Excellent News
Joseph Herrin

Kristin (My Daughter) & I
My daughter Kristin is here to visit me. She will be in the U.S.A. for a month. She is regularly in Poland where she serves as a missionary. She has been over there for 5 years. When she goes back this time it will be to serve as Director of the Mission while continuing teaching. The Mission is an English language school that has about 6 teachers, where they teach youth through adults the skills of the English language while also being quite free to share with them about their Christian experience. Kristin at the same time has been learning the Polish language and has recently passed an intermediate test of the Polish language. It included a speaking and writing portion.
I am doing well these days. I have gotten a new tricycle to get my daily exercise on. This helps me with my stroke. I have to use a trike because I can’t balance on a bicycle as a result of the stroke I had six years ago. I also have to wear a set of goggles to keep the wind out of my eyes, lest they water tremendously.

Kristin & I Bicycling
Thankyou for this Up-Date and the Photos Joseph,you both look so happy! Our LORD is so gracious and He loves families. How wonderful that we all can be part of His Eternal family as well! Hallelujah! Herman in Carmel
Good to see you doing well Joseph!!