Judgment is Coming

by | Aug 31, 2017

Joseph Herrin (08-31-2017)

I Peter 4:17-18
“For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God. If it begins first with us, what will happen to those who don’t obey the Good News of God? If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will happen to the ungodly and the sinner?”

In the last week I have been among other things watching Hurricane Harvey. In my last post I said I believed it would be a storm to watch. It certainly was, and you don’t have to be a prophet to receive the message it brought.

Hurricane Harvey came to land near Corpus Christi whose Latin name means “Body of Christ.” The most severe winds of the storm hit Corpus Christi, though wind is not the most destructive force of a hurricane. Water is far more destructive and during its second and third landfall (it had 3 landfalls over the course of 4 days) it had flooded the land with more water than any hurricane has since records were kept. Initially they were estimating that it would leave 30 inches in some places. Then they changed it to 40 inches. Finally they bumped it up to 50+ inches of rain in some places. Houston, Texas is the 4th largest city in America. It was right in the bulls-eye of all the rain.

The news is reporting that 30,000 to 40,000 homes are destroyed. They had to call in people with tall trucks and boats to go and rescue people from their homes.

Several petroleum refineries had to be shut down, including the largest one in the nation. Chemical factories also caught fire and had to be shuttered. Houston is known for its many hospitals and several of them had to be shut because of rising water and a lack of electricity. Houston is the 4th largest container port in the nation and it had to be shut down too as the roads were too flooded to move containers.

The results of the hurricane are still being felt as a number of rivers and bayous are still overflowing. Records were set in water levels for all time, some breaking the record by six feet. Tens of thousands of people are homeless with the cities conducting shelters that in some cases became flooded themselves and had to be relocated elsewhere.

Some are putting the cost of the hurricane in excess of $190 billion dollars. Some as high as $125 billion in U.S. government aid alone. This figure would eclipse Hurricane Katrina as the most costly hurricane on record. It would be the equivalent of mixing Katrina and Sandy together.

If you have been watching this unfold, you are aware of what a tremendous cost this is to individuals and to commerce. This is only a sign of what is coming to America as a nation.

Many people have been asking me what I think of the sign in the heavens September 23. My answer is that I don’t have any opinion about it. I haven’t heard the Lord speak anything of it. We must be careful to only speak that which we have heard from the Lord. Until I hear something I cannot offer an opinion on September 23rd. As far as dates for prophetic signs to take place, I have no dates.

As to dates in the past the solar eclipse of America on August 21, 2017 is a warning. It was followed the same week with the first major hurricane to strike the U.S.A. in 12 years. We are approaching the last days before the return of the Lord Yahshua. Let us listen to what He is saying. With America being the greatest nation on Earth, filling it with abortion, homosexuality, sexual indulgence, violence, and every form of deceit, let us truly look for the Lord to speak of striking America with great fervor. What will it take for America to wake up?

Nevertheless, come quickly Lord Yahshua.

Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws  


Parables Blog: www.parablesblog.blogspot.com  


Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. Unknown

    Thank you again brother Joseph for your watchfulness and posts. I have been sensing from the Father the word 'Humbling'. I am reminded of and encouraged by the scriptures of Zephaniah 2:3 and Revelation 3:10 for a remnant during these times.
    Zephaniah 2
    3 Seek the Lord,
    All you humble of the [a]earth
    Who have carried out His [b]ordinances;
    Seek righteousness, seek humility.
    Perhaps you will be hidden
    In the day of the Lord’s anger.

    Revelation 3:10
    10 Because you have kept the word of My [a]perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of [b]testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole [c]world, to [d]test those who dwell on the earth.

    Blessings Brother

  2. Skip

    Greetings Brother Herrin – I just finished reading your recent article about 'Judgment Is Coming'. I agree with the title, but I suspect that the judgment will be worldwide, rather than simply specific judgment for the USA. I 'keep an eye on' active volcanoes around the world and also the intensity and frequency of worldwide earthquakes. Earthquakes and volcanoes have been slowly increasing in frequency and intensity since the turn of the last century. I just checked and since 1/1/2015 to today's date, there have been over 3,500 earthquakes over a 5.0 magnitude. That is a lot of shaking in just over 2½ years. In the last 6 months, it appears that the intensity of the daily earthquake reports has increased by about 3-5 per cent. Finally, there have been news stories of record flooding around the world this year, just as bad as 'Harvey' has been here. And a recent news article came out showing that 'the world is on fire', with all of the wildfires around the world.
    You are correct in that 'Judgment Is Coming'. Somehow though, I think that these worldwide events are collectively, not so much as directed judgment, but the removal of the Creator's protection against such things. The protective 'Hand' that controls the natural tendency for the movement of all things to a lower level of entropy and decay is being removed, as I see it Brother Herrin.

  3. judgmentandsalvation

    Thank you for this writing, brother Joseph, I too knew in my spirit that this storm would be very, very destructive, and a serious judgment from God Almighty. I have lived in Houston, Tx for over 40 years and have witnessed other big storms such as Hurricane Ike and Tropical Storm Allison in the past. But Hurricane Harvey has been the most destructive one, which is not surprising to me because I know we are in the final few years of this age. And this hurricane was just another sign and testimony of that fact. And the verse which you started this writing with from 1 Peter is one the Lord is definitely highlighting right now. And you are correct as well saying its time to wake up America! It's time to humble ourselves in the presence of the One True God and repent and start living in Jesus Christ. Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

  4. ByWaterAndBlood

    Did you notice that the eclipse trailed off the coast of the US and ended where hurricane Harvey began?


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