Mommie Dearest – The Trouble with “Mother” Emanuel A.M.E Church

by | Jun 19, 2015

Joseph Herrin (06-19-2015)

Mother Emanuel AME Church Sanctuary

Wednesday of this week, the news media informed the world of another apparently senseless, mass murder taking place in America. The victims were all black men and women gathered in an historic church in Charleston, South Carolina, one of the oldest cities in the United States. According to the mainstream press, and an array of commentators, the perpetrator, allegedly a white male, 21 years of age, blindsided a peaceful group of devoted Christians gathered for Bible study and prayer. The young man came in, reportedly sat with them for nearly an hour during their meeting, and then pulled out a gun and began shooting.

The pastor of the church, 41 year old Clementa Pinckney, who also is a senator in the South Carolina Legislature, has been eulogized by his peers as “the moral conscience of the General Assembly” and “the moral compass of the South Carolina Senate.” When it comes to the media, and to the government, things are not always as they are made to appear. Manipulation of the public mind occurs daily. This is especially true where atrocities occur that serve a political agenda such as the disarming of Americans and the fomenting of racial strife which will lead ultimately to anarchy and civil war in the streets and towns of America. The old order will be destroyed by inciting the citizens of the nation to attack one another. Divide and conquer.

One thing that troubled me about this story from the beginning was the name of the church in which this shooting allegedly took place. It is referred to as “Mother” Emanuel A.M.E. church. The name Emanuel is found in the Bible. It means “God with us.”

Matthew 1:23
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

What disturbed me is that Emanuel is a reference to the “Son” of God, not to a mother. The Biblical gender is masculine, not feminine. Attaching the word “Mother” to Emanuel is discomfiting. It creates an incongruity, a contradiction. This deserved further investigation to uncover the reason that this church is referred to as “Mother.” The answer would lead back to Freemasonry.

Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America traces its roots back to the city of Charleston, South Carolina. In 1801, a Kabbalistic Jew by the name of Hyman Isaac Long reportedly brought a statue of Baphomet (Satan) to Charleston, South Carolina and established a foothold for Freemasonry there. Freemasonry would blossom later that century when a much more renowned Freemason, Albert Pike, also made the city his residence. Charleston geographically lies along the 33rd parallel of north latitude. The number 33 being the highest degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

The oldest lodge of any rite of Freemasonry in a nation is referred to as the “Mother” lodge. The term “mother” is also used to denote the lodge where a Mason received his first degree.

In Great Britain, the term Mother Lodge is used to identify the particular Lodge where the individual was first “made a Mason” (i.e. received his Entered Apprentice degree). ‘Mother Lodge‘ may also refer to a Lodge which sponsors the creation of a new Lodge, the Daughter Lodge, to be warranted under the jurisdiction of the same Grand Lodge; specific procedures pertaining to this vary throughout history and in different jurisdictions. Lodge Mother Kilwinning No 0 in the Grand Lodge of Scotland is known as the Mother Lodge of Scotland…

We see that a Masonic lodge that gives rise to other lodges, issuing charters and warrants, may be referred to as a “Mother,” so we might also expect Freemasons to apply the same terminology to churches. Kilwinning Lodge No. 0 became known as “Mother” Kilwinning, and Emanuel A.M.E. Church of Charleston, SC became known as “Mother” Emanuel.

See Also:

It is fitting that the Freemasons should denominate a church in Charleston as “Mother” since this city is considered the original seat of the “Mother Supreme Council of the World” for the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

The Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, USA (commonly known as the Mother Supreme Council of the World) was the first Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. It claims that all other Supreme Councils and Subordinate Bodies of the Scottish Rite are derived from it. Its official full name is “The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America.” It is also commonly known as The Supreme Council, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction… The Supreme Council was founded in Charleston, South Carolina in 1801.

Freemasonry has a history of being racially segregated.

Prior to the American Revolutionary War, Prince Hall and fourteen other free black men petitioned for admittance to the white Boston St. John’s Lodge. They were turned down… Having been rejected by colonial Freemasonries, Hall and 14 others sought and were initiated into the Masonry by members of Lodge No. 441 of the Grand Lodge of Ireland on March 6, 1775… Hall and other freedmen founded African Lodge No. 1 and he was named Grand Master.

