Get Under Cover

by | Jun 18, 2015

Joseph Herrin (06-18-2015)

Take Shelter Movie Poster (2011)

I would share an experience I had yesterday and this morning that I have perceived to be of prophetic significance. I mentioned previously that I recently acquired a riding mower to keep the lawn cut as a knee injury is hindering me from being able to use the push mower. The second time I used the riding mower to cut the grass, one of the drive belts broke. It appeared to be a cheap polyester belt, so I ordered a better quality belt with Kevlar to replace it. The belt arrived yesterday afternoon. After installing it I immediately began mowing the large yard here, and along the sides of the lengthy driveway.

I had completed about 3/4ths of the mowing when it began to rain. It has been very hot here in Georgia this week, with the temperatures reaching near 100, along with our famous Southern humidity. This tends to cause thunderstorms to develop in the afternoons and evenings. They can be severe at times. When it began to rain, I parked the mower under an outdoor canopy that I also use as a shelter for my recumbent trike. I then came inside, bringing Champ with me as he does not like bad weather and whines whenever he hears thunder.

What began as a light rain quickly picked up in intensity. It soon became a deluge with frequent lightning and thunder. Such storms often pass over quickly, but this one persisted for about an hour. The sun was setting, but before it got too dark I noted that the entire driveway was under water and their were ponds forming throughout the yard. It was completely dark when the storm ended, so I did not go back outside, and I let Champ stay inside with me.

About 1:30 A.M. I awakened and noticed Champ was up. I thought he may need to go outside, so I got up, strapped on my LED headlamp which I use as a flashlight, and took Champ outside and leashed him on his runner. I looked around and noticed that the canopy next to my bus had collapsed. It was 13 months old, having been purchased new in May of last year. I have had a number of canopies from various manufacturers, as they typically last only a couple years. This one was more expensive than some I had purchased in the past, and had excellent reviews. It seemed well constructed to me, but I had noticed lately that the fabric was becoming worn. The collapse was caused by the center roof support breaking through the fabric, punching a hole in the canopy. This resulted in the canopy filling up with water which caused the whole thing to fall in.

Image of the Model of Canopy that Collapsed

Although it was the wee hours of the morning, I decided I would get online and see if I could find a replacement, looking for something of better quality than this one. I had a sense that I should not wait, but to get a replacement ordered right away. The manufacturer (Undercover) is well regarded, but this was one of their entry level products sold mainly to consumers. They also had professional and commercial grade canopies available, but they retail for considerably more money. I was able to find a demo model of the professional grade 10×10 canopy on Ebay for a significant discount (more than 40% off). I ordered the canopy, noting especially that it uses 600 denier fabric as opposed to the 300 denier fabric of the previous one. This much more sturdy fabric should hold up better to the elements.

This morning, I went outside and took apart the old canopy to make room for the new one when it arrives. I was praying and asking the Father to show me if there was some significance to this event. When I came back inside I received three confirmation e-mails from the company regarding my order. My attention was drawn to the address of the company as well as the website address.

The street address is “5 Mourning Dove Lane.” The Mourning Dove is so named because of its plaintive call. It makes a mournful sound, rather than the bright chirrup of many birds. The dove is also a symbol of the Holy Spirit and has a distinct association with the flood of Noah’s day. Yahweh used the symbol of a dove with an olive branch in its beak as a sign affirming to me that I was to purchase the bus which I have converted to a motorhome. He used the same symbol around the same time to indicate to a brother in Christ whom I was close to that he was to purchase a used motorhome to serve as an ark in coming days. That this is a “Mourning Dove” speaks of a time of mourning and sorrow to come.

The website for sales for the Undercover company is This is a clever advertising slogan “Get Undercover,” but it also speaks the message to “Get Under Cover.” This phrase is commonly used as a warning for people to seek shelter when they see a storm, or some other type of threat approaching.

