Readers Write

by | Nov 27, 2015


Following are some testimonies from brothers and sisters in Christ that have much relevance for the day and hour we are living in. These are accounts of Yahweh’s guidance and provision. I am going to provide minimal introduction to them, for I believe they will speak for themselves. The first account below is from an elderly brother in Christ who has been a missionary to Mexico for many years.

Hello brother Joseph

It is always good to hear your testimony, and how our heavenly Father has manifested himself in your life in so many ways over the years. I want to take a moment and relate to you an experience that i had within the last month that was one of the most dramatic experiences that i have ever had with our Lord.

About one month ago, along about the middle of October, I needed to go to the United States to get much needed supplies for the mission here in Mexico. These supplies had already been donated, and gathered together by churches in the United States, and were waiting on my arrival to pick them up. I couldn’t find anyone that was available at the time to go with me, so I had to make the 300 mile trip to the border alone, which was nothing unusual as I have to make the trip alone most of the time. I made it to Arizona safely. I was driving my 15 passenger mission van with the seats removed in order to make maximum room for the things that I had to pick up. I loaded the van as full as I could get it with supplies of every description, food, electronics, and many other things with some of them being very valuable. In all, I had several thousands of dollars worth of supplies in my van. I got the van loaded out in a timely manner, and as I had quite a bit of daylight left I decided to drive back to the mission that day instead of getting a motel and leaving out early the next morning like I usually do. I had to drive through some very heavily controlled drug cartel controlled territory, but I felt that I could get most of the way back before they began patrolling to roads around midnight. 

I was driving along just enjoying the beautiful night, singing, and enjoying my time with the Lord, and at about the 100 mile point below the border the fan belt on my van broke. The first thing that happened to me was panic. Here I was right in the middle of cartel country, with a load of supplies that anyone would have liked to have gotten their hands, with 200 miles to go to get back to my mission. I reached out and laid my hand on the dash of the van and called out to my heavenly Father to help me. I said Help me Lord to get back to the mission. I just kept driving along expecting my lights to go out at any moment and the engine to heat up and die. My van is the type that has a serpentine fan belt on it. In other words, one belt runs everything on the engine. I just kept on driving holding to the right hand lane so I could pull off the road when everything went down. Brother Joseph, I drove for 200 miles at night, without a fan belt on my van. My lights stayed on, and the engine didn’t heat up. The minute that I pulled up to the gate to our mission base, the lights went out and the engine died. My son was standing at the gate waiting on me, and we pushed the van on into the compound.

I was talking to a couple of mechanics at the car parts place the next day and asked them how far could a vehicle go at night with the lights on with a broken fan belt. They said with a van of the type that I have with a serpentine belt, it would maybe go 10 miles. They said that even with the lights off, the spark plugs alone would drain the battery in short order. I told them that I had driven for 200 miles the night before without a fan belt. They said, if you did that then you had an angel sitting next to you.

God is real brother Joseph. I don’t have to tell you that. You already know that he is real, and he will manifest himself to us when we are in dire straits and have no way out. God is good brother Joseph, all the time. Blessings from Mexico brother.
Robert Taylor

Following is an excerpt from a correspondence from a brother and sister in Arizona who have been living by faith for years. They have been turning a piece of land in the desert into a haven where others have come to experience the peace and refreshing that comes from the Spirit of Christ. They have done all their construction themselves. Recently they have been led to build a greenhouse. Although Yahweh does not always give them an abundance of money, He provides for them everything they need.

Dear Joseph,

Yahweh continues to bless us with building materials for the greenhouse. Randy helped a neighbor cut wood and was given several hundred feet of heavy duty electrical wire. He helped another load a trailer and was given a couple of bags of cement. He helped a third by hanging drywall and was blessed with a large amount of insulation. These were all things that he needed to proceed with the building project and Yahweh provided them in a very timely manner. We also needed some more cement blocks and the Father reminded Randy that we had about a dozen down in the basement that were being used to support shelves. He will rework the shelves with scrap wood so that he can reclaim those blocks.

As always, be blessed.
Love Randy and Kathy

This next correspondence comes from a brother in South Africa who wrote in response to the recent blog post speaking of the time being short, and the need of believers to make whatever preparations the Holy Spirit directs them to.

Hello Brother Joseph

I would like to share my experience of Father Yahuweh preparing me for what is to came.

In July 2014, I had a dream, and believe Father’s Spirit was telling me to get my trailer which was parked in my garage ready and packed with food/water. That was it, I was just told in the dream to get my trailer that was standing in my garage ready and packed. See below a similar picture of my trailer.

Jurgens BT670

I shared my dream with my wife the next day and told her that I believe Father Yahuweh is warning me of something, not sure what but the warning is serious.

Then a few nights later I had another dream but this time it was visually only and this was a very destructive dream and felt so real.