It was some time before the African Lodge gained full rights as a Masonic Lodge to grant degrees and to establish other lodges. African Freemasonry would eventually become known as Prince Hall Freemasonry after its leading founding member. The first charter was granted to establish another lodge of Prince Hall Freemasonry when Absalom Jones, a black man from Philadelphia expressed interest in establishing a lodge there. In 1797, African Lodge #459 of Philadelphia received its charter. Absalom Jones became the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, and Richard Allen the first treasurer. It was these two men who founded the African Methodist Episcopal church.

The AME Church grew out of the Free African Society (FAS), which Richard Allen, Absalom Jones, and other free blacks established in Philadelphia in 1787.

We see then that the genesis of the A.M.E. church was closely tied to Freemasonry, for its founders were the first to bring Prince Hall Freemasonry to Philadelphia. Throughout its history, a large proportion of the ministers, leaders, and chief laymen of the A.M.E. church have been Freemasons. This is demonstrated in the following book published in the early 1900s.

Centennial Cyclopaedia of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 1816-1916
Containing Principally the Biographies of the Men and Women, both Ministers and Laymen, whose Labors during a Hundred Years, helped make the A.M. E. Church what it is.
(Richard R. Wright, Jr. – Author)

Following are some excerpts from the book, providing brief biographical accounts of some of the leaders of the A.M.E. church.

Lankford, John Anderson, architect, builder and mechanical engineer, was born in Potosi, Miss., December 4, 1874…

He has designed, supervised and constructed some of the largest and most costly buildings owned by Negroes in America, and many for other races, among them being Palmer Hall, the large $70,000 building for the A. and M. College, Normal, Ala., the $40,000 First Baptist Church, Raleigh, N. C., the overhauling and building of a new parsonage for St. John A. M. E. Church, Norfolk, Va., where the General Conference of the A. M. E. Church was held, May, 1908; the $25,000 building for the Southern Aid Insurance Company; a 26-room residence and three three-story flats for Dr. W. L. Taylor; the $100,000 True Reformer’s Building, John Wesley A. M. E. Zion Church, St. John’s M. E. Church, Odd Fellows Hall, Hillsdale; a large cigar factory, Dave Stewart’s $5,000 undertaking establishment, Winslow’s and Dabney’s large livery and undertaking stables, of Washington, D. C., and hundreds of other buildings throughout the country…. At the General Conferences of the A. M. E. Church in 1908 and 1912 he was elected supervising architect of the A. M. E. Church…

He is intensely interested in any movement for the betterment of the race; is a Shriner, Knights Templar and a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason.

Webster, Frank T. M., son of Andrew and Harriett Webster, both members of the M. E. Church, was born May 1, 1853, in Montgomery County, Md…

He entered school in 1865 and attended in all 8 years, completing his education at the Theological Seminary, Phila. He received the degree D.D. from Morris Brown College. He was converted January, 1880, and joined Macedonia A. M. E. Church, Camden, N. J., the same year. He has been class leader and Sunday school teacher. He was licensed to preach June, 1881, at Macedonia, Camden, N. J., by Rev. Samuel B. Williams. He joined the annual conference in April, 1885, at Burlington, N. J., under Bishop Cain. He was ordained deacon in 1887 at Trenton, N. J., by Bishop A. Wayman, and ordained elder in 1889 at Mt. Holly, N. J., by Bishop H. M. Turner. He has held the following appointments; Heightstown Circuit, 1885-86; Rock Hill, 1887-88; Flemington, N. J., 1889; Fair Haven, N. J., 1889-90; Burlington, 1890-91; P. E. New England Conference 1891-92; Greenwich, Conn., 1893; Mt. Pisgah, Phila., 1894-98; Mt. Olive, 1898-1904; Zion Chapel, Phila., 1905; P. E. West Philadelphia District, 1905-10; Mt. Pisgah, Phila., 1911; York, 1912; Zion, 1913-14; P. E. Harrisburg District 1914 to 1916; pastor Lancaster, Pa., since June, 1916…

He was a member of the Missionary board, 1904-8. He married Miss Ella E. Holland, of Lewes, Del., September 22, 1878. He has contributed to the A. M. E. Review. He is a member of F. and A. M. (Free and Accepted Masons) He was master of the Subordinate ten years, P. G. M. (Past Grand Master) of the State of New Jersey, High Priest, Most Eminent Grand Commander, Crown Prince of the Royal Secret of the 33rd degree and Grand Treasurer.

