Dragon Flood – Part 15

by | Apr 26, 2019

Revolutions Revisited

America’s history is replete with the myth of the “just war.” Every war America has entered into has been sold to the people as a righteous and rational response to provocations, as a defense of America’s sovereignty, or her freedoms, or as a benevolent decision to aid America’s allies, and to defend the oppressed. At no time has the American people been told the true reasons that her leaders have chosen a course of war. J.P. Morgan, one of the premier architects of American government control by the money powers, stated the following.

A man always has two reasons for what he does – a good one, and the real one.

Americans have been conned time and again into supporting foreign wars as her leaders have provided them with “good reasons” to do so. Yet, these same leaders have cunningly hid from the majority the “real reasons” that they were being led into war.

Ralph Epperson reveals in his book that there are two overriding motives that have guided a global elite as they have fomented wars among nations.

1. Wars are inherently expensive. Nations that go to war have to employ millions of their citizens that would normally be on someone else’s payroll. Also there is the vast war material, arms and munitions, that must be manufactured or purchased. These costs lead nations to borrow money to conduct their wars, and global bankers thereby gain power over nations. As the Bible declares, “The borrower is slave to the lender.”

2. Wars provide an unparalleled opportunity to bring about societal change. In America, war has been the tool used to strengthen the Executive Branch, and to destroy the balance of powers designed into the Constitution by the founding fathers. War has been a catalyst for the government to transform America from a capitalist to a socialist basis. War has been used to induce women to abandon the home and enter the workforce (one of the planks of Communism). In a myriad of ways, foundational societal change has been enacted through the imposition of wars upon the American public.

The true causes for wars are seldom discerned by mankind. Satan’s chief servants in this world are well trained in the manipulation of humanity, and in the employment of cunning and deception. International banking interests such as the House of Rothschild, and the Morgan and Rockefeller banks, have instigated wars on false pretenses in order to establish central banks in the various nations. Once the central banks are established, and under the control of the global bankers, wars between nations are contrived with the same banks financing both sides of the conflict and reaping massive wealth through the death and suffering of millions.

An example of the deception that has been successfully propagated regarding the causes of wars is observed in the French Revolution. The French Revolution followed immediately upon the conclusion of the American Revolution. One can argue convincingly that the same forces were at work in both, and that lessons learned in America were applied in France.

The common conception regarding the American Revolution is that a spontaneous, popular uprising of Colonial Americans erupted over the gross abuses of the King of England. As has been demonstrated in previous chapters, this is a fallacy. There were men of substance who were set to profit greatly by a break with England and an establishment of an American government. Rather than being a spontaneous uprising, the details of the Revolution were carefully plotted in lodges of Freemasonry in this country.

Even as it is suggested that the King of England’s oppression was the cause of the Revolution, so too has it been told that the French Revolution resulted from the oppression of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Once again, a revolution has been painted as a popular uprising. Like America’s Boston Tea Party, France’s Revolution had its signature act, the storming of the Bastille.

It is commonly understood that a very impoverished and oppressed French people rose up en masse and stormed the Bastille, a French Prison and fortress, in order to free political prisoners. The truth is that the population of Paris at the time when this event took place was around 800,000, yet only 1,000 people took part in this uprising, and these were paid brigands from the south of France hired by the Duc d’Orleans (a Freemason and member of the Illuminati).

Coat of Arms, The Duke of Orleans

Nesta Webster in her book The French Revolution speaks of the experience of a Dr. Rigby who was in Paris at the time. Despite the images portrayed today of the entire city of Paris being up in arms, and great chaos ensuing, Dr. Rigby did not know that anything was even occurring that day. He was out touring the city, and in the afternoon visited the Gardens of Monceaux. Nor were the people of France oppressed and impoverished as a myriad of history books describe them to be. France was the most prosperous European state prior to the war. Ralph Epperson writes in The Unseen Hand that:

France held one-half of all of the money in circulation in all of Europe, and in the period of 1720-1780, foreign trade was multiplied by four. One half of the wealth in France was in the hands of the middle class, and the “serfs” owned more land than anyone else. The king had abolished forced labor on public works in France and had outlawed the use of torture in interrogation. In addition, the king had founded hospitals, established schools, reformed the laws, built canals, drained the marshes to increase the quantity of arable land, and had constructed numerous bridges to ease the flow of goods inside the country.

As Ralph Epperson points out in his book, the enemy of the money powers, is always the middle class. King Louis XVI had created an environment in France that was amenable to a great expansion of the middle class, and those behind the Revolution sought to prevent this from occurring.

