
by | Dec 29, 2010

Joseph Herrin (12-29-2010)

A sister in Christ shared a link to a blog she recently wrote. I found the ideas expressed very thought provoking.

Why Wouldn’t They Want Jesus?
By Kimberly Payton Marts

In the cacphony of the world, I seem to hear the following continuous themes:

Everyone wants love….so why wouldn’t they want my Jesus? He IS love. (1 John 4:8)

Everyone wants peace…so why wouldn’t they want my Jesus? He is the prince of peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

Everyone wants acceptance…so why wouldn’t they want my Jesus? He is no respecter of persons. He shows no favoritism. All are equal in Him. (Acts 10:34)

Everyone wants to be happy…so why wouldn’t they want my Jesus? He is the joy of my strength and my salvation. (Nehemiah 8:10)

Everyone wants to be eternally youthful…so why wouldn’t they want my Jesus? He is eternal life. (John 10:28)

Is it possibly because He wants to be the number one priority in our lives and we are to love Him with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength? Is it possibly because He calls us away from sin and we are to live holy, set apart lives? Is it possibly because He might require us to give up something we love that is not worthy of Him, or that He might require us to do something we don’t want to do even if it would assure us of love, peace, joy and equality in our lives forever?

Think about it. Jesus is the Way to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Jesus is the truth about life, sin and death. Jesus is life…eternal life, eternal love, eternal peace, eternal joy and to be one with Him is to be equal with all other men and women. We all live by the same standards and requirements. He is the only way to do it. We do not have it in us to do it without Him.

May you find love, peace, joy and equality in Him in the upcoming year!

God Bless and keep you.
[Source: https://heart4god.ws/wordpress/2010/12/why-wouldnt-they-want-jesus.html]

Christchurch Update

A brother in Christ informed me last week of renewed earthquakes in Christchurch, NZ, and the parables inherent in this event. I wrote to Peter Boag, who resides in Christchurch, and asked him about the earthquakes there last week. He wrote to me the following insightful letter.

Dear Brother Joseph,

Yes, we ourselves are fine thank you. But I’m scratching my head wondering what our Father is signifying through all that is happening in our land. The current crop of aftershocks have come as quite a surprise, as things seemed to be settling down. To date we have had 4140 aftershocks, but most of them you never feel.

On Boxing day,the 26th Dec., when the retailers were looking to recover some of their losses caused by the recession in New Zealand, and the earthquake in September, we suddenly were experiencing shock after shock, the major one being recorded as a 4.9 magnitude, but which the newspaper reported today as saying actually had more strength than the 7.1 nearly four months ago. In that 24 hours we had 32 aftershocks, and most of them were shallow, and under or close to the city itself, not 40 kilometers away as the September 4th original. The 4.9 one hit just after 10.30am, when the central city was coming alive with the heavily discounted sales being chased by people looking for bargains. Because of the very shallow depth and the epicentre being under the city itself, it caused more damage to buildings than the Sept.4th shock, even though it only lasted a few seconds. Again no one was injured, though parapets of brick fell. The city centre was closed for the day after people were evacuated, and the work of inspecting 5000 buildings began again.This was necessary as many buildings suffered cracks in their structures.Today the 28th., 95% are in business again, but handicapped by blocked streets, and emergency services doing their work.

From the NZPA this morning. 

As engineers continue assess the damage caused by the latest swarm of aftershocks to hit Christchurch it has been revealed that shaking in the central city caused by the biggest tremor exceeded the devastating September 4 quake.

The largest aftershock measuring magnitude 4.9 shook the city at 10.30am on Sunday causing shoppers to flee as bricks and mortar crashed from buildings. Around two dozen aftershocks were felt within the space of 36 hours.

GNS Science strong motion sensors showed that peak ground movements — from side to side or up and down — during Sunday’s quake reached 48 per cent of the acceleration of gravity at the Christchurch Botanic Gardens, ‘The Press’ reported.

This compares with the shaking recorded during the magnitude 7.1 quake on September 4, where peak ground acceleration levels recorded in the central city reached between 15 and 20 percent.

GNS Science manager Ken Gledhill said the reason why there had been more damage in the September 4 quake was because the shaking lasted longer.

The Boxing Day quake could have been a magnitude 5.0 as errors in measurements were possible, Mr. Gledhill said.

Meanwhile a cordon remains in place in Cashel Street Mall and engineers will continue to assess damage in the central city area today.

Deputy Mayor Ngaire Button told NZPA yesterday that the Cashel Street mall was unlikely to open today but the council was working hard to reopen the area.

“It depends on business owners and building owners and how quickly they can get their engineers in and do the remediation work that is required,” she said.

Inspectors have checked more than 3000 of 5000 buildings within the “four avenues” that surround the centre of the city and have so far identified 115 buildings in need of remedial work.

The aftershocks came at a bad time for Christchurch retailers who were in the middle of Boxing Day sales.

According to Paymark figures, the volume of electronic transactions was down 10.7 percent in Christchurch on last year. This compares to nationwide figures which were down 6.7 percent.