Mr. Ayler is author of a little book, entitled “Guide-Lights,” of a pamphlet known as the “Constitutional Rights of the American Negro,” and of several articles in the A. M. E. Review, including one on “Elohistic Names.” He is Republican in politics and a Prince Hall Master Mason.

Rev. Jno. P. Cox, filling the positions of organist of the choir, teacher and superintendent of the Sunday School, class leader, trustee, steward and local preacher. He joined the Baltimore Conference May 9, 1879…

He is a Mason and Knight of Pythias…

His wife, Mrs. Harriet Alexander, to whom he was married in Washington, D. C., May 9, 1876, has faithfully and courageously kept up with the work of her husband, and is a leading member of The Colored Women’s Federation and other civic league clubs, and the Eastern Star Chapter.

Gibbs, Rev. S. M., was born September 6, 1863, in Jefferson county, Fla., near Monticello, the fourteenth son of Isabella and Toney Gibbs, Sr., both of whom died during his early childhood. He was converted and called to the ministry in his fourteenth year…

He presided as G. M. (Grand Master) of the M. W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. and A. M., (Free and Accepted Masons) of Florida and jurisdiction for two years, refusing further election. He was elected G. R. P. of the Order Eastern Star of Royal Grand Chapter, and is now serving his second term.

Brookens, Jackson Andrew, son of Charles and Mary Brookens, both members of the A. M. E. Church, was born in Yazoo County, Miss. He entered the King School in 1870; was converted and joined the A. M. E. Church in 1876; licensed to preach in 1882…

He has contributed to the “Recorders;” has been chaplain of the Eastern Star; has been constable; is a Republican and a home owner.

Howard, Prof. G. W… He was converted and joined the A. M. E. Church in 1895. He has been steward, Sunday school teacher and superintendent of Sunday school. He was delegate to the general conferences of 1904, 1908, 1912 and 1916. He has been delegate to the Young People’s Congress at Atlanta, trustee of Allen University, district superintendent of Sunday schools, several times lay delegate to annual conferences and he is a member of the Federal Council of Church of Christ. He has contributed to the Christian and Southern Christian Recorders, Sunday School Times and the Southern Uplift… He is connected with the Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, Good Samaritan, Eastern Star and Household of Ruth. He has held the following offices: Secretary of Masons, N. G. of Odd Fellows, K. of R. and S. of K. of P., Recording.

Watson, Joseph Hamilton, son of Ralph and Delia Watson, was born in Warrenton, Ga., in 1861…

In 1903 Mr. Watson was converted and joined Bethel A. M. E. Church at Albany and has served as steward, trustee and Sunday school teacher since. In 1912 he was a delegate to the general conference at Kansas City, Mo., and is now a delegate to the Centennial General Conference at Philadelphia.

In 1911 he built the Albany Mission Church in East Albany, Ga. He has served as a trustee of Morris Brown University since 1910 and has given scholarships to its theological department, and to that of Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Fla., and now has a student in each of them. He has also contributed to the Christian Recorder and the Western Christian Recorder…

Mr. Watson is active in all charitable and benevolent institutions to which he belongs and has held responsible positions in each as follows: Masons–Senior and Junior Warden; Odd Fellows–Noble Grand, Advocate and Past Noble Father; Knights of Pythias–Chancellor Commander, Master of Works, Member of Temple Commission and Representative to Supreme Lodge; Supreme Circle–Advocate and Supreme Ruler, and he is a member of the Eastern Star, Household of Ruth and Court of Calanthe.

