought out. What was lightly regarded in days of plenty will be greatly desired as if it were a matter of life and death.
Amos 8:11
“The days are coming,” declares Yahweh God, “when I will send a famine through the land – not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of Yahweh.”
As I contemplated whether I was straying from the message Yahweh would have me to proclaim, the Spirit reminded me that part of the pattern of Joseph’s life was to interpret signs, and to give warning of the calamity to come upon the world. It was granted to Joseph to understand types and shadows, and to counsel those with ears to hear, regarding the things to shortly come to pass upon the earth. The Father has opened my eyes, and the eyes of other men and women in this hour, to discern parables, and to unravel enigmas, to disclose to those with spiritual sight and hearing the things to come.

Shortly after receiving this affirmation from the Father I was at Walmart and spied a video in a large bin of $5 movies. It was the animated feature titled “Joseph – King of Dreams.” The Spirit bore witness once more that we are in a time when a divine pattern is being fulfilled. The majority of Jews in Christ’s day rejected the words of Yahshua, Yahweh’s messenger. This resulted in great calamity, and loss of life.
Luke 19:41-44
And when He approached, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, “If you had known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes. For the days shall come upon you when your enemies will throw up a bank before you, and surround you, and hem you in on every side, and will level you to the ground and your children within you, and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not recognize the time of your visitation.”
In the recent post titled Heavenly Harbinger I mentioned the comet that appeared over Jerusalem prior to the great slaughter in A.D. 70. The article mentioned that a celestial sword is predicted to be observed over the earth once more in this current year. Peace will be removed from the earth. Those who are promising peace and safety are speaking vanity and falsehood.
Last night a brother in Europe made known to me a profound parable that occurred. The Pope in Rome had convened a special service to commemorate the millions of Jews who lost their lives at the hands of the Nazis. He called for world resolve to keep any similar thing from ever occurring again. As a symbol of the peace, and the end of racial strife, the Pope released a dove from the balcony upon which he was standing. As he did so, a seagull swooped in to attack the dove, driving it into a wall.

What a profound parable is observed in this event! There are false prophets who are promising peace, but there will be no peace. The dove is a symbol of peace, a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and therefore a symbol of those filled with the Spirit. Doves are NOT violent birds. They are innocent and harmless.
Matthew 10:16
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
There is a message for the saints in this event. The dove did not fight back. He sought an avenue of escape. He fled from his attacker rather than fighting back in a contest that he could not win. The dove escaped, and so too would Yahweh encourage His people to not take up arms in the coming troublous days when peace is removed from the earth. Let them flee to the wilderness where a place has been prepared for them.
Revelation 12:4, 6
And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child… And the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared by God, so that there she might be nourished for one thousand two hundred and sixty days.
Even as Israel fled into the wilderness in the days of Moses where they received provision from the Lord, so too will a people be led into a wilderness experience in the coming days to experience the same. The Israelites had no natural, tangible, source of provision as they followed Yahweh. There were no grocery stores, no outdoor markets. They had to trust Yahweh for a supernatural provision. It will be so again in the days to come. Without the mark of the beast, the people of God will not be able to buy or sell. They will have to trust Yahweh for a miraculous provision.
The Israelites had all that they fed upon in Egypt taken from them. They were provided bread from heaven and water from the rock. The people of God will have the fleshly things they have been feeding their souls upon stripped away in coming days that they might begin to regard the spiritual food that comes from the Father. Many will murmur and complain bitterly, for their souls desire flesh to eat.
For those who will not rebel against the will of God, ministers after the pattern of Moses and Joseph will appear to feed them. Right now, however, in a time where unfaithful ministers are enticing the saints with delicate dainties, and fleshly foods, that which is spiritual, an lacking in appeal to the flesh, is disdained.
One of the reasons I was led to turn down the invitations to appear on radio, or to affiliate myself with other sites, is that I perceive a true spiritual hunger is not yet present among the people of God. Indeed, it will never be present in more than a remnant of God’s people in the coming days. We are cautioned to not give what is holy to the dogs, nor to cast pearls before swine, lest they turn and rend us.
We are seeing many divine patterns fulfilled in this hour. The Father has assured me that it is His Spirit that is directing me to sound forth a warning. Before the world was created, Yahweh appointed specific roles to each of His children. I magnify my calling only to encourage those who read these words to take heed. This is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in my sight.
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Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063
Brother Joseph, just as Yahshua ministered to "the least of these" and Joseph showed special concern and favor to Benjamin, the youngest, I believe part of your ministry is to help those younger in the faith like myself, spiritual Benjamins if you will, attain to maturity in Christ. May Yahweh continue to bless and sustain you.
at the coast storm watching once a friend climbed down the cliff towards an outcropping..standing there up higher I watched..current events..and warned him, also asked him what he thought he was on about doing?…crazy. Sure enough a wave bigger then the rest came, I yelled at him but like a freight train it was to late and swept him away into a boiling washing machine of barnacles/mussels and into a sea cave..spit him out after near drowning and sliced and diced, he was terrified for months after, said in his dreams "things" were under the water with him, not crabs and things, demons..
but what if he'd listened? got out of there beforehand. Some will hear, some won't, who can know who will or won't, but warn we do if we care. If we say we love, and say nothing and help not, how do we love?
what is written will be, not doom, but the Word and gospel is hope, what will be will be in God's time but all provision and hope is already made in Christ Jesus. I don't see doom, I see tremendous hope!