The poor sales have prompted business leaders in Christchurch to call for a Boxing Day “replay” once the dust settles on the latest aftershocks.
[End of copy]

On the 19th November New Zealand suffered a coal mine disaster, after an explosion in a mine on the West Coast, a province adjacent to Canterbury, and separated from Canterbury by the Southern Alps. This explosion killed 29 miners, whose bodies have yet to be recovered. Over the succeeding days, more explosions and toxic gases kept rescuers at bay. This was a major event for New Zealand, which will have great repercussions to that province and to New Zealand.

This, along with a new disease for NZ in one of our fruit exports, and a threatening disease to one of our fish industries, makes me believe that God’s judgements have begun on a nation that shares and embraces all the sins that are engulfing other Western nations. Sin is no longer seen as sin, as it was not so long ago, and Christians accept and do the same things that the world does, without any sense of shame or seeming regret.

Observing the local scene, I would have to say that there has not been one pointer to show that Christians at least recognize the Hand of Almighty God in any of these events, other than His Keeping Power. Religious leaders utter platitudes that the world utters,and so fulfill their duties.

I could unload a lot here, but as you may publish this letter I will desist!

I have been very impressed with your building of “The Dreamer’ bus, and seeing how His Hand has been in it all. I am sure that He will make it very plain to you as to the use of it.

As always, you are in my prayers, my Brother in Christ,

Love and blessings.

Peter Boag, Christchurch.

The Bus Conversion

Regarding “The Dreamer” bus. I have been busy setting up storage and moving things into it. The Father has indicated that I am to be dwelling in it as the new year, 2011, begins. Whether this indicates that a time of judgment is near, I cannot say, though He has referred to this bus as “an ark.”

I have had a growing anticipation as the bus is nearing completion. As I have begun moving things in that I might better plan my storage needs, there has been an excitement in me about residing there. I am truly blessed by all the assistance that has flowed from the body of Christ in bringing this work to fruition.

Potable Water Pump Under Bus

There have been challenges along the way. The plumbing was the most difficult aspect for me. I had leaks at my first pressure test, but they were quickly corrected. I then had to move the pump for the potable water system twice to get it working correctly. In the picture above, I had moved the pump to a location under the bus so gravity flow would cause the pump to remain primed. It looks real good in the photo, but I had it hooked up backwards so that it was pushing water into the tank, rather than pulling it out. It required some patience and perseverance in getting the system working, but the Father showed me what to do, and the water is flowing just right now.

My moving day is scheduled for either Friday or Saturday of this week. I will be moving the bus to an RV park so I can have full hook-ups. Since the bulk of my labor on the bus is complete, I should be able to devote more time to the ministry of writing.

One thing I have not yet completed on the bus is painting the outside. It has been cold here of late, so I must wait for the weather to warm up before painting. I have been pondering the color scheme, however. Following is a picture of the bus all cleaned up last week, and some ideas I have had for the exterior paint.

Bus Washed

Black and White Paint Scheme (Matches Interior)

White/Black/Gray Scheme

White/Bronze/Black Scheme

White/Blaze/Black Scheme

Okay, those are all the options I am going to post. If you care to share your thoughts on the paint scheme, I invite your responses.

Kristin – A Father’s Joy

Twenty-three years ago today, the Father blessed my life by giving me a daughter. He had spoken to me before Kristin was born, announcing to me what her name would be. After losing my firstborn son, Yahweh said He was going to restore my joy. He truly did so.

I have been very blessed this past year to observe Kristin’s life. It has been a year of challenges for her, but she has arisen in the Spirit to each of them, walking in the fear of Yahweh, seeking always to do that which is pleasing to Him. I can heartily echo John’s own heart when he wrote:

III John 4
I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.

May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.

Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws  

Parables Blog: www.parablesblog.blogspot.com  

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. black & white bus – nah
    black/gray/white – upscale & modern
    black/tan/white – functionally modern
    black/red/white – least favorite

    good job!

  2. to be quite honest i like it as it is

  3. Black and white, that's how you are. Good job…….

  4. Camouflage, so you can blend into the woods when the "Hard Times" come.

  5. I agree with John, cammo!

    The Christchurch and Guy Ark quakes I have paid attention to.