This is far from an exhaustive list of those men who have served as leaders in the A.M.E. church who have had associations with Freemasonry. A search returned 125 mentions of the word Masons in this book. Indeed, the history of the A.M.E. church would be rendered hollow if one were to remove the involvement of Freemasonry in this organization. Emanuel A.M.E. Church of Charleston is also frequently mentioned in this book.

What this documentation reveals is that the men who have led the people of this denomination, written articles for its primary publications, and planned the course of the denomination’s social and spiritual life, have largely been Freemasons. Some have been Freemasons of the highest order, attaining to the 33rd degree. At this level it is plainly declared that the doctrines of Freemasonry are Luciferian and that Lucifer is the god of this world to whom they swear allegiance.

Moving forward to this present day, it is plainly disclosed on the website of “Mother” Emanuel A.M.E. Church that a number of her past and present leaders are involved in Freemasonry. Following are three excerpts from the website of the church.

Reverend Alonzo W. Holman
Reverend Holman is listed in Who’s Who in American Politics, Who’s Who Among Black Clergymen. A member of Effingham Lodge #98 of Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons.

Reverend Lavern Witherspoon
Rev. Lavern Witherspoon, the twenty-ninth pastor of “Mother” Emanuel A.M.E. Church…

His affiliations include Prince Hall Masonic Lodge and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Judge Daniel E. Martin, Jr. (Church Member)
Judge Martin has been a life-long member of Emanuel AME Church where he served on the board of trustees. He has served on the board of directors for the Cannon Street YMCA and Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture. He served on the City of Charleston Commission for Children, Mayor Riley’s Committee of 12 and the City of Charleston Development Advisory Committee. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., Nehemiah Masonic Lodge No. 51., George Washington Carver Consistory No. 162, and Arabian Shrine Temple No. 139. Judge Martin is a 33° Prince Hall Mason.

Not only has Emanuel A.M.E. church followed the ways of Freemasonry in borrowing the title of “Mother,” it has copied other patterns of Satan. The entire A.M.E. denomination commonly refers to the wives of the head pastor as “the first lady” of the church. This is a title borrowed from Freemasonry.

First Lady Title Copied from Freemasonry to A.M.E. Church

Other examples.

First Lady on webpage of “Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge Officers’ Wives.”

In looking at images of “Mother” Emanuel Church, not only does the building feature a prominent obelisk (steeple) in which two of the church’s past prominent leaders are buried, but there are Masonic symbols on the stained glass windows.

Stained Glass Window at “Mother” Emanuel A.M.E. Church

It is likely not mere coincidence that the cross and the crown symbol in the above window from the “Mother” Emanuel Church is identical to the symbol used for the Knight’s Templar degree of Freemasonry.

Was it also an innocent figure of speech to refer to the pastor of this church who was shot dead as “the moral COMPASS of the South Carolina Senate”? The compass and the square are the identifying elements of Freemasonry. Have the media and others portrayed things correctly in lauding this church and its members as devoted Christians? Or is this “Mother” church following the pattern of the “mother of harlots” spoken of in the book of Revelation? When men and women profess to be espoused to Christ, but are pursuing other loves and giving their allegiance to other people and to organizations other than the Son of God, then they are acting as harlots. Consider the following.

Clementa Pinckney was a member of the Democratic party. As such he was expected to embrace and promote the values of this political organization. The Democratic party platform includes staunch support of abortion on demand, and the promotion of an aggressive homosexual agenda. Earlier in the day before he was shot and killed, Clementa Pinckney had been out campaigning with Hillary Clinton, who visited Charleston that day to give a speech at a local technical college. Pinckney was on hand to lend his support to the campaign of Hillary Clinton who is seeking the Presidential nomination for 2016. Last year, in Hillary’s first speech as a Presidential candidate, she made it clear that she would press for unlimited abortion on demand.

Clinton said “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” for the sake of giving “access” to women for “reproductive health care…” Last year, Clinton said that to be pro-woman is to be pro-abortion.