The message I have gleaned from this experience is that the shelter that serves well in normal circumstances will be insufficient in the days ahead. A storm is coming, and this will require greater measures to withstand it. Although I am not needing a canopy for professional or commercial use, it will require something industrial grade to stand up to the deluge that is coming. To me, this speaks to both our spiritual and physical preparation for the days ahead. We cannot continue with business as usual and expect to weather the storms that are coming. We don’t need normal preparations. We need extraordinary preparation. I also sensed a message of a need to speed up preparations as I was only about 3/4ths of the way done cutting the grass when the rain began. The Lord has given me personal tasks to complete which I am making progress on, but I sense He is saying that the pace needs to be quickened or I will not be done before the storms arrive.

If you have not fully surrendered your life to go anywhere Yahweh says to go, and to do anything He asks you to do; if you have not embraced the cost of discipleship, confessing your willingness to accept whatever life experiences Yahshua chooses for you, you will find that you are spiritually unprepared for the things which are coming. Your only sure shelter is to be found as you walk a surrendered life to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is time to Get Under Cover. As you come under the cover of the Spirit of Christ, He will reveal to you what physical preparations you need to make.

Sadly, I am hearing from a number of people who have spurned the instructions of God. Some have responded in unbelief to the counsel of God. They are deluding themselves as they assume that life will continue on as normal, for America is too strong, too well established, to fall into political disarray, social anarchy, and economic collapse. Others hesitate as did Lot when the angels warned him to flee quickly for God was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. That man lost all he had in this world aside from his two daughters due to tarrying too long in the gates of Sodom. Others are responding with murmuring and discontentment to the counsel of Yahweh and what He is instructing them to do. They are like the Israelites in the wilderness. They complain about every difficulty, every trial, while their hearts are looking back to Egypt and the material things it has to offer. Others are slumbering, oblivious to the gathering storm clouds on the horizon.

Into the Storm – Released 8/8/2014

No matter what the reason, those who fail to respond with a whole heart, and quick obedience, to the leading of the Spirit of Christ, will suffer much in coming days for their lack of spiritual and physical preparation.

I am reminded of a statement made by Carter Conlon, pastor of Times Square Church, in the video I provided a link to in a recent post. He said, you can know that judgment is at the door when the prophets of Baal are all forecasting that blessing and prosperity are coming. This morning, a brother in Christ (thank you Lyle) sent me a link to a “prophetic” message posted to the Elijah List. Never has a website been more falsely named than the Elijah List. These are the prophets of Baal masquerading as Elijah. It was Elijah that confronted the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel, calling down fire from heaven. The prophets of Baal were slaughtered at the command of Elijah, but in this day the prophets of Baal have convinced themselves that they serve the God of Elijah and speak for the god of Elijah.

Hear then what the prophets of Baal are saying about American Pharoah winning the Triple Crown, and know that judgment is at the door. I will provide excerpts as the writing is somewhat lengthy. You can view the entire post, along with a myriad of advertisements for Christian merchandise, typical of the prophets of Baal, at the link following.

“Triple Crown Winner American Pharoah? Is This Good or Bad?”
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA

A couple weeks ago, a significant sports event took place at the Belmont Stakes as American Pharoah became the first horse in 37 years to win the triple crown of racing. His jockey was Victor Espinoza who wore a number 5 as he finally accomplished what had not been accomplished since racehorse Affirmed won the triple crown in 1978. Last year Victor Espinoza won the first two legs of the triple crown (Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes) with California Chrome, before falling just short of the rare accomplishment.

I believe that a significant message was being prophesied by this event that will be played out over the next season. I will go through all the relevant names and numbers and they will tell us of that which God will be doing in the coming days and something we can be preparing for.

American Pharoah: America Will Be Stronger

I believe that American Pharoah winning speaks prophetically of a place and role that America is about to more fully step into as it relates to world affairs and the world economy…

I believe that the United States position in world economics is about to be greatly strengthened and that there will also be a corresponding weakening of many other nations’ economic positions – with the United States increasingly being in a place of dictating terms of economic rescue for many nations. Significant economic shakings are coming, but they will end up greatly strengthening the United States’ position in the world and not weakening it.

The Josephs will be bold as lions during this season and in the midst of much upheaval will greatly prosper. Fearful, self-protectionist, hoarders (the pseudo-Josephs) will increasingly lose their status, their credibility, and even their resources. Make sure you’re not one of them. There’s a consequence to buying into fear and gloom.

