Hinds’ Feet and Kooskia Meetings

by | Aug 4, 2010

Joseph Herrin (08-04-2010)

The recent meetings in Spokane, Washington were a great blessing. I was tremendously helped of the Father in proclaiming the message He wanted spoken to His people. A number of people came whom I had not anticipated, and the Father had clearly prepared their hearts for those things He is speaking to a remnant in this hour.

Friday we will begin new meetings in Kooskia, Idaho. Randy and I are presently at the home of Dan and Nancy Fowler. They have some beautiful land in the mountains. Randy and I are blessed to stay in the guest house which has a view from the 3300 foot elevation in the mountains, looking down to the Clearwater River.

View from the Fowler’s Guest House

Over and over the Father has been reminding us of the book Hinds’ Feet on High Places. I highly recommend this book to those who are hearing the call to follow the Lord wherever He would lead them. It is a marvelous allegory of a weak soul named Much Afraid who is called to follow the Shepherd through paths that are fearful and difficult. With tender compassion the Shepherd guides her to the high places where she is transformed, having divine love formed in her heart.

The guest house at the Fowler’s is decorated with a deer motif. There are antler light fixtures, deer pictures, and even deer tile. Their own home is decorated with antlers from deer and elk that were picked up from their property as the animals shed them annually. Randy and I have been seeing many deer, including two bucks that walked in front of the guest house this morning. I took a photo of one of them from the deck this morning.

The Father is calling His sons and daughters to surrender to go wherever He would lead them, and to do whatever He asks of them. This is a fearful call to many a timid soul. I know I had great wrestlings, and much fear when the Father called me to this walk in 1999. Yet, He has promised that, if we will follow, at the end of the journey He will give us hinds’ feet where we are able to traverse the mountains of difficulty with great ease.

We must go haltingly for a season, stumbling and bruising ourselves, until we develop hinds’ feet. I am reminded of a word the Father spoke to me some years ago. I was reflecting on the disciples’ experience when Christ told them to get into the boat and cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. They had gone a distance and a fierce storm arose. The waves were building, and the boat was filling with water. They feared that they must soon perish. All the while Christ was asleep in the boat.

In desperation, they awoke Yahshua and asked if He did not care that they were perishing. He rebuked the wind and waves and all was made calm. He then chided them for their fear.

I contemplated that I could easily pass through any experience if I could have the inner calm manifested by Christ. If my soul were calm, not tossed about by fears, then what would the storms of life be to me. I prayed and asked the Father if He would not give me this inner peace. His response was “I can give you this peace, but I must take you through some storms for you to attain it.”

For one who was much troubled by fear, these words were not received with much comfort. I understood that I must begin to follow the Father BEFORE I had peace. It was in the journey that I would learn peace.

This is true of all of us. We must obey before we begin to experience the fruits of Christ being formed in our inner being. If we do not follow, we will abort the development of Christ in us.

I have grown much in the past eleven years of journeying. Many things that once caused me terror do not produce the same effect upon me now. I have seen the Shepherd of my soul bring me through many storms, many trials, and many temptations. He has kept me from the perils about me, and continues to care for me faithfully.

I do not claim to be free from fear and anxiety, but neither am I ruled by it. Many times I have had to simply “do it afraid.” I know that progress is being made, and the Father will surely give me hinds’ feet as I continue to follow. I will be able to skip upon the mountains of difficulty as if they were a level plain.

At the meeting in Spokane a brother in Christ gave me a valuable and significant gift. I am sure he did not know the symbolism it held for me. After the last meeting he was able to attend he stuck a gold coin in my hand. I looked at it carefully later, and realized what he had given me. It was a gold Krugerrand of one ounce weight. It is valued at approximately $1,200.00. It also bears the following images.

(Click on photo for larger image.)

The image of the deer striding easily across the ground is profound. So is the inscription that this is “FINE GOLD.”

I Peter 1:6-7
In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Yahshua Christ.

The Father has led me through many fiery trials in the past eleven years. I have submitted to follow the Shepherd of my soul, and there has been a cross to bear. He has placed upon my heart a burden to invite His sons and daughters to surrender to be similarly led by Him in all things. He is able to take the weak, the foolish, the despised things of this world and cause them to stand. He is of very tender compassion to those who are afraid.

As a pioneer and explorer along this pilgrim way, I am inviting others of Yahweh’s children to surrender to follow Him. I invite you to come and hear the invitation, the encouragement, and the exhortation of the Father. Driving from Spokane to Kooskia Randy and I were driving down the Lewis and Clark scenic highway. Kooskia is the gateway to the wilderness. My next meetings will begin Friday at the following location.

Kooskia, Idaho

Dates: August 6-8

Home of Dan and Nancy Fowler
188 Flying Eagle Road
Kooskia, ID 83539

Schedule of Meetings:
Friday Evening 6:30 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.
Saturday Morning 9:00 A.M. – Noon
Break for fellowship and a meal
Saturday Afternoon 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Sunday Morning 9:00 A.M. until Noon

Note on driving directions: My TomTom GPS did not have Flying Eagle Road listed. From Kooskia, travel to Leitch Creek Road. This should be available in most GPS units and online. Follow Leitch Creek Road for about 4 miles until you come to a fork. Take the fork to the left which is Red Fir Road. This may also be listed as NFD 286. Continue on this road for about another four miles. You will see a bank of mailboxes on the right hand side with an unmarked road to the left. This unmarked road leads to the Fowler home. Go straight down this road until you see a sign saying Flying Eagle Road. You will know you are on the right track. There is a large gate at the entrance to the Fowler’s land with 888 on the gate. You can’t miss the 888, as it is very large. Go through the gate and the road will lead to their home.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws  

Parables Blog: www.parablesblog.blogspot.com  

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Anonymous

    Can't wait to see what great spiritual gift awaits you at the end of your journey………..

  2. Maranatha!

    Hi Brother Joseph,

    I have been truly blessed by how the Lord has lead you out into the wilderness to speak to His remnant on how to obey His still small voice and to lead us to the path of righteousness. My soul cries out to the Father to lead me and to guide me, no matter how frightening it may be. I may not always get it when I'm going through, but He calms the sea of my emotions so that I can rest in the comfort of His precious bosom.

    He has lead me to only a few Shepard's at this end time, but they have all ministered to my soul in ways I can't even explain, but the chastening of His mighty word coming from His angel messengers have given me fresh revelations of who He is and what I am to Him and I am so humbled and honored.

    I ask that you keep me and my family in your prayers as the Lord is preparing me to be a sanctuary, pure and Holy tried and true.

    Glory be to His mighty and great name.

    Love Sis Libby


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