  6. I feel to respond to this blog entry by saying that i witness with the judgment coming upon the church. In fact, this judgment is already taking place. Im not sure what this will mean on a massive scale, but i can testify personally that this is taking place in the hearts of those who are allowing God to deal with them now.
    Personally, i woke the other day with the word "crucible". I never used that word before and was not even sure of its meaning. I will include the link i went to for study of this word. http://www.answers.com/topic/crucible
    I have been asking the Lord to prepare me, to make me a sanctuary, like the song. I believe the Lord is intending for our bodies to be crucibles. That our temples would be a place filled with the Spirit of God to the extent that all other influences(the days are most certainly evil) are burned up. I have grieved over how i allowed my temple to be invaded, even things that seem harmless, but the reality is that my heart, my desires, my thoughts…all these need to be subjected to the judgment of God. The Lord intends for that to take place in the crucible of testing.
    Cleary God is judging me. I had to cry out for mercy for Him to break the fog of complacency that has come over me this past week, allowing mindsets and friendships and casual things of this dying world to influence me…things He is calling me to make my stand against, announcing, if it were, who i serve.
    Nothing good lives in me, this I newly discovered, for the millionth time it seems. We are more dependent upon Him then we know. Moses told the Israelites that despite all they saw the Lord do, that they still had not been given eyes to see or ears to hear or a mind that understands(deut 29:4) It is the Lord that must give eyes to see and ears to hear and a mind to understand. Such things like these were written for our instruction. The Lord has been teaching this slow learning disciple that i must cry out to Him for such things. He has never disappointed. The wilderness is intended to reveal our wickedness and the futility of our self dependance and cause us to throw ourselves upon God's mercy. Then we receive eyes to see His Salvation and ears to hear His Voice and a mind that understands the Truth. Not until then do we receive. I have found this to be true experientially. And whenever I have cried out to Him and sought Him with all my heart, He has never failed to deliver me, from my sins, my distress…yet it is always a cross. Judgment is not enjoyable. In fact, for 3 days prior to this my heart could not testify in such a way, but this morning He caused a breaking in me and then a willing heart within me, willingness to go through what He intends. I am so thankful to recover a heart that is zealous and fervent. "I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy. Because He turned his ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live"(psalm 116:1-2).

  7. Brother Joseph,

    Outstanding craftsmanship!! Truly the Spirit gave you the skills necessary for the job at hand. When can you start on mine?

    The Ark of Noah was an engineering marvel of it's day. Attracting worldwide attention I feel sure. So, shouldn't your ark do the same? When I hear that the Ark of Joseph is coming I won't want to miss it.
    And who knows, maybe soon your ark will be the lead of a caravan of arks touring the country? It will need to stand out so those who follow don't lose you. THEREFORE,I vote for white/red/black.

    Grace be with you. ARisingSon

  8. More and more im feeling that i must be in this place always, that there is no "break". Its too costly to lose the Truth for periods of time. T Austin Sparks says that "the divide is so utter", speaking of the radicalness of walking with the Lord in Truth. More and more i am realizing how tenacious we must be in taking up our cross. I have heard the voice of the Spirit saying "conquer or be conquered". To walk with such an attitude, which i believe is what we are called to do, requires the willing sufferings and judgments and disciplines of our Lord. And the heart of man detests the cross so it will oppose the work of recovering a heart of submission and obedience. Hence, its clear there are no "breaks". The Lord HImself will give us rest, rest we need, not the rest our flesh longs for.
    If you read the link about crucible, in it there is mention of a 54 hour period at the end of boot camp for marines, a severe testing of deprivation and endurance, which requires them to call forth all which they have learned thus far in their training. They call this test "the crucible". I am sensing to begin the new year(not because it has any significance) with a 54 hour period, not sure what it will entail but most definitely a period of seeking the Lord and crying out to Him to prepare me and make me a sanctuary, a crucible which withstands the heat of trials and comes out the other side "pure and holy, tried and true". This i feel led of God to do, for i have given myself to drunkenness and sexual immmorality in years past. God in His mercy still called me back to Himself by leading me to repentance, but the fear of the Lord is calling forth an earnestness not to be mingled with the world. Its high time to seek the Lord: His judgment is coming and it is both just and merciful. In His deep desire to be merciful, His justice is being revealed. I believe the 54 hours is significant in that it can be broken up into 9 and 6, the numbers for judgment and man. Im not particularly excited about this(other than the thankfulness that He speaks to me and hasnt removed the Word of Truth from my lips)…yet i feel to bow before Him and ask of HIm to make me into a crucible that can withstand the trials and sufferings of this life..they are not worth comparing to the glory which will be revealed in us, Christ Himself. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints"(psalm 116:15)

  9. Brother Joseph – nice job on the bus!! It seems like one of the larger questions on the color scheme would be around whether Father's purpose in your building, inhabiting and driving it is to draw attention or to blend into the background.

    Re. the word 'crucible': the same word came to me earlier in the fall — strongly, but with no further explanation, then or since. I can't immediately locate the date in my notes but I recall pondering it for several days.

    The Hebrew word translated as 'crucible' (Strong's H3564) is also translated 'furnace'. It shows up nine times in scripture, the first being Deuteronomy 4:20 —

    But the LORD hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace [crucible], [even] out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, as [ye are] this day.

    The last three instances of the word show up within four verses of one another in Ezekiel 22:

    18 "Son of man, the house of Israel has become dross to me; all of them are bronze and tin and iron and lead in the furnace; they are dross of silver. 19 Therefore thus says the Lord GOD: Because you have all become dross, therefore, behold, I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem. 20 As one gathers silver and bronze and iron and lead and tin into a furnace, to blow the fire on it in order to melt it, so I will gather you in my anger and in my wrath, and I will put you in and melt you. 21 I will gather you and blow on you with the fire of my wrath, and you shall be melted in the midst of it. 22 As silver is melted in a furnace, so you shall be melted in the midst of it, and you shall know that I am the LORD; I have poured out my wrath upon you."

    In light of nuclear end-times scenarios for national Israel, I find it hard to take this passage as merely historical or symbolic. No ancient weapon could "melt" an entire city and its people.


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