Prayer Request

by | May 6, 2016

Dear Friends in the Lord,

“It is of the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.”
-Lamentations 3:22-23

Great is the faithfulness of the Lord.

I (Kristin) am writing today at the request of my father let you know some things that have taken place in the past week.

My dad had a stroke last Thursday. Initially he experienced numbness in one arm and leg, and lost his ability to communicate some words. However he regained full bodily movement after a few minutes, but maintained some confusion in his speech. By Saturday he was seemingly back to normal physically, but still struggling with his speech. He could speak words clearly, but couldn’t find the right word for many things, and would be fairly quiet because of that. Saturday evening he seemed to suffer further effects, and lost most of his strength on the right side of his body.

I know many of you are familiar with his testimony, and probably know his convictions of trusting the Lord for his health and healing, and how God miraculously healed him from a heart attack and from diabetes in the past. With all of this, he still feels convicted to not seek medical attention, and to trust the Lord solely with the results of this. We are seeking to honor Him in this, and also looking to the Lord each day for wisdom and guidance in moving forward.

I share these things to ask you to please join us in lifting my dad up to the Father in this time. We know that God’s ways are perfect, and He can be trusted. It has been a difficult trial, but I can testify to the grace of God, and His peace that passes all understanding, that have been manifested to us this past week.

I will be trying to keep an eye on my dad’s emails for him, to pass along messages and respond some as I’m able. My dad has a really hard time communicating right now, and it’s difficult for him to talk on the phone. He is able to think clearly from what we can tell, only struggling with speaking. Also, as he cannot really use his right hand, typing is not an option for him for the time being. It has been an encouragement to see him talking more as the week has progressed. 

Please join us in praying for my dad’s healing, in the Lord’s will and perfect timing. And for all of us in the journey, that we would keep our eyes on God, and have grace to take one day at a time. Also, for much courage and peace for my dad in facing these trials. He seems to be doing well, but I know it’s a difficult experience.

Tomorrow will be my dad’s 55th birthday. We are looking forward to celebrating it with him, and praying for a double portion of grace for him in this season.

Thank you so much for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated in this time. Our God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.

In Him,


Heart4God Website:  


Parables Blog:  


Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


  1. I'll be praying for him.

  2. Dear Joseph and Kristin,

    My heart is saddened by this news and your prayer request has been honored. Your father will continue to be held up before The Lord for complete healing. May the King of Creation wrap his loving arms around your hearts and comfort you through this trial. Although we all suffer for a little while, the BEST is yet to come, but only because of the victorious work or Christ.

    Blessings in Y'shua to you all!

  3. Joseph, I have added you to my prayer list for a complete recovery from this stroke. May our Heavenly Father bless you abundantly as you continue to recover. Have a very blessed birthday.

  4. Often, our Heavenly Father sends such events into our lives to get our attention. Brother Herrin will have those needed prayers now, so that our Father's work may continue to be done!

  5. Will pray for you my friend.

  6. We will be praying.
    I think the issue here may be your diet. Specially due to your prior history of diabetes.
    Even though God may have healed you, if you do not follow a strict diet this condition can always come back.
    I am sending you a link of an article that encourages one to be on a low carb diet as a lifestyle.
    On the author's site – you will have to search for it – use the word "diabetes" – there are other articles related to it as well.
    And, read the replies too.
    God Bless

  7. Your articles and ministry are such a blessing to me. I always look forward to reading your blog. Praying for you that God will restore you to full health and strength.

  8. Praying!!!

  9. Kristin,
    I can't tell you how devastated I was to hear this news. I immediately dropped to my knees and cried out to the Father on Joseph's your behalf… actuality, on behalf of all of the brothers & sisters he ministers to.

    Joseph, please know there is a tremendous outpouring of love in the spirit coming your way. The Lord is good and I pray that somehow He will be glorified in this in the end.

    Apple Valley, MN

  10. Dearest Sister Kristin,

    I am so very sorry to read this. I am praying for dear Brother Joseph and for you. Your father is who Jesus worked through to bring me to Him. I am so very grateful for your father's ministry.

    Love and prayers to both of you.


  11. Amen, Kristin! So lovely.
    Hurry and feel better dear Joseph. Whenever I was not feeling good, my dad used to tell me that as soon as I was all better he'd get me a puppy. It appears that you've already got that covered.


  12. I forgot to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSEPH!!!

  13. Thinking of you and praying for you brother Joseph. May our Lord cover you with His wings and bring swift healing. By His stripe we are healed.

  14. Prayers for you my Brother in Christ.. Prayers for your family also.. With much love Sister Susan…

  15. Hey Joseph,

    We would like to know how you are doing and have been praying for you. Maybe your daughter can give us an update if your not able. Thanks


  16. So sad to hear this, I'm glad he's doing alright, hope he recovers soon.
    He is blessed to have a daughter like you, I'll keep him in my prayers.

  17. Praying and lifting him up for restored speech, movement and rest.

  18. Praying for you Kristin as you carry news back and forth. Praying for your dad and mum and Josiah that all things work together for good, what the enemy meant for evil our heavenly gracious father means for good.
    Rick and Tara

  19. i groaned in the spirit as i read this.Brother Herrins ministry has been very important to me.i will be praying for him and for you.Love in Christ Jesus


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