Like the American Revolution, Freemasonry played a leading role in the Revolution in France. Epperson writes:

Freemasonry had come to France in 1725, but by 1772 the organization had split into two groups, one of which was known as Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasonry. The first Grand Master, the equivalent of president of the Lodge, was the Duc d’ Orleans, also a member of the Illuminati.

The Grand Orient Lodge spread quickly throughout the entirety of France so that by 1789 (the year of the French Revolution) there were 600 lodges all over France compared to only 104 in 1772. Members of the Grand Orient Lodge were also active in government, as 447 of the 605 members of the Estates General, France’s parliament, were members.

History books declare that the Bastille was a prison of torture used by King Louis XVI, and that it held hundreds of political prisoners. The story contends that a valiant uprising of oppressed citizens who had loved ones being held inside stormed the Bastille to set them free. This fable is on the par with that which suggests Colonialists dressed as Indians spontaneously came together to dump tea into Boston Harbor. Ralph Epperson cites Nesta Webster when he writes:

The plan of attack was to storm the Bastille, not to release hundreds of “oppressed political prisoners” supposedly imprisoned there, but to capture the needed weapons to start the revolution. This was confirmed by the fact that, when the mob reached the Bastille, so-called “torturous” prison of the “oppressive” King Louis XVI, there were only seven prisoners incarcerated there: four forgers, two lunatics, and the Comte de Solages, incarcerated for “monstrous crimes against humanity” at the request of his family. “The damp, dark dungeons had fallen into complete disuse; since the ministry of Necker in 1776 no one had been imprisoned there.

Storming of the Bastille

Do you detect propaganda in the image above? There are children in the front playing the drums. An attractive woman rallies the crowd, as a group of noble citizens attacks the fortress. You can sense in this portrait the French people’s zeal and noble motives to free their fellow citizens. A painting of a group of cutthroats hired by the Duc d’ Orleans storming a nearly empty prison to steal a cache of weapons would not produce quite the same effect.

Even as history has deceived following generations about the cause of the French Revolution, or the major players who precipitated it, so too were the citizens of France deceived and thereby brought to support the Revolution. There is no surer way to press a people into immediate action than to take away their supply of food. If one can then hide the truth of the shortage and persuade the populace that another is to blame, then the wrath of the masses can be channeled to accomplish ends they do not discern.

Wesbter says: “Montjoie asserts that agents employed by the Duc d’ Orleans deliberately bought up the grain, and either sent it out of the country or concealed it in order to drive the people to revolt.”

So the Duc’ d’ Orleans, a member of the Illuminati, purchased large quantities of grain to cause the people to take their grievances to the King whom they believed had caused the shortage. It was, of course, the Illuminati that spread the story that the King had intentionally caused the grain shortage.
[Source: The Unseen Hand, Ralph A. Epperson]

People of God, deception and lies have been the means by which Satan has fomented wars and revolutions for millennia. Even as the serpent lied in his first appearance in the Bible, and thereby induced Eve to perform a deed that was destructive to her own person and all her descendants, Satan continues to use lies and deception to lead the masses of mankind to actions injurious to their own selves.

History books similarly tell us that the Russian Revolution of 1917 was started by starving Russian workers who were being oppressed by Czar Nicholas II. The true cause of the Russian Revolution is one that is the source of many more recent wars. Oil!

John D. Rockefeller was an early refiner of oil in America. His aim was not simply to be a large and powerful refiner, nor even the largest and most powerful oil refiner. Rockefeller wanted to be the ONLY oil refiner in the world. In 1872 Rockefeller controlled twenty-five percent of America’s refining capacity. Just seven years later he controlled ninety-five percent. Having captured the American oil market with his Standard Oil business, Rockefeller then turned his attention to controlling the global supply. In 1879 Standard Oil was supplying ninety percent of America’s foreign oil sales, and had a dominant position in world oil sales.

Vast oil reserves were discovered in the Baku field on the Caspian Sea in Russia. By 1883 the Russians had built a railroad to this location, and they began ramping up production. In the year 1860 America’s petroleum output was 70,000 tons and Russia’s was 1,300 tons. America’s output was 53 times the volume of Russia. In 1885 America produced 3,120,000 tons of oil, and Russia 2,000,000. America’s margin had shrunk to 1.5 times that of the Russian production. In the year 1901 America produced 9,920,000 tons of oil and Russia 12,170,000. Russia had now exceeded the oil output of America, and this was accompanied by a great acceleration in Russia’s transformation from an agrarian society to an industrial one. From 1907 to 1913 Russia’s industrial growth outstripped that of both America and Germany. If continued to progress, Russia would have soon reached parity with these advanced industrial nations.

