On the Road with the Holy Spirit

by | May 5, 2010

Joseph Herrin (05-05-2010)

My Xplorer Van

Note: Details of my next meetings are posted at the end of this blog.

Acts 13:2-4
And while they were ministering to the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia and from there they sailed to Cyprus.

What Christian would not like to have full confidence that it is the Spirit of Christ that has sent them out to some work? I have found that one of the most precious of all of life’s experiences is knowing that the Father is attentive to my life. To know that He is ordering my steps and showing me clearly the path I am to walk is a source of tremendous comfort and spiritual rest.

Some Christians wish that they might experience those things described in the book of Acts. To know the leading of the Spirit is something many only dream about. I am persuaded, however, that a Spirit directed life is not to be considered exceptional. It is the normal Christian life.

As the people of God come into a greater surrender to the will of the Father, they too will begin to experience greater clarity regarding Yahweh’s will for them. When we are willing to go where He sends, and do what He says, He will not fail to guide us, and to manifest extraordinary provision and anointing to enable us to perform His will. Most do not know the experiences of the early apostles and saints because they are not living the life of surrender that they lived. Most Christians today have not counted and accepted the cost of discipleship.

I will share some recent personal experiences in this post, for I believe such things serve as encouragements to those Christians who are engaged in, or are contemplating, a surrendered walk with the Father.

I have shared previously the manner in which the Father provided the van that I now drive. I believe it was in 2005 that the Father provided it for me. I was at the Macon Rescue Mission working as Resident Manager for a group of thirty-plus men in an alcohol and drug recovery program. The Father had the previous year led me to lay aside the ministry of writing that had occupied my time for the previous five years.

As Resident Manager I received room and board and $100 a week. I had given my car to my daughter, as she needed one to drive to a job the Father had provided for her. I was able to get around Macon on my bicycle, but I knew the Father would be providing me with a vehicle again.

For some time I had not been receiving any financial gifts from the body of Christ. My teachings and website were still posted, but I had not been directed by the Spirit to post any new writings for almost a year. (It would be a total of three years before He led me to do so.)

It was therefore with great surprise that I rode my bike to the Post Office one day to find that a brother in Christ from Canada had sent me a money order for $800. It was out of the ordinary at that period of my life, so I immediately began pondering what the Father intended me to do with it. As I rode my bicycle back to the Rescue Mission I noticed a camper/van parked in their lot. The Spirit spoke to me clearly and said, “The money you just received will be used to purchase that van.”

The van had been donated to the mission to be sold for their support. It was several months later when the mission held an auction on their front steps. Over a hundred people gathered to bid on approximately 25 vehicles. When it came time to bid on the van, several people were bidding against me. The bidding started very low, and was going up by $50 increments. When the price reached about $500 there was just myself and one other man bidding. He continued to bid until he said $750. He then stopped and bid no more. I got the van for the price of $800, exactly as the Father had told me.

I have shared before that vehicles are symbolic, often representing ministries. My van is an Xplorer Van, and it came with a factory installed Pioneer sound system in it. Last year I upgraded the stereo as the cassette player did not work. I replaced it with another Pioneer system.

It is a significant upgrade from the previous system. It plays CDs and DVDs, MP3s and Apple Audio Files. It has a USB port and synchs via Bluetooth with my cellphone so I can talk hands-free while driving.

There is symbolism to these things. The Father has shown me that He has called me to walk as an Explorer and Pioneer down this path of surrender that I might serve as a guide to many more sons and daughters who are to follow in this generation. He recently affirmed this again as I purchased new tires some months back. After I had settled on some good tires at a reasonable price the tire store employee informed me of the name on the tires.

The path I have found is that which Christ spoke of to His disciples.

Matthew 7:14
“For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it.”

When we surrender to be led of the Spirit we will find ourselves led over all types of terrain. There will be seasons of loss, and seasons of gain. There will be suffering and sorrow as well as joy and peace. Christ will guide us tenderly as the Good Shepherd guiding His sheep. The end of this narrow and seldom traveled path is life to all who find it.

Last year the Father sent me out across the country to speak to His scattered remnant. Before I left a sister in Christ, Debbi Rennier, spoke a word of prophecy to me. She said the Father was about to fulfill Acts 14:22 in my life.

Acts 14:22
Strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying, “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.”

I left Georgia with only one invitation. As I traveled more opportunities presented themselves. I was on the road for two months and spoke to twelve different gatherings of God’s people.

At the beginning of this year the Father told me that He would be sending me out again this year. My first meeting was in North Georgia at the home of Kevin O’Connell and his wife Julie Sanders.

Randy Simmons speaking with Kevin and Julie

I had a similar assurance in going out to this meeting that Paul and Barnabas knew when they were sent out on their missionary journeys. The Father’s hand was very evident. His presence at the meetings was known, and the messages shared are a revelation of His call to His sons and daughters at this hour. (Note, the audio messages should be in my hands soon and I will get them posted online.)

I was confident that not only was I where I needed to be, but that the Father had brought those sons and daughters to the meetings that He desired to be there.