Belmont Stakes: 7 Mountain Renaissance

The word Belmont means “beautiful mountain.” The coming ever-changing landscape of world economics and world events, while chaotic at times, will increasingly tend towards the 7 mountains of society (media, economy, government, education, family, celebration arts, religion) being increasingly populated and positively affected by the rising sons and daughters of the King. The “stakes” have been about the mountains of culture properly reflecting the originally, designed image of God that was meant to function in society. We will now see a significant acceleration of change in every area of culture, as great shining ones will arise as never before.

Victor Espinoza and #5: Victorious Grace

Victor Espinoza has won 5 of the 6 races in the last two years that qualify as triple crown races (Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, and Belmont Stakes). His victories last year with California Chrome spoke of a coming shining of California that is only overshadowed by the shining America will do as a world-Pharaoh. His last name Espinoza means “thorny” or “from thorns.” His name speaks of the victory that was gained on the Cross by He, Jesus Christ, who wore a crown of thorns…

Rosh Hashanah 2015 and the Archangel of the Mountain of Economy

I’ve shared for some time that there would be a release of the great angel of the mountain of economy this coming Rosh Hashanah. This timing correlates perfectly with the message to us by American Pharoah winning the Triple Crown. In my aforementioned book, The 7 Mountain Mantle, I spoke of three sequential, prophetic time periods I was shown by the Lord after the Stock Market crashed on Rosh Hashanah 2008, and the Dow Jones dropped a record 777.7 points in one day.

I was shown that the three periods were: awakening, arising, and shining. The first started Rosh Hashanah 2008 as an awakening to our expanded assignment to manifest the Kingdom of God in the 7 mountains of culture. It was a call to see a God Who’s big enough to reform nations. The second time period of arising began Rosh Hashanah of 2012, when the age of the restoration of all things started (Acts 3:21). This is when the future Josephs initiated their ascent on the mountains (Isaiah 60:1-3).

The third period of time in the prophetic sequence (the Triple Crown) begins this coming Rosh Hashanah. I was shown that this would be when we shine enough that we actually begin to contend for entire nations.

There you have it brothers and sisters. With American Pharaoh Barack Obama sitting on the throne, we will see America made stronger. When all the rest of the world is shaking, America’s economic might will increase and her economic influence will grow stronger. Those Josephs (I would qualify) who are warning of judgment and tribulation coming to the nations are nothing more than “pseudo-Josephs.” These “will lose their status, their credibility, and even their resources.” (Joseph’s Note: Since Joseph in Genesis warned of seven years of famine to come upon the whole earth, I suppose he was merely a “pseudo-Joseph” as well. A real Joseph would proclaim prosperity and blessing.)

According to this man, this sign of American Pharoah winning the Belmont Stakes signifies that Christians will gain influence and ascendancy over all areas of culture in America and the nations. The darkness will flee before these “shining ones.” Maybe we will even see a return to morality in Hollywood as Californication is replaced with Leave it to Beaver, and the politicians in California roll back their homosexual agenda and reinstate Proposition 8.

All looks rosy going forward. Thus speaks the prophets of Baal. Steve Schultz, the owner of the Elijah List, gives his glowing endorsement of this prophetic word. And right next to his endorsement is a slick advertisement to “SHOP NOW in the ELIJAH LIST STORE.” Does this emphasis on marketing remind you of Elijah, or is this merchandising the telltale sign of the prophets of Baal?

Brothers and sisters, go back to sleep. Return to the comfort of a material life. Rest assured that Christianity is doing well in this hour. Things are improving for the church and the nation. Nothing to worry about here folks. To quote the words of Barack Obama, “the sun will come up tomorrow.” God is smiling down on us from His throne.

I agree with Carter Conlon. When you hear such things being proclaimed by the prophets of Baal, it is time to be concerned.

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Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Great post, Joseph! It amazes me how the Elijah List continues to be anything BUT a ministry operating according to the spirit of Elijah. I weep for those enslaved to this idolatrous system (both in the world and in the "church") … may we all repent and stop wavering between two opinions.

    All the best, friend,

    Kevin Kleint

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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