Hillary Clinton is a promoter of homosexuality and recently came out openly in favor of redefining marriage to include homosexual unions. What does a Christian and a minister of a Christian church have to do with promoting someone who is championing murder of the unborn and the abomination of homosexuality? When the people of God align themselves with the ungodly, they are calling forth divine judgment upon their actions. Yahweh has commanded His people to “come out from among them and be ye separate.”

II Corinthians 6:14-18
Don’t be unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? Or what communion has light with darkness? What agreement has Christ with Belial? Or what portion has a believer with an unbeliever? What agreement has a temple of God with idols? For you are a temple of the living God. Even as God said, “I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Therefore, ‘Come out from among them, and be separate,’ says the Lord, ‘Touch no unclean thing. I will receive you. I will be to you a Father. You will be to me sons and daughters,’ says the Lord Almighty.”

How many of these people slain in this church voted for Barack Obama? Likely all of them did, for the pastor of the church was a Democratic politician. If he would campaign for Hillary Clinton, he surely would have supported Barack Obama. They are both champions of the same godless, antichrist agenda. Can the people of God get in bed with the immoral and godless of this world and expect to be spared the judgment of Yahweh?

I Peter 4:17-18
For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God. If it begins first with us, what will happen to those who don’t obey the Good News of God? If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will happen to the ungodly and the sinner?

Just one month ago the South Carolina Legislature took up a vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This act, recognizing that a baby in the womb past the age of 20 weeks feels pain, would ban abortions where a doctor determines that the baby has reached 20 weeks of development. Exceptions were made in cases of rape, incest, or fetal abnormality. This bill passed the South Carolina senate with a final vote of 37-7. Nevertheless, Clementa Pinckney voted against the passage of this bill all 5 times in which it was presented.

(Click on Image to View Larger)

Clementa Pinckney chose NOT to protect the lives of the weakest and most vulnerable members of society, the baby in the womb. His vote indicated that it was the right of any woman to kill her baby even if it was past 20 weeks of development. Yahweh has communicated the following to us in His word.

Matthew 7:2
For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.

James 2:13
For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.

There is much that is significant in the details of this event. A young white man named Dylann Storm Roof shot dead 9 African Americans as they met for prayer and Bible study at an apostate church in Charleston, South Carolina. The name Dylann means “great tide flow,” and signifies that a great tide of violence, much of it which will be racially motivated, is coming to America. The middle name Storm needs little explanation. It is unusual in that it is rarely found as a name in America. I have been writing frequently of late of the Spirit of Christ testifying that a storm is coming upon not only America, but the nations. This storm will unleash great violence, and this judgment will begin at the house of God.

Dylann Storm Roof

The first call to emergency services came from the church just after 9 P.M. and 9 people were killed in this mass shooting. E.W. Bullinger, in his book Number in Scripture, shares the following significance of the number 9.

It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end ; and is significant of the conclusion of a matter.
It is akin to the number six, six being the sum of its factors (3×3=9, and 3+3=6), and is thus significant of the end of man, and the summation of all man’s works. Nine is, therefore,

for judgment is committed unto Jesus as “the Son of man” (John 5:27; Acts 17:31). It marks the completeness, the end and issue of all things as to man—the judgment of man and all his works.

It is a factor of 666, which is 9 times 74.

The gematria of the word “Dan,” which means a judge, is 54 (9×6).

“th orgh mou” (tee orgee mou), my wrath, = 999 (Heb 3:11).

There will be many commenting on this event who will state that what occurred has no relationship to God, or to judgment. Yet Christ presented no such argument when some of His disciples told him of similar atrocities/calamities that occurred in his day.

Luke 13:1-5
Now on the same occasion there were some present who reported to Him about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And He answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered this fate? I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Or do you suppose that those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, were worse culprits than all the men who live in Jerusalem?  I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

Rather than suggesting these events were not acts of judgment, Yahshua stated that this would be the end of all men unless they repented of their sin. When the Jews hardened their hearts and refused to repent of their sins, choosing instead to put to death the Lord of glory on a Roman cross, the Romans besieged their city 40 years later, razed it to the ground, destroyed their temple, and slaughtered more than 100,000 Jews, hanging thousands of them on crosses all around Jerusalem. By the same judgment they meted out, they too were judged.