May our fellowship with the Lord Jesus be full. If any need more strength and love and during the times and ahead His love hasn't grown cold, strength hasn't faded..He's all there, where did anyone go?
Hello Joseph, there are many 'Preachers' out there offering the message of 'True' news of end time events but their understanding of Scripture falls very short – in my opinion. These successful 'Preachers attract listeners/visitors by offering the visitor an exciting message to tickle their ears. They have huge operations with CFO's and Vice Presidents and openly plead for financial offerings. I believe that they want to harness your wisdom for their increased gain but would probably eventually dictate the subject matter of your input. I believe that if you were to submit your teachings on the 'Afflicted Path' they would not well received – as you already state. You have a special ministry to which the Father directs those with an ear. You do not need the 'big boys'. Remember, just before YHWH pours out His wrath on the world, He will send His Two Witnessess to proclaim the True Gospel. Their message will not be popular and well received – they will be killed and the majority will rejoice. You have a set-apart ministry/message which in my opinion should be kept just that and not mixed. We know how the Father feels about mixture.
Blessings Chris (UK)
p.s. I found you because the Father directed me to you. Likewise He will direct others.
hallelujah hi joseph would just like to share that the father has been showing me the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand this week and have understood that the five loaves and two fish that Yahshua blessed divided and gave to the disciples are represented in the tanakh five books of Torah the prophets and the writings it came to my understanding that the whole bible is nothing but those books as the new testament is only the old testament expounded or revealed ive been told this for years but its only now dropped lol… the other things the father has been showing me is that there is a famine of the real word form heaven people are perishing through lack of knowledge and i have been praying for the breath of life to be poured out on the dry bones Ezekiel 37:1-14 ….
37 The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones,
2 And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.
3 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest.
4 Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
5 Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live
the ministers in the 38,000 denominations are feeding the sheep humanistic teachings not spirit filled word from the hands of yahshua … may the father bless your ministry and put fuel in your tank kind regards tony from uk
Joseph – I am blessed by your posts and appreciate your Spiritual take on events.
Joseph, I just started reading your blogs and it always amazes me how the Lord speaks to us. He has chosen to be tied to men to share His words and what an honor it is to be involved. The Lord has been taking me through a Joseph period for sure. I actually prayed a year ago that He would just take my life because my whole belief system in this world was shattered. My entire family turned their backs on me. I died to myself then to this world, then to the need to be loved by anyone in this world. The Lord used that to show me that His love was the only reliable love I will ever find or would ever need for that matter. It is so good to know that He is doing this in a remnant and its awesome that Im included. To go from asking Him to take my life to the inexpressible joy knowing He has chosen me for a specific purpose in these last days has given me the peace and joy I failed to receive in any attempt I made in the world. Thank you for your obedience to Him because He is using you even as I write to encourage the labors He ask us to pray for that will be released for the final harvest (Matt 9:37-38.) Im sure I dont have to tell you we are few and far between and most of the church does not understand the message He has put in us. Eph 5:11, exposing the darkness; Many christians and pastors have told me what you said about not focusing on the gospel because I might write something or exposed some darkness. What they fail to understand is that the darkness is exposed with Gods light. Some seem to be so deceived to think satan is harmless. I know that to well because I once held that doctrine of man until the Lord opened my eyes to mans enemy. I wanted to encourage you that I have the same thought process of analyzing everything I think about or sharing and trying to stay humble enough to consider everyone opinion of what Im doing to make sure I am not using my strength but relying on my King always. But to believe somehow when exposing the darkness that Im taking away from shining His light is completely limiting who Yahshua is. I believe most of these brothers are sisters spend more time trying to correct people than practicing what they preach. To listen to them and follow suit would be a prime example of the blind leading the blind. I recently read your blog on the Super Bowl half-time show and have been encouraging people to watch out for a satanic ritual like what was performed last year and at the Olympics as well. I have had several people start discusiing these issues in unbelief because they have never had it pointed out to them. Eyes are being opened as you read. Still I know that there are people in the church who would believe Im focusing on the wrong thing while being completely ignorant to how God uses those who are bold enough to speak out. Sometimes I completely understand why Yahshua spent time and ate with the sinners. The church can really be more difficult while being completely deceived. Thank you brother. That felt good to share that. Love you brother and Rom 1:11-12 to you.
as i sit here in my car meditating on the Lord and weighing your posts, i listen to a Man in his 50's on his cell phone discussing ammunition purchases, the government taking away his friends and his wealth and similar rants. I got up and walked over to his car and offered him a card to my church and a tract w a few scriptures he declined. I have prayed for him to be sent another appointment though and am trusting God. I realized just after (sigh) that asking him a question about guns or ammo might have allowed a better witness.