Although the Baku oil fields of Russia were financed by other global elites, primarily the Rothschilds and the Nobel family, it was soon realized that competition was destroying the profitability of the oil business. Texe Marrs has an article posted on the subject from which the following quotation is taken.

At the turn of the 20th century the world’s #1 oil producing field was in the prosperous port city of Baku, in Azerbaijan. The famous Nobel brothers of Sweden launched the Baku oil boom in 1873. Soon huge oil tankers from that region were traversing the globe.

Then, in 1883, oil companies owned by the Rothschild family entered the scene in Baku followed by Rockefeller’s gigantic Standard Oil Company. Heated competition was on for control of the world’s top producing region.

Oil derricks sprouted up everywhere in Baku, Azerbaijan. The fields were the largest in the world at the time. At the time, Rockefeller and Rothschild were competing as the world’s foremost oil and banking barons. But the two competitors each finally realized that competition was not a good thing. The more oil wells they drilled, the more oil was produced, the more the price of oil per barrel fell. This led a disgruntled John D. Rockefeller to exclaim, “Competition is a sin!”

A solution, therefore, was soon brokered. It was decided that the world’s markets would geographically be carved up, with the two barons, Rockefeller and Rothschild, each having their separate, well-defined shares. Moreover, limits would be put on oil produced globally so as to keep the market price as high as possible. Under this arrangement, both Rothschild and Rockefeller would benefit.

Of course, all other competition would be squelched, driven out of business, including the Nobel Oil Company in Baku.

The next course of action was that the Rockefeller-Rothschild cartel and their banker associates (Schiff, Warburg, Morgan, et al) proceeded to fund and sponsor the Bolshevik Communist revolution of 1917. Their puppets, Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, soon reigned over the vast Soviet Russia empire.

In April of 1920, Lenin, following orders from the Rockefeller-Rothschild cartel, went into action in Baku. Bolshevik troops and irregulars attacked and conquered the country of Azerbaijan and launched an all-out assault on Baku. Hundreds of thousands of residents were slaughtered, especially the families of the oil company executives, engineers, and chief workers. Their luxurious mansions and homes were plundered, wives and children raped, tortured and murdered. Then the oil derricks and facilities of Baku were set on fire—torched.

Oil Derrick Set On Fire

Whoosh! Instantly, one of the world’s top oil producing regions was no more. The Nobel brothers fled for their lives back to Sweden, suffering a huge financial loss. Naturally, the Baku oil assets of Rothschild and Rockefeller were lost as well, but this was according to plan. That plan dictated that Russia would, during the Communist era, not be a world player in oil.

This closing of Baku immediately resulted in an astronomical increase in the global price of oil. Rockefeller and Rothschild were well compensated for the temporary loss of their Baku assets. “Creative Destruction” had brought fabulous riches to these two corrupt Illuminati dynasties.
[Source: http://www.texemarrs.com/082010/baku_oil_fields.htm]

Those who want to rule the world cannot permit anyone else to threaten their position. Russia’s success in expanding oil production, and her rapid industrialization, had made her an enemy of American robber barons and European bankers. Adding to Russia’s troubles, after Russia defeated Napoleon and occupied Paris in 1814, nearly a hundred years earlier, many Russian aristocrats visited France. Some were introduced to Freemasonry and brought it back to Russia where two lodges were formed in secrecy, the Northern Star, and the Southern Star. These organizations played a key role in working for revolution in Russia.

To weaken Russia financially and militarily, the American capitalists decided to finance the Japanese government in a war with the Russian government. Ralph Epperson writes:

From New York, Jacob Schiff, J.P. Morgan, the First National Bank, and the National City Bank loaned Japan approximately $30,000,000 to attack the Russian government from the east.

During the time period of 1905 until 1917 Lenin, Trotsky and other communist leaders plotting the overthrow of the Russian monarchy were receiving tremendous support from American capitalists. After the Czar abdicated the throne in 1917 and an interim government was established, the exiled communist leaders were able to return to Russia. Trotsky left New York City, the center of America’s banking interests, on March 27, 1917 to return to Russia after passing through Canada. Trotsky and the 275 followers who were with him were stopped by the Canadian government in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It was found that Trotsky had a large sum of money on his person. The Canadians contacted the American government who pressed them to release Trotsky and his followers. Accompanying Trotsky was Charles Crane of the Westinghouse Company, and Chairman of the Democratic Finance Committee.

When a Senate investigating committee looked into this matter, Congressman Louis McFadden stated, “They (the private banking monopolies) financed Trotsky’s mass meetings of rebellion and discontent in New York. They paid Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution and they placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden.”

Congressman Louis McFadden was an outspoken critic of the banking cartel, and the Federal Reserve. He survived two assassination attempts, only to die in a third attempt when he was poisoned at a banquet.