Brothers and sisters, I do not know all of the beliefs or actions of those who were slain, but I do know they were all members of an apostate church system founded by Freemasons, subservient to Lucifer. They were giving their time, energy, and money to this church in support of its ministers and programs. They were supporting a pastor who was publicly championing one of the most godless women to ever run for public office. The apostle Paul in writing to the young minister Timothy, counseled him in the following manner.

I Timothy 5:22
Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thus share responsibility for the sins of others; keep yourself free from sin.

Laying hands on someone was a sign of endorsement. It is also a sign of endorsement to campaign, or vote for an individual. It is a sign of endorsement for a Christian to place themselves under the leadership of apostate ministers whose allegiance is not to God, but to this world and its rulers. When we endorse such individuals, we will share responsibility for their sins. We will share in their judgment. The Bible instructs us to not even wish an evil or godless person “Godspeed,” for in doing so we align ourselves with their wickedness.

II John 10-11
If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine [is disloyal to what Jesus Christ taught], do not receive him [do not accept him, do not welcome or admit him] into [your] house or bid him Godspeed or give him any encouragement. For he who wishes him success [who encourages him, wishing him Godspeed] is a partaker in his evil doings.
[Amplified Bible]

The Spirit of Christ is calling out to the people of God everywhere to separate themselves from all association with an apostate Christian religious system. Those who remain inside these harlot churches will be partakers of the judgment that befalls them.

Revelation 18:4-5
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, that you may not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.”

Brothers and sisters, anarchy and mayhem, racial violence and persecution against Christians, are on the increase. They are like gathering storm clouds. Soon the storm will be unleashed with full fury upon the churches and the nations. The beast nature is being unleashed to an increasing degree. Yahweh has often withdrawn His hand, allowing evil men possessed of a beastly and evil nature to act as a scourge of judgment to the disobedient, and as a goad to His people so that they will begin to separate themselves from evil and to walk in the fear of Him. He gave Israel into the hands of the Assyrians, and Judah into the hands of Babylon. He gave “Mother” Emanuel into the hands of a 21 year old deranged young man with a gun. The restraining hand of Yahweh is being removed in this hour as it is time for judgment of the house of God. If you would be hidden in this hour you cannot be bound together with unbelievers. You cannot seek fellowship with the servants of Satan. It is time to heed the words of the prophet Zephaniah.

Zephaniah 2:3
Seek Yahweh, all you humble of the earth who have carried out His ordinances; Seek righteousness, seek humility. Perhaps you will be hidden in the day of Yahweh’s anger.

Heart4God Website:  


Parables Blog:  


Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. An oracle concerning babylon.


  2. There is a Catholic Church at Roche Harbor in the San Juans that has Masonic symbols, this place also has a pretty creep Masonic Mausoleum
    definitely an evil spirit there.
    I would agree that the chaos coming is judgment, also that from Islam.
    A perfect opportunity for government intervention such as the Jade Helm practice?
    It does seem that the beast is about to be unleashed.
    Hope we shall all be in the church of Philadelphea

  3. Given this and related information, Christ's followers shouldn't surprised at the judgment by God of a Church of Baal, nor by attendant manipulations and propaganda through worldly powers.

    Christians and Hebrews won't find a better analysis and understanding of this event than herein. Certainly not in media or government. Adult Christians and Hebrews are responsible for due diligence concerning the general nature of these deceptions and trans-temporal manipulations. Most need not dig this deeply, that's one reason why Joseph and a few others already did.

    As reported here and elsewhere, restraining influences gradually are being removed from America and the planet.

    Related investigations on the Heart4God site provide context, confirmation, and additional evidence concerning topics discussed in this post. Christians and Hebrews are to examine and investigate their fellows and the spirits, but are not at liberty to reject or ignore the truth.

    I pray these offerings are acceptable to Father and Son, and that we are allowed to function as their humble servants.