I dreamt that I was crawling up this steep mountain edge with fire, lighting and smoke all around me (very dark around me). The going up the mountain was very slow because of the edge I was on, if I made one wrong move I would fall down into whatever was below. I dreamt that there where people behind me but I could not see them but I know they were with me. I felt that I was leading them up this mountain. The next minute I was in a underground type tunnel/bunker going through empty rooms which was very damaged. This time people were in front of me which I could not see or did not know who they were. At one stage we were entering a room and a woman popped up behind me. She was young with black hair which was tied tightly on top of her head. She acted weird and did not look like a real human. As we went through the door she disappeared. I had a feeling that she was not a good person. The next minute, we were going through another door to another room and this time I had a long sharp object in my hand. At that same time the same woman I saw earlier appeared behind me and this time without hesitation I stuck the sharp object in her chest. She smiled at me and turned around and disappeared.

I believe the two dreams were related to each other and Father was telling me to get ready and also showing me what is going to happen in the future.

Although the message was constantly playing in my mind every day, I did nothing about it for a few months.

Then at the end of November 2014, I had a heavy feeling within me to get my trailer ready. I believe the Set-apart Spirit was reminding me to prepare myself.

Funny thing is, I felt that the trailer I already had was too small to pack whatever I needed to pack, so I started to look for a bigger trailer by doing research on the internet and made notes of the different trailers available and the specification of each one. I contacted the different suppliers of these trailers which were much bigger than the one I had. After being shocked regarding the prices of these bigger trailers I left everything and never carried on looking to buy one.

In January 2015, Yahuweh’s Spirit again convict me to prepare my trailer. This time I visited each supplier and looked at each trailer. They were very expensive and knew I could not afford to buy one. One of the suppliers were offering me a second hand one but it was still beyond my budget.

That evening after coming back from a supplier I reminded my wife that Yahuweh told me only to get my trailer ready that was in my garage and not to get another one, so maybe Father is telling me something. I asked Father if I was not obeying Him or hearing His voice correctly by looking for something bigger.

A few weeks later (still in January), I was speaking to my next door neighbor about the trailer I wanted to buy. He then told me that he bought one a year ago and it was standing in his backyard under an outside roof. He invited me over to come and look at his trailer, which I did. The trailer was the same one a supplier could give me at second hand price. He told me then that he was planning to sell it at the end of August 2015 after he comes back from his holiday break. He was planning to replace it with a caravan. The replacement would only happen in August 2015 and we were in January. I told him that I would buy it from him when August comes around.

That same night I prayed and asked Father Yahuweh how much time do I have to get my trailer ready and packed. Early the next morning I got up to go to work and while I was pulling my car out of the garage to travel to work, my neighbor next door came to the fence between our two properties and told me that he has decided to sell the trailer right now and not wait till August. The minute he told me this, I knew Father was telling me that I do not have a lot of time to get ready.

To cut a very long story short, I bought the trailer from my neighbor for a huge bargain and the trailer is now standing in my garage ready and packed. See photo below of a similar one.

I realize now going into December 2015, that Father’s time is not the same as our time and I understand that I have to be ready every day because Yahuweh’s has His time. We are now in Noah’s time.

Jurgens XT140

Jurgens XT140 w/Tent Set-up

Thank you that I could share this with you and pray our Heavenly Father will always bless you

Ernest W.
South Africa

This final letter is from a sister in Christ who wrote to share some dreams which reveal the state of the church as Yahweh sees it. They convey through vivid imagery that a great storm is coming to the house of God.

Hi Joseph,
I read your last post and heartily agree with you. We are going down. Back in 2012 God began to wake me up. The first dream began with me eating something; chewing, savoring, enjoying the texture and flavor. I became slowly aware that what I was eating was feces. Horrified, I tried to clean out my mouth and spit out what was left. Then it switched to me standing on the steps of a church. It was a cold, dark day. I knew I had to warn others about going in to this church. A little boy came up and was going past me to go inside so I tried to warn him and stop him. He became hysterical saying, ‘No, I have to go in!’ I felt hopeless, helpless at trying to save him.

The other dream was of me in my kitchen, alone. There was a storm coming and I was frantic to find my family. I kept calling for my husband and 2 sons but no-one was coming. The sky was black and the wind started to howl. All of a sudden a sound like a freight train came and a big funnel cloud. I felt like this might be death for me, so I closed my eyes and waited. But the funnel cloud passed between our house and our neighbors and did no damage. It was all over, then nothing but calm. I couldn’t believe I had been spared.

These 2 dreams were unbelievably real and I remember them as clearly as when I dreamt them. I just wanted to tell you these things since you had asked what other people were hearing.

God bless you, Joseph, as you continue your ministry.


P.S. After uploading this writing I noted that the exact time of its posting was 5:55 P.M. local time. This number speaks of a fulness of grace. Each one of these testimonies speaks of a different aspect of Yahweh’s grace which is being poured out upon His people who will yield themselves to obedience to His voice.

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Joseph Herrin
P.O. Box 804
Montezuma, GA 31063


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