Some who came to the meetings

Over twenty people attended these meetings. Though the number is small, the message the Father spoke is one that only a remnant will ever accept. “Few there are” who find the narrow path to life.

After the meeting I returned to Macon to make preparations for a longer trip. I have some dental appointments to remove some broken teeth. The brittle bone disease that runs in my family also causes the teeth to be brittle. Yahweh has graciously provided the means for me to get this taken care of at this time.

I have also been keeping myself busy with some interior remodeling to my van. Randy suggested that I take the rear two seats out and build a desk so that I could have a place to write while traveling. I sensed that it was the Father’s will that I do so. At the same time, I have removed the 24 year old carpet from the van and laid down tile and new carpet. I also installed a floor cabinet where one of the rear seats had been, and mounted a microwave oven on top of it.

New Flooring in Van

I have sensed some symbolism in these various projects. Removing the ancient carpet reminded me of the following Scripture.

Isaiah 58:12
And those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins;
You will raise up the age-old foundations;
And you will be called the repairer of the breach,
The restorer of the streets in which to dwell.

The doctrine of Christ and His apostles once delivered to the church has been ruined through neglect and the introduction of much falsehood. The age old foundations have been abandoned. Christ will send forth laborers at this time to raise them back up. The message of the disciple’s cross must be restored. The breaches through which gross error and deception have entered must be closed up.

New Van Desk and Chair

After building a desk where one of the chairs had been in the van I thought for several days on what kind of chair to use with it. There were already bolts coming up from the floor where the former captain’s chair had been mounted. I looked at many different chairs and nothing seemed right. One morning I prayed as I was driving to town and asked the Father what I should do. The thought immediately came to mind that I should go to Bass Pro Shops and look at the seats they sold to mount in fishing boats.

I found the perfect chair. It bolts to the floor. It is on a swivel, and the seat will swing up under the desk when not in use. As I pondered this I thought of those things the Father has been speaking to me regarding the ministry. I have written several writings on the subject of the 153 large fish that the disciples caught in the net after the resurrection of Christ. These 153 fish pulled up on the right side of the boat symbolize the righteous appointed to life. (See the following article.)


It is the Father’s will that of all those appointed to life, that none should be lost.

John 6:38-39
For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.

There is only one to not suffer loss. One must walk the narrow (afflicted) path that leads to life. The sons of God must embrace the disciples’ cross. This is the message the Spirit of Christ has anointed me to proclaim. How symbolic it seems that the very chair He would guide me to use in the van is a fisherman’s chair, and it is replacing a captain’s seat. (Truly, the van drives like a boat.)

The Father made it plain some years back that He had called Randy Simmons to travel with me in the accomplishment of this ministry. One concern I had of late is that the van, although comfortable for two men to ride in, has only one bed and is really only large enough for one to live in. The Father had gone before us even in this matter.

Last year Randy’s grandfather, Mr. Stanfield, who has oftentimes opened his home for me to stay in when I am in Macon, purchased a van very similar to mine. He sensed the leading of the Spirit to do so, but has not used it. He had previously offered for Randy to take it when he went with me camping. He has offered to let Randy use it as he accompanies me on this trip.

This van is five years newer than my own, and Randy was led down this narrow path some years after I was. The van is also called a Coach House, and the Father has often used Randy to Coach others in this walk of surrender to the will of the Father. It is a difficult walk, but the rewards far exceed the cost.

Last week I was driving back to Mr. Stanfield’s house and was praying about the next step the Father would have me to take. I knew He had indicated that I was to travel more and teach, but I did not know where to begin. I told the Father that I could begin contacting those who had indicated that they would like to host meetings, but I would prefer it if someone contacted me so that I would know the starting point on this journey.

Upon arriving home I checked my e-mail and a brother in Christ from Tennessee had written to ask me to consider holding some meetings at his home. How precious is the leading of our Father.

Following are the details of the upcoming meeting:

Fayetteville, Tennessee

May 14-16

Meeting Schedule:
Friday Evening May 14th:
Meeting 7:00 P.M. – 9:30 P.M.

Saturday May 15th:
Meeting 9:00 A.M until Noon
Break for a meal together
Meeting 2:30 P.M. -5:30 P.M.

Sunday May 16th:
Meeting 9:00 A.M. until Noon

Please contact Mike Mitchell if you plan on attending. Mike will provide directions. He has said that some in his home group are willing to host those who need a place to stay. Mike can be reached at the following:

Phone: 931 625-3434

E-mail: mikemitchellm1@yahoo.com

Any who recently attended the meetings in North Georgia are welcome to attend these meetings as well. The distance to travel is not that great. The theme of the messages will continue to be the narrow way to life, but the specific messages will be different than those at the Georgia meetings. It would be a wonderful opportunity to reinforce in your heart the message the Father is speaking at this hour.

Heart4God Website: http://www.heart4god.ws

Parables Blog: http://www.parablesblog.blogspot.com

Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


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Love - The Sum of the Law

Macon Rescue Mission