Joseph Herrin (12-21-2016)

I have been answering my prison correspondence. I had let it pile up for some months. Some of the inmates did not know I had a stroke back in May. I finally felt like answering all my mail. I must have answered about 70 letters and I still have a few more to do.
I am not quite back to my full stamina at this time. I find that if I have been writing letters, or doing other things, that by 4 or 5 o’clock in the afternoon I have to call it quits. That is on top of a nap I take around noon. My mind will not allow me to go further. I have to call it a day and take on some less strenuous things for the remainder of the day. Also, my hand writing is not what it should be. I have to get my daughter to address all my envelopes for me.
I realize that my progress is better than many who have had strokes. Just yesterday I went on a walk without my cane. I have always used a cane to keep me balanced, and I was able to do without it yesterday. I didn’t go on as far of a walk as I am used to taking, but it was about 3/4ths of a mile. I didn’t want to overdo it. It has been raining a good bit here of late and I was having to wear my boots. My boots don’t have as tight of a fit on my feet and I am afraid that I will get a blister if I go too far.

Back to the subject of ministry, I am planning on expanding the prison newsletters again. I have a few weeks to go before I have some men run out of newsletters. It seems like a good time to expand them now. I should be able to add another years worth. It will take me longer to create them, but I have the time right now. I will also have to think about splitting the newsletters I print into two bunches. I could do one bunch one week and the remainder the next. This will still allow me to send out the newsletters to each man every other week.
The number of men on the list is about 270. That is almost double what it was a little over a year ago on August 31, 2015 when I wrote about it. I was sending the newsletters to 140 men at that time.
The Lord has been blessing the prison ministry tremendously. I thank Yahweh that He sent me to jail to learn about the men in need there. There are men to be ministered to everywhere. To those reading these words, I say “Keep your eyes opened.” Let the Spirit show you where to minister.
May you be blessed with peace and understanding in these days.
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Mailing Address:
Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063