The American government at every turn has worked to establish and expand Communism throughout the world. In 1919 the Japanese government sought America’s approval for Japan to enter the war against the Bolsheviks (Communists) in Russia. President Woodrow Wilson refused Japan’s request. Japan’s entry into war against the Bolsheviks would have put enormous stress upon the Communists who were seeking to establish control of Russia.

Although many history books describe the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a popular uprising of the lower classes against the monarchy, and it is understood that the majority of Russians were in favor of the new Communist government. This is not true. In 1917 as an interim government was in place, an election was held to see whether the Russian people would choose Communism. Trotsky pushed for the election for he was confident that the Bolsheviks would come out on top. Forty-two million votes were cast in Russia, and only thirty percent went to the Bolsheviks. Seventy percent of the Russian people rejected the new Communist party to be rulers of their nation. The Bolsheviks then pressed forth with a war on their own people to stamp out all opposition. It would be a couple decades later before their rule was solidified and uncontested.

American bankers and industrialists played a key part in establishing the Communist government in Russia. In truth, Americans are more responsible for Communism in Russia than the Russian people themselves. Yet Satan has deluded the masses to believe that America has been antagonistic toward Communism from the beginning. The facts prove otherwise.

The director of the Federal Reserve bank of New York, William B. Thompson, gave a personal contribution of $1,000,000 to the Bolsheviks. Mr. Thompson was also a heavy stockholder in the Chase National Bank, owned by the Rockefeller interests.

The Morgan and Rockefeller interests also contributed cash to the cause, as did Jacob Schiff, the senior partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., who gave Lenin $20,000,000. Schiff was a partner of Paul Warburg, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and a participant of the Jekyll Island, Georgia meetings that wrote the Federal Reserve bill that created America’s central banking system.
[Source: The Unseen Hand, Ralph A. Epperson]

The Bolsheviks brutally enforced their rule over the Russian people. In the Ukraine they starved the population into submission. The Bolsheviks removed the farmers from their fields and confiscated their crops. Millions of Russian peasants were starving across the nation. The Bolsehviks themselves were endangered by their own policies.

This time it was Herbert Hoover who “saved Lenin’s dictatorship from popular revolt in the early 1920s. There is further proof that Hoover, then President Harding’s Secretary of Commerce, knew U.S. shipments of food, which the American people were told were to save starving Russians, actually were used to strengthen Bolshevik power. In his book “Herbert Hoover and Famine Relief to Soviet Russia,” professor Benjamin Weissman of Rutger’s University revealed that Hoover continued to send public foodstuffs to Russia long after it was obvious the Bolsheviks were shipping their own food abroad in order to purchase machinery.
[Source: Ibid]

Why would American capitalists, bankers, and the American government support the founding of a Communist government whose principles were antithetical to America’s capitalist system? As it will be demonstrated as this series continues, Communism is the system chosen by the Illuminati for their one world government. When the New World Order is revealed, it will be Communist in nature. As Ralph Epperson explains in his book The Unseen Hand, there are two primary methods by which the Illuminati seeks to bring all nations under a Communist system. There is the violent method as was successfully used to establish Communism in Russia. Then there is the non-violent method that is being used in the nations of Western Europe, America, and elsewhere.

Although the American government under the control of the money powers promotes an image of being anti-Communist, they are actually working steadily and progressively to transform the nation into a Socialist system. In the past five years progress has been exceptionally rapid in transforming America into a socialist country. A huge centralized Federal government is now in place that controls all the factors of society. The middle class in America is rapidly shrinking, and the government owns or controls the majority of property in the nation. Consider that a full third of the land area of America is now owned outright as Federal property. Add in the tens of millions of mortgages that have been underwritten by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the purchase of billions of dollars of mortgage securities by the Federal Reserve (supposedly to stabilize the banks and the economy), and it is evident that America is no longer owned by the citizens of the nation. It is owned by the government.

In order for all nations to come under one single world governmental system, they must all share the same form of government. It is not possible to have a one world government while some areas of the globe operate upon capitalist and free market principles and others upon Communist/Socialist principles. All must be the same. It is evident that Communism has been chosen as the authoritarian, highly controlled, centrally planned, form of government for the world. This is what Satan calls “Freedom” for mankind, and this is what his disciples also call Freedom.

This is why the powers that truly rule in America have been propping up Communist countries for generations. This is why Russia, who was America’s ally in World War II was given a free hand to expand her governmental control over all of Eastern Europe. In truth, one of the primary goals of World War II was to spread Communism further across the globe. Evidence will be provided of this fact, and American involvement in this plan, in the following chapters.

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Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


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