  4. Hello Ray,

    I did not post your second comment. I will explain why here. The comment was somewhat off-topic, and I believe it might distract some from their reflection upon the post on the A.M.E. church. Second, there were some things doctrinally which were incorrect in your statements, particularly the repeated use of the word "eternally" when describing the experience of those in heaven and the city of God. I encourage you to read the book "God's Plan of the Ages," which can be freely accessed on the Heart4God book page. This book sets forth the plan Yahweh has established for the ages of this present creation, a plan which will one day reach its conclusion as all things are summed up in Christ that He might in turn sum up all things in the Father.

    God's Plan of the Ages

    I realize that this is different from what you have been taught, as it is for the majority of Christians. I invite you to test this subject by examining the evidence set forth in the book I have written on this subject. Truth does not fear or object to scrutiny. It is error that is offended when it is being challenged. So have your Bible open as you read the book, and pray beforehand, inviting your heavenly Father to disclose both truth and error to you.

    May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,


  5. Hi Joseph —

    The days I'm on the internet, I usually make numerous comments at various places, and rarely recall what I've written in prior days, or even where. :O)

    So I don't know what you've found doctrinally incorrect. I usually don't follow the directions of men, but instead read whatever God lays in my hand that particular day or night. But thanks for offering your works for my instruction.

    I haven't much been 'taught' anything as I don't attend physical churches, and haven't since childhood. I have no pastor or minister (except Christ), and use the different translations of Scripture as foundation for my thinking and writing. The Lord didn't bring me to the Bible until quite late in life, instead he trained me in other (lesser) literatures and understandings, before allowing me to attempt his holy words.

    The opinions of men are often helpful, but I only use them in ancillary ways, not as sources or doctrines. Men become proud quickly, and too sure of themselves, so I tend to move on often.


  6. Hello Ray,

    Some things are best discussed through e-mail. When you use the comment field I am not informed of your e-mail address so I cannot respond privately. You will find my e-mail address at the top of the blog on the right hand side. I invite you to contact me via e-mail for discussions such as this. Thanks for your understanding.

    May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days,


  7. After this long article, you would have done better just to ask most any AME member. The word "mother" is not referring to the deity worshiped or the feminization of the Holy Scripture. The church you are speaking of is Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. It is respectfully called, "Mother" Emmanuel because it is the FIRST church in the area and therefore is the church out of which other AME churches were built. It is not unusual for church members to say, we will be holding a meeting at the "mother church," and all members know which church is being referred to. This is also true in the AME Zion and Church of God in Christ denominations. In all of these cases, the denominations are connectional churches, meaning they are organized into regions called conferences and districts and are governed by elders and bishops. Unfortunately, news outlets referred to the church as Mother Emanuel instead of its formal name. For verification, look at Wikipedia, who has it correct. The church does not currently have a website:

  8. Dear Tracy,

    You are right, and I did look at the reason for it being called "Mother" Emmauel. Following is a quote from the article.

    "We see that a Masonic lodge that gives rise to other lodges, issuing charters and warrants, may be referred to as a “Mother,” so we might also expect Freemasons to apply the same terminology to churches…"

    The fact is, this church is referred to as "Mother," a name that no church in the New Testament is given. Not only is this true, but the name "Mother" is attached to the name Emmanuel. Emmanuel was a name for the Savior who was a male.

    Joseph Herrin

  9. This article concerning the masonic connection to the origins of the AME church in Philadelphia, has encapsulated the concern I have had regarding the ease with which people still pass off the 'lodge' as a valid, Christian-acceptable institution.
    There is no doubt that many of the persons in masonry have legitimate charitable aims – but are unwilling to see the satanic connection to their organization.
    I believe that the article is a strong exposé of the evils of normalizing the lodge within a Christian context.
    The obvious error in naming the church 'Mother Emmanuel'…and the contradiction(s) contained therein, are certainly noted.
    Thank you, to the author, Joseph Herrin – for his enlightening work.
    In I Timothy 4:1-2 we read: "The Holy Spirit tells us in plain words that in the last days some people will turn away from the faith. They will listen to what is said about spirits and follow the teaching about demons. Those who teach this tell it as the truth when they know it is a lie. They do it so much that their own hearts no longer say it is wrong"
    Indeed, it is true!


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