Thank you for the Kingdom work and may you continue on in truth and spirit. These are amazing days and I am prayerful that the remnant truly occupies until the soon return.
Joseph, I just started reading your blogs and it
always amazes me how the Lord speaks to us. He has chosen to be tied to men to share His words and what an honor it is to be involved. The Lord has been taking me through a Joseph period for sure. I actually prayed a year ago that He would just take my life because my whole belief system in this world was shattered. My entire family turned their backs on me. I died to myself then to this world, then to the need to be loved by anyone in this world. The Lord used that to show me that His love was the only reliable love I will ever find or would ever need for that matter. It is so good to know that He is doing this in a remnant and its awesome that Im included. To go from asking Him to take my life to the inexpressible joy knowing He has chosen me for a specific purpose in these last days has given me the peace and joy I failed to receive in any attempt I made in the world. Thank you for your obedience to Him because He is using you even as I write to encourage the labors He ask us to pray for that will be released for the final harvest (Matt 9:37-38.) Im sure I dont have to tell you we are few and far between and most of the church does not understand the message He has put in us. Eph 5:11, exposing the darkness; Many christians and pastors have told me what you said about not focusing on the gospel because I might write something or exposed some darkness. What they fail to understand is that the darkness is exposed with Gods light. Some seem to be so deceived to think satan is harmless. I know that to well because I once held that doctrine of man until the Lord opened my eyes to mans enemy. I wanted to encourage you that I have the same thought process of analyzing everything I think about or sharing and trying to stay humble enough to consider everyone opinion of what Im doing to make sure I am not using my strength but relying on my King always. But to believe somehow when exposing the darkness that Im taking away from shining His light is completely limiting who Yahshua is. I believe most of these brothers are sisters spend more time trying to correct people than practicing what they preach. To listen to them and follow suit would be a prime example of the blind leading the blind. I recently read your blog on the Super Bowl half-time show and have been encouraging people to watch out for a satanic ritual like what was performed last year and at the Olympics as well. I have had several people start discusiing these issues in unbelief because they have never had it pointed out to them. Eyes are being opened as you read. Still I know that there are people in the church who would believe Im focusing on the wrong thing while being completely ignorant to how God uses those who are bold enough to speak out. Sometimes I completely understand why Yahshua spent time and ate with the sinners. The church can really be more difficult while being completely deceived. Thank you brother. That felt good to share that. Love you brother and Rom 1:11-12 to you.
Hello Joseph. I wrote to you this morning about a Dream I have had recently. Reading your post here today, Confirms all the things that I Myself Feel in my Spirit. When I saw myself being carried off into captivity, I thought to myself " I am Being taken to my mission Field's" I know in the Depth of my Spirit, I have Another Assignment From the father, That will Come after This Mission is Complete of raising My Sons. Thank you So much, For you are the ONLY Voice that I have heard on this Internet that Speaks the Very Things that I am Feeling Currently Myself. And I Appreciate you Keeping yourself from Other Men that want to use your Voice to Gain favor in the eyes of their Followers. We are To Live to Please the Father not man. It is a Big temptation that MANY in the Body Fall too, you are Right about that. God Bless You
I'm so glad you decided to continue doing what you do so well. I think the people who follow you are already pretty grounded in sound doctrine. I agree that like Joseph, you have been given a unique gift, and I think God would have you use it. As you say, this exposing Illuminati codes is very popular these days. Look at all the Youtubes on Sandy Hook, Batman, and Superbowl. EVERYBODY is doing it. Nobody brings the biblical perspective you bring. I agree with above comment that this ministry probably wanted to make merchandise of you. Cashing in on the current fad. I pray that the remnant could begin to come together without the help of some Mega Ministry. Those truly seeking will find you and your message. I pray an even greater blessing of wisdom and understanding would be granted to you, so that like Solomon, you would be able to help lead the saints. May we all have the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit to prepare for the dark days ahead.
Your post matches a couple of passages I've received regarding our current situation.
The first, Elijah during the dry season (which lasts 3 1/2 years), being sent to a poor widow who only had food left for one last meal. A picture of the famine we're experiencing. And yet, a true prophet is united with a generous and God-fearing lady, and BOTH are fed. I believe this will increasingly happen in the next few years. People with true spiritual hunger will be brought together, just like what we're seeing here. In small groups, like in this case a prophet, a widow and a child.
The other passage, again confirming what you post here, is Hosea 2. An idolatrous Israel who gave glory to baals for her blessings, has her blessings taken away by God, who had given them in the first place. Modern-day church? The best thing that could happen to us is having a Hosea 2 experience. And I believe many of the remnant will wake up after losing all their "toys" and having their little idols violently crushed by God